Campus Plaza Kyoto (Rental Venues and Facilities Usage Guide)


2022.3.31news News from Kyoto City Use of Facilities
【Notice】Campus Plaza Kyoto Facility Usage Fee Revision (Updated on 3/31)
2022.3.18news News from Kyoto City Use of Facilities
【Notice】Handling of facility use when the prevention of spread is lifted (updated on 3/18)
2022.3.5news News from Kyoto City Use of Facilities
【Notice】Handling of facility use at the time of re-extension of the prevention of spread (updated on 3/5)
2022.2.25news News from Kyoto City Use of Facilities
Campus Plaza Kyoto 2022 Facility Reservation March 8 (Tue)
2022.2.19news News from Kyoto City Use of Facilities
【Notice】Handling of facility use when the spread prevention is extended (updated on 2/19)