【Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program (formerly Internship Program)】Practical training examples have been updated.

The page of practical examples has been updated.
We have received introductions and comments on the training schedule from the host companies that conducted the training in 2023.

We have also received a message for companies and organizations that are considering accepting, so please take a look.

☆ Example introduction page ☆

【Additional Recipients in FY2023】
< Business Class >
Ishida Co., Ltd.
Kyoto Seika University Kyoto International Manga Museum
Heartfriend Co., Ltd. (General Foods Super Fresco)
・ Tax accountant corporation Kyoto Bizicon

< public class>
・Kyoto City (Children and Youth Development Promotion Division, Children and Youth Future Department, Children and Youth Development Promotion Bureau)
・ Kyoto Prefecture Northern Regional Cooperation Metropolitan Area Promotion Company Ine Regional Headquarters (Ine Town Tourism Association)

【Comment content】
– What you expected when deciding to accept students and what you
emphasized when planning your practical training・ What you think “
went well” or “did not go well” in the practical training
・ About the merits (good effects)
of accepting students ・ Message to companies and organizations that are considering accepting students

【Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program (formerly Internship Program)】We have started accepting registrations for host companies and organizations for the 2024 academic year

Registration of trainees

We have started accepting registrations for the 2024 University Consortium Kyoto Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program (formerly the Internship Program).
If you are a company or organization that would like to cooperate, please register from “My Page” below.
The password is changed every year.
Please check the e-mail provided by the secretariat.

If you are a new company or organization that is thinking of accepting us, please feel free to contact us using the contact information below.
Many of the companies and organizations that have accepted students have been satisfied with their programs every year, such as “the atmosphere in the company has changed” and “the awareness of employees has changed,” so we hope that you will consider registering for this program.

Portal Site “For Companies and Organizations”



University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
* From April 2024, the name will be changed to “Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Business Promotion Office”
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【Internship Program】FY2023 Implementation Report Released

Publication of the FY2023 Implementation Report

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to companies, organizations, universities, and other stakeholders for their cooperation in implementing the 2023 internship program.

Thanks to your efforts, 168 university students were given the opportunity to gain work experience this year.

In order to develop the program as a program that can benefit both the host company and the student, we would like to ask for your continued understanding and cooperation, and we have summarized the implementation status of this year’s internship program in this book.
We hope you will take a look.

* From FY2024, the name of the program will be changed to “Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program” and will be implemented as an “Educational Program” as before.

FY2023 Implementation Report

* Please click above to view.


University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
* From April 2024, the name will be changed to “Industry-Academia Collaboration Business Promotion Office”
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【Event Report】The 20th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum, which aims to exchange information on the initiatives and research results of each university consortium in order to contribute to the development of higher education.
The commemorative 20th Forum was co-hosted by the Fujinokuni Regional and University Consortium at Tokoha University’s Shizuoka Kusanagi Campus with the main theme of “Creating a Sustainable Community Weaved by the University Consortium ~Aiming to Create New Value in the Post-Corona Era~”, and was held in Shizuoka Prefecture for the first time.

A total of 234 university faculty members and educators from all over Japan participated in the event, and through keynote speeches, symposiums, case reports and exchanges of opinions in breakout sessions, it was an opportunity to exchange information on the state of the “University Consortium.”

▼ Tokoha University Shizuoka Kusanagi Campus 


[Saturday, September 2]

▼ National Association of University Consortiums
Greetings from Hikaru Kurosaka

▼ President of Shizuoka University,
President, Fuji no Kuni Regional and University Consortium
Greetings from Mr. Kazuyuki Hizume

▼ Greetings from Shizuoka Prefecture Deputy Governor Tsutomu Deno

▼ State of the venue


The keynote speech was given by Dr. Kazuo Oike, President of the University of Shizuoka and Vice President of the Fujinokuni Regional and University Consortium, on the theme of “The Land of Shizuoka, the Land of Japan ~Large-Scale Natural Disasters and Crisis Management for Higher Education Institutions~”.

▼ Keynote Speaker Kazuo Oike▼ Keynote Speech


At the symposium, speakers gave presentations on the theme of “Expectations for University Consortiums for the Development of Sustainable Local Communities” from the standpoint of industry, government, and academia, and lively discussions ensued in the discussions that followed.

≪ Coordinator≫
Dr. Kazuyuki Hizume (President, Shizuoka University, President, Fujinokuni Regional and University Consortium)
≪ Symposist
Tsutomu Deno (Deputy Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture)
Mr. Kimio Sakai (Shizuoka Railway Co., Ltd. Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Shigehiro Ikegami (Superintendent, Shizuoka Prefectural Board of Education)

▼ Symposium 


In the report on the administration of education, we welcomed Mr. Kenichi Yamada, Assistant Director, University Education and Admissions Division, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and reported on “Trends in Higher Education Policy.”

▼ Presenter of Education and Education: Mr. Kenichi Yamada
(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Assistant Director, University Education and Admissions Division, Higher Education Bureau)


At the poster session, which brought together 18 organizations from consortiums, governments, and companies nationwide, participants asked many questions and commented on their respective initiatives, and exhibitors and participants actively interacted with each other.      

▼ Poster Session ▼ University Introduction Corner
▼ Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
R&D Strategy Division, Science and Technology Policy Bureau
▼ Public Interest Incorporated Association
2025 Japan Association for the International Exposition
▼ Shizuoka▼ Shizuoka City
▼ Iwate Higher Education Consortium▼ Sendai Consortium
▼ University Consortium Yamagata ▼ Academia Consortium Fukushima (ACF)
▼ Public Interest Incorporated Association
Academic, Cultural and Industrial Network Tama
▼ University Consortium Hachioji
▼ Public Interest Incorporated Association
Sagamihara-Machida University Regional Consortium
▼ Public Interest Incorporated Association
Fujinokuni Regional and University Consortium
▼ University Consortium Ishikawa▼ University Consortium Kyoto
▼ Non-profit organization
University Consortium Osaka
▼ University Consortium Okayama
▼ Educational Network Chugoku▼ University Consortium Kumamoto


At the information exchange meeting, the participants exchanged food and drinks for the first time in four years after the Corona disaster, and participants said that they were able to communicate with each other in a way that only face-to-face events can provide.

▼ Information exchange meeting


[Sunday, September 3]

On the second day of the forum, four subcommittees were held on various themes related to universities and consortiums, and practical case reports and exchanges of opinions with participants were held.

▼ Subcommittee 1
(University Consortium Kyoto)
▼ Subcommittee 2
(Academic, Cultural and Industrial Network Tama)
▼ Session 3
(Fujinokuni Regional and University Consortium)
▼ Subcommittee 4
(University Consortium Osaka)


The purpose of the establishment of this council is to exchange information and research among the university consortiums, and the participation and active exchange of information by many of you will lead to great success.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the faculty and staff members as well as the many consortiums for their participation and cooperation.

 The next 21st Forum will be co-hosted by the University Consortium Kyoto and will be held in Kyoto City in September 2024.
Details will be announced on the website of the University Consortium Kyoto as soon as they are decided.
We look forward to your participation.


◆Click here for more information about the National Association of University Consortiums.

Notice of power outage throughout the building

On Monday, February 5, 2024, Campus Plaza Kyoto will be
There will be a power outage throughout the building. During the following power outage hours, there are some items that cannot be used.
Thank you for your understanding.

Power outage time: Monday, February 5, 2024 9:00 ~ 15:00 (planned)

Please note that during a power outage, the following items will not be available or supported.
  (1) Sending and receiving e-mails, faxes, etc.
(2) Browse the availability check page of Campus Plaza Kyoto (Rental Venues and Facilities Usage Guide)
(3) Browsing the Foundation’s website, such as the special website for credit transfer

Depending on the recovery status, you may not be able to view the site even at 3 p.m.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

2/5 (Mon) Notice of suspension of the availability confirmation page due to power outage in the entire building

On Monday, February 5, 2024, Campus Plaza Kyoto will be
There will be a power outage throughout the building.
During the following power outage hours, you will not be able to use the availability confirmation page.
Thank you for your understanding.

Power outage time: Monday, February 5, 2024 9:00 ~ 15:00 (planned)

Please note that during a power outage, the following items will not be available or supported.
(1) Sending and receiving e-mails, faxes, etc.
(2) Browse the availability check page of Campus Plaza Kyoto (rental venue and facility usage information)
(3) Browsing the Foundation’s website, such as a special website for credit transfer

Depending on the recovery status, you may not be able to view the site even at 3 p.m.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

The information pamphlet for companies and organizations that accept the Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program (formerly the Internship Program) has been renewed!

Due to the change in the name of the program, the pamphlet for host companies has been renewed.
The features of the program, the registration process, and comments from host companies, organizations, and students are posted.

For those who have cooperated with us this year, we will inform you around mid-December on how to register as a host in 2024. Thank you for your continued support and guidance.

In addition, if you are a company or organization that is considering accepting new trainees, please feel free to contact the secretariat.

* Click the image to see the pamphlet.

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
* From April 2024, the name will be changed to “Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Business Promotion Office”
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Change of Internship Program Name

This program was implemented under the name of “Internship Program” until FY2023, but in accordance with the “Basic Approach to Promoting Internships” (agreed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) revised in June 2022, the name of the program will be changed to “Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program” from FY2024. At the same time, the course name will be changed as follows.

[Program Name]
Internship Program ⇒ Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program

【Course Name】
Business Courses / Public Courses ⇒ Externship Courses
Long-Term Project Course ⇒ Project Planning Practical Course

It will continue to be implemented as an “educational program” as before. Thank you for your continued support.

2023 Internship Program “Long-Term Project Course” Project Presentation

The University Consortium Kyoto Internship Program “Long-Term Project Course” is a program in which students work as a team to work on themes and issues presented by the host host for about five months from mid-June.

On Saturday, November 11, the six project teams reported on the culmination of their activities in the project presentations held on the last day of the lecture, and shared their experiences with the entire project.

During the comment time for the review, we received enthusiastic messages from the host and the coordinator in charge, and it was a suitable time for the final lecture.

I hope that Mr./Ms. will make use of the confidence and awareness gained from this valuable project experience for the rest of their university life.

We would like to express our gratitude to all of our host hosts for their various efforts and cooperation for the growth of our students.
We would be grateful if the results of the students’ activities were meaningful to the host company.

Date & Time Saturday, November 11, 2023 13:00~17:50
Participating Companies

Kiko Network, a non-profit organization
Insight House Inc.
Otsuki Seal Printing Co., Ltd.
Impact Hub Kyoto
Union A Inc.
Social Welfare Corporation Adachi Welfare Association






University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【11/11 (Sat)】Long-term Project Course_Project Presentation (Presentation of Results)

Project presentations of the internship program “Long-term Project Course” will be held at the following dates and times.
The Long-Term Project Course is a program in which students work as a team for about five months on a theme or issue presented by the host company. At the project presentation on the last day of the lecture, each project team will present the results of their activities so far.
On the day of the event, the event will be held at Campus Plaza Kyoto, and each presentation will be available at the venue or online.
If you are a university student who is thinking of participating in an internship next year, or if you are a company or organization that is interested in accepting internship students, please enjoy the culmination of the activities of each project team.

Reference: Click here for the 2022 project presentation → 2022 Achievement Presentation

Date & Time Saturday, November 11, 2023
Application If you would like to see it, please apply using this application form .
Application deadline: Tuesday, November 7


*Schedule times may vary. Thank you for your understanding.

Time Overview
13:00~13:10 Opening Remarks
13:10~13:55 Project Presentation Part I. (3 projects)
13:55~14:05 break
14:05~14:50 Project Presentation Part II (3 projects)
14:50~15:20 break
15:20~15:40 Reflection on each project

From project students, the person in charge of the host company, and the coordinator in charge
Presentation of impressions after the review for each project

17:10~17:50 Messages from each coordinator, closing remarks, and photo taking


Project Introduction


Recipient Project Summary
Specified Non-Profit Organization
Kiko Network
[Survey and information dissemination toward the realization of a decarbonized society and 100% renewable energy]
In order to realize a decarbonized society, we will collect and disseminate information on “100% renewable energy” and “decarbonized regional development”, conduct surveys and research, hold events, and publicize it. Gain new skills and have experiences that will improve your imagination, creativity, and planning skills!
Insight House
【Today’s Yamashina Mr./Ms. Project】
Walking around Yamashina, he listens to and collects the thoughts and stories of various people, from children to adults and the elderly, and gives them the form of interview articles and disseminates them to local people through websites, Facebook, free papers, circulation boards, picture books, etc. First of all, you will be active with the motto of “enjoy yourself”.
Otsuki Seal Printing
[Rediscovery Label: Creation of interesting stickers and stickers]
Our company is “Mr./Ms. of the town seal shop”. Stickers are familiar, but their uses are still unexplored. We will understand the actual practice of sticker printing, plan and develop products with a new sense, complete products, and think about and practice sales methods on the Internet. I look forward to the sensitivity of the students’ Mr./Ms.!
General Incorporated Association
Impact Hub Kyoto
[~Hanashi Field Lab Project~]
Hanashi is a gathering place for the Gion Festival, which has a history of more than 1,000 years, and is called the “source of the capital” due to its historical background. Why don’t you take on the challenge of creating a community that develops while maintaining the environment together with people from various different fields while learning about life and way of life in this field?
Union A
[Let’s send out the free employment information magazine “Grandpa and Auntie” for young people to students who are worried!] 】
We plan and publish a job hunting magazine for young people in their 16 to 30s. I want to reach students and young people who are worried about their career path before they start job hunting or are in the middle of job hunting. Let’s think together from the beginning. In addition to the media, I would like to use this as an opportunity for Mr./Ms.everyone to think carefully about “work” for themselves.
Social Welfare Corporation
Adachi Welfare Association
[Kyoto Children’s Home Food Project ~Thinking about the problem of child poverty~]
The goal of Kyoto Children’s Home Food is to create “connections” by regularly “delivering” food to families with difficult lives, and to “connect” to appropriate support as needed for problems while watching over each family. Let’s work together from a new perspective to spread this activity and form a new community.


University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)