【For faculty and staff of higher education institutions】Support for students with disabilities Information Security Coordination Course (Basics) Call for Participants

Outline of the event

As part of the Foundation’s support project for students with disabilities, we will jointly hold the “Information Security Coordinator Course (Basic Edition)” with the Higher Education Accessibility Platform (HEAP) as follows. Faculty and staff who are interested in supporting students with disabilities are welcome to join us.

◆Lecture Outline:
There is no one-size-fits-all way to support students with disabilities. For example, it is common to provide “information security” to students with hearing impairments, but the specific method depends on the individual needs and the type of lecture taken. Therefore, expertise is required to appropriately coordinate study support for hearing-impaired students. In this course, you will learn basic knowledge and skills in coordinating information security based on examples and experiences. (Click here for the PDF data of the flyer).
〇 Basic knowledge of hearing impairment
〇 Examples of system development (support student training, honorariums, etc.)
〇 Considering coordination methods based on fictitious cases
〇 Experience of support method (PC take, voice recognition)

◆Date & Time: Thursday, March 7, 2019 14:30~17:00 (14:00~Doors open)
*14:00 ~ 14:20 Kyoto University Support Room for Students with Disabilities can be visited (if you would like to visit, please register using this application form)

◆Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, International Science Innovation Building, East Building, 5F 5a/5b
*For details of the venue, please refer to this page (PDF data of the flyer).

◆Target: Faculty and staff of higher education institutions

◆ Capacity: 20 people (up to 2 people per institution)

◆ Fee: Free

Organizers: University Consortium Kyoto, Higher Education Accessibility Platform (HEAP)

How to apply

If you would like to participate in this course, please register using the application form here.
* If you cannot send the application form, we will respond by e-mail separately, so please contact us at the contact information below.

◆Application Period: :(JAFA member schools and HEAP partner schools) January 31, 2019 (Thursday) ~
February 5, 2019 (Tuesday) ~
* Applications will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached.

◆ Remarks: If you need to be considered due to a disability or other factors in order to participate, please contact us at the time of application (application form or email).

Secretariat (Contact)

University Consortium Kyoto
Student Support Division Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
TEL: 075-353-9189 FAX: 075-353-9101 mail: gk-ml■consortium.or.jp (Please replace “■” with “@” and send an e-mail)

Outline of the 24th FD Forum Symposium and Breakout Sessions

The following is an overview of the symposium and its subcommittees at the 24th FD Forum, which will be held on March 2 (Sat) and 3 (Sun), 2019 at Ritsumeikan University’s Kinugasa Campus (Kita-ku, Kyoto).

 The 24th FD Forum
“Diversity in Universities”

Regular application period [Saturday, January 5, 2019 ~ Thursday, January 31, 2019]
Advance application period for member schools [
Friday, December 14, 2018 ~ Friday, December 21, 2018]

* During the pre-application period for member schools, we will accept up to the priority capacity.
* Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached (we do not accept waiting lists).

Symposium [March 2 (Sat) 13:00~17:00]

*Participation in the symposium is either (1) or (2).

[Symposium (1)]

How to deal with the diversity of people who gather at the university

Capacity: 420 people (priority capacity: 250 people)

Universities are home to a diverse group of people. There are various races, ethnicities, nationalities, genders, sexualities, disability, generations, languages, religions, occupations, etc. It is important to recognize the diversity of people in universities in order to ensure that the rights of minorities are not infringed on in universities. At present, the world is in the process of rapid internationalization. In the future, university education and university management will require an open view of humanity and society, which is necessary for living in such an internationalized and diverse world.

≪ Symposist≫
Dr. Oussby Sako (President, Kyoto Seika University)
Yoharu Hidaka (Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Takarazuka University)
Ms. Chikako Akata (Lecturer, Osaka Municipal Children’s Independence Support Facility Abuyama Gakuen)
Megumi Matsunami (Researcher, Center for Survival Studies, Ritsumeikan University)
≪ Coordinator≫
Sohei Yamada (Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Kyoto Seika University)

[Symposium (2)]

“Relearning” for working adults and university education

Capacity: 300 people (priority capacity: 180 people)

In pursuing an educational system that supports lifelong learning, it is important to consider the ideal form of university education that is unique to the “100-year lifespan era.” Industry-academia collaboration to develop programs for working adults can bring about a transformation in university education and promote diversity in universities. In this symposium, we will discuss the future issues of university education from multiple perspectives, while questioning the significance of “relearning” for working adults in today’s society.

≪ Symposist≫
Yuki Inaga (Lecturer, University Research Center, University of Tsukuba)
Masamitsu Nozawa (Vice President, Rikkyo University / Vice President, Rikkyo Second Stage University)
Dr. Tadakatsu Okada (Assistant to the President / Professor, Faculty of Human Health, Kansai University)
Mr. Satoshi Hirai (Ritsumeikan School Corporation, General Affairs Department, Secretary Section)
≪ Coordinator≫
Masayuki Murakami (Professor, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)



Breakout Session (1st ~ 11th Session) [March 3 (Sun) 10:00~15:30]

* Participants in one of the subcommittees will participate.



Teaching IR: How to Use Data from Case Studies

Capacity: 160 people180 people (priority capacity: 95 people)* The capacity has been increased.

In this subcommittee, we will take up “IR related to education,” that is, “efforts to collect, provide, and analyze information on education in general, analyze data, and formulate and support educational policies” (from the definition of IR in education at Ryukoku University). Specifically, we would like to have students report on examples of actual use of data from student surveys and other data in the field of teaching and learning, such as class improvement, as case studies, and consider specific measures to improve internal assurance in teaching.

≪ Reporter≫
Hitoshi Yamashita (Professor, Research and Development Center for Higher Education and Admissions, Osaka University)
Dr. Kai Hatano (Associate Professor, Center for Higher Education Development, Osaka Prefecture University)
Ms. Riko Koyama (Associate Professor, Kyoto Koka Women’s University Junior College)
Kazuhiro Fujita (Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University)
≪ Coordinator≫
Masato Takimoto (Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Ryukoku University)



How to Promote Reform and Improvement of Faculties and Departmental Education

Capacity: 160 people (priority capacity: 95 people)

In this subcommittee, we would like to deepen the discussion on middle-level FD, which is how to promote the improvement of education at the level of faculties and departments. The speakers will talk about examples of how they have actually improved education at the faculties and departments in the fields of humanities (literature), social sciences (economics and management), and natural sciences (physical therapy), and think together with the participants about who should improve education at the faculty/departmental level.

≪ Reporter≫
Kyoko Matsuura (Dean/Professor, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto Tachibana University)
Keiichi Yamamoto (Dean/Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Hokuriku University)
Tomoko Hirayama (Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aino University)
Yugo Saito (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Aino University)
≪ Coordinator≫
Takero Nishino (Lecturer, Center for Educational Development, Kyoto Tachibana University)



Support and Initiatives to Promote Student Engagement and Independence
~From the standpoint of a professional who is involved with students~

Capacity: 160 people (priority capacity: 95 people)

In this subcommittee, we will report and examine support and strategies for promoting student engagement and independence at universities from three different professional perspectives: academic advising (learning and university adaptation), psychological counseling (psychology and development), and career support (career choice). In each of these initiatives, I would like to understand how the relationship between students and supporters is built, and the quantity and dynamics of involvement in each initiative from the perspective of student engagement. In the end, participants will share and examine the current situation, problems, and solutions of how to interact with students in classes, seminars, and various support situations that each participant encounters on a daily basis.

≪ Reporter≫
Eiko Shimizu (Associate Professor, Institute for Basic Education, Otemon Gakuin University)
Dr. Yasushi Sugihara (Director, Counseling Room, Center for Student Support, Kyoto University, Professor)
Akihiko Iejima (Lecturer, Institute for the Promotion of Comprehensive Education, Osaka University / Deputy Director, Career Center)
≪ Coordinator≫
Takeshi Yamada (Associate Professor, Center for Research and Development in Higher Education, Kyoto University)



Educating Students through University Regional Cooperation

Capacity: 30 people (priority capacity: 18 people)

Collaborative activities between universities and local communities have benefits for both research, human exchange, and industrial revitalization, and when students participate in these activities, the community becomes a field where hands-on and practical learning can be conducted, and educational effects can be expected to be great. On the other hand, it seems that faculty members are faced with different challenges and burdens in collaborative activities than in regular lectures. In this subcommittee, we will introduce examples of collaborative activities with keywords such as collaboration in fields outside the teacher’s area of expertise, utilization of student shops, and collaboration with distant regions, and consider how to proceed with effective education based on the strengths and issues.

≪ Reporter≫
Masato Okura (Associate Professor, Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies, Doshisha Women’s University)
Yoshio Fujikawa (Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Kyoto Gakuen University)
Tomohiko Nakamura (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kobe International University)
≪ Coordinator≫
Hiroyuki Iguchi (Lecturer, Faculty of Bio-Environmental Studies, Kyoto Gakuen University)



Special Needs School Teacher Training
Independent Learning and Regional Collaboration

Capacity: 30 people (priority capacity: 18 people)

In Japan, which aims to build an inclusive education system by promoting special needs education, there is an urgent need to train teachers with expertise in special needs education. In particular, it is important to have experience in the school setting in order to obtain a special needs school teaching license.
Therefore, I would like to think together with the participants about “opportunities for students to experience the actual teaching profession” and “independent learning” at universities with various backgrounds such as establishment, size, and history.

≪ Reporter≫
Hiromi Kotani (Professor, Faculty of Education, Kyoto University of Education)
Noboru Niwa (Professor, Faculty of Education, Kwansei Gakuin University)
Katsuhiro Kanamori (Professor, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Japan Fukushi University)
≪ Coordinator≫
Yoji Ota (Associate Professor, Faculty of Contemporary Human Studies, Kyoto Notre Dame University)



Educational reform using LMS (Learning Management System)

Capacity: 30 people (priority capacity: 18 people)

With the spread of smartphones and tablets and the enhancement of the Internet environment, education is also undergoing major changes. The introduction of LMS (Learning Management System) has also created various benefits at universities, such as more efficient lectures, paperless operations, more efficient paperwork, and closer communication between students and faculty. In this subcommittee, we will invite teachers who are using LMS to introduce examples of their use, advantages and disadvantages, and points to note when using them. We would like to discuss how to further utilize LMS in improving education in the future.

≪ Reporter≫
Takashi Sakamoto (Associate Professor, Department of General Education, Kyoto University of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Kazuharu Abe (Professor, Faculty of Career Development, Kyoto Koka Women’s University)
Hiroyuki Sakai (Associate Professor, Center for Research and Development in Higher Education, Kyoto University)
≪ Coordinator≫
Masataka Oda (Professor, Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University of Pharmaceutical Sciences)



Science and Engineering Co-op/Internship Education
Collaboration and growth among students, business people, university faculty and staff

Capacity: 30 people (priority capacity: 18 people)

An internship at a university or other institution (hereinafter referred to as an internship) is a system in which students gain work experience related to their major and future career at a company. This subcommittee will be a place to examine and explore better internships not only for students, but also for universities and companies, from the perspectives of design, management, and sustainable development, based on practical examples of internships at the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Kyoto Sangyo University, and the future vision of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Tokyo Denki University and the Faculty of Life Sciences of Kyoto Sangyo University.

≪ Reporter≫
Kohiro Ogino (Associate Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Kyoto Sangyo University)
Dr. Seisuke Kimura (Professor, Faculty of Integrated Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University / Director, Center for Career Education)
Reimune Nagahara (Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo Denki University)
≪ Coordinator≫
Kenichi Sato (Professor, Faculty of Integrated Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University)



Creating a University Friendly to Sexual Minority Students

Capacity: 30 people (priority capacity: 18 people)

I would like to have the opportunity to think about how a university should be friendly to sexual minority students from the perspectives of faculty and students from the perspectives of the people concerned. In addition to reporting on efforts in other countries by professors with international experience, we will ask about the efforts in their own regions and the status of efforts at universities nationwide. On top of that, I would like to listen to the requests and actual circumstances of the students involved, and explore the future of a university where everyone can feel comfortable.

≪ Reporter≫
Makiko Kasai (Professor, Faculty of Basic and Clinical Education, Naruto University of Education)
Shoko Sasaki (Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters, Meiji University)
Mr. Yuichi Matsuda (Kansai University, Administrative Bureau, Staff)
≪ Coordinator≫
Koichi Takaishi (Professor, Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Kyoto Bunkyo University)



Thinking about the state of education in the Faculty of Life Sciences

Capacity: 30 people (priority capacity: 18 people)

Many of the faculties of life sciences are structured to allow interdisciplinary learning by consolidating various fields of life sciences in various faculties such as medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, engineering, etc. into a single faculty. In this subcommittee, we will introduce a wide range of topics related to this interdisciplinary learning guidance system, such as distinctive initiatives and problems, collaboration among faculty members, undergraduate education curricula, FD initiatives, etc., based on the case studies of each university. It is expected that there will be a discussion on the future of the Faculty of Life Sciences and the state of education in the field of life sciences.

≪ Reporter≫
Dr. Hideshi Inoue (Dean/Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Yasuhiro Inada (Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
Dr. Tetsuo Ota (Professor, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Doshisha University)
Dr. Shoichi Ishiura (Distinguished Visiting Professor, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Doshisha University / Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
≪ Coordinator≫
Miho Takahashi (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Doshisha University)



Study Group to Promote Active Learning
– Classroom experiences in elementary and junior high schools and independent and collaborative classes at universities –

Capacity: 30 people (priority capacity: 18 people)

I would like to experience the classes that are currently being taught in elementary and junior high schools, and think about hints for incorporating active learning (proactive, interactive, and deep learning) into university classes.
What kind of teaching methods and contents can be considered to implement independent and collaborative classes at universities? We would like to hold a class using a clicker and make it a place for participants to think together while experiencing it as a student taking the class.

Keywords: Lesson Improvement, Active Learning, Proactive, Interactive and Deep Learning

≪ Reporter≫
Masanobu Yamakawa (President, Takarazuka University)
Yuka Masuda (Principal, Kofudai Elementary School, Toyono-cho, Toyono-gun, Osaka)
Mr. Shinichi Inoue (Osaka City Board of Education Secretariat, Osaka City Education Center, Supervisor in charge of Education Promotion)
Dr. Ogawa (Associate Professor, Faculty of Contemporary Human Studies, Kyoto Notre Dame University)
≪ Coordinator≫
Toyosei Hirata (Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Bukkyo University)



Current Status and Issues of Educational Support for Students with Disabilities

Capacity: 30 people (priority capacity: 18 people)

This subcommittee will examine the following three points.
(1) Reasonable Accommodations Required in Institutions of Higher Education ~Consideration from the Recommendations of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Advisory Committee~
(2) What is necessary to practice education based on reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities ~ Examination of what educational institutions should do to eliminate discrimination and prejudice and guarantee education for students with disabilities ~
(3) Educational Practice Report Based on Reasonable Accommodations at Educational Institutions ~ Examination of Achievements and Issues through Practice Reports for Students with Disabilities at Educational Institutions ~

≪ Reporter≫
Kakujun Asahina (Professor, Faculty of Letters, Otani University)
Mr. Ichiro Nakamura (Principal Supervisor, Comprehensive Development Support Division, Kyoto City Board of Education)
Akio Miyoshi (Professor, Faculty of Contemporary Human Studies, Kyoto Notre Dame Women’s University)
Manabu Yamazaki (Otani University, Student Support Department, Career Center)
≪ Coordinator≫
Masato Yasuda (Professor, Faculty of Education, Otani University)


University Consortium Kyoto FD Forum Secretariat
TEL 075-353-9163
Email fdf ■ consortium.or.jp (Please change ■ to @)
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【For high school teachers】February 26 (Tue) Call for participants for the 2nd Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting

The Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting was launched in 2018 as a place for students to exchange ideas and concerns about school and homeroom management, class improvement, etc., and to share their thoughts on solutions.

The second meeting will be held as follows. Each meeting is a one-off event, so you can participate regardless of whether you participate in the first meeting or not. We understand that this is a busy time, but we look forward to your active participation. I would also be grateful if you could reach out to the teachers you know.

Date & Time Tuesday, February 26, 2019 18:00~20:00 (Reception 17:45~)
*Late participation is also welcome.
Place: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th Floor, Lecture Room 4
(Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru)
Overview Each student will be asked to bring their own or their own school’s practices on the theme they would like to interact with at this meeting, the precedents of other schools, and what they feel are issues, and based on that, they will interact in a group work format.
Composition 18:00~18:15【Opening Session】
Lecturer: Yutaka Hasegawa (Associate Professor, Faculty of Public Policy, Kyoto Prefectural University)
18:15~19:00【Group Discussion (1)】
Divide into groups and share the contents of the pre-assignment
Exchange of opinions on themes to be discussed in the second half of the group
19:00~19:40【Group Discussion (2)】
Exchange of opinions on the theme chosen in the first half of the group work
Sharing of opinions expressed in the second half of the group work

* Depending on the number of applicants, some contents may change.
Participation Fee free
Target Anyone who is a high school teacher can participate.
* On the day of the event, if possible, please bring your business card and exchange contact information with other participants.
Remarks After the event, a social gathering will be held near Kyoto Station. Please inform us of your participation in the social gathering on the participation application form. Details will be communicated after application. (Membership fee is planned to be 4,000 yen ~ 5,000 yen)
Upcoming Exhibitions We plan to change the theme and hold it about once every 2~3 months.

How to apply

Please download the following application form (1st sheet: application form, 2nd sheet: pre-assignment), fill in the required information, and send it to the University Consortium Kyoto Secretariat by fax or e-mail.

The 2nd Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting [Download the application form]

E-mail: kodai■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)

Application Deadline

Friday, February 15, 2019


University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division, High School-University Collaboration Project
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【For University Faculty and Staff】Call for Participants for the 22nd Kansai Meeting of Persons with Disabilities (KSSK)


The Kansai Roundtable of Persons in Charge of Support for Students with Disabilities (KSSK) is a roundtable meeting of practitioners for active discussions, exchange of opinions and information, and build networks on various themes related to support for students with disabilities based on the basic principle of working from the perspective of practitioners.

◆Date & Time: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 13:00~17:10 (Information Exchange 17:20~18:50)
◆Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th floor, Lecture Room 1, etc. (939 Higashi-Shiokoji-cho, Nishitoin-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto)
《Access》5 minutes walk from Kyoto Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line, JR Line, and Kintetsu Kyoto Line
◆Target: Faculty and staff who are involved in or interested in supporting students with disabilities at universities and junior colleges in the Kansai area
◆ Capacity: 70 people (first-come, first-served basis)
◆ Participation fee: Free (A separate participation fee is required for the information exchange meeting)

Contents and Schedule

time Contents
12:40 Reception starts
13:00 Opening Remarks

Topical Presentation “Establishment and Framework Creation of a Support Organization for Students with Disabilities”
≪ Lecturer≫
Mr. Shiro Takeshita, Mr. Nao Umemoto (Disability Support Office, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
Ms. Sachiko Kuraya (Osaka City University, Student Support Division, University Administration Headquarters, Student Support Section)
≪ Contents≫
From two universities that have newly launched support organizations for students with disabilities in the past few years,
He will talk about the flow of coordination within the university, from the establishment of the organization to the creation of the framework, and future issues.

14:10 Rest & Movement


Breakout Sessions
[A Introductory – (1) (2) Capacity: 20 people (10 people each× 2 groups)]
It will be divided into (1) and (2) below, and will be a subcommittee for beginners according to each theme. Participants will be asked to present case studies at their home universities and deepen their understanding of the current situation and issues of support for students with disabilities.
(1) Utilization of AT (assistive devices)
Students will deepen their understanding of the basic knowledge and skills of using AT in support for students with disabilities through lectures, pair work, and case studies. * If you wish to participate in this subcommittee, we recommend that you participate in the AT Library assistive device experience session to be held in the morning of the same day.
(2) Establishment of the organization
We will discuss in more depth the establishment and framework of a support organization for students with disabilities based on the situation at each university.

[B Small University Capacity: 10 people]
This is a breakout session for universities with less than 3,000 students. We will mainly share information and exchange opinions on the actual situation and issues of support for small universities.

[C Developmental Disability / Mental Disability Capacity: 30 people]
Lecture Format
With regard to support for students with developmental disabilities and mental disabilities (especially secondary disabilities based on developmental disabilities), guest lecturers and facilitators will freely discuss the ingenuity and difficulties of on-site support. We will deepen our understanding by answering questions from the floor and exchanging opinions.
Guest Lecturer: Associate Professor Toshishi Nakajima, Graduate School of Education, Saga University / Intensive Support Division, Student Support Office

[D Social Transition (Career Support) Capacity: 10 people]
Exit support for students with disabilities in job hunting, etc., is one of the issues at each university. In this subcommittee, we will consider these issues as the theme of “social transition” and discuss practical examples, issues, and prospects at each university. In addition, on the day of the meeting, we will invite related parties from employment transition support organizations to hold breakout sessions based on the situation and perspectives of off-campus resources.
16:50 Conclusion and Closing Remarks
17:00 closing


◆ Application note: Please be sure to check the following.
< Participation in the subcommittee>
Please select your preferred ranking in subcommittees A~D up to your third choice. Please note that it is on a first-come, first-served basis, so we may not be able to meet your request.
Note 1: In order to reflect the topics to be covered by the subcommittee, please fill in the application form with information about the problems and issues you have at your university, and the topics you would like to be addressed.
Example: I am worried that I will not be able to convince others that it is difficult to respond to the needs of students with disabilities due to budgetary reasons.
Note 2: Please include the number of students at your university and whether or not there is a support system (if so, the number of department members).
Note 3: If the capacity is exceeded, priority will be given to those who are first served. The subcommittees you will participate in will be included in the email sent about one week before the event.

information exchange meeting>
[Venue] “La Café Kenya” (Campus Plaza Kyoto 1F)
[Participation fee] 2,500 yen
* Please bring your own change on the day of the event. We will prepare a receipt with the name of the university. If you wish to include something other than the name of the university, please contact the secretariat in advance.
*If you wish to make changes, please contact us by Friday, February 22. Please note that any subsequent changes will incur a cancellation fee (full cost).

Application Form

To apply, please click here.

【Application Period】
Friday, January 11, 2019 ~ Thursday, February 14, 2019

Organizer and Cooperation

Organizer: University Consortium Kyoto
Cooperation: Higher Education Accessibility Platform (Center for Student Support, Kyoto University)

Secretariat (Contact)

University Consortium Kyoto
Student Support Division (Person in charge: Hotta) Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
TEL:075-353-9189 FAX:075-353-9101
mail: kssk-jimukyoku-ml■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @ and send an email)

【Announcement on January 9 – Announcement on January 22】2018 Credit Transfer / Kyoto College Subjects Second Semester / Full Year Report / Examination Schedule List

Detailed information such as test and report schedules

Exam and report information (announced on January 22)

Exam and report information (announced on January 18)

Exam and Report Information (announced on January 11, updated on January 15)

Exam and report information (announced on January 9)

Topic of the report (announced on January 18)

Topic of the report (announced on January 11)

Topic of the report (announced on January 9)

How to submit a report to Campus Plaza Kyoto

Click here for how to submit

【For faculty and staff】Announcement of the 5th “FD Joint Training Program (Basic)” to be held on Monday, February 4

As an organizational effort for faculty members to improve and enhance their teaching content and methods, the University Consortium Kyoto has been promoting FD activities in the Kyoto area together with member universities since 1995, shortly after its establishment.
The FD Joint Training Program is a training program that integrates and reorganizes the two programs that were implemented until the 2017 academic year: the “FD Joint Training Program for New Teachers” and the “University Education Power-up Seminar.”
It consists of two sections: the “Basics,” which aims to acquire basic knowledge in teaching, and the “Advanced,” which covers a wide range of themes aimed at improving the quality of education.
Please use it as a place for university faculty and staff to interact.

FY2018 FD Joint Training Program [Basics]
Session 5: “Learner-Centered Classroom Workshop”

Date: Monday, February 4, 2019 18:00~20:00
Venue: Ikebo Junior College Senshinkan, 6th floor, Conference Room 1 
Target: Faculty and staff of universities and junior colleges *Full-time, part-time, and years of service do not matter
Capacity: 20 people (first-come, first-served basis) Participation
University Consortium Kyoto member schools: ¥1,000
Participation fee:
Other than the above: ¥2,000

◆ Learner-centered classroom workshops
Lecturer: Mieko Sawada (Professor, Department of Fundamental Sciences, Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Lecturer: Shinji Matsumoto (Professor, Faculty of Letters, Bukkyo University)
Lecturer: Ms. Kirie Mori (Associate Professor, Department of Childcare, Junior College, Heian Jogakuin University)
Regardless of the field or field, from the perspective of independent learning, there is a need to shift from one-way knowledge transfer classes, which have been common in the past, to learner-centered classes. “Active learning” is considered to be one of them. In this training, we will take up active learning and learn about the background to its attention, its expected effects, and its problems. In addition, through workshops, we will create and peer-evaluate actual lesson design plans that incorporate active learning.

[3rd, 4th, 5th Information Leaflet]

* Outline of the FD Joint Training Program [Basics] (5 sessions in total) *

How to apply

WEB application  

* We will send you a confirmation email after receiving your application. If you do not receive the confirmation email after 3 business days, please contact us.

Application Deadline Monday, January 28, 2019

* If there are remaining seats, we will accept applications even after the application deadline.
* If the capacity is reached, the application will be closed before the application deadline.


【Inquiries regarding this matter】
University Consortium Kyoto FD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 *Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)
Email fdrd■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)

University Consortium Kyoto Official Facebook Page

About the official Facebook page

The official Facebook page of the University Consortium Kyoto can be viewed by anyone.
We disseminate information on the activities of students, faculty and staff participating in our projects, and events.
Click the button on our Nice Facebook page to sign up and receive the latest information about the University Consortium Kyoto in your news feed. Nice Please press the button and make use of it.





Correction of the price list

Some revisions have been made to the facility usage fee (university).
Please click here for the revised price list.

Details of correction: Correction of fees related to the extension classification of Conference Room 2 and Conference Room 3
12:00~12:30: 530 yen→ 570 yen
12:30~13:00: 530 yen→ 570 yen
17:00~17:30: 530 yen→ 560 yen
17:30~18:00: 530 yen→ 560 yen

【For Students, Faculty and Staff of Member Schools】Call for Presenters for the 24th FD Forum Poster Session

Every year, the FD Forum holds a poster session as a place to widely disseminate the educational initiatives of the Kyoto Consortium of Universities and Junior Colleges.
At the 24th FD Forum, we are looking for presenters from students, faculty and staff from the Consortium of Universities in Kyoto.
We look forward to receiving your application.

Call for Presenters for the 24th FD Forum Poster Session

Date and time  
Sunday, March 3, 2019, 11:00-14:30 (Core time 12:00-13:30)

*Registration for poster exhibitors will start at 10:00. Please make sure to display the posters in time for the start of the poster display at 11:00.
*Please be sure to be in front of your presentation materials during core time.

Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus Keigakukan 2nd Floor Room KG201~KG206

Faculty, staff, and students of the University Consortium Kyoto member schools who wish to make presentations on their efforts related to university education

*List of University Consortium Kyoto member universities
* For presentations by non-member schools and general companies on initiatives that are conducted in cooperation with member schools, please contact the secretariat.

Presentation Themes
Examples of Initiatives Related to Distinctive Education at Your University

* In addition to the efforts of individual member schools, initiatives related to inter-university collaboration (regardless of whether the partner is a member school or a non-member school), regional collaboration, and industry-government collaboration are also OK.
* Even if the initiative was announced in the previous year, it is possible to reapply if the information is updated.

About the presentation materials           

  • There are no restrictions on the format of your presentation materials, but they should fit within the presentation space described below.
  • Please print the font size so that it can be read even from a distance of 1 m.
  • You will be asked to post your own presentation materials.
*Please print out the presentation materials yourself and bring them with you on the day of the event.
* A desk will be set up in front of the poster and FD-related materials of the presenting university will be able to be placed. However, it is not possible to bring in materials in advance. Please bring it with you on the day.

the presentation space
Displayable space: 85 cm in width× 120 cm in height (A0 poster can be displayed)

* You will be asked to use the curing tape prepared by the secretariat for posting.
* A desk will be set up in front of the poster for setting up related materials.

Publication in the FD Forum Proceedings and Reports The
FD Forum Proceedings will contain a summary of the poster title and the names of the presenters, and the report will contain a summary of the presentations (including poster data).
If you wish, we will give you a copy of the proceedings (booklet) on the day of the presentation and one copy of the report (CD-ROM version) at the end of June. If you wish to do so, please fill in the designated fields on the application form.

Other precautions    

  • Please note that no honorarium, transportation expenses, or accommodation expenses will be paid to the presenter.
  • If there are a large number of applicants, we may not be able to hire them due to the number of panels that can be installed. In addition, universities that present multiple panels may be limited to the number of panels per university.
  • Parking is not available, so please come by public transportation.
  • If the presenter will only participate in the poster session, it is not necessary to register for the FD Forum Web. However, if you wish to participate in a project other than a poster session (symposium, breakout session, information exchange meeting), you will need to complete the online application procedure in the same way as general participants.


Application Deadline     

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

How to apply
Download the “24th FD Forum Poster Session Presentation Application Form” and fill in the required information.
Please apply by e-mail attachment to fdf■consortium.or.jp. (Please replace ■ with @)

  • The 24th FD Forum Poster Session Application Guidelines [Download]
  • The 24th FD Forum Poster Session Application Form [Download]

Screening of Presentations
The FD Forum Planning and Review Committee will review the submitted “Poster Session Presentation Application Form” and notify the applicant by January 18, 2019 (Friday) whether or not to make a presentation.


A collection of reports from the 23rd FD Forum is available on the Foundation’s website.
Please refer to the overview and posters of last year’s poster sessions.
Click here for the 23rd FD Forum Report (Poster Session)


University Consortium Kyoto FD Forum Secretariat
TEL:075-353-9163  FAX:075-353-9101
E-mail: fdf■consortium.or.jp (replace ■ with @)
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)