Changes to the 2018 Kyoto College Recruitment Guide (Updated on September 5)

「2018年度京カレッジ生募集ガイド」(3月6日発行)について、変更(修正)が生じていますので下記のとおりお知らせいたします。皆さまにはご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、お間違えの無いようにご注意願います。<br /> ※変更(修正)が生じた場合は随時更新していきます。<br /> <p>2018.9.5更新</p> <h2>変更内容<br /> *2018年9月5日修正*</h2> <table style=”width: 624.07px”> <tbody> <tr> <td style=”width: 47px”>科目コード</td> <td style=”width: 67px”>科目名</td> <td style=”width: 51px”>科目開設大学</td> <td style=”width: 47px”>変更箇所</td> <td style=”width: 400.07px”>変更内容</td> </tr> <tr> <td style=”width: 47px”>E008</td> <td style=”width: 67px”>法然の生涯と思想</td> <td style=”width: 51px”>佛教大学</td> <td style=”width: 47px”>開講期間</td> <td style=”width: 400.07px”>【変更前】<br /> 2018年09月27日(木)~2019年01月17日(木)<br /> 5講時 16時20分~17時50分(毎週木曜日)<br /> ※休講2018年11月22(木)<br /> <br /> ※「プラザ科目の学年暦」を参照してください。<br /> <br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> 2018年09月27日(木)~2019年01月17日(木)<br /> 5講時 16時20分~17時50分(毎週木曜日)<br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>※休 講 日:11月1日(木)・11月8日(木)</span><br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>※補 講 日:1月19日(土) 1・2限目</span><br /> <br /> ※「プラザ科目の学年暦」を参照してください。</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br /> 2018.7.25更新</p> <h2>変更内容<br /> *2018年7月25日修正*</h2> <table style=”width: 626px”> <tbody> <tr> <td style=”width: 57px”>科目コード</td> <td style=”width: 65px”>科目名</td> <td style=”width: 71px”>科目開設大学</td> <td style=”width: 89.5px”>変更箇所</td> <td style=”width: 338.5px”>変更内容</td> </tr> <tr> <td style=”width: 57px”>H183</td> <td style=”width: 65px”>まちづくり論</td> <td style=”width: 71px”>龍谷大学</td> <td style=”width: 89.5px”>■担当教員<br /> <br /> ■試験・評価方法<br /> <br /> ■その他特記事項<br /> <br /> ■講義概要・到達目標<br /> <br /> ■講義スケジュール<br /> <br /> ■参考書</td> <td style=”width: 338.5px”>【変更前】<br /> ■担当教員<br /> 笠井 賢紀(社会学部准教授)<br /> 竹山 和弘(社会学部非常勤講師)<br /> ■試験・評価方法<br /> レポート 60% 期末レポート(2000字以上) その他 40% グループ発表。<br /> ■その他特記事項<br /> 【会場】<br /> 龍谷大学瀬田学舎<br /> 第1回目の教室については別途「お知らせ」欄に記載します。<br /> 【授業時間外における予・復習の指示】<br /> グループワーク等、授業外に準備することがある<br /> 【履修上の注意・担当者からの一言】<br /> 本科目はコンソーシアムの単位互換科目であり、他大学生も歓迎する。<br /> 【オフィスアワー・教員との連絡方法】<br /> 金曜1限が笠井のオフィスアワー。竹山への連絡・質問も笠井が取次可能。オフィスアワーの時間であるかどうかにかかわらず、事前にアポイントを取って下さい。<br /> ■講義概要・到達目標<br /> 【講義概要】<br /> キーワードを軸としながら、竹山→笠井→竹山→…と担当教員を交互に変え、相互に補足しながら講義を展開する。体系的な学修編成によって、まちづくりの考え方や取り組みについて十分理解した上で、自分たちにとっての「まちづくり」について対話・構想を深めてもらう。<br /> 【到達目標】<br /> まちづくりの考え方や取り組みについて理解し、今後のまちづくりについて自らの構想を人に伝えられるようになること。<br /> 【講義方法】<br /> 講義、ケーススタディ、ワークショップ、グループワークから構成される。<br /> ■講義スケジュール<br /> 第1-3回 概説 <br /> 第4-6回 まちづくりの動向 -人口減少社会、地方創生、計画行政 <br /> 第7-9回 まちづくりの制度 -まちづくり三法、景観<br /> 第10-12回 さまざまなまちづくり<br /> 第13-15回 グループワーク<br /> ■参考書<br /> (未記載)<br /> <br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> ■担当教員<br /> 竹山 和弘(社会学部非常勤講師)<br /> ■試験・評価方法<br /> レポート 60% 期末レポート、授業レポート その他 40% グループ発表。<br /> ■その他特記事項<br /> 【会場】<br /> 龍谷大学瀬田学舎<br /> 第1回目の教室については別途「お知らせ」欄に記載します。<br /> 【授業時間外における予・復習の指示】<br /> グループワークでは、具体的な政策提案を目指すため、自らの関心に応じた事前準備を推奨する。<br /> 【履修上の注意・担当者からの一言】<br /> 本科目はコンソーシアムの単位互換科目であり、他大学生も歓迎する。<br /> ■講義概要・到達目標<br /> 【講義概要】<br /> 本授業では、まちづくりを取り巻く社会環境や理論を概観したうえで、滋賀県栗東市を中心としたまちづくり実践事例を学ぶ。特に、実践事例に関しては、栗東市との包括連携協定に基づき、栗東市役所の担当課から職員等を招き(5セット予定)、まちづくりの現場(基礎自治体)の実態や課題等を学ぶとともに、課題解決策等の検討を試みる。最後に、栗東市への具体的な政策提案を目指し、グループワークによる政策立案の実践に取り組む。<br /> 【到達目標】<br /> まちづくりの考え方や取組み実態を知り、自分事としてのまちづくりを考察し、自らの構想を練り上げ、実現に向けて必要となる能力を磨く。<br /> 【講義方法】<br /> 講義、事例聴講、事例の振り返り、ワークショップにより構成する。<br /> ■講義スケジュール<br /> 第1-3回 オリエンテーション、まちづくり概説<br /> 第4-5回 総合戦略と総合計画<br /> 第6-7回 シティセールス<br /> 第8-9回 商工振興<br /> 第10-11回 景観まちづくり<br /> 第12-13回 空き家対策<br /> 第14-15回 グループワーク、政策コンペ<br /> ■参考書<br /> 竹山和弘「まちを楽しくする仕事」水曜社(ISBN : 11805007988)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br /> 2018.7.3更新</p> <h2>変更内容<br /> *2018年7月3日修正*</h2> <table style=”width: 645.7px;height: 201px”> <tbody> <tr> <td style=”width: 52px”>科目コード</td> <td style=”width: 71px”>科目名</td> <td style=”width: 73px”>科目開設大学</td> <td style=”width: 70px”>変更箇所</td> <td style=”width: 350.7px”>変更内容</td> </tr> <tr> <td style=”width: 52px”>B117</td> <td style=”width: 71px”>考古学研究Ⅰ</td> <td style=”width: 73px”>京都橘大学</td> <td style=”width: 70px”>開講期間</td> <td style=”width: 350.7px”>【変更前】<br /> 2018年09月21日(金)~2019年02月02日(土)<br /> 3講時 13時00分~14時30分(毎週水曜日) <br /> <br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> 2018年09月21日(金)~2019年02月02日(土)<br /> 3講時 13時00分~14時30分<span style=”color: #ff0000″>(毎週火曜日) </span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br /> 2018.6.5更新</p> <h2>変更内容<br /> *2018年6月5日修正*</h2> <table style=”width: 650.32px”> <tbody> <tr> <td style=”width: 51px”><strong>科目コード</strong></td> <td style=”width: 97px”><strong>科目名</strong></td> <td style=”width: 66px”><strong>科目開設大学</strong></td> <td style=”width: 82px”><strong>変更箇所</strong></td> <td style=”width: 336.32px”><strong>変更内容</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style=”width: 51px”>H145</td> <td style=”width: 97px”>空間エンタテインメント概論</td> <td style=”width: 66px”>立命館大学</td> <td style=”width: 82px”>開講期間</td> <td style=”width: 336.32px”>【変更前】<br /> 2018年9月3日(月)~2018年9月8日(土)<br /> (時限未定)<br /> ※変更になる場合があります。<br /> <br /> <教室案内><br /> 「立命館大学の開講科目を受講する皆様へ」から確認してください。<br /><br /> kyotuu/renraku.html<br /> <br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> 2018年9月3日(月)~2018年9月7日(金)(連続5日間)<br /> 9月3日(月)2~4限 10:40~16:10<br /> 9月4日(火)2~4限 10:40~16:10<br /> 9月5日(水)2~4限 10:40~16:10<br /> 9月6日(木)2~4限 10:40~16:10<br /> 9月7日(金)2~4限 10:40~16:10<br /> ※第2時限 10:40~12:10<br />  第3時限 13:00~14:30<br />  第4時限 14:40~16:10<br /> <br /> <教室案内><br /> 「立命館大学の開講科目を受講する皆様へ」から確認してください。<br /><br /> kyotuu/renraku.html</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br /> <br /> 2018.4.6更新</p> <h2>変更内容<br /> *2018年4月6日修正*</h2> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>科目コード</strong></td> <td><strong>科目名</strong></td> <td><strong>科目開設大学</strong></td> <td><strong>変更箇所</strong></td> <td><strong>変更内容</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>G112</td> <td>人間情報<br /> 処理入門</td> <td>京都産業大学</td> <td>開講期間</td> <td>【変更前】<br /> 2018年04月21日(土)~2018年07月21日(土)<br /> <br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> 2018年04月07日(土)~2018年07月21日(土)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br /> <br /> 2018.4.5更新</p> <h2>変更内容<br /> *2018年4月5日修正*</h2> <table style=”width: 673px”> <tbody> <tr> <td style=”width: 58px”>科目コード</td> <td style=”width: 85px”>科目名</td> <td style=”width: 125px”>科目開設大学</td> <td style=”width: 75.16px”>変更箇所</td> <td style=”width: 315.83px”>変更内容</td> </tr> <tr> <td style=”width: 58px”>C124</td> <td style=”width: 85px”>観光地誌</td> <td style=”width: 125px”>平安女学院大学</td> <td style=”width: 75.16px”>開講期間</td> <td style=”width: 315.83px”>【変更前】<br /> 2講時 10時50分~12時20分(毎週月曜日)<br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】<br /> </span>5講時 16時30分~18時00分(毎週月曜日)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> <p>2018.4.3更新</p> <h2>変更内容<br /> *2018年4月3日修正*</h2> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>科目コード</td> <td>科目名</td> <td>科目開設大学</td> <td>変更箇所</td> <td>変更内容</td> </tr> <tr> <td>C116</td> <td>美術各論</td> <td>京都造形大学</td> <td>講義スケジュール</td> <td>【変更前】<br /> ■授業計画<br /> 1. 4/11 椿昇 (現代美術)<br /> 2. 4/18 東島毅(油画)<br /> 3. 4/25 菅原健彦(日本画)<br /> 4. 5/9 神谷徹(油画)<br /> 5. 5/16 山本太郎(日本画)<br /> 6. 5/23 佐々木るり子(日本画)<br /> 7. 5/30 清水博文(版画)<br /> 8. 6/6  大庭大介(油画) <br /> 9. 6/13 吉川 弘(日本画)<br /> 10. 6/20 池田弘光(油画)<br /> 11. 6/27 竹内万里子(写真)<br /> 12. 7/4 高橋公平(現代美術)<br /> 13. 7/11 山田伸(日本画)<br /> 14. 7/18 青木芳昭(日本画・材料学)<br /> 15. 7/25 森本玄(ドローイング)<br /> <br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> ■授業計画<br /> ※6.7回の教員変更<br /> 1. 4/11 椿昇 (現代美術)<br /> 2. 4/18 東島毅(油画)<br /> 3. 4/25 菅原健彦(日本画)<br /> 4. 5/9 神谷徹(油画)<br /> 5. 5/16 山本太郎(日本画)<br /> 6. 5/23 清水博文(版画)<br /> 7. 5/30 鬼頭健吾(ペインティング)<br /> 8. 6/6  大庭大介(油画) <br /> 9. 6/13 吉川 弘(日本画)<br /> 10. 6/20 池田弘光(油画)<br /> 11. 6/27 竹内万里子(写真)<br /> 12. 7/4 高橋公平(現代美術)<br /> 13. 7/11 山田伸(日本画)<br /> 14. 7/18 青木芳昭(日本画・材料学)<br /> 15. 7/25 森本玄(ドローイング)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>B116</td> <td>考古学概説Ⅰ</td> <td>京都橘大学</td> <td>開講期間</td> <td>【変更前】<br /> 3講時 09時00分~10時30分(毎週木曜日)<br /> <br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> 3講時 13時00分~14時30分(毎週木曜日)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> <p>2018.3.23更新</p> <h2>変更内容<br /> *2018年3月23日修正*</h2> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>科目コード</strong></td> <td><strong>科目名</strong></td> <td><strong>科目開設大学</strong></td> <td><strong>変更箇所</strong></td> <td> <strong>変更内容</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>C116</td> <td>美術各論</td> <td>京都造形芸術大学</td> <td>講義スケジュール</td> <td> <p>【変更前】<br /> ■授業計画<br /> 1. 4/11 椿昇 (現代美術)<br /> 2. 4/18 東島毅(油画)<br /> 3. 4/25 菅原健彦(日本画)<br /> 4. 5/9 神谷徹(油画)<br /> 5. 5/16 奥村美佳(日本画)<br /> 6. 5/23 佐々木るり子(日本画)<br /> 7. 5/30 山河全(油画)<br /> 8. 6/6  大庭大介(油画) <br /> 9. 6/13 吉川 弘(日本画)<br /> 10. 6/20 池田弘光(油画)<br /> 11. 6/27 竹内万里子(写真)<br /> 12. 7/4 木村克朗(油画)<br /> 13. 7/11 山田伸(日本画)<br /> 14. 7/18 神内康年(総合造形)<br /> 15. 7/25 奥田輝芳(油画)<br /> <br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> ■授業計画<br /> ※回の教員変更<br /> 1. 4/11 椿昇 (現代美術)<br /> 2. 4/18 東島毅(油画)<br /> 3. 4/25 菅原健彦(日本画)<br /> 4. 5/9 神谷徹(油画)<br /> 5. 5/16 山本太郎(日本画)<br /> 6. 5/23 佐々木るり子(日本画)<br /> 7. 5/30 清水博文(版画)<br /> 8. 6/6  大庭大介(油画) <br /> 9. 6/13 吉川 弘(日本画)<br /> 10. 6/20 池田弘光(油画)<br /> 11. 6/27 竹内万里子(写真)<br /> 12. 7/4 高橋公平(現代美術)<br /> 13. 7/11 山田伸(日本画)<br /> 14. 7/18 青木芳昭(日本画・材料学)<br /> 15. 7/25 森本玄(ドローイング)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>C147</td> <td>工芸各論</td> <td>京都造形芸術大学</td> <td>講義スケジュール</td> <td> <p>【変更前】<br /> ■授業計画<br /> 1. 9/26 椿昇(現代美術)<br /> 2. 10/3 西村充(陶芸)<br /> 3. 10/10 清水博文(版画)<br /> 4. 10/17 青木芳昭(日本画)<br /> 5. 10/24 仁尾敬二(織)<br /> 6. 10/31 やなぎみわ(現代美術)<br /> 7. 11/7 鬼頭健吾(現代美術)<br /> 8. 11/21 ヤノベケンジ(現代美術)<br /> 9. 11/28 高橋耕平(現代美術)<br /> 10. 12/5 柴田純生(立体)<br /> 11. 12/12 山田真澄(日本画)<br /> 12. 12/19 金澤一水(総合造形)<br /> 13. 1/9 河野 愛(テキスタイル)<br /> 14. 1/16 清水六兵衛(陶芸)<br /> 15. 1/23 八幡はるみ(染)<br /> <br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> ■授業計画<br /> ※回の教員変更<br /> 1. 9/26 椿昇(現代美術)<br /> 2. 10/3 西村充(陶芸)<br /> 3. 10/10 名和晃平(現代美術)<br /> 4. 10/17 神内康年(陶芸)<br /> 5. 10/24 仁尾敬二(織)<br /> 6. 10/31 やなぎみわ(現代美術)<br /> 7. 11/7 珠寶(立花)<br /> 8. 11/21 ヤノベケンジ(現代美術)<br /> 9. 11/28 高木光司(繊維造形)<br /> 10. 12/5 柴田純生(立体)<br /> 11. 12/12 山田真澄(日本画)<br /> 12. 12/19 金澤一水(立体)<br /> 13. 1/9 河野 愛(テキスタイル)<br /> 14. 1/16 清水六兵衛(陶芸)<br /> 15. 1/23 八幡はるみ(染)</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br /> <br /> <br /> 2018.3.20更新</p> <h2>変更内容<br /> *2018年3月20日修正*</h2> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>科目コード</strong></td> <td><strong>科目名</strong></td> <td><strong>科目開設大学</strong></td> <td><strong>変更箇所</strong></td> <td> <strong>変更内容</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>C116</td> <td>美術各論</td> <td>京都造形芸術大学</td> <td>講義スケジュール</td> <td> <p>【変更前】<br /> ■授業計画<br /> 1. 4/12 椿昇 (現代美術)<br /> 2. 4/19 東島毅(油画)<br /> 3. 4/26 菅原健彦(日本画)<br /> 4. 5/10 神谷徹(油画)<br /> 5. 5/17 奥村美佳(日本画)<br /> 6. 5/24 佐々木るり子(日本画)<br /> 7. 5/31 山河全(油画)<br /> 8. 6/7  大庭大介(油画) <br /> 9. 6/14 吉川 弘(日本画)<br /> 10. 6/21 池田弘光(油画)<br /> 11. 6/28 竹内万里子(写真)<br /> 12. 7/5 木村克朗(油画)<br /> 13. 7/12 山田伸(日本画)<br /> 14. 7/19 神内康年(総合造形)<br /> 15. 7/26 奥田輝芳(油画)</p> <p><span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> ■授業計画<br /> 1. 4/11 椿昇 (現代美術)<br /> 2. 4/18 東島毅(油画)<br /> 3. 4/25 菅原健彦(日本画)<br /> 4. 5/9 神谷徹(油画)<br /> 5. 5/16 奥村美佳(日本画)<br /> 6. 5/23 佐々木るり子(日本画)<br /> 7. 5/30 山河全(油画)<br /> 8. 6/6  大庭大介(油画) <br /> 9. 6/13 吉川 弘(日本画)<br /> 10. 6/20 池田弘光(油画)<br /> 11. 6/27 竹内万里子(写真)<br /> 12. 7/4 木村克朗(油画)<br /> 13. 7/11 山田伸(日本画)<br /> 14. 7/18 神内康年(総合造形)<br /> 15. 7/25 奥田輝芳(油画)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>C147</td> <td>工芸各論</td> <td>京都造形芸術大学</td> <td>講義スケジュール</td> <td> <p>【変更前】<br /> ■授業計画<br /> 1. 9/27 椿昇(現代美術)<br /> 2. 10/4 西村充(陶芸)<br /> 3. 10/11 清水博文(版画)<br /> 4. 10/18 青木芳昭(日本画)<br /> 5. 10/25 仁尾敬二(織)<br /> 6. 11/1 やなぎみわ(現代美術)<br /> 7. 11/8 鬼頭健吾(現代美術)<br /> 8. 11/22 ヤノベケンジ(現代美術)<br /> 9. 11/29 高橋耕平(現代美術)<br /> 10. 12/6 柴田純生(総合造形)<br /> 11. 12/13 山田真澄(日本画)<br /> 12. 12/20 金澤一水(総合造形)<br /> 13. 1/10 河野 愛(テキスタイル)<br /> 14. 1/17 清水六兵衛(陶芸)<br /> 15. 1/24 八幡はるみ(染)</p> <p><span style=”color: #ff0000″>【変更後】</span><br /> ■授業計画<br /> 1. 9/26 椿昇(現代美術)<br /> 2. 10/3 西村充(陶芸)<br /> 3. 10/10 清水博文(版画)<br /> 4. 10/17 青木芳昭(日本画)<br /> 5. 10/24 仁尾敬二(織)<br /> 6. 10/31 やなぎみわ(現代美術)<br /> 7. 11/7 鬼頭健吾(現代美術)<br /> 8. 11/21 ヤノベケンジ(現代美術)<br /> 9. 11/28 高橋耕平(現代美術)<br /> 10. 12/5 柴田純生(総合造形)<br /> 11. 12/12 山田真澄(日本画)<br /> 12. 12/19 金澤一水(総合造形)<br /> 13. 1/9 河野 愛(テキスタイル)<br /> 14. 1/16 清水六兵衛(陶芸)<br /> 15. 1/23 八幡はるみ(染)</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /> <h2>*2018年3月14日追記*</h2> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>掲載ページ</td> <td>科目コード</td> <td>科目名</td> <td>大学名</td> <td><strong>変更内容</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>P.211<br /> および<br /> P.12~15</td> <td>J010</td> <td>王朝貴族の生活―季節の移ろいをよむ―</td> <td>京都精華大学</td> <td><span style=”color: #ff0000″> P.12~の「各大学・短期大学手続一覧」に本科目出願に必要な手続一覧を追記しました。</span><br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″> 下記のPDFをご確認ください。</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h2><a href=””><span style=”font-size: 14pt”><strong>京都精華大学 手続一覧</strong></span></a><br /> <br /> <br /> *2018年3月6日修正*</h2> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>掲載<br /> ページ</td> <td>科目<br /> コード</td> <td>科目名</td> <td>大学名</td> <td>変更内容</td> <td><strong>修正前</strong></td> <td><strong>修正後</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>P.222</td> <td> J109</td> <td>でんおん連続講座B <br /> 京都の琴<br /> (その5)</td> <td>京都市立芸術<br /> 大学</td> <td>受講形態</td> <td> <p><strong>【開講日程】<br /> 2018年6月9日~7月7日(全3回)<br /> 3講時13時~<br /> 14時30分<br /> 隔週土曜日開講(日程は講義スケジュールを参照)<br /> </strong></p> </td> <td> <p><strong>【開講日程】<br /> 2018年6月9日~7月7日(全3回)<br /> 3講時13時~14時30分<br /> <span style=”color: #ff0000″>4講時14時40分~16時10分</span><br /> 隔週土曜日開講(日程は講義スケジュールを参照)</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

We will hold the 2018 SD Seminar “Student Open Presentation”!

Since 2015, the University Consortium Kyoto has been working at each university and junior college, mainly member schools.
SD seminars are held with the aim of fostering the next generation of professional staff who will be responsible for university management.
In fiscal 2018, 16 university staff members participated in the program and attended a total of eight lectures over a two-month period.
On Saturday, September 8, we will hold a public presentation in which the students will present their results.
Anyone can visit and enter and exit the room during the tour.
For information on how to apply and the application deadline, please see “Application” below.

◆2018 SD Seminar [Click here for details]

2018 SD Seminar “Student Open Presentation”

Date & Time: Saturday, September 8, 2018 10:00~15:40 *You can enter and leave the room during the session.
Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 2nd Floor Hall

Program Schedule * Start and end times are approximate. It is subject to change depending on progress.
In addition, the theme of the presentation is subject to change.

order Start time Presenter Affiliation Presentation Themes
10:00~10:10 Explanation from the Secretariat
1 10:10 Kyoto University of Art and Design Information Security Measures and Policies Required of Universities
2 10:25 Kyoto Tachibana University About the use of Learning Portfolios
3 10:40 Kyoto Sangyo University A Study on the Literacy of University Staff ~Status of Study and Retention of Knowledge in Higher Education through Questionnaire Surveys~
4 10:55 Otani University
Otani University Junior College
Consideration on the Third Approach to Securing Financial Resources
-Securing financial resources through donations-
11:10~11:20 Small break (10 minutes)
5 11:20 Kyoto Sangyo University What is the reform of university admissions to accept diverse human resources?
6 11:35 Hiroshima Institute of Technology A Study on the Leadership of University Administrative Staff
~ From the perspective of a general section employee ~
7 11:50 Hanazono University Career Education at Hanazono University
~Toward a reduction in school dropouts~
8 12:05 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Grounded University Reform ~Thinking from the Perspective of Globalization~
12:20~13:20 Lunch break (60 minutes)
9 13:20 Otani University
Otani University Junior College
Research on the university’s original scholarship to promote active learning
10 13:35 Kyoto Women’s University A Study on the Process of Dissemination of Vision within the University
11 13:50 Kyoto University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences A Study of the Significance and Methods of Restraining the Management of Private Universities
~From the system and theory of the corporation~
12 14:05 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies How to increase college retention
~Focusing on Enrollment Management~
14:20~14:30 Small break (10 minutes)
13 14:30 Kyoto University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Initiatives to help students acquire cross-cultural understanding skills
14 14:45 Bukkyo University Considering the “Skills to Acquire” of University Students from the “High School-University Connection Reform”
15 15:00 Kyoto University of Art and Design Should adult education be conducted at a university?
16 15:15 University Consortium Kyoto Cultivating a New Audience for University Enrollment in an Era of Declining 18-Year-Old Population
15:30~15:40 Closing Remarks

About application

Application deadline: Saturday, September 1, 2018

How to apply: Download the application form, enter the required information, and enter the required information.
Please apply by e-mail to sd■
(Please replace ■ with @)
Application Form [Click here to download]


University Consortium Kyoto SD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

“Kyomachiya News” report has been updated!

Higher education event NAVI “Kyomachiya” is a portal site for information on higher education events operated by the University Consortium Kyoto.

* Click the image to go to the top page of “Kyomachiya”

“Kyomachiya News” report has been updated!

This time, we have updated the “Staff Report” series, in which faculty and staff members of the University Consortium Kyoto report in a relay format. The theme is “NINJA, Autonomous Learning Support Office for Foreign Languages” at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.
We interviewed Kyomachi and News in July 2014, shortly after opening, but it was reopened in September 2017.
Therefore, this time, we asked him to report on the current situation.

“Staff Report” 9: Kyoto University of Foreign Studies “Foreign Language Autonomous Learning Support Office NINJA”

To those who are scheduled to present “The 14th Policy Research Exchange Conference from Kyoto” Papers for the 13th Conference Research Encouragement Award have been posted!


The recipients of the Research Encouragement Award at the 13th Policy Research Exchange Conference from Kyoto held on Sunday, December 3, 2017

Papers will be published. Click on each item to view the PDF data.


Award Name


Presentation Title

Name of organization

Kyoto Prefectural Governor’s Award

(Graduate School)

Promotion of PFI in Local Governments

Kyoto Prefectural Policy Advocacy Seminar

(Kyoto University)


Kyoto Mayor’s Prize


In the formation of food industry clusters

Hiraoka Seminar Industry Group

(Ritsumeikan University)

Disasters and Gender

Kawaguchi Seminar Group 2

(Doshisha University)


University Consortium Kyoto
President’s Award


Improvement of the process of local government policy formation through “Young Review”

Kyoto Prefectural University
Faculty of Public Policy

Public Policy Practicum I. 2nd year
Kubota Seminar

(Kyoto Prefectural University)


Japan Society for Public Policy Award


A Study on Building a Relationship between Children’s Cafeterias and Children
~Through activities in Ibaraki City~

Children’s Cafeteria Group

(Ritsumeikan University)


Award of Excellence


Consideration of trends in the location of private lodgings in the three wards of Kyoto City (Shimogyo-ku, Nakagyo-ku, Higashiyama-ku) and proposals for improvement of local initiative

Faculty of Policy Studies, Ryukoku University

Department of Policy Studies

Daisuke Abe Seminar

(Ryukoku University)


Current Status and Issues of the Japan Heritage Strategy
~Using Iba Town as an example~

Fukao Seminar C

(Ryukoku University)


Sustainability of Community-Managed Farming, Forestry and Fishing Village Vacation Rentals

Faculty of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University

Hiraoka Seminar Tourism Team

(Ritsumeikan University)


Temple Shelter
~Thinking of temples as refuge~

Ishihara Seminar

Temple and Disaster Prevention Community Development Project

(Ryukoku University)


Responding to the destruction of townscapes by coin-operated parking lots

Kazama Seminar Landscape Group

(Doshisha University)


A Study on Building a Relationship between Children’s Cafeterias and Children
~Through activities in Ibaraki City~

Children’s Cafeteria Group

(Ritsumeikan University)


How can I meet the person of my destiny?
~Marriage support that is needed now~

Otsuka Seminar

Marriage Groups

(Bukkyo University)



Vacant House Project

Shinkawa Seminar

(Doshisha University)


Satoumi Policy Process Analysis in Japan

Minori Fukuda

(Ritsumeikan University)



* Only papers that have been published with permission are published.


【Inquiries regarding this matter】

University Consortium Kyoto
In charge of the 14th Policy Research Exchange Conference from Kyoto
TEL 075-353-9130 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Release of the 23rd FD Forum Report

We are pleased to announce the release of the report of the 23rd FD Forum held on March 3 and 4, 2018 “The Past and Future of FD ~Thinking about FD from Various Angles~”. Click on each item to view the PDF data.
The 24th FD Forum will be held on March 2 and 3, 2019 at Ritsumeikan University’s Kinugasa Campus. Details of the event will be announced on the website by early December.


Day 1: Saturday, March 3, 2018

 Opening Remarks
 symposium The past and future of FDs ~Thinking about FDs from various angles~


Day 2: Sunday, March 4, 2018

Session 1 Student Facilitator/Student Assistant: Collaborative Classes and Learning Opportunities: Practical Examples and Future Visions
Session 2 What’s going on? What are you going to do? Evaluation of each practical training: nursing training, welfare training, education, qualification training-
Subcommittee 3 Perspectives on Liberal Arts Education
Session 4 Design and Operation of Cross-Sectional Programs for Cultivating Science Literacy: Focusing on Statistics Education, Integrated Science Experiments, and Practical Exchange Site Models
Subcommittee 5 Evaluation to grasp higher-order abilities ~Thinking about what kind of evaluation is suitable for capturing what kind of ability, including task creation~
Session 6 Effects of Fieldwork in Experiential and Practical Learning and Operational Issues
Session 7 Information Security Education: Liberal Arts Education, Specialized Education
Session 8 What is the “exit” of a university?: Liberal Arts, Citizenship, Career, and Human Education
Session 9 Organizational operation and practice of PBL
Session 10 The Future of Regional Qualification Education Programs and Regional Cooperation
Session 11 Thinking about Student Performance Evaluation: Focusing on Engineering and Pharmacy Education
Session 12 Business and Undergraduate Seminar Activities
Poster Session


University Consortium Kyoto FD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【For Faculty and Staff】2018 IR Forum (July 29)

≪Information on the expiration of capacity and waiting list≫

We had expanded the capacity from the originally planned 150 to 220 people, but since the number of applications has reached the capacity, we have closed the application.
We apologize for any inconvenience we may have received from those who have been considering applying, and thank you for your patience.

* Although there are a few people, we are accepting waiting lists until July 23 (Monday).
* For those who have registered on the waiting list but could not prepare a seat,
After the forum, we will send you the handouts on the day.


The University Consortium Kyoto will hold an IR Forum in collaboration with Liacec Co., Ltd.

With the number of 18-year-olds declining and the severe environment known as the “2018 Problem,” management reform is an urgent issue for universities, and many universities are implementing a wide variety of management strategies. Similarly, in education and classes, which are the cornerstone of university management, many universities are conducting research and trial and error on how to visualize learning outcomes and how to link the data obtained from these results to class improvement.

Therefore, in this forum, Mr. Kobayashi, the editor-in-chief of “College Management” in his keynote speech and the director of the Recruit Research Institute for Academic Advancement, who is well versed in university management reform and educational reform, will talk about how to proceed with management reform through IR in the future and how important educational reform is in this context. We will introduce practical examples of management reform based on the PDCA cycle based on management data, as well as specific efforts to improve education in response to issues that have emerged from the visualization of learning outcomes. In the second half of the panel discussion, we will delve into more specific content.

2018 IR Forum

A transformative university! Changing
Organizations and Education from Visualization of Learning Outcomes and Management Data ~
Synergy and Practice of Classroom Improvement and Management Reform Using IR~

Date & Time:
Sunday, July 29, 2018 13:00~17:00 (Doors open at 12:30)

Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th floor, Lecture Room 1

Capacity: 150220 (first-come, first-served basis)
* Due to popular demand, the capacity has been expanded.

Participation fee: Free

Eligibility: Faculty and staff of universities, junior colleges, vocational schools, etc.
* In particular, those who are involved in university management, educational reform, FD and educational development, IR and inspection evaluation, career education, etc.

Organizers: Liasec Co., Ltd., University Consortium Kyoto

The program includes:


 The 18-year-old population is declining! Practical Measures
for University Management Reform Under Pressure ~Survival Strategies in the Age of University Selection~

Director of Recruit Research Institute for Academic Advancement / Editor-in-Chief of Recruit College Management
Hiroshi Kobayashi

good fortune

 A management system and two IRs to materialize the management plan
~Until we achieved an increase in the number of applicants for 12 consecutive years~

Fukuoka Institute of Technology Executive Director
Tadahiko Otani


 Verification and Improvement of Educational Effectiveness of Active Learning Classes ~What we saw from the verification of the educational effects of each type of student using the measurement results of generic skills~

Meisei University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics, Specially Appointed Professor
Masaaki Hatano

 ≪Panel Discussion≫
The significance of management reform and educational reform and what is necessary to realize it

Coordinator: Professor Masayuki Murakami, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies



How to apply

●WEB application: Please apply from the application site (external link)

●Fax application: Please apply using the application form on the flyer


Inquiries about IR Forum

Liasec Corporation

【Information】2018 Kyoto College University Relay Course (7/28 (Sat) Otani University)

The University Consortium Kyoto conducts the “Kyoto College University Relay Course,” which is a relay of open lectures at member universities and junior colleges.
We would like to inform you that the course will be held as follows.

Even those who feel that the threshold for multiple consecutive courses is high can easily participate as an opportunity to come into contact with and experience university courses.
There is no application or course fee. We look forward to your visit.

Encounter with this application ~ Through Shinran ~
Akinobu Fujishima (Professor, Department of Shinshu Buddhism, Faculty of Letters, Otani University)

Date & Time: Saturday, July 28, 2018 13:30~15:00 (Reception 13:00~)
Place: Campus Plaza Kyoto (about a 7-minute walk from Kyoto Station, Shimogyo-ku, Nishitoin Shiokoji)
Lecture Room 2 on the 4th floor
Capacity: 250 (no application required, first-come, first-served basis)
Participation fee: Free

Outline of the course

Lecture at Otani University
Course Summary: Meeting Shinran meant a lot to him. Meet the Dharma, meet the Nembutsu,
I met Amida Buddha’s main wish. Shinran’s way of life changed greatly due to his encounter.
I would like to ask you about the significance of such an encounter with this application in Shinran.

◆ [Reference]: 2018 University Relay Course Flyer

< I was presented with a letter of appreciation > the internship.

We are pleased to present you with a certificate of appreciation!

As the 2018 academic year marks the 20th anniversary of the Foundation’s internship program, the University Consortium Kyoto is pleased to present the following letters of appreciation to the companies and organizations that have been working hard to accept students for their understanding over the years.

■ Companies and organizations that accept certificates of appreciation (in order of honorifics and IDs)
No. course Company Name
1 Business & Public The Westin Miyako Kyoto
2 Business & Public SRM Corporation
3 Business & Public Kyoto Shinkin Bank
4 Business & Public Kyoto Central Shinkin Bank
5 Business & Public Kyoto Broadcasting Co., Ltd.
6 Business & Public JIIKE Kyoto Corporation
7 Business & Public Maruzen Junkudo Bookstore Kyoto
8 Business & Public Choei Corporation
9 Business & Public Tomitaya Corporation
10 Business & Public Toshio Nakamura Law Office
11 Business & Public Hotel Granvia Osaka Co., Ltd.
12 Business & Public Uji City Hall
13 Business & Public Kyoto
14 Business & Public Kyoto Prefectural Government
15 Business & Public Shiga Prefectural Government
16 Business & Public Nagaokakyo City Hall
17 Business & Public Daiichi Corporation
18 Business & Public Aozora Printing Co., Ltd.
19 progress Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education
20 Business & Public Kyoto Women’s University
21 Business & Public Doshisha University
22 Business & Public Ritsumeikan University
23 Business & Public Kyoto Bunkyo University
24 Business & Public Sankyo Seiki Corporation
25 Business & Public Sekihiro Corporation
26 Business & Public Hana Kobo Co., Ltd.
27 Business & Public Aoi General Insurance Co., Ltd.
28 Business & Public Being Inc.
29 Business & Public Artom Inc.
30 Business & Public Kyoto University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
31 Business & Public Kyoto University
32 Business & Public Etre Communications Inc.



University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

2018 Recruitment of Companies Accepting Paid Internships for International Students (Organizer: International Student Study Kyoto Network)

2018 Recruitment of Companies Accepting Paid Internships for International Students

International Student Study Kyoto Network (Secretariat: University Consortium Kyoto)

Since 2016, the International Student Study Kyoto Network (Secretariat: Kyoto International Affairs Department, University Consortium) has been offering a paid internship program for international students living in the Kyoto area. From this year, we will be looking for companies that can accept international students for this internship program. We are looking forward to receiving applications from Kyoto companies that are interested in hiring international students in the future.

*For more information on the International Student Study Kyoto Network, please refer to here.
* Flyer for accepting companies

Purpose and Features

This program provides opportunities for international students living in the Kyoto area who are aiming to find employment at Japan companies to deepen their understanding of the business content and attractiveness of companies in the Kyoto area (especially mid-tier enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises) through work experience, and aims to promote their motivation to recruit and find employment through mutual understanding between international students and companies, and to establish international students in the Kyoto area after employment. International students can take responsibility for their work by receiving a certain amount of remuneration for the work. For host companies, there are various benefits such as revitalizing the company by accepting international students, accumulating experience in accepting foreign employees, and PR to international students.

Eligible companies

30 small and medium-sized enterprises headquartered in the Kyoto area that can be accepted by offices in the Kyoto area.
* We are looking forward to receiving applications from companies that agree with the “Appendix About Accepting Companies”.

* We expect to accept about 1~2 people from each company, but depending on the matching situation between the company and the international student, we may not be able to accept the student, so we appreciate your understanding.

Eligible International Students

Students who are enrolled in a school that is a member of the International Student Study Kyoto Network and are scheduled to graduate or complete their school in March 2020. (Students who wish to graduate or complete the course in March or September 2019 are not excluded.)

* Includes those enrolled in vocational schools and those enrolled in Japanese schools who have graduated or completed higher education institutions in their home countries.

* For participating international students, we will check their Japanese language proficiency and motivation to work in Japan, and conduct preliminary training on business etiquette and compliance before dispatching.

[Last year’s results] Dispatch of 37 international students to 25 host companies

Period of employment

Early August 2018 ~ Late September 2018 (80 hours or more during the summer vacation period for international students)

* For details such as the actual period of employment, such as activities outside the status of residence of international students, please consult with the person in charge of the temporary staffing agency.

Acceptance Criteria

This is a paid internship based on a worker dispatch contract.

Company bears: Dispatch fee (¥1,150 per hour), student transportation fee (actual cost up to ¥1,000 per day) * Once the dispatched international student is confirmed, a worker dispatch contract will be concluded with the operator (dispatch company) that will outsource the operation of this project. As a result, there is no need for social insurance and other procedures at the host company.

Flow after applying for participation of the host company

After applying for participation in this program, the operator (temporary staffing company) that outsources the operation of this program will proceed with specific administrative procedures such as a dispatch contract.

(1) Notification from the Secretariat of confirmation of the participation of the host company (by May 20, 2018)

(2) Exchange meetings between host companies and international students

You will be asked to answer questions from international students about your business and the work you are in charge of. After the exchange meeting, international students submit their wishes to the secretariat of the company where they will work for the internship.
There were no applications from international students to companies that did not participate in the exchange event last year. If you are a company that wishes to accept us, please be sure to participate.

Date & Time: Saturday, June 2, 2018 12:00~16:00

Venue: Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Room 1~4

(3) Selection and matching through individual interviews with international students by the secretariat (June 3 ~ late June)

(4) Notification of matching results to international students and companies (~end of June)

(5) Face-to-face visits to companies (early ~ mid-July)

(6) Pre-training for participating international students (July 5 (Thu), 7 (Sat), 12 (Thu), 14 (Sat))

(7) Employment at the host company (early August ~ late September)

(8) Post-training for participating international students (late October)

(9) Debriefing and exchange meetings for international students and companies (November)

How to apply

Please fill out the application form (click here) below, attach the electronic data of the application form to an e-mail, and send it to the person in charge at the contact point by 17:00 on Tuesday, May 15, 2018.

* After confirming the contents, the operator (dispatch company) will contact the company by May 20 to confirm the contents and whether or not to participate.

Inquiries about this project in general

International Student Study Kyoto Network Secretariat

University Consortium Kyoto International Business Department (Contact: Tsukuda)

TEL:075-353-9164 FAX:075-353-9101

Heisei 30 “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” Recruitment Notice

Kyoto City and the University Consortium Kyoto are implementing the “University Regional Collaboration Creation and Support Project (nicknamed the Gakumachi Collaboration Project)” to support the efforts by granting support funds to projects and projects that work on urban development and regional revitalization in Kyoto through “collaboration” between universities, students, and local communities.
This year marks the 15th year of the program, with the aim of developing human resources by securing practical education and research opportunities for universities, and for local communities, solving local issues and revitalizing them through the knowledge of the university and the vitality of students.
We are pleased to announce that we will start recruiting for the 30th academic year, so please check the following guidelines before applying.

NEW It has become easier to apply for the ≪Cultural Framework≫

From this fiscal year, projects that apply for the cultural category may be selected in the general category.

As for the judging, the content of the projects will be judged in the same way for both the general and cultural categories, and only the cultural category will be judged from the perspective of the student’s degree of contribution to the local community.

★ What is the “Cultural Framework”?

In March 28, it was decided to completely relocate the Agency for Cultural Affairs to Kyoto. Taking this as an opportunity, we have established a “cultural frame” for the Gakumachi Collaboration Project from the 29th academic year, and we are expanding the activity expenses for creating and disseminating printed materials and videos for efforts to “disseminate” diverse cultures from Kyoto.

Target Businesses

 For the purpose of solving local issues and revitalizing the city of Kyoto, projects that fall under the following requirements ((1) and (2) for the general category and (1), (2), and (3) for the cultural framework) to be implemented in Kyoto City during the Heisei 30 fiscal year (from the date of adoption to the end of March of the following year) are eligible.
However, political activities, religious activities, activities that promote specific ideas, violent or destructive activities, commercial businesses, etc. are excluded.
* Projects applied for the cultural category may be selected in the general category.
* Projects applied for the general category will not be selected for the cultural category.

[Common requirements for general and cultural frameworks]
(1) Projects in which universities and student groups and local communities (residents’ organizations, civic activity groups, businesses, etc., mainly in the Kyoto City area) collaborate and collaborate as organizations and groups, and in particular, students take the initiative in their activities.
* Administrative agencies may be included as collaborators, but cooperation with administrative agencies alone is not possible.
Examples: Health and welfare, social education, community development, promotion of academic, cultural, artistic or sports, environmental conservation,
Surveys and research in various fields such as community safety, citizen lectures, events, etc.

(2) Those who have not received any subsidies or subsidies from Kyoto City other than the Gakumachi Collaboration Project.

[Requirements for the cultural quota only]
(3) Priority theme: “Culture of the region”*
In addition to the requirements of (1) and (2), it is necessary to dig up the culture that lies dormant in the region and to pass on the culture that has been passed down from generation to generation in the region.
Projects that work on dissemination to preserve for the future, or to create a new culture through the knowledge of the university and the vitality of its students.
Businesses to work on.
 In order to inherit and archive local culture, it is necessary to disseminate the results of activities in print and video.
* “Culture” includes lifestyles and customs such as art, performing arts, events, industry, food, clothing, housing, etc., as well as old and new.
There are diverse aspects.
Universities, student groups, and the local community themselves should carry out activities from the perspective of “this is culture.”

Target Organizations

Organizations and groups of University Consortium, Kyoto member universities and junior colleges (*1)
A local organization that mainly works in the Kyoto city area (*2)

(*1) University departments, laboratories, seminars, clubs, student circles (circles composed of students from multiple universities are also acceptable), etc.
*2 Residents’ organizations such as residents’ associations and neighborhood associations, civic activity groups, groups and groups consisting of businesses, etc. (shopping streets, etc.)

Amount and number of donations

General category: Up to 300,000 yen / about 15 cases
Cultural quota: Up to 450,000 yen / about 2 projects
* However, if you apply for the cultural quota, you will be required to use the support money to create deliverables such as printed materials and videos so that it will lead to the inheritance and dissemination of culture.
* In addition, at the project report meeting scheduled to be held in March 31, the implementing organization (1 organization) that is recognized as the most excellent will be commended (certificates, trophies, and activity incentives of 100,000 yen will be issued separately).

About the application

Application Period

Tuesday, April 3, 2018 ~ Friday, May 11, 2018
* If you send it by mail, it must arrive on the same day, and if you bring it by 5 p.m.

How to apply: Step 1 Before you start writing your application

It is recommended to read the master plan of the administrative district in which the activity will be carried out. In addition, please listen to the opinions of local people and related government agencies as much as possible regarding the background of the project implementation and the needs of the community. If you have any questions about the basic plan of the ward or points to keep in mind when working in the community, you can also consult with the Regional Power Promotion Office of each ward office or branch.
In addition to reconfirming and sharing your objectives and goals, let’s discuss and think again about whether the business you are thinking about is the best way to achieve your goals. In addition, with regard to continuing projects, let’s thoroughly summarize the efforts we have made so far.

How to apply: Step 2 Let’s write an application!

to download documents related business recruitment>
Application form (Word link)
Application form (example)

Points to fill in

○ Let’s check the judging criteria!

In particular, the first screening is all about the submitted documents. Let’s find out what criteria are used to judge the case.

○ What is the purpose of the project? Write down your purpose and local needs.

The group that listened to the opinions of local people and ward offices in step 1 should also write the contents.

○ Who are you collaborating with? What does each of them do? Let’s be specific.

The Gakumachi Collaboration emphasizes learning that can be obtained by collaborating with the university, students, and the community toward the same goal. If a student group is applying, write down what role the partner will play, and if a local organization is applying, write down what the student will do independently.

How to apply: Step 3 Register your business outline

Please register your business outline using the form below.


How to apply: Step 4 Submission of application documents

Please submit it by mail or bring it to the following address within the application period.
(1) 10 copies of application documents * If there are reference materials (up to 10 sheets), submit 10 copies of reference materials
(2) Application document data (MS-Word) * If reference materials are available, submit the reference data as well.
* Please do not change the prescribed form downloaded from the University Consortium Kyoto website for both (1) and (2).

Main Schedule for the Future

1st screening: After the application deadline ~ mid-June *Document screening
Second screening: June 24, 30 (Sunday) * Public presentation screening
Notification of support project decision and selection results: Early July 30
Approval formula: Early ~ mid-July 30 * A certificate will be issued by Kyoto City for the selected project.
Interim report: Mid ~ end of October 30 * Submission of documents
Final report: March 31 * Submission of documents
Announcement: Mid ~ end of March 31

Where to submit application documents and inquiries

University Consortium Kyoto Gakumachi Collaboration Project
TEL :075-353-9130 FAX: 075-353-9101
(Please change ■ to @ and send)
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00