【For High School Teachers】”The 4th Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting” November 7 (Thu) Call for Participants

The “Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting” is a place where people who transcend the boundaries of schools and their establishments to exchange ideas and concerns about school and homeroom management, class improvement, etc., and share their thoughts on solutions.
The 4th meeting will be held as follows.
In the fourth session, we will discuss and interact with students about the creation of lessons, the development of teaching materials, and their evaluation, centered on the theme of exploration of science and mathematics.
In the 2020 revision of the Course of Study, a new course of “Exploration of Science and Mathematics” was established with the aim of “fostering creative human resources who can bring about the creation of knowledge through academic research in the future.” In implementing this new course, some high schools are worried about issues such as the selection of research themes and the development of a teaching system, and there is a need to respond to them. Many high schools that struggle with the selection of research topics in mathematics, especially mathematics, may not be able to systematically organize why it is difficult. In addition, from the perspective of improving the quality of inquiry, there is a shortage of fellow faculty members who can study and evaluate the selection of research themes and consider them together. There may be a possibility that hints can be obtained from practical case reports on exploration themes that have already been implemented in advance, as well as from individual exploration tasks for exploration activities such as SSH.
In addition to sharing current issues, we would like to provide a place for high school and university teachers to collaborate to find hints for solving these problems and to think about the meaning of mathematical exploration.
We understand that this is a busy time, but we look forward to your active participation. I would also be grateful if you could reach out to the teachers you know.

Date & Time Thursday, November 7, 2019 18:00~20:00 (Reception 17:45~)
*Late participation is also welcome.
Place: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 2nd Floor, Conference Room 2
(Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru)
theme Exchange of candidate research themes assuming the opening of science and mathematics exploration courses

18:00~18:10【Opening Session】
Lecturer: Takayuki Shiose (Associate Professor, Kyoto University Museum)
18:10~18:35【Group Discussion (1)】
Each group exchanged “Science and Mathematics Exploration Themes” and interacted with each other.
Sharing the opinions of each group as a whole
18:55~19:05【What is the study of mathematics?】
Lecturer: Graduate Student, Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
19:05~19:25【Group Discussion (2)】
(With a break in between) each group exchanges information and exchanges on “Evaluation of Science and Mathematics Exploration Activities”
Sharing the opinions of each group as a whole
19:45~19:55【Reflection and Summary】
Lecturer: Mr. Mutsuhiro Nagase (Teacher, Sagano High School, Kyoto Prefecture)

* Depending on the number of applicants, some contents may change.
Participation Fee free
Target Anyone who is a high school teacher can participate.
* On the day of the event, we would appreciate it if you could bring your business card and exchange contact information with other participants.
Remarks After the event, a social gathering will be held near Kyoto Station. Please inform us of your participation in the social gathering on the participation application form. Details will be communicated after application. (Membership fee is planned to be 4,000 yen ~ 5,000 yen)
Upcoming Exhibitions The next session, the 5th, is scheduled to be held around the end of February 2020 under the theme of “Gathering for class experience and exchange of opinions to acquire problem-finding skills.” As soon as the details are decided, we will inform you separately.

* The 4th Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting Flyer [Download]

How to apply

Please download the following application form (1st sheet: application form, 2nd sheet: pre-assignment), fill in the required information, and send it to the University Consortium Kyoto Secretariat by fax or e-mail.

◆The 4th Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting Application Form [Download]

E-mail: kodai■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)

Application Deadline

Thursday, October 31, 2019


University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division, High School-University Collaboration Project
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Kyoto Student Public Relations Department presents Gion Kazuki University ~ Autumn Open Campus” will be held!

The Kyoto Student Public Relations Department, a collaborative project between the University Consortium Kyoto and Kyoto City, and Yoshimoto and Gion Kazuki collaborated.
On Friday, November 22nd, we will hold a student-planned event called “Kyoto Student Public Relations Department Presents Gion Hanazuki University”.
The venue, Gion Hanazuki, will be set as a “classroom” at the university and the audience will be “high school students”, and through the performances of comedians and a corner where comedians experience and practice the “ima” of students, we will convey the unique charm of “University Town Kyoto and Student Town Kyoto” to young people who love comedy nationwide!

In addition, from mid-November to early December, in the lobby of Yoshimoto Gion Hanazuki, art circles from each university exhibit paintings on the themes of “Kyoto” and “Comedy,” introduce the activities of student groups engaged in community collaboration activities that contribute to the SDGs, and raise awareness of the SDGs.
If you like comedy or if you are a junior high or high school student who is considering going to a university in Kyoto, please come and visit us!

~Kyoto Student Public Relations Department presents Gion Kazuki University~Autumn Open Campus~

< Time> Friday, November 22, 2019 18:30 ~ Start (Venue 18:00 ~)

< Fee: Money> General: 1,800 yen in advance, 2,300 yen at the door

Student Fee: 1,500 yen in advance, 2,000 yen at the door

To purchase tickets, please visit the Yoshimoto Gion Hanazuki website.


< party> Yoshimoto Gion Hanazuki

* 323 Gion Kaikan on the north side of Gion-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

< Appearance> (Entertainer) Miki Navy Afro, Odeyasu Oda,
Shared seat start, runny nose, etc.
(Students) Kyoto Student Public Relations Department, student clubs at universities in Kyoto, etc.


University Consortium Kyoto, Kyoto Student Public Relations Department
TEL 075-353-9130 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【For university students】High school-university collaboration future session < Kyoto city venue > facilitator wanted!

We are looking for university student facilitators for the “2019 High School and University Collaboration Future Session” to be held on Sunday, September 22 at a venue in Kyoto!

The “High School-University Collaboration Future Session” is a program that allows dialogue and exchange across generations, such as high school students, university students, and working adults, as well as between schools.
This time, through guest lectures and workshops on the theme of “What kind of work will be needed in society in the future?”, high school and university students will interact as a group and think about their future work and careers together.
We are looking for a facilitator to facilitate the discussion within each group during the group work!
On the day of the event, we hope that you will be able to experience the behind the scenes of the event by cooperating with the venue setup before the reception starts and cleaning up after the event.

◆ For details of this event, please check the following site or flyer.
Flyer for the venue in Kyoto city
* The contents of the facilitator recruitment posted on the flyer have been updated as follows.

Future Session for High School and University Collaboration

Date: Sunday, September 22, 2019 11:00~16:00
*The facilitator is scheduled to meet at 9:30.
【Venue】Campus Plaza Kyoto 2nd Floor Hall
Target: University students attending universities in Kyoto Prefecture
【Participation fee】Free
* Lunch (bento) will be prepared on the day.
Application Deadline: Saturday, September 6, 2019
[How to apply]
Please send the following information by e-mail.
(1) Name (furigana), (2) University affiliation, (3) Grade, (4) Telephone number, (5) E-mail address
“Application for Future Session for High School and University Collaboration”
< E-mail>kodai■consortium.or.jp
(Please replace ■ with @)

・We will send you a confirmation email after receiving your application.
・If you do not receive the acceptance completion email after 3 business days, please contact us.

Application and Inquiries

University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【For high school and university students】2019 High School and University Collaboration Future Session < September 22 (Sun) Kyoto City venue > Call for Participants

It is said that with the advent of AI, there will be no jobs that exist in the future.
As society and work styles change, I would like to think about how the interests and concerns of high school and university students are connected to society and how they can be utilized in society, through dialogue with guests, and how they will work in the future.
Through interaction with diverse high school and university students, let’s create new ideas for work and careers that are not just “work ≈ business”.
In addition, no matter how society and occupations change, you may be able to realize the need for academic skills that cannot be measured by tests in order to live in the society of the future.

Kyoto City Venue

Date & Time Sunday, September 22, 2019 11:00~16:30 (Doors open at 10:30)
Place: Campus Plaza Kyoto 2nd Floor Hall
(Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru)
Occupancy 25 university students, 25 high school students (university students and high school students attending universities and high schools in Kyoto Prefecture)

11:00~11:10 Opening

11:10~12:00 Icebreaker

12:00~13:00 Lunch (*Please prepare your own lunch)

13:00~14:00 Guest Lecture
Mr. Noriaki Imai (President, NPO D×P)

14:00~15:00 Q&A Workshop

15:00~15:50 World Café Group Presentation

15:50~16:00 Closing

Organizer Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)
Co-organizers High School Consortium Kyoto

◆ Guest
Noriaki Imai (President, NPO D×P)

Born in Sapporo in 1985. Graduated from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. When he was in high school, he founded an NGO that provides medical assistance to Iraqi children. When he traveled to Iraq for his activities, he was detained as a hostage by local armed groups. After returning to Japan, he received a big bashing for his words of “self-responsibility”. In order to support students who, like him, have experienced rejection from adults, he established the NPO D×P in 2012 after working for a specialized trading company in Osaka. We will develop youth support for correspondence and part-time high school students, aiming to create a society in which each and every young person can have hope for their own future.

: Terumi Sameshima (Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kyoto Koka Women’s University)

*The event will be held at the northern venue in Kyoto Prefecture on Sunday, September 29.

1. Application by Fax
Please fill out the application form and send a fax to the University Consortium Kyoto Secretariat.

2. Application by e-mail

Please fill out the application form, attach it and send it to the email below.
Alternatively, please send the following directly to the body of the email:
(1) Name (furigana), (2) University/high school, (3) Grade, (4) Telephone number, (5) E-mail address
(6) Desired venue (Kyoto city / northern Kyoto Prefecture)

【Subject】”Application for Future Session in High School and University Collaboration”
(Please replace ■ with @)

We will send you a confirmation email after receiving your application.
If you do not receive the confirmation email after 3 business days, please contact us.

Application Deadline

Friday, September 6, 2019


A joint presentation will be held for those who wish to participate in the event to look back on what they learned and realized at each of the two venues in Kyoto City and northern Kyoto Prefecture.

Date Time
Saturday, December 7, 2019 15:30~17:30

Campus Plaza Kyoto

* Details will be announced separately after application.

Application and Inquiries

University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【For high school and university students】2019 High School and University Collaboration Future Session < September 29 (Sun) Recruitment of participants > the northern venue of Kyoto Prefecture

It is said that with the advent of AI, there will be no jobs that exist in the future.
As society and work styles change, I would like to think about how the interests and concerns of high school and university students are connected to society and how they can be utilized in society, through dialogue with guests, and how they will work in the future.

Why don’t you create new ideas about work and careers that are not just “work ≈ business” by interacting with a variety of high school and university students?
In addition, no matter how society and occupations change, you may be able to realize the need for academic skills that cannot be measured by tests in order to live in the society of the future.

Northern Kyoto Prefecture

Date & Time Sunday, September 29, 2019 11:00~16:30 (Doors open at 10:30)
Place: Fukuchiyama Public University Kita-re Co-Lab. Space
(3370 Hori, Fukuchiyama-shi, Kyoto) Fukuchiyama Public University Building No. 2, 1st floor
Occupancy 25 university students, 25 high school students (university students and high school students attending universities and high schools in Kyoto Prefecture)

11:00~11:10 Opening

11:10~12:00 Icebreaker

12:00~13:00 Lunch (*Please prepare your own lunch)

13:00~14:00 Guest Lecture
Mr. Atsushi Tamura (CEO of Tsunagum Co., Ltd.)

14:00~15:00 Q&A Workshop

15:00~15:50 World Café Group Presentation

15:50~16:00 Closing
Organizer Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)
Co-organizers Fukuchiyama Public University

◆ Guest

Mr. Atsushi Tamura (CEO of Tsunagum Co., Ltd.)
Born in Kyoto in 1984. While studying at Ritsumeikan University, he studied abroad at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University and was involved in the management of a café funded by an NPO. After that, he took a leave of absence from school to gain experience at a venture company that engaged in PR and planning, and after graduating, he wandered overseas and got a job at a human resources company in Tokyo. In addition to being an office worker, he also manages a share house. He retired in April 2012 and made a U-turn to Kyoto. Focusing on the “Kyoto Migration Plan,” he has been involved in community-related work such as the utilization of townhouses and the revitalization of shopping streets, the establishment of the NPO fullbloom for career support, an external lecturer for career design classes at universities, and recruitment support and organizational revitalization for companies.

: Mr. Hideki Sugioka (Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Management, Fukuchiyama Public University, Director, Kita-Regional Cooperation Center)

*The event will be held at the venue in Kyoto on Sunday, September 22.

1. Application by Fax
Please fill out the application form and send a fax to the University Consortium Kyoto Secretariat.

2. Application by e-mail

Please fill out the application form, attach it and send it to the email below.
Alternatively, please send the following directly to the body of the email:
(1) Name (furigana), (2) University/high school, (3) Grade, (4) Telephone number, (5) E-mail address
(6) Desired venue (northern Kyoto / Kyoto city)

【Subject】”Application for Future Session in High School and University Collaboration”
(Please replace ■ with @)

We will send you a confirmation email after receiving your application.
If you do not receive the confirmation email after 3 business days, please contact us.

Application Deadline

Friday, September 13, 2019


A joint presentation will be held for those who wish to participate in the event to look back on what they learned and realized at each of the two venues in Kyoto City and northern Kyoto Prefecture.

Date Time
Saturday, December 7, 2019 15:30~17:30

Campus Plaza Kyoto

* Details will be announced separately after application.

Application and Inquiries

University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

8/27 (Tue) IELTS pretesting trial session (mock test) will be held!

We will hold an IELTS pretesting trial session (free of charge) for students.

Continuing from last year, the University Consortium Kyoto will hold a free IELTS pretesting trial session for students belonging to member universities of the University Consortium Kyoto.

The pre-test is conducted in a way that is similar to the actual IELTS exam.
We welcome those who are interested in what IELTS is, those who are planning to take IELTS, and those who want to test their English proficiency.

Click here for the flyer

IELTS is an English language test that is recognised by more than 10,000 institutions in 140 countries around the world.
More than 3.5 million people around the world take the test annually to study, immigrate, or work.
The IELTS Pretest is a “free” test offered by the Cambridge English Language Assessment Board.
Please use it as a practice before taking IELTS.

schedule Tuesday, August 27, 2019
time Morning Session 9:45~13:00
Afternoon Session 14:15~17:30
meeting place Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th Floor, Joint Laboratory No. 1
Map: https://www.consortium.or.jp/about-cp-kyoto/access
target ・Students enrolled in member universities of the University Consortium Kyoto
・Those who are interested in or plan to take the IELTS exam
・ Those who want to measure their English proficiency
Capacity Morning and afternoon sessions: 25 people each (advance registration required) * If there are many applicants, a lottery will be held.
* Same content for both morning and afternoon
substance ・Explanation of pre-test implementation
・Reading test (75 minutes)
・Listening test (40 minutes)
・Q&A session
(Implemented by Japan English Proficiency Test Association)
Application Please fill in the following items and apply by e-mail to the following contact information.
Subject: IELTS Pretesting Trial Session for Students
Text: (1) University (2) Name (in Roman letters) (3) Telephone number (4) E-mail address
(5) Desired test time (morning and afternoon) (6) Motivation for application (about 3 lines)
deadline Monday, August 19, 2019
cost free

(Precautions for test takers)
*Turn off your mobile phone and put it in your hand luggage along with your watch, electronic devices, etc.
* There are three items on the desk: a pencil, an eraser, and water in a clear plastic bottle.
*Unlike IELTS, you do not need a passport at the time of registration.

< Inquiries> University Consortium Kyoto International Business Department
E-mail: kokusai ■ consortium.or.jp (Please change ■ to @)

【For High School Teachers】”The 3rd Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting” September 12 (Thu) Call for Participants

The Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting was launched in 2018 as a place for students to exchange ideas and concerns about school and homeroom management, class improvement, etc., and to share their thoughts on solutions.
The third meeting will be held as follows. Each session is a one-off event, so you can participate regardless of whether you have participated in the event so far.
In the third session, we will focus on the “reform of university entrance examinations” (entrance examination reform related to the selection of students for admission in 2021), which many high school teachers are currently interested in, and discuss the status of each school’s efforts to introduce the Common Test for University Entrance Examinations and change the format of the survey based on the “Notice of Revision of the Guidelines for Conducting University Entrance Examinations for the Heisei 33 Academic Year” notified by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology last fall. In addition, university faculty members will join us to exchange information and exchanges.
We understand that this is a busy time, but we look forward to your active participation. I would also be grateful if you could reach out to the teachers you know.

Date & Time Thursday, September 12, 2019 18:00~20:00 (Reception 17:45~)
*Late participation is also welcome.
Place: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th Floor, Lecture Room 4
(Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru)
theme Reform of University Admissions
Composition 18:00~18:15【Opening Session】
Lecturer: Toshihiro Onishi (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ryukoku University)
18:15~19:25【Group Discussion】
Divide into groups, share the contents of the pre-assignment, and exchange opinions
University faculty members also participate in each group to interact and exchange opinions with high schools and universities.
Share and exchange opinions among each group as a whole.

* Depending on the number of applicants, some contents may change.
Participation Fee free
Target Anyone who is a high school teacher can participate.
* On the day of the event, we would appreciate it if you could bring your business card and exchange contact information with other participants.
Remarks After the event, a social gathering will be held near Kyoto Station. Please inform us of your participation in the social gathering on the participation application form. Details will be communicated after application. (Membership fee is planned to be 4,000 yen ~ 5,000 yen)
Upcoming Exhibitions

The next and fourth meetings are scheduled to be held in November under the theme of “Exchange of Candidate Exploration Themes for the Exploration of Science and Mathematics.”
In addition, the fifth meeting is scheduled to be held around the end of February 2020 under the theme of “Gathering for class experience and exchange of opinions to acquire problem-finding skills.”


* The 3rd Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting Flyer [Download]

How to apply

Please download the following application form (1st sheet: application form, 2nd sheet: pre-assignment), fill in the required information, and send it to the University Consortium Kyoto Secretariat by fax or e-mail.

◆The 3rd Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting Application Form [Download]

E-mail: kodai■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)

Application Deadline

Thursday, September 5, 2019


University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division, High School-University Collaboration Project
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

6/16 TOEFL iBT® Test Skill Improvement Seminar

memberWe will hold a free TOEFL iBT test skill improvement seminar for university students.

CIEE, the TOEFL test office of Japan, and the University Consortium Kyoto will hold a preparatory seminar by ETS-certified trainers for university students who are considering taking the TOEFL iBT test (limited to students belonging to member universities of the University Consortium Kyoto).
This is a seminar for beginners, so if you want to know how to study and prepare for this summer, please join us.

Please note that participation is free and will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached.

* Registration for this seminar has been closed due to the capacity being reached.


The TOEFL test is the most widely accepted English language test in the world, and more than 9,000 institutions in 130 countries, including almost all universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, use TOEFL test scores as proof of English proficiency, admission, recommendation, scholarships, and graduation.
In addition, more than 30 million people around the world have taken the test so far, making it an indispensable test for students who aspire to study abroad. In Japan, it is used as a guide for internal credit recognition at educational institutions, preferential treatment for entrance examinations, and selection for overseas dispatch.

Click here for seminar outlineTOEFL iBT Test Seminar Flyer

Date & Time:

Sunday, June 16, 2019 10:00~13:00 (Doors open at 9:30~)


Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th Floor, Lecture Room 4


・Students who belong to a member university of the University Consortium Kyoto

・Those who are just starting to study for the TOEFL iBT test or those who have recently started

・ Those who have taken exams and want to know how to study effectively


50 (first-come, first-served basis)


ETS Certified Trainer Dr. Kei Kawanishi (Lecturer, Mukogawa Women’s University)


– Preparation of Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections

– How to study for the TOEFL iBT test (especially during summer vacation)

・Introduction of TOEFL iBT test-specific questions and teaching materials


Co-organizers: University Consortium Kyoto / CIEE International Educational Exchange Council


International Educational Exchange Council (CIEE) TOEFL Division, Delegation of Japan
Email: seminar■cieej.or.jp (Please change ■ to @)


IELTS pretesting trial session for faculty and staff (free)

Business Overview

IELTS is an English language test that is recognised by more than 10,000 institutions in 140 countries around the world.
More than 3 million people around the world take the exam annually to study, immigrate, or work.
Pretestis a “free” test for research purposes offered by the Cambridge English Language Assessment Board.
Please use it as a practice before taking IELTS.

Outline of the event

The pre-test is conducted in a way that is similar to the actual IELTS exam.
If you are interested in what IELTS is or are planning to take IELTS,We look forward to the participation of faculty and staff who want to measure their English proficiency.

Re Friday, May 24, 2019 13:30~18:00 (Reception starts at 13:00)
meeting place Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th Floor, Joint Laboratory No. 1
Map: https://www.consortium.or.jp/about-cp-kyoto/access
target ・Faculty and staff members of the University Consortium Kyoto
・Those who are interested in or plan to take the IELTS exam
・ Those who want to measure their English proficiency
Capacity 25 (Pre-registration required)
substance ・Explanation of IELTS and pre-test (45 minutes)
・Listening test (45 minutes)
・Reading test (80 minutes)
・Writing test (65 minutes)
・Q&A session (25 minutes)
(Implemented by Japan English Proficiency Test Association)
Application Please fill in the following items and apply by e-mail to the following contact information.
Subject: IELTS Pretesting Trial Session for Teachers and Staff
Text: (1) University (2) Name (in Roman letters) (3) Telephone number (4) E-mail address
(5) Motivation for application (about 3 lines)
deadline Wednesday, May 15, 2019
cost free

(Precautions for test takers)

*Turn off your mobile phone and put it in your hand luggage along with your watch, electronic devices, etc.
* There are three items on the desk: a pencil, an eraser, and water in a clear plastic bottle.
*Unlike IELTS, you do not need a passport at the time of registration.

Click here for

the flyer < Inquiries> University Consortium Kyoto International Business Department
TEL: (075) 353-9164
FAX: (075) 353-9101
E-mail: kokusai ■ consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)