About the class on Wednesday, September 9 (after 5 lectures)

Classes on Wednesday, September 9 (as of 2 p.m.)

The storm warning (southern area of Shiga Prefecture), which had been issued due to the influence of Typhoon No. 18, was lifted at around 12 o’clock.
Therefore, for Plaza courses (credit transfer and Kyoto College courses held at Campus Plaza), classes will be held as usual from the 5th lecture (16:20~).

* On-campus courses (courses offered on the campus of each university) will be judged based on the standards of the university that offers each course. For details, please check the website of the university where the course is offered.

Criteria for Cancellation of Plaza Courses


University Consortium Kyoto Credit Transfer Project
TEL 075-353-9120 FAX 075-353-9121
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【For member schools】Applications are now being accepted for the 2016 “Kyoto World Heritage PBL Course”

Since 2015, the University Consortium Kyoto has been offering “Kyoto World Heritage PBL Courses” as a credit transfer course in collaboration with the Kyoto Cultural Heritage Platform of Tomorrow, which develops PBL in the field of Kyoto’s World Cultural Heritage sites.
A major feature of this course is that it is set in Kyoto’s World Heritage Site, which has cultural and historical significance, and students who go beyond the boundaries of the university can gather and study together through PBL through the credit transfer system. The university town of Kyoto and the historic city of Kyoto. The learning that can only be done in Kyoto is condensed in this subject.
In fiscal 2015, seven courses were offered in partnership with six universities in Kyoto’s six World Heritage sites, and approximately 80 students from 11 universities took the course.
*PBL: PBL (Project Based Learning) is problem-finding and problem-solving learning. Mainly through group learning, students discover problems and propose solutions on their own. Through this process, we aim to develop a variety of abilities and develop human resources who can play an active role in unpredictable times.

Currently, we are currently accepting applications for the establishment of the “Kyoto World Heritage PBL Course” for the 2016 academic year.
If you are a faculty member of the University Consortium Kyoto and are interested in World Heritage Sites or PBL courses, please contact the credit transfer officer of your university (Academic Affairs Division, Academic Affairs Division, etc.) or the credit transfer staff of the University Consortium Kyoto.

About the establishment of courses

To establish a course, please submit the “Application for Establishment of ‘Kyoto World Heritage PBL Courses'” through the department in charge of credit transfer at your university.
Click here for the application form for the new “Kyoto World Heritage PBL Course”

About the subsidy system

The University Consortium Kyoto offers the following subsidy system for the establishment and operation of the Kyoto World Heritage PBL course.
・Matching with partner world heritage sites at the time of course opening
・ Subsidy for expenses related to course management (honorarium for guest lecturers, salary of TAs, etc.) (100,000 yen)
・Subsidies for expenses related to various activities in classes such as fieldwork and workshops (up to 70,000 yen)
・Provision of training (lectures) on interviews and presentations by specialized external lecturers
・Dissemination of activities and learning outcomes

Application Deadline

Thursday, October 15, 2015
* It is necessary to coordinate with our partner World Heritage Site in advance, so please contact us as soon as possible.

Status of Initiatives for the Fiscal Year

The syllabus of the Kyoto World Heritage PBL course offered this year and the class reports of each subject are available as follows.
Please check the content of the courses offered this year and the activities of the students.
Kyoto World Heritage PBL Course Special Site 2015
Kyoto World Heritage PBL Course Class Report


University Consortium Kyoto Credit Transfer Project
TEL 075-353-9120 FAX 075-353-9121
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

October 25 (Sun) Kyoto University “Learning” Forum Emergency Project Decision!!

October 25 (Sun) at the “Learning” Forum held at Ritsumeikan University’s Kinugasa Campus

I am a researcher involved in the research and development of cutting-edge ICT technology, and a lecture by Professor Hiroshi Harada of Kyoto University
It was decided by an emergency plan!


✾Special Event of “Learning” Forum 2015 ✾

Target audience for the “Learning” stage: High school students, parents, teachers  

Professor Katsumi Arase of Otani University’s Faculty of Letters, for the Mr./Ms. of high school students who are heading toward the “future”
I would like to share my message.

How should all high school students Mr./Ms. go about the anxiety they are feeling about exams and career paths, dreams and goals? Why don’t you think about your “future”?

Forms of “Learning” exchange project between university students and high school    students: High school students
College students and “Entaku” (made of cardboard?!) This is a project where you can talk about campus life!

Let’s get together with college students who are working on various things and ask them anything!

✿Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2015 gold

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto, in charge of the University “Learning” Forum in Kyoto
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

10/25 (Sun) Kyoto University “Learning” Forum Participating Universities and Lectures Open to the Public!

The leaflet for the Learning Forum to be held on Sunday, October 25 has been completed!
Be sure to check out the unique classes and hands-on courses at the participating universities!

“Learning” Forum 2015 LeafletPDF

【No Dragonfly】Learning Forum_Panfre 【No Dragonfly】Learning Forum_Panfre

✾ Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2015 ✾

  Date & Time: October 25 (Sun) 9:30~15:30
Venue: Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus Access to the venue 

Target: High school students, parents, teachers
Organizer: Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council

(Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education,       Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools,
Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry and University Consortium Kyoto)

Special plan decided
Stages of “Learning”
  Target: High school students, parents, teachers

Professor Katsumi Arase of Otani University’s Faculty of Letters will share a message for
all high school students who are heading toward the “future” for Mr./Ms..
Forms of “Learning” exchange project between university students and high school    students: High school students
College students and “Entaku” (made of cardboard?!) This is a project where you can talk about campus life!
Let’s get together with college students who are working on various things and ask them anything!

✿Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2015 [Click here for details]    

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto, in charge of the University “Learning” Forum in Kyoto
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【Call for Participants】The 12th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum

Please join us at the 12th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum!

The National University Consortium Council and the University Consortium Ishikawa will co-host the National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum!
The main theme of this year’s seminar is “The Role of Universities and the New Development of University Consortiums: University Consortiums in the Age of Community Formation and Regional Revitalization,” and we will consider the role that universities play in community building through collaborative education with local communities.

Outline of the event

Date & Time: Saturday, September 12, 2015 13:00~20:00
Sunday, September 13, 2015 9:30~11:30Venue

: Kanazawa Institute of Technology Ogigaoka Campus (Nonoichi, Ishikawa)

Main Theme:
“The Role of Universities and New Developments in University Consortiums”
-University Consortium in the Age of Community Formation and Regional Revitalization-“

Keynote Speaker: Mr. Hiroya Masuda (Former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo) Participation

fee: 3,000 yen / Information exchange meeting 4,000 yen / Report collection 1,000 yen

Application deadline: July 31, 2015 (Friday) 
Please apply from the web.

Click here for details


Secretariat of the National Council of University Consortiums (University Consortium Kyoto)
TEL : 075-353-9100 FAX : 075-353-9101
E-mail : alljapan-consortium■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

2015 SD Seminar Student Public Presentation will be held!

Since 2015, the University Consortium Kyoto has been offering SD seminars with the aim of fostering the next generation of professional staff who will be responsible for the management of universities at each university and junior college, mainly at member universities.
The program, which started with 21 students from 11 member schools and 4 students from 3 non-member schools, ended in July with a total of 7 lectures, leaving only the “Student Public Presentation and Certificate Presentation Ceremony”. Public presentations are open to everyone. (Application required)
For details on how to apply, please see “Application” below.

◆2015 SD Seminar [Click here for details]

2015 SD Seminar Student Public Presentation and Certificate Presentation Ceremony

Date & Time: Saturday, September 12, 2015 9:30~17:50
Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 2nd Floor Hall

Program Schedule *Start and end times are approximate. It is subject to change depending on progress.
order Start time Presenter Affiliation Presentation Themes
9:30~9:40 Explanation from the Secretariat
1 9:40 Doshisha Women’s University About the connection between high school and university
2 9:55 Hiroshima Institute of Technology A Study on the Learning of University Staff
3 10:10 Kyoto University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences A Study on Risk Management in Universities
4 10:25 Kyoto Sangyo University A Study on Follow-up for Faculty and Staff Dealing with Students with Disabilities
5 10:40 Kyoto University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences What are the IR activities that can be practiced at a college?
6 10:55 University of Shiga The form of “regional cooperation” required of universities and the role of university staff
11:10~11:25 Small break (15 minutes)
7 11:25 Kyoto University of Education Participation of University Staff in Education
8 11:40 University Consortium Kyoto First-Year Education and Career Education in Undergraduate Education
~About the essence and organizational structure~
9 11:55 Bukkyo University The Ideal Faculty Evaluation System in University Organizations
10 12:10 Kyoto University of Art and Design Creating an environment in which the next generation of “university staff” can be nurtured
11 12:25 Kyoto University of Art and Design What kind of leader is required and what university staff should be?
12 12:40 Momoyama Gakuin University About the image of university staff who support the development of Momoyama Gakuin University
12:55~14:05 Lunch break (70 minutes)
13 14:05 Doshisha Women’s University A Study on the Role of Universities Demanded by Society and University Organizations that Can Fulfill Social Responsibilities
14 14:20 Doshisha Women’s University Utilizing the Medium- to Long-Term Plan for the Participation of All Students in the Development of University Staff
15 14:35 Otani University Establishment of Scholarships at Otani University
16 14:50 Kyoto Bunkyo University The image of university staff in the future
17 15:05 Otani University What is “confidence”? -Lies and Truths Hidden in Confidence-
18 15:20 Ryukoku University Promotion of university governance reform
-Toward the enhancement of the system to assist the President-
19 15:35 Bukkyo University Required Roles of University Staff
15:50~16:05 Small break (15 minutes)
20 16:05 Bukkyo University Aiming to be a university that walks together with the community as a “base of knowledge”
~What University Staff Can Do~
21 16:20 Kyoto Women’s University The Role of Administrative Staff as Management and Operations Staff
22 16:35 University Consortium Kyoto Students and learning on and off the university
~Effective guidance to nurture the skills required by society~
23 16:50 Kyoto University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Operation of the Evaluation System for Human Resource Development
24 17:05 Kyoto Bunkyo University An Attempt to Study the Role of Universities Based on the “Theory of Endogenous Development”
25 17:20 University of Shiga Internationalization of Universities: A Study on the Acceptance of International Students and the Establishment of a System
17:35~17:50 Graduation Ceremony (15 minutes)

About application

Application deadline: Friday, September 4, 2015
How to apply: Download the application form, enter the required information, and enter the required information.
Please send an e-mail attachment to sd■consortium.or.jp
(Please replace ■ with @.)
The application form [download from here] is no longer accepted


University Consortium Kyoto SD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【Finished】Call for Participants for Special Lecture in English by Mr. Atsushi Horiba, President of Horiba Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

“Are there certain factors? Kyoto Model Companies: continuing success”
Call for Participants for Special Lectures

The University Consortium Kyoto is pleased to announce that we are pleased to invite Mr. Atsushi Horiba, President of Horiba Manufacturing Co., Ltd., to give a special lecture.

“Are there certain factors? Kyoto Model Companies: continuing success”

The lecture will be held in English (no Japanese interpretation) on the theme of the peculiarities of the city of Kyoto and corporate development.


Outline of the event

Date & Time: Tuesday, August 4, 2015, 9:00-10:30 (Q&A, including announcement)

Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th floor, Lecture Room 1

Lecturer: Atsushi Horiba (President, Horiba Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)

Theme: “Are there certain factors? Kyoto Model Companies: continuing success”

Language: English

There is no target faculty for this course. This is a great opportunity not only for economics students who are interested in Japan companies and Kyoto companies, but also for international students who are interested in Japan and Kyoto culture, high school students who want to listen to lectures in English by business people, and Japan students (especially job hunting students).

The number of seats (200 seats on a first-come, first-served basis) is limited, so please reserve a seat from the following.



Inquiries regarding this matter

University Consortium Kyoto
International Business Dept.
TEL : 075-353-9164
mail: kokusai■consortium.or.jp (Please convert ■ to @)

〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Kyoto International Student Film Festival is looking for volunteer translators!

The 18th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Calls for Volunteer Translators

The Kyoto International Student Film Festival, which is celebrating its 18th anniversary this year, is looking for volunteer translators who can translate student films (Japanese or English) from Japan and abroad to be screened at the festival.
The translated version will be displayed as subtitles at the screening of the film at the 18th Kyoto International Student Film Festival, which will be held at Kyoto Cinema on November 21 (Sat) ~ 27 (Fri), 2015.
Those who cooperate will receive an invitation ticket during the film festival as a reward, and if they wish, they will receive a DVD with subtitles of the film they were in charge of.
In the past, directors such as Yuya Ishii and Eihiro Fukagawa have surpassed each other, so why don’t you join us in helping future masters around the world?

Application Guidelines

< target>
● University students, graduate students, vocational school students, and working adults who like movies and are interested in translation work
● Those who can work from home and contact the festival executive committee from September to October
● Those who can participate in one briefing session held at Campus Plaza Kyoto
● Proficiency in a foreign language (preferably TOEIC750 or higher or English Proficiency Test Pre-1st Grade or higher)

< Briefing Schedule>
Date: Saturday, August 8, Wednesday, August 12, Friday, August 14, 2015
Time: 14:00~16:00
Location: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th floor
Content: Lecture on the rules of translation for subtitles (character limit, etc.)

< how to apply>
Please send the subject line “Translation Volunteer Application” to the following address.
Please send it with your name, school name (not required for working adults), phone number, and the schedule of the information session in which you can participate. A representative will contact you.
Address: info ■ kisfvf.com (Please change ■ to @ and send)

this matter>
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
18th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Executive Committee Volunteer Translator Receptionist
If you are not available from the above TEL: 075-353-9189 (University Consortium Kyoto, Student Exchange Division)

“National University Consortium Case Studies” has been published!

National University Consortium Case Study

In March 2015, the National Council of University Consortiums published the “National University Consortium Case Studies,” which summarizes the examples of efforts by each of the council’s member organizations.
In order to make the efforts of the University Consortium nationwide widely known to the higher education institutions and local governments that are members of each consortium, we have featured 10 examples of pioneering initiatives nationwide in the topics on the front page of the book, and introduced the organizations and initiatives of all 45 member organizations. Please take a look at examples of initiatives and advanced cases from all over the country.

National University Consortium Case Study


Click here for details


Kyoto College Special Event “The Four Seasons and Festivals of Kyoto” was held!


15th Anniversary of the Kyoto Studies Course Special Project “The Four Seasons and Festivals of Kyoto”

On March 7, Kyoto City and the University Consortium Kyoto held a special event, “The Four Seasons and Festivals of Kyoto,” at Campus Plaza Kyoto, ahead of the start of accepting applications for Miyako College, a lifelong learning program provided by Kyoto City and the University Consortium Kyoto for working adults. The purpose of this event is to spread awareness of the “Kyoto Skills Training Course” established at Kyoto College in order to allow students to learn about Kyoto in depth from various perspectives. This event was planned to commemorate the 15th year of the “Kyoto Studies Course” of the University Consortium Kyoto, which provides courses for this course.

IMG_1984Packed hall

On the day of the event, in addition to a lecture by Professor Toru Yagi of Bukkyo University, who specializes in folklore, Mr./Ms. Hinakiku, a native of Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City, who is active as a geiko in Gion East, appeared as a talk guest. The venue, which has a capacity of 280 people, was packed as soon as it opened, and about 400 participants listened to Professor Yagi and Mr./Ms. Hinagiku talk about the main venue in a hurry to show a video of the main venue at another venue.

IMG_1999 Professor Yagi giving a lecture on the theme of Kyoto’s Four Seasons and Festivals

Professor Yagi, who serves as the chairman of the planning committee of the Kyoto Studies Course, gave a lecture on the atmosphere of festivals throughout the year in Kyoto. He explained that there are many water festivals in spring and summer and fire festivals in autumn and winter, and called on people to participate in the Kyoto Studies Course “Kyoto Festivals and Bustles” starting in April to learn about the changes in Kyoto’s festivals.
IMG_3736Dialogue between Professor Yagi and Mr./Ms. Hina Kiku

After the lecture, Mr./Ms. Hinagiku joined the stage and answered questions from Professor Yagi about episodes from her time as a maiko and her thoughts on her juniors. When asked about Kyoto’s festivals, he replied in Kyoto that he loved the relaxed Kyoto festivals, and the venue was in a friendly mood. They also danced and played flutes, adding color to the venue. Visitors seemed to be very well received, saying, “It was a very interesting project,” “It was a valuable experience to hear the stories of active geisha,” and “Professor Yagi’s talk was easy to understand.

IMG_2035Mr./Ms. Hina performing a dance

All 14 applications for the 2015 Kyoto Studies Course “Kyoto’s Festivals and Bustles” will be held from March 10 to 21, the same as the application period for Kyoto College. It is also possible to participate in one session. For details, please see the website of Kyoto College’s “Kyoto Studies Course”.

Application to Kyoto College’s “Kyoto Studies Course”

For more information about the Kyoto Studies Course, please visit our website.

Click here for details


University Consortium Kyoto Kyoto College
TEL 075-353-9140 FAX 075-353-9121
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto