About the results of the implementation of “Maruttoku in Ayabe”


High school students in the northern region of Kyoto Prefecture have fewer opportunities to learn about universities and interact with current university students than high school students in urban areas because there are no universities located nearby.
In addition, there are few opportunities to experience local history and culture and talk at length with people who work in the local area, and many young people graduate from high school without having an image of working and living in their hometown as adults, move to urban areas after graduating from high school, and start their careers as members of society in other areas after graduating from university.

Therefore, with the aim of developing the careers of high school students in the northern region of Kyoto Prefecture and fostering human resources who will support the community, the Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council held a workshop “Maruttoku in Ayabe” in Ayabe City, this time in Ayabe City, following on from Kumihama-cho, Kyotango City.

Marutoku Ayabe group photo

Outline of Implementation

schedule Friday, March 13, 2015 and Saturday, March 14, 2015
place Satoyama Exchange and Training Center (Ayabe City)
sponsorship Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)
cooperation Kyoto Prefecture Northern Regional and University Cooperation Organization
Non-profit organization Satoyama Net Ayabe
participant High School Students 16 students (15 students from Kyoto Prefectural Ayabe High School, 1 student from Kyoto Prefectural Fukuchiyama High School)
university student 15 (Ryukoku University, Kyoto Seika University, Doshisha Women’s University, Kyoto Women’s University, Ritsumeikan University, Kobe University, Kansai University, University)
working adult 13 (residents of the former Toyosato Nishi Elementary School District, etc.)

Implementation Report

Once again, the university students were able to deepen their understanding of local history and culture through a tour of the Gunze Museum, a walk around the Shigago area, and a lecture by the director of the Ayabe Special Products Museum, before the actual performance of the next day.
The high school students seemed a little nervous in the morning, but gradually relaxed as they made pizza with the university students, and in the afternoon they participated in the dialogue with the university students and working adults with relaxed expressions. In addition, I was impressed by the enthusiasm of university students and working adults about their life stories so far, and the way they wrestled and actively asked questions. The participants were not only people who have lived in the local area for a long time, but also people who have made I-turns and U-turns, and they spoke frankly about what they feel on a daily basis, such as the charms and challenges of Ayabe and expectations for young people, which was a good stimulus for university and high school students.

Pizza Making 2  Pizza kettle

Marutoku Work 2  Whole Dialogue

Through this workshop, the high school students were able to reaffirm their dreams and goals, gain the courage to move toward their realization, and reaffirm the charm of Ayabe, while the university students developed their facilitation skills by leading the dialogue and gained new insights by looking back on their lives so far. Local residents also commented, “It was good to be able to talk with young people, and I would like to participate again.” It became a meaningful initiative for high school students, university students, and local residents.

We would like to brush up on the results of this fiscal year and continue to implement this project next year.

A label written down by each participant about the charm of Ayabe

A label written down by each participant about the charm of Ayabe

13 Day Time Schedule

9:30-12:00 University Student Mobility (Ayabe, Kyoto→)
12:00-13:15 ~Ayabe Satoyama Walk~ (Shiga Township Area)
[Lunch (Takematsu udon), walk, interaction with locals]
13:30-15:30 ~Walking around Ayabe Town~ (in front of Ayabe Station)
[Lecture by the director of the Ayabe Special Products Museum and tour of the Gunze Memorial Hall]
16:00-18:00 Preparatory Work @ Satoyama Training and Exchange Center
18:00-21:00 Dinner & Bathing @ Satoyama Training & Exchange Center
21:00-22:30 Venue Preparation @ Satoyama Training and Exchange Center
22:30 Bedtime [Accommodation] @里山研修交流センター

14 Day Time Schedule

9:00-11:30 ★ Opening of the Morning Session (High School × University Students)
11:30-12:30 Stone oven pizza making experience ~ Using Ayabe ingredients (fukino tou miso, rape flowers, etc.) ~
13:00-13:10 ★ Opening of the afternoon session (high school students× university students× local professionals)
Explanation of the purpose of the project
13:10-14:00 Interview Work ~Group Dialogue on “Me” and “Ayabe”~
14:00-14:50 Self-introduction work (replace members and share the contents of the dialogue in each group)
14:50-15:50 Dialogue in small groups centered on high school students (dialogue based on the theme that high school students want to explore)
15:50-16:20 Fill out questionnaires, summarize, and take photos
16:30 closing

Contact us

Public Interest Incorporated Foundation University Consortium Kyoto High School University Collaboration
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2015 was held!

Report on Learning Forum 2015

On Sunday, October 25, Ritsumeikan University’s Kinugasa Campus held the Learning Forum 2015.
Twenty-nine universities and junior colleges in Kyoto will disseminate the “charm of learning” at universities in Kyoto through mock lectures, hands-on lectures, and university-specific booths, mainly for high school students and their parents.
On the day of the event, 1,903 people, including high school students and their parents, attended.

Outline of Implementation

Date & Time Sunday, October 25, 2015 9:30~15:30 (Class starts at 10:00~, 1~4th period)
Venue Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus Seishinkan / Keigakukan
Number of Participating Universities 29 Universities and Junior Colleges
Number of Participants Total number of participants: 1,903
(1,508 high school students / 365 parents and teachers / 30 unknown)
*Including 555 bus participants from the northern Kyoto area
Organizer Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)
Sponsors Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology / National High School Career Guidance Council / Japan Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools / Japan Career Guidance Association / Kyoto Prefecture / Kyoto City / Hyogo Prefectural Board of Education / Nara Prefectural Board of Education / Wakayama Prefectural Board of Education / Shiga Prefectural Board of Education / Shiga Prefecture Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools / Osaka City Board of Education / Osaka Private Junior and Senior High School Federation
Sponsors  University Co-op logo_yoko_c_moji        _ Kyoritsu Logo

 flatlogo  eikenlogo_A  

Contents of the projectWe

held mock lectures in various fields (29 lectures), hands-on lectures (15 courses), special projects, and student projects where students could interact with current university students.

uketuke_1 mogikougi taikenkouza daigaku_booth
Reception scene, Mock lecture, Hands-on course, Booth by university

★ Participants’ Voices ★
“I was interested in research, thank you very much.”
“I want to remember that it all starts with doubting whether it’s true.”
“I wanted to study hard so that I could go to the university I wanted to live in, not the university I could go to.”
“I felt like my mindset had changed.”

✿ Special Career
Lecture for High School Students, Teachers, and Parents

“Now” for the “future”
To Mr./Ms.
High School-University Collaboration Promotion Office, Prof. Arase

Mobile Phone Technology and Technology /
NICT Social ICT Research Center
Prof. Harada

✿ Student Exchange Programs

entaku_talk2 gakuseikikaku_kouhou
College Students and Campus Entaku Talk Your Ideas May Be Articles!
/Kyoto Student Festival/Kyoto Student Public Relations Department

About the Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2015ecalbt011_007

Kyoto Student Festival 12/6 (Sun) “Kyo Flame Sodefure! Please come ≪ us≫

To express our gratitude, we will hold the “Kyo Flame Sodefure Festival”!

The 13th Kyoto Student Festival (Main Festival) held on Sunday, October 11 was a great success, with a total of 144,000 people attending. This year’s festival, which is based on the themes of “Kyoto” and “International,” is the culmination of various exchange activities throughout the year, and we have planned a variety of genres such as dance, food, music, and sports. In addition, due to the redevelopment work of Okazaki Park this year, the main stage with the newly reborn Jingu-do in the background of Otenmon was very popular with visitors, and the attractive performances by the students, centered on the powerful stage overlooking the entire venue, created a sense of unity throughout the venue.
We would like to express our gratitude once again to everyone who came to the event and who have been supporting this activity in various fields on a daily basis.
Therefore, to express our gratitude to all of you, we will hold the “Kyoen Sodefure Festival“. There are odori, delicious food, and many children’s projects, making it a place for interaction between Mr./Ms. and generations. Please invite your family and friends to join us. We look forward to seeing you there.



Date & Time 2015December 6 (Sun) 11:00 ~ 14:00 (*Cancelled in case of rain)
Place: Umekoji Park Lawn Square
Contents dance
Performances of each team that played an active role in the Kyoto Student Festival (Appearances: 17 teams in total) Kyo Flame Sodefure! Shibu / Kyo Flame Sodefure! Tacchi / Kyo Flame Sodefure! Bunmai Ran / Kyo Flame Sodefure! Ring Dance / Kyo Flame Sodefure! Odoritsu/Kyo Flame Sodefure! Aoiwa / Kyo Flame Sodefure! Flower Wind Appearance / Kyo Flame Sodetouch! Saikyo Front / Kyo Flame Sodefure! Hua Luo Hong / Kyo Flame Sodefure! Sakisanka / Kyo Flame Sodefure! Kyokomachi / Kyo Flame Sodefure! Kyo Boom / Kyo Flame Sodefure! The Great Cloudy Sky / Kyo Flame Sodetouche! Terukyo / Omiya Flame Dragon Maiden / Pink Child
(The performance schedule will be distributed on the day of the performance.)
eating and drinking
Original curry by Kyoto University Curry Club,
Pot-au-feu, chai tea, etc. (* Both food and drink are charged)
Balloon Art
Kyo Flame Sodetouch! Mr./Ms. has a lot of projects that children can enjoy!
Odori classes will also be held at the same time!

* If it is canceled due to rain, we will inform you on the blog of the Kyoto Student Festival Student Executive Committee.
Click here for                the blog of the Student Executive Committee (The photo is an image)  

What is the Kyoto Student Festival?

mvStudents in Kyoto, who transcend the boundaries of universities, collaborate with the business community, the government, the local community, and the university to disseminate “Kyoto as a student city” to society, further revitalize the Kyoto area, and create new attractions.
After a variety of community exchange activities throughout the year, such as the promotion of the original creative odori “Kyoen Sodefure!” and water sprinkling activities, a grand festival is held every October as the culmination of these activities.
The University Consortium Kyoto has set the goal of “student growth” in the daily activities of the Student Executive Committee, and is providing support aimed at “student independence” that allows students to think and act on their own, and supports the activities that have been accumulated since the establishment of the Executive Committee so that they can make the most of what they have accumulated in the course of their activities so far at the main festival in October.

Click here for the report on the 13th Kyoto Student Festival

Kyoto Student Festival Activities

If you would like to know more about the Kyoto Student Festival, check out this site!

Kyoto Student Festival Official Website       Facebook Logo      Twitter Logo

Contact us

Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto (closed on Mondays)
Tel:075-353-9432   Fax:075-353-9431
E-mail: saiten13th-ml■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)
Kyoto Student Festival Official Website: http://www.kyoto-gakuseisaiten.com/



The Grand Prix of the 18th Kyoto International Student Film Festival has been announced! [Report on the holding of this festival]

Event Report

The 18th Kyoto International Student Film Festival, which was held for seven days from Saturday, November 21 to Friday, November 27, concluded successfully with a total of 13 programs. We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who came to the festival and to all those who supported and cooperated in various ways in holding this festival.

Outline of the event

schedule Saturday, November 21, 2015 ~ Friday, November 27, 2015
meeting place Kyoto Cinema (COCON Karasuma 3F)
sponsorship University Consortium Kyoto
Planning & Management The 18th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Executive Committee
Operational Support Kyoto International Student Film Festival Planning Review Committee


『New World』 Luzie Loose Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg Germany Live
『mind scape』 Kaori Liang Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School Japan anime
『Cachorro Loko』 Igor Shin Moromisato Academy of Media Arts Cologne Germany anime
“Goron, Bang, Kyu” Kan Yamamoto Osaka University of Arts Japan Live

『Fidelity』 Ilker Çatak Hamburg Media School Germany Live
“The name of the house” Nao Sakagami Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School Japan anime
『Laughter in the Dark』 Marta Trela Lodz Film School Poland Live
『CAMEO’n Me』 Toshihiro Mune Musashino Art University Graduate School Japan Live

“Not to Mr./Ms..” Sawako Kangi Tama Art University Japan anime
“You don’t have to look at anything.” Keigo Ito Osaka University of Arts Japan anime
“Dust in the Clouds” Yutaro Nakamura Tama Art University Japan Live

『100 Apples』 Chia-YaoWang National Chengchi University Taiwan Live
“The Scales of the Corner” Megumi Ishitani Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School Japan anime
『I’m here』 Yukie Nakauchi, Riki Kamimizutaru Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School Japan anime
『The Bad Old Us』 Lily Erlinger Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg Germany Live

Prize in each category

KingLive-Action Grand Prix
Live action Film Grand Prix


“The Bad Old US” Germany / 28min 
Director: Lily Erlinger
School: Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg

It’s about the village where the main character, Adrian, lives with his family, and the tradition of the annual raffle raffle competition there. The village is guided by the life philosophy of the village chief and the guards, and at first glance it seems peaceful. However, Adrian witnesses an unbearable truth deep in the forest…

KingAnime Division Grand Prix
Animation Film Grand Prix


“The Name of the House” Japan/4min 
Director: Nao Sakagami
School: Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School

That’s where my grandparents, my parents, and I used to live. Even if we have forgotten distant memories and emotions, they are certainly present and will continue to be.

KingFinal Jury Prize
Shuichi Okita, Lee Feng Woo Prize (double winner)
Awards Of Shuichi Okita & LEE BONG-WOO


“Goron, Batang, Kyu” Japan / 54min 
Director: YAMAMOTO Kan
School: Osaka University of Arts

“Ataru” and “Mr./Ms. Sasaki” who live in a blue tent on the Yodogawa riverbed Although it is harsh, the two of them live with a smile. One day, he meets a woman who is in trouble because her bicycle is broken. There is the house of “Ataru” who is destroyed by the hands of “Ataru’s” father, “Tsunehiro”. How will the two people who have lost their homes live?

KingFinal Jury Prize
Sayoko Kinoshita Prize
Awards Of Sayoko Kinoshita


“Fidelity” Germany / 24min 
Director: Iiker Çatak
School: Hamburg Media School

Istanbul, 2014. As the anti-government movement gains momentum, Asli, a woman working at a hospital, helps a young male activist escape from being chased by the police. The police suspected her and visited her house. Asli refuses to cooperate with the investigation, but the situation worsens with her family involved.

KingAudience Award
Awards Of Audience


“Goron, Batang, Kyu” Japan / 54min 
Director: YAMAMOTO Kan
School: Osaka University of Arts

“Ataru” and “Mr./Ms. Sasaki” who live in a blue tent on the Yodogawa riverbed Although it is harsh, the two of them live with a smile. One day, he meets a woman who is in trouble because her bicycle is broken. There is the house of “Ataru” who is destroyed by the hands of “Ataru’s” father, “Tsunehiro”. How will the two people who have lost their homes live?

☆☆ The 18th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Click here for more information☆☆

☆☆ Kyoto International Student Film Festival Official Website

11/20 (Fri) and 12/11 (Fri) University Education Power-up Seminar will be held!

Since 2014, the University Consortium Kyoto has been holding the “University Education Power-Up Seminar” for a wide range of university officials. This program was planned as a seminar to support the educational (educational support) activities of individual university faculty and staff.

This year, the common theme is “Experience: Learning Mechanisms and Mechanisms,” and will be held in two sessions.
We will introduce the mechanism and mechanism of the learning method called “active learning”, which is currently attracting attention, based on specific practical examples.
Why don’t you actually do “active learning” in the program?

Outline of the event (2 times in total, common to each session)

Theme: “Experience: Learning Mechanisms and Mechanisms”

Venue Ikebo Junior College Senshinkan 6F Conference Room 1
Organizer University Consortium Kyoto
Target University faculty members and university officials who are interested in educational activities at the university
Participation Fee Member Universities: Free of charge
Non-member universities: 1,000 yen
Occupancy 30 (first-come, first-served basis)


Session 1: Friday, November 20
Imadoki’s High School “Learning” Form: What are the Active Learning Classes Experienced by Students?

Lecturer: Tatsuya Ijiri (Teacher, Horikawa High School, Kyoto City)

Session 2: Friday, December 11
The Difference Between Active Learning and Lecture-Based Classes ~From Open Learning at Universities~

Lecturer: Yoichi Tsutsui (Professor, Kyoto Seika University)

2015 University Education Power-up Seminar

Click here for details


University Consortium Kyoto FD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)


A seminar to learn “work” and seriously face your future “Job Study Collaboration Kansai 2015” will be held!

Co-sponsored by the University Consortium Kyoto, “Job Study Collaboration Kansai” is an exchange event with companies that started in 2011 and is open to all university students.
The main program is lectures and roundtable discussions in which working adults of various sizes and industries, from large corporations to mid-tier enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, talk to all university students Mr./Ms.about their thoughts and feelings about work, such as the enjoyment, rewarding, and rigor of work.
Mr./Ms. all students who have completed the internship program, as well as those who have never experienced an internship, Mr./Ms. why don’t you take this opportunity to learn the significance of working and face your future seriously?


Outline of the event

Organizer Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, JobStudy
Co-organizers University Consortium Kyoto, University Consortium Hyogo Kobe
Sponsors Non-profit organization Minami-Osaka Regional University Consortium
Participation Fee free
Speakers [12 small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kansai region]
Engineer Co., Ltd., Omi Forge Co., Ltd., Uofuku Co., Ltd., Sabaya Co., Ltd., Techno Brain Co., Ltd., Tokai Spring Industry Co., Ltd., Tokusho Sankyo Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Naomi Co., Ltd., Japan Technology Solutions Co., Ltd., HILLTOP Co., Ltd., Yamada Textile Co., Ltd., REC Co., Ltd.

[JobStudy Companies]
Astellas Pharma Co., Ltd., AEON Retail Co., Ltd., Japan Tourist Co., Ltd., Credit Saison Co., Ltd., Kobe Steel Co., Ltd., Kokuyo Co., Ltd., Sapporo Breweries Co., Ltd., Teijin Co., Ltd., Japan Ham Co., Ltd., Hankyu Corporation, Lawson Co., Ltd., World Co., Ltd.

* Speakers are in alphabetical order.

Panel Discussion / Roundtable Discussion: 50 people each time / Target: University students (regardless of nationality or grade)

Leading companies in each industry and companies boasting the top market share in the Kansai region, as well as excellent mid-tier enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kansai region, will answer questions from Mr./Ms..

In the roundtable discussion, you will have a chance to talk directly with a professional in the work!

“What is the most rewarding part of your job?” and “What is required of you as a member of society?” In response to questions from students, experienced members of society will convey their thoughts and feelings about work that are not usually heard.

schedule meeting place JobStudy Enterprises Small and medium-sized enterprises in Kansai
November 18 (Wed)
Kyoto Credit Saison Co., Ltd.
Japan Tourist Co., Ltd.
Omi Forge Co., Ltd.
Saturday, November 21
open sea Kobe Steel Corporation
Japan Technology Solutions Co., Ltd.
Thursday, November 26
Osaka AEON Retail Co., Ltd.
Sapporo Breweries Co., Ltd.
Engineer Co., Ltd.
Naomi Corporation
November 27 (Fri)
Kobe Astellas Pharma Inc.
World Inc.
Uofuku Co., Ltd.
December 2 (Wed)
Kyoto Teijin Corporation
Japan Ham Co., Ltd.
Technoy Eleven Inc.
Yamada Textile Co., Ltd.
Thursday, December 3
Osaka Hankyu Corporation
Lawson Corporation
Tokai Spring Industry Co., Ltd.
Sabaya Co., Ltd.

Venue Details

Kyoto Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto 2nd Floor Hall
Address: Kyoto-shi, Shimogyo-ku, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji
Nada Venue Hyogo International Community House Multipurpose Hall
Address: 神戸市中央区脇浜町1-2-8
Osaka Venue Mainichi Intesio 4th Floor Conference Room
Address: 大阪市北区梅田3-4-5
Kobe Venue Sannomiya Center Plaza 9th Floor Kobe Shinwa Women’s University Sannomiya Satellite Campus
Address: 神戸市中央区三宮町1−9−1-908



Contact us

Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, Regional Economic Department, Industrial Human Resources Policy Division
Address: 〒540-8535 1-5-44 Otemae, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Phone number: 06-6966-6013
E-mail address: kin-jinzai[at]meti.go.jp (Please replace “at” with “@”)

【Finished】The 13th Kyoto Student Festival will be held in the Okazaki Park area in front of Heian Jingu Shrine!

Business Overview

mvStudents from Kyoto, who transcend the boundaries of universities, form an executive committee and engage in daily activities with the aim of disseminating “Kyoto as a student city” to society, further revitalizing the Kyoto area, and creating new attractions in collaboration with the business community, the government, the local community, and the university.
After a variety of community exchange activities throughout the year, such as the promotion of the original creative odori “Kyoen Sodefure!” and water sprinkling activities, a grand festival is held every October as the culmination of these activities.
The University Consortium Kyoto has set the goal of “student growth” in the daily activities of the Student Executive Committee, and is providing support aimed at “student independence” that allows students to think and act on their own, and supports the implementation of what has been accumulated in the course of activities since the establishment of the Executive Committee so that it can be maximized at the main festival in October.

Outline of the event

As the culmination of various exchange activities throughout the year, the theme of “Kyoto” and “International” will attract visitors with a variety of genres such as dance, food, music, and sports. In addition, from this year, Okazaki Park will be renovated, and a main stage will be set up on the newly reborn Jingu Road with Otenmon in the background, and students will plan various performances. Centered on a powerful stage that overlooks the entire venue, all kinds of productions create a sense of unity throughout the venue.

Date & Time

2015year10Sunday, May 11, 11:00-19:00


Sakyo-ku , KyotoHeian Jingu Shrine and Okazaki Park area


Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee


Kyoto Student Festival Organizing Committee

Kyoto Prefecture / Kyoto City / Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Kyoto Association of Corporate Executives / University Consortium Kyoto

Special Cooperation

Heian Shrine


Trailer movie is ♪ now available

Project Details

mapbana- kiseibana


Kyo Flame Sodetouch! Guinness World Records ™ ★

Click here for the document moviemubi

Recruitment of individual supporters



If you would like to know more about the Kyoto Student Festival, check out this site!

Kyoto Student Festival Official Website       Facebook Logo      Twitter Logo

Contact us

Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto (closed on Mondays)
Tel:075-353-9432   Fax:075-353-9431
E-mail: saiten13th-ml■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)
Kyoto Student Festival Official Website: http://www.kyoto-gakuseisaiten.com/


October 25 (Sun) Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2015 Floor Guide is now posted!

Finally, the Learning Forum to be held on Sunday, October 25 is approaching.
The venue is Ritsumeikan University’s Kinugasa Campus!
Mr./Ms. high school students, let’s check the course and project you are looking for in advance with the floor guide! !!
Please come and experience the new “discovery of learning” and “awareness” of the university in Kyoto.

Of course, parents and teachers are also looking forward to your visit.


Floor guide on the day

 Learning Forum_Floor GuideOmote.ai Floor guide is sandwiched between _ Omote M version K version

★ “Learning” Forum 2015 Floor Guide (Timetable, Classrooms, Course Contents)gold

★ About the Learning Forum 2015gold

Kyoto University Learning Forum 2015

✿ Pay attention to projects other than the course!
★ Entaku Talk with University Students
★ Let’s experience it! Participate in the Kyoto Student Public Relations Department’s project!
★ To Mr./Ms. who lives “now” toward “the future”
A message of support from Dr. Arase

★ Mobile phone technology and technology
Make the most of your interests and abilities! Dr. Harada’s story is interesting!
★ Let’s ask anything at the consultation corner of the university co-op!
★ Let’s get past questions at the Eiken booth!
There is ♡ also a school cafeteria.

Venue: Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Campus, Seishinkan, Keigakukan Sunday, October 25, 2015 9:30~15:30
*Please use public transportation on the day of the event.
* Please refrain from coming by bicycle or car
Participation fee: Free No application required (Entry and exit are free.) Please note that each course will be in order of seating. )

Organizer: Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools/
Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry/University Consortium Kyoto)
Supported by: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology / National High School Career Guidance Council / Japan Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools / Japan Career Guidance Association / Kyoto Prefecture / Kyoto City /
Hyogo Prefectural Board of Education / Nara Prefectural Board of Education / Wakayama Prefectural Board of Education / Shiga Prefectural Board of Education / Shiga Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools /
Osaka City Board of Education / Osaka Private Junior and Senior High School Association

Sponsors  University Co-op logo_yoko_c_moji         _ Kyoritsu Logo
    flatlogo   eikenlogo_A

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto, in charge of the University “Learning” Forum in Kyoto
TEL: 075-353-9153 E-mail: manabiforum consortium.or.jp
(Please change “at” to “@” and send it)

* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

The 12th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum (Ishikawa) was held!

On Saturday, September 12 and Sunday, September 13, the 12th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum was held at Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Nonoichi City, Ishikawa Prefecture) with the main theme of “The Role of Universities and New Developments in University Consortiums.”

As university consortiums are required to develop new ways amid major changes in the nature of universities, 310 people from higher education institutions and governments across the country focused on the role that universities play in community building through collaborative education with local communities and the regional revitalization activities of higher education institutions to prevent the collapse of local communities, and to consider ways that will lead to new development of the consortium. Thank you for your participation.

On the first day, under the theme of “Regional Revitalization and the Role of Universities,” we welcomed Hiroya Masuda, Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Public Policy, to give a lecture on what kind of regional revitalization universities that play a major role in the region should undertake in the future from various perspectives. ▽Keynote speech ▽Keynote speaker: Hiroya

IMG_0503 Masuda

 In addition, at the symposium, four topics were presented from the standpoint of the government, university faculty members, and regional and university cooperation organizations: “The Role of Regional Revitalization and Local Communities,” “The Role of Universities in Regional Cooperation,” “Promotion and Future Development of the University Joint Education Promotion Project in Kyoto,” and “Community-based Societies and Universities.”
The poster session, which was held in parallel, was a great success, with many questions and comments from the participants about the efforts of each consortium organization, and there was a scene where exhibitors and participants actively interacted. ▽ Symposium discussion ▽ Poster session (21 exhibitors)


 On the second day, six subcommittees were held on various themes related to universities and consortiums, such as “fostering human resources who will be responsible for regional revitalization and regional services” and “improving the environment for accepting international students in cooperation with local governments and regions.”

▽ Breakout Sessions (6 Breakout Sessions)
Workshop ▽ Case study report
IMG_1302    IMG_1338

The next 13th forum is scheduled to be held in Hiroshima in September 2016. Details will be announced on the website of the University Consortium Kyoto as soon as they are decided.
We hope you will join us.

“The 12th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum” [Click here for an overview]

“The 12th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum” [Click here for leaflet]

Announcement of “British Debate Seminar in Kyoto 2015”

We will invite some of the UK’s top university and graduate student debaters from their home countries to hold a seminar to learn about the appeal of parliamentary debate. The seminar will include model debates, workshops, and question time.

Please access the application form below to pre-register.

Experiential Seminars
*Please click on the flyer to see the details.

Name Incandescence! British Debate Seminar in Kyoto 2015
Date & Time Tuesday, October 6, 2015 16:00~17:50 (Admission free)
Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto (Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto)
Eligibility Junior and senior high school students, university students, junior and senior high school students, university faculty and staff, and other educators who are interested in debate
Organizer University Consortium Kyoto, Japan English Proficiency Test Association, Kyoto City
Co-organizers Japan English Exchange Federation (ESUJ)
Sponsors Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, British Council
Lecturer Ms. Makiko Yoshino (Secretary General, Japan English Language Exchange Federation)
Tomohiro Nakagawa (Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University)
UK Debate Team: Several members

What you can do at a debate seminar

・ You can learn the ropes of parliamentary debate.
・You can watch the real British top-level debate.
・Students will be able to learn about the multifaceted perspectives, logical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and communication skills required of global human resources.
・ You can learn how to use your voice and how to prepare a speech through workshops, etc.

*What is a Parliamentary Debate?

As the name suggests, Parliamentary Debate is a debate that imitates the British parliamentary format, and is widely recognized as a kind of public communication in the United Kingdom and other countries around the world. Since it is a question of convincing oneself of one’s own position, it is attracting attention as a very effective educational method for fostering the comprehensive skills (logical thinking, problem-solving, communication, presentation skills, etc.) necessary for global human resources, which are in demand right now.


Japan English Testing Association Debate Seminar Secretariat
Person in charge: Taira, Minamino
Email: support-kokusai■eiken.or.jp (Please change ■ to @ and send it)