Handling of facility use from 10/1~10/21 (updated on 9/29)

Regarding the use of facilities at Campus Plaza Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture will be subject to emergency measures on Thursday, September 30, 2021.
In response to the cancellation, in line with the efforts of Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection,
From Friday, October 1, 2021 to Thursday, October 21, 2021, the museum will be open with some restrictions on the use of the facility as follows.
We will inform you that it has been decided.

Availability Until 21:00 (21:30 in normal times)
Capacity Limit the number of people who can accommodate you

* For rental rooms
set up in the night category (18:00 ~ 21:30) and 7 lectures (20:00 ~ 21:30), you can use it until 21:00, but
you will be charged the full fee.
* “Kyoto City Wakamono Employment Support Center” and “Employment Ice Age Generation Activity Support Corner” in this facility
For information on the use of the Open University of Kyoto Study Center, please check with each facility.
* The reception desk is open until 21:30.
* The handling of usage fee refunds is as follows.

[Regarding the cancellation of reservations during the closed time]
1. Eligibility
(1) In accordance with Kyoto Prefecture’s “Efforts to Reduce the Risk of Infection” (decided on September 28), business hours will be shortened.
(10/1 to 10/21) When canceling
a reservation for use in a usage category including facility closure time * Except
in cases where it is possible to respond without cancellation, such as changing the date of use or postponing
it. (2) If the reservation has been made as of October 1, 2021 (Friday)
* However, it was canceled on September 28, 2021 (Tuesday) ~ September 30, 2021 (Thursday), when Kyoto City decided to take action.
Including cases
2. Handling of usage fees when all the conditions in 1 above are satisfied
If the fee for the use of public facilities has already been paid, the full amount will be refunded.
In addition, if you have not paid, we will not ask for delivery.
3. Cancellation Period
   If the “Measures to Reduce the Risk of Infection” is canceled in the middle of the period, we will no longer accept cancellations based on
the premise of a full refund at that time.

Note 1 Refunds cannot be made if the use of the facility is made during the time when the facility is not closed in the
“Reservation for use of the usage category including the time when the facility is closed”.
Example: If you use the facility from 18:00 to 21:00 at night, you will pay the full usage fee from 18:00 to 21:30, and if you use the facility from 20:00 to 21:00 at 7 lectures.
Use from 20:00 to 21:30
The full amount of the fee will be charged for each. )
Note 2 Due to the cancellation of the “reservation for use of the usage category including the facility closure time”,Other categories
In the event that the purpose of use cannot be achieved with respect to the reservation for use,
Reservations for use in other categories
We will refund you in full.

(Example: If you have made a reservation for the morning, afternoon, and night of the tournament, but the tournament itself is canceled because the night is no longer
available, and you do not use it in the morning or after noon
.) Initiatives

to Reduce the Risk of Infection (September 28, 2021)  

AY2021 Second Semester and Fall Semester Plaza Subject Classroom List

AY2021 Second Semester and Fall Semester Plaza Subject Classroom List

The second semester of classes will begin on September 21 at Campus Plaza Kyoto.
A list of classrooms is also posted on the Campus Plaza Kyoto bulletin board.

For details, please refer to eKyoto Learning (link below)


cancellations and make-up classes>
* If there is a change in the classroom of the Plaza course, we will notify you about the class, such as cancellations and make-up classes, on e-Kyoto Learning.Please be sure to check the “Class Notices (Supplementary Class Information, etc.)” and “Important Notices Regarding Courses” before taking the course.

plaza courses until september>
Due to the extension of the state of emergency declaration measures issued to Kyoto Prefecture, the museum will continue to be closed in principle until September 30 (Thursday).Please be sure to check the status of each Plaza course in September by e-Kyoto Learning and announcements from the host university before taking the course.

University Consortium Kyoto Credit Transfer Project
TEL 075-353-9120 FAX 075-353-9121
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

[For Students] 10/23 (Sat) “TOEFL iBT® Test Online Skill Improvement Seminar”

University Consortium Kyoto Member Universities Hold “TOEFL iBT Test Online Skill Improvement Seminar” for Students!

ETS Japan, the TOEFL test office of Japan, and the University Consortium Kyoto will hold an online seminar by ETS-certified trainers for university students who are considering taking the TOEFL iBT test (limited to students affiliated with member universities of the University Consortium Kyoto).
If you are starting to study for TOEFL in order to study abroad in the future, if you are planning to take the iBT test, or if you have taken the test and want to further improve your score, please join us!
This year’s event will be held online using Zoom, so you can participate from home.

Participation is free.
The application deadline is Monday, October 18 at 12 noon, but please note that it will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached.

The TOEFL® test is the most widely accepted English test in the world. More than 11,000 institutions in 150 countries, including English-speaking countries, use TOEFL® test scores as proof of English proficiency, admission, recommendation, scholarships, and graduation. The TOEFL® test has been taken by more than 35 million people worldwide.

Click here for seminar outline → TOEFL iBT Test Seminar Flyer

Date & Time:

Saturday, October 23, 2021 9:30~12:30 (Zoom entry starts at 9:00~)


Please prepare an Internet environment that can access the online course and a computer with a camera and microphone function, and access it from a convenient location.


Students enrolled in a member university of the University Consortium Kyoto who fall under the following categories:

・Those who are starting to study for TOEFL or those who are planning to take the iBT test
・ Those who have taken the exam and aim to further improve their score


50 (first-come, first-served basis)
* Please note that if there are a large number of applications, it will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached.


U.S. ETS Certified Trainer
Prof. Chiaki Taoka (Full-time Lecturer, Center for Common English Education, Kobe Jogakuin University )


– Introduction of questions specific to the TOEFL iBT test
– Preparation for the four sections of the TOEFL iBT test (Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing)
・Introduction of effective learning methods and teaching materials
*Lectures will be conducted in Japanese.

Co-organizers: University Consortium Kyoto / ETS Japan G.K.

ETS Japan G.K. https://www.toefl-ibt.jp/test_takers/
Email: event■etsjapan.jp (Please change ■ to @.) )

2021 Internship Program Practical Experience Exchange Meeting

2021 Internship Business and Public Course Practical Experience Exchange Meeting

Approximately 210 trainees will be divided into three groups and will give presentations on their practical training.
Please take a look at the experiences of the trainees at various host destinations.

Date and time

Date Time: Saturday, September 18, 2021 15:00~
Held online
*Free entry and exit

Who should attend?

・Organizations registered as recipients of internships
・University officials of students participating in the Foundation’s internship
* If you are a member of a group or university other than the above and would like to visit, please contact the secretariat below.


〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto
University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL.075-353-9106/ FAX.075-353-9101
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00

Handling of facility use from 9/13~9/30 (updated 9/10)

At Campus Plaza Kyoto, the state of emergency declared in Kyoto Prefecture and the instructions of Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City
Based on the period from Friday, August 20, 2021 to Sunday, September 12, 2021, it has already been booked
In principle, we have announced the closure of the museum, including reservations for use, but it was issued to Kyoto Prefecture on Monday, September 13, 2021.
We would like to inform you that due to the extension of the state of emergency, we will continue to close in principle
until September 30 (Thursday).
*Please check with each facility for information on the use of the “Kyoto City Wakamono Employment Support Center”, “Employment Ice Age Generation Activity Support Corner”,
and “The Open University of Japan Kyoto Learning Center” in this facility.
* The reception desk is open until 21:30.

 (1) During the extended state of emergency declaration period (9/13~9/30), the museum will be closed in principle.
(In this case, the usage fee at the time of cancellation will be refunded in full.) )
(2) However, during the extension period of the state of emergency, a reservation has already been made, and the use of the facility is unavoidable.
If necessary, only those that comply with the basic policy of the national government and the emergency declaration measures of Kyoto Prefecture,
Permission to use it.
(3) Availability and capacity when using the facility
According to (2), the available time when using the facility is “until 20 o’clock” and “50% of the specified capacity”
(4) New reservations during the issuance period
We will not accept new reservations during the state of emergency.
(5) In addition to future trends in infection, changes in the government’s response policy, and the knowledge of experts, etc.
It may be changed. Please note that usage restrictions as of the date of use will apply.
Thank you very much.

[Refund of usage fee when canceling reservation due to closing]
1 Eligibility
(1) When canceling a reservation for the extended Kyoto Prefecture State of Emergency Declaration Period (9/13~9/30)
   (2) If the reservation has been made as of September 13, 2021 (Monday)
* However, this includes cases where Kyoto Prefecture was subject to the extension of the state of emergency declaration measures on September 9, 2021 (Thursday) ~ September 12, 2021 (Sunday).

2. Handling of usage fees when all the conditions in 1 above are met
If the usage fee or usage fee for a public facility has already been paid, the full amount will be refunded.
In addition, if you have not paid, we will not ask for delivery.
3 Cancellation Period
If the Kyoto Prefectural Emergency Declaration was lifted in the middle of the period, it was assumed that a full refund would be made at that time
Cancellations will no longer be accepted.

   Emergency Measures (Extension) Related to Novel Coronavirus Infections 20210909 


Impact of air conditioning renovation work on rental rooms (updated on 8/31)

At Campus Plaza Kyoto, air conditioning renovation work will be carried out for about three months from October of the 3rd year of Reiwa.
During the renovation period, the facility will continue to be available, but depending on the status of the construction,
It is expected that construction noise will be generated and construction workers will come and go. In addition, from December onwards, there will be rental rooms where air conditioning will not be available
We ask that you be aware of the impact of the construction before applying.
Thank you.


[Period of influence on the use of air conditioning] (planned)

period Availability of air conditioning remarks
October Available
November Unavailable Due to the air conditioning changeover period as usual
December Unavailable Until completion of construction due to air conditioning work

* We will inform you later if there is an impact after January.

[Rental rooms that affect the use of air conditioning due to construction]

floor Air conditioning (heating) not available
5F Lecture Room 1
4F Lecture Room 2, Lecture Room 3, Lecture Room 4
2F Meeting Room 1 / Hall
Common to all floors Common areas (EV halls, lobbies, corridors, lounges)

Details will be announced as soon as they are decided.

Handling of facility use from 8/20~9/12 (updated 8/19)

The use of facilities at Campus Plaza Kyoto will be subject to priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease, and will be subject to the use of facilities from Monday, August 2.
Until August 31 (Tuesday), we announced that we will stop using the rental room after 20 o’clock, but August 20, 2021 (Friday)
In response to the declaration of a state of emergency in Kyoto Prefecture, suppression of the spread of new coronavirus infection in Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City
We would like to inform you that in accordance with the measures related to the above, we will be closed in principle from August 20 (Friday) to September 12 (Sunday),
, including the use of rental facilities that have already been reserved.

*Please check with each facility for information on the use of the “Kyoto City Wakamono Employment Support Center”, “Employment Ice Age Generation Activity Support Corner”,
and “The Open University of Japan Kyoto Learning Center” in this facility.
* The reception desk is open until 21:30.

 (1) During the period of the declaration of a state of emergency (8/20~9/12), in principle, the use of the museum will be suspended (closed).
(In this case, the usage fee at the time of cancellation will be refunded in full.) )
(2) However, a reservation has already been made during the state of emergency, and the facility is unavoidable.
When necessary, the basic response policy of the national government and the state of emergency declaration measures of Kyoto Prefecture were complied with
Only those items are permitted.
(3) Availability and capacity when using the facility
According to (2), the available time when using the facility is “until 20 o’clock” and “50% of the specified capacity”
(4) New reservations during the issuance period
We will not accept new reservations during the state of emergency.
(5) In addition to future trends in infection, changes in the government’s response policy, and the knowledge of experts, etc.
It may be changed. Please note that usage restrictions as of the date of use will apply.
Thank you very much.

[Refund of usage fee when canceling reservation due to closing]
1 Eligibility
(1) When canceling a reservation during the Kyoto Prefectural Emergency Declaration Period (8/20~9/12)
   (2) If the reservation has been made as of August 20, 2021 (Friday)
* However, this includes cases where the Kyoto Prefectural Emergency Declaration Measures have been decided on August 17, 2021 (Tuesday) ~ August 19, 2021 (Thursday)

2. Handling of usage fees when all the conditions in 1 above are met
If the usage fee or usage fee for a public facility has already been paid, the full amount will be refunded.
In addition, if you have not paid, we will not ask for delivery.
3 Cancellation Period
If the Kyoto Prefectural Emergency Declaration was lifted in the middle of the period, it was assumed that a full refund would be made at that time
Cancellations will no longer be accepted.

 Emergency Measures in Kyoto Prefecture 210817


[Finished] 【For students of member schools】Kyoto Student Public Relations Department Workshop “How to Make Eye-catches to Attract Readers” Recruitment of Participants!

When looking at web media and SNS, many of you may have had the experience of being attracted to banners and eye-catching images and clicking on them involuntarily.

This time, we will learn about “design”, which tends to be avoided as difficult at first glance, from photographer and web designer Mr./Ms. Matsumura.

We are planning a program that can be immediately used in activities, from basic points such as where to put text to work to create original images.

The lecturer is Mr./Ms. Matsumura, a photographer and web designer

< Profile>
In 2007, he started working in web design and DTP design.
My hobby photos are in the camera magazine “Sha Girl Vol.3” (Look!). I started working as a photographer after posting in the photo girl’s room.
So far, he has expanded his activities to Kyoto in earnest after filming the web Seigensha magazine “Kyoto/Base: work & life in Kyoto” of Seigensha, a publishing house in Kyoto, and the book “Living in Ajiki Alley” published in May 2015.
Currently, he presides over the design and camera class “torico.camera”, where he lectures on “design and photography” at events and universities (guest lecturers at Ikebo Junior College), in addition to magazine serialization, book photography, and paper design.

Outline of the event

■Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 14:00~16:00 [Finished]
■Venue: Online (Zoom)
Number of participants: 50 (first-come, first-served basis)
■ Eligibility: Active students attending universities, graduate schools, and junior colleges in Kyoto Prefecture
(Especially for first- and second-year students)
What to bring: Student ID, writing utensils

Details & Application

■For details and to apply, please visit the Kyoto Student Public Relations Department’s website “Kotokare” below.
[Recruiting participants! ] Training: How to create an eye-catcher that attracts readers


University Consortium Kyoto, Kyoto Student Public Relations Department Secretariat
TEL 075-353-9130 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Handling of facility use from 8/2~8/31 (updated 7/31)

Regarding the use of facilities at Campus Plaza Kyoto, priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease will be implemented on Monday, August 2, 2021.
In response to the application, measures to control the re-spread of the new Korona virus infection in Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City
We would like to inform you that from Monday, August 2 to Tuesday, August 31, the following will be handled.

【Facility Hours】
* Normal hours are 9:00~21:30, but it is restricted to prevent the spread of infection.
* This handling is 8/2 (Monday)Campus Plaza Kyoto is closed, so it will be from 8/3 (Tuesday).
* For rental rooms set in the night category (18:00 ~ 21:30),
It is available until 20:00, but the full fee will be charged.
* “Kyoto City Wakamono Employment Support Center” and “Employment Ice Age Generation Activity Support Corner” in this facility
For information on the use of the Open University Kyoto Learning Center, please check with each facility.
* The reception desk is open until 21:30.
* The handling of usage fee refunds is as follows.

[Cancellation of usage reservation during closed hours]
1. Eligibility
(1) During the period of priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease in Kyoto Prefecture (8/2~8/31), when canceling a reservation for a
usage category including facility closure time

* Except in cases where it is possible to respond without cancellation, such as changing the date of use or postponing it.
(2) If the reservation has been made as of August 2, 2021 (Monday)
* However, depending on the national government, Kyoto Prefecture has become
an area where priority measures such as prevention of spread should be implemented.     Including cases cancelled between July 30, 2021 (Friday) ~ August 1, 2021 (Sunday)

2. Handling of usage fees when all the conditions in 1 above are satisfied
If the fee for the use of public facilities has already been paid, the full amount will be refunded.
In addition, if you have not paid, we will not ask for delivery.
Note 1 In the “Reservation for use of the usage category including the time when the facility is closed”, the time when the facility is not closed
If the use is made, no refund will be given.
(Example: If you use the facility from 18:00 to 20:00 at night, you will be charged the full
usage fee from 18:00 to 21:30       
.) )
Note 2 Due to the cancellation of the “reservation for use of the usage category including facility closure time”, the
If the purpose of use cannot be achieved with respect to the reservation for use, the reservation for use in other categories will also be
We will refund you in full.
(Example: I made a reservation through the morning, afternoon, and night divisions for the tournament, but the night is no longer available.)
If the tournament itself is canceled and the morning and afternoon are not used.

Priority measures
to prevent the spread of the disease in Kyoto Prefecture