Research is underway! ~Future Kyoto Creative Research Project: From the Field of Surveys and Research~

Each of the survey and research themes adopted in the 2014 “Future Kyoto Creative Research Project” is working toward unknown results. We will introduce the state of the site!

Future Kyoto Creation Research Project Survey and Research Themes in FY2014Click here for details

Report Publishing

Conducting on-site surveys in municipal housing –
Freedom Project 1 “Spatial Composition and Transition in Municipal Housing and Surrounding Residential Areas in the Suburbs of Kyoto City”

In this survey and research theme, in collaboration with the Kyoto City Housing and Community Development Division, we are trying to clarify the relationship between municipal housing in the suburbs of the city’s 99 housing complexes and the surrounding area from (1) the exterior of the buildings bordering the housing complex, (2) the use of open space in the housing complex, and (3) the situation of the site boundary. The results of the survey are expected to be used in the development and reorganization of municipal housing in the future.

On September 17, the principal investigator, Mr./Ms. Masaki, a doctoral student at Kyoto Institute of Technology, conducted a third on-site survey at a municipal housing complex in Yamashina Ward. (The past two meetings were held in Yamashina Ward and Fushimi Ward in August.)

Measure the height and depth of the planting.

Measure the height and depth of the planting.

On the left is Mr./Ms. Masaki, the principal investigator, and on the right is Mr./Ms. Inagaki, a collaborator.

On the left is Mr./Ms. Masaki, the principal investigator, and on the right is Mr./Ms. Inagaki, a collaborator.

In order to clarify the relationship between municipal housing and the surrounding area, we will take photographs of the boundary between the local municipal housing site and the road and the site, and carefully record the dimensions and the width of the adjacent road.
We will also check the state of the open space on the site and the status of entrances and exits outside the site.

It is also important to know what the entrance, which is the boundary between municipal housing and the local area, looks like.

It is also important to know what the entrance, which is the boundary between municipal housing and the local area, looks like.

I will carefully drop it into the diagram.

I will carefully drop it into the diagram.

By analyzing the results of these surveys on multiple municipal housing projects and materials on the transition of municipal housing, and deciphering the characteristics of the local environment around municipal housing, it will be useful for considering the consolidation of municipal housing stock in the future. In fact, the results of such a survey were unlikely to occur before.


Experiments in creating the future start in the tea room –
Designated Topic (2) “Creating a Place for Exchange in the Inner City Area”

In this survey and research theme, we will conduct empirical research to foster and network the formation of merchants, businesses, and citizens who promote the rediscovery and creation of “local value” through “creating a place for exchange” that takes advantage of the attractiveness of local resources accumulated in the city center.

On the evening of August 27, a new place for exchange was set up for the revitalization of commerce in the city at the “Demonstration Experiment on the Development of Merchants and Citizens and the Formation of Networks by Creating a Place for Exchange” conducted by Professor Masanobu Nishimura of the Graduate School of Craft Sciences of Kyoto Institute of Technology in collaboration with the Kyoto City Commercial Promotion Division.

We will make a tea room out of cardboard.

We will make a tea room out of cardboard.

We share the content of the discussion.

We share the content of the discussion.

A lot of ideas popped up.

A lot of ideas popped up.

At the “Future Session,” which was accompanied by a surprising gimmick to create a tea room out of cardboard in a townhouse that was more than 100 years old, participants from a variety of attributes, including local merchants, shared ideas necessary for the future of the town with their eyes shining.

Based on these, various entities such as merchants, businesses, citizens, and artists will connect and create a “place” to create. In a few years, the city may look completely different from what it is now.


Future Kyoto Creation Research Project Survey and Research Themes in FY2014Click here for details

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto Think Tank Project
TEL 075-708-5803 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

The 11th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum was held!

On Saturday, September 13 and Sunday, September 14, the 11th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum was held at the Iwate Prefectural Information Exchange Center Aiina in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, under the theme of “Inter-University Collaboration and Regional Revitalization Initiatives.”

With the perspective and perspective that solving regional issues such as the declining birthrate and aging population and depopulation and reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake has the potential to develop into a global standard originating in the region, 280 people from 117 higher education institutions and governments from all over Japan turned their attention to the role that universities play in the region and tried to learn and consider advanced initiatives to solve various regional issuesThe participants discussed the results of the collaboration between universities and the future of collaboration between universities and local communities.

The next forum is scheduled to be held in September 2015 at Kanazawa Institute of Technology in Ishikawa Prefecture. Please consider joining us.

▽Symposium ▽Trends in Higher Education Policy (Commentary)
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▽ Breakout Sessions (4 subcommittees in total) ▽ Poster Session (24 exhibitors)
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Outline of the project

Date & Time Saturday, September 13, 2014 12:00~20:15, Sunday, September 14, 2014 9:30~11:30
Venue Iwate Prefectural Information Exchange Center Aina
Thesis Inter-University Collaboration and Regional Revitalization Initiatives
Organizer National Association of University Consortiums
Co-organizers Iwate Higher Education Consortium


Day 1: Saturday, September 13, 2014

Time Contents
12:00~13:00 ■ Reception
12:00~17:00 ■ Poster Session
12:00~13:00 ■Poster Session Core Time
12:15~12:45 ■ General Assembly of the National Association of University Consortiums (Target: Consortium organizations only)
13:00~13:15 ■ Greeting

・Greetings from the council representative: Tetsuma Akamatsu
(Representative Secretary, National University Consortium Council, President, Ryukoku University)

・Greetings from the Venue Representative: Shigeki Sakai (President, Iwate University)
・Greetings from Mr. Takuya Tatsumasu (Governor of Iwate Prefecture)
13:15~16:00 ■Symposium
Inter-University Collaboration and Regional Revitalization Initiatives
Nagahiko Matsumoto (Executive Vice President, Ehime University)
Ryuji Oda (Vice Dean, Faculty of Regional Education and Culture, Yamagata University)
Toyoki Okada (President, Kobe Gakuin University)
Yoshihito Ozawa (Vice President for Regional Relations, Fukushima University)
Fujio Omori (Professor, Center for University Education, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
16:00~16:10 ■ Poster Session, Corporate Booth, PR Time
16:00~17:00 ■Poster Session Core Time
17:00~17:40 ■Trends in Higher Education Policy (Commentary)
Tomoka Satomi (Director, University Promotion Division, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
17:40~18:15 ■ Venue transfer and information exchange reception
18:15~20:15 ■ Information exchange meeting

Day 2: Sunday, September 14, 2014

Time Contents
9:00~9:30 ■ Reception
9:30~11:30 ■Session 1: Number of participants: 33
Collaboration between Consortium and Companies ~ Regional Revitalization through IC Cards and Campus Reporters
■ Subcommittee 2: Number of participants: 37
Measures to prevent 20% of unoffered graduates and 120,000 internships
■Session 3: Number of participants: 39
International Exchange and Consortia
■Subcommittee 4: Number of participants: 54
Reconstruction & Collaboration

Workshop: “Let’s talk about university conso!”

A workshop for the exchange of opinions and exchanges among those involved in the activities of the University Consortium “Let’s talk about the University Consortium!” (outside the official program) was also held at the same time in Iwate. There was a heated group discussion on the management and activities of each organization, which was very well received.

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Secretariat of the National Council of University Consortiums (University Consortium Kyoto)
TEL 075-353-9100 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Business hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

The 17th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Kyotango Film Commission Collaboration Project Held!

Kyotango Film Commission

The Kyotango Film Commission is a project launched in 2013 in Kyotango City with the aim of creating a tourism community through attracting locations for video production and supporting video production.
The Kyoto International Student Film Festival, in collaboration with Kyotango City, held a two-day screening for Kyotango residents and local high school students on August 20 (Wednesday) and 21 (Thursday).
With the theme of this year’s festival concept, “A Film Festival that Jumps Out,” the executive committee of this festival went to Kyotango City to deliver student films.

Outline of the project

Kyotango Film Commission Collaboration Project (Summer)

schedule Wednesday, August 20, 2014 and Thursday, August 21, 2014
place Kyotango City Mie Community Hall, Kyoto Prefectural Amino High School
sponsorship Kyotango Film Commission
participant 7 members of the executive committee, 20 general visitors, 30 second-year students of Amino High School


Contents and Implementation Report

Day 1

On the first day, in the Mie and Morimoto districts of Kyotango City, four student films that have been selected for the festival were screened.
After the screening, we had a barbecue with Mr./Ms. from the community, and we were able to have a deep exchange while talking about the films to be screened and our daily student life.

Day 2

On the second day, we went to Kyoto Prefectural Amino High School. In front of about 30 second-year students from Amino High School’s Department of Planning and Management, we screened two past selected films and talked about what the executive committee members usually do, the roles of each department, and the difficulties in running a film festival.
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After the exchange meeting with the high school students, the staff of Kyotango City took us to sightseeing spots such as “Tateiwa”, where movies and dramas are actively filmed, and we were able to fully enjoy the nature and history of Kyotango!

After 2 days

Through this activity, we were able to deliver films to people who do not have many opportunities to see them in theaters on a daily basis, and through the screenings, we were able to interact and exchange opinions with local Mr./Ms.. Although this event was an event to promote the main festival to be held in November and the “Kyotango Film Week 2014” in December, it was also an opportunity for us to rethink the way film screenings should be and to learn about regional revitalization through interaction with local Mr./Ms..
We are planning to hold several pre-events this year. Through these activities, we hope to create a film festival that will make the fun of student films more widely recognized by allowing visitors to enjoy the festival in November.
* The next day, the Kyoto Shimbun (Kyotango regional edition) covered the event.

Inquiries about planning

Kyoto International Student Film Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Kyoto-shi, Shimogyo-ku, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto 6F
TEL:075-353-9430 FAX:075-353-9101
MAIL: info.2014 at

English Skill Improvement Training “Active Learning in the Classroom” was held!

Report on “Active Learning in the Classroom”

On July 26, we invited Ms. Mikako Nishikawa, an advisor to the Japan Eiken Association, as a lecturer and held “Active Learning in the Classroom,” an English skill improvement training program for teachers at member universities.
This training was held as part of the “English Skill Improvement Training for University Teachers” conducted by the University Consortium Kyoto since 2013, and was held for faculty members with a focus on “classes” and was attended by 11 people from five universities.
In the training, following the icebreaker, active learning (active learning is “active learning”, and it is not a lecture style in which the instructor transfers knowledge unilaterally, but subject research, PBL (project/problem based learning), discussions, presentations, etc. In addition to deepening their understanding of the class format that incorporates active learning, they also learned phrases that are often used in classes using English. There are various expressions such as demonstrative words used in classes and phrases that are useful when introducing active learning, and it was suggested that the participating teachers choose and use expressions that can be used more naturally in class.
Next, while experiencing group discussions and workshop methods, the students discussed strategies for designing effective discussions and effective feedback and evaluation methods in classes using active learning while sharing case studies, and made group presentations as a result.

In this training, he also spoke about issues such as how difficult it is to derive common effective measures due to the difference in daily class management due to differences in specialized fields and class sizes, and how to increase the motivation of Japan students, who have not been accustomed to giving presentations in front of others since childhood. However, despite the lengthy workshop, all participants were very active in the training, such as exchanging information on ideas in the classroom across disciplines and discussing specific ways to improve the classroom through discussions.
This was the first time that the University Consortium Kyoto conducted English skill improvement training for teachers only, but we will continue to provide training programs that are in high demand while taking into account the opinions and requests of participants.


University Consortium Kyoto International Collaboration Project
TEL 075-353-9164 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Business hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

English Skill Improvement Training “English Voice Training” was held!

On Saturday, July 19, we invited Mr. Kazuhiro Takemura of the TLL Language Research Institute as a lecturer and held the first FD/SD English Skill Improvement Seminar “English Voice Training” for university faculty and staff, with a total of 60 participants from many member universities and junior colleges. This class was held last year and was very popular.

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In the seminar, it is effective to conduct voice training after understanding the pronunciation of English and its characteristics as a language, so in the morning, while comparing English and Japanese, we explained the characteristics of English consonants and vowels, and the difference in pronunciation methods (English is the language of breath, while Japanese is the language of voice), A theoretical lecture was given on the difference in accents (English accents are added by strength and weakness, while Japanese is accented by pitch and low) with video materials.

In the afternoon, we practiced pronunciation based on the contents of the theory lecture in the morning. The pronunciation practice was systematically carried out according to the characteristics of the phonetic symbols, and the mechanism of mouth and tongue movement during pronunciation was illustrated using a white boat, making it a very practical and enjoyable training.

After the pronunciation practice, the students gave a lecture on the basic knowledge and know-how for giving presentations in English, as well as effective English learning methods.

In the questionnaire, “I was able to solve things that I didn’t understand on a daily basis,” and “It was good that I was able to take the course regardless of my level of English proficiency.” Comments such as “It was good to see the visible practical practice.”

SD Training Program for Globalization
The 1st FD/SD English Skill Improvement Training for University Teachers and Staff, “
English Voice Training”
[Click here for details] 

University Consortium Kyoto International Collaboration Project
TEL 075-353-9164 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Business hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

2014 Gakumachi Collaboration Project Selected Organizations!

On Sunday, June 29th, the Gakumachi Collaboration Project “Public Presentation Screening (Second Screening)” was held.The “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” is a project that grants support funds to initiatives in collaboration between the university and the local community to create attractive communities and solve local issues.
In the presentations on the day, 21 organizations that passed the first screening gave presentations on their planned projects from the students’ perspectives.
As a result of the screening, 16 projects (one of which is an incentive project) were selected as support projects, and at the certification ceremony held at Kyoto City Hall on Wednesday, July 9, Mayor Kadokawa presented certificates to the representatives of each project. Representatives of each organization that has been certified as a support project have expressed their determination to implement the project, and it is expected that support projects in collaboration with student organizations and local communities will be developed in various parts of Kyoto City in the future.

We have announced our business plan, which we have worked so hard to develop!   There was also an appeal in kimono …
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We will also answer sharp questions from the judges!     Finally, a comment from the Director of the Policy Division of Kyoto City University!
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Certification ceremony

Awarded a certificate by the Mayor of Kyoto, Kadokawa
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It was a tense declaration of determination!
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We will do our best to revitalize the region!

【Supported Projects】15 Projects

Project Name [Amount of Support] Organization Name
[Name of Affiliated University / Activity Administrative Region] Project
Fushimi Fukakusa Community Archives
[300,000 yen]
Fushimi and Fukakusa Community Archive Project
[Ryukoku University/Fushimi Ward]
The movement to archive local “records” and “memories” as intellectual property is gaining momentum throughout the country. In Fushimi Ward, there is a strong momentum for this movement, and there is a particularly strong interest in the townscape and life of the Showa era. The purpose of this project is to collect, digitize, and publish materials (8mm film that is deteriorating) that record the townscape and lifestyle of the Showa era from the perspective of ordinary people, and to consider how to use them.
Otomodachi Strategy!
~Music Workshop from 0 years old~
[109,100 yen]
Nico Nico Family Concert Executive Committee of Kyoto City University of the Arts Student Volunteers
[Kyoto City University of Arts / Shimogyo-ku]
Friendly House Nishihachijo in Shimogyo Ward is an educational facility for children aged 0~3 years old and their parents. Parents and children with small children tend to be isolated from society for a variety of reasons. By creating a space where such parents and children can gather, this facility aims to ease the burden of child-rearing and create a better child-rearing environment. We would like to continue to hold music workshops for parents and children there, and create a place where parents can relax and connect.
Operation Umezu School District
~Connecting residents with towns, towns and school districts
[300,000 yen]
Federation of Umezu Neighborhood Associations (in charge: Umezu Town Development Committee) + Ritsumeikan University Inui Seminar
[Ritsumeikan University / Ukyo Ward]
(1) To convey the appeal of the Umezu School District’s community activities to those who have newly moved to the area and those who have not joined the residents’ association, and to disseminate the contact point for the community (Preparation and distribution of “(tentative) Umezu Regional Activities Chronicle” and “Umezu Regional Activities and Regional Organization Navi”).
(2) At the same time, create opportunities for new people to meet each other in the town and create an atmosphere where it is easy to participate in local activities ((tentative) Welcome to Umezu / Welcome to XX Town).
(3) In response to the above activities, we will more actively develop events that are easy for new residents to participate in and want to participate in.
Discovering the region’s attractive living and cultural spaces×
Chanoyu Hospitality Promotion Project
[300,000 yen]
Hanazono University Tea Ceremony Club Volunteer
【Hanazono University/Higashiyama Ward】
(1) Students working on the tea ceremony will work with local residents to discover the history of the region and the lifestyle and culture of people who live in harmony with nature.
(2) Consider a tea ceremony that enhances the charm of the place you discovered, and provide a tea ceremony as a space for local hospitality.
(3) Create a poster that combines the discovered place and the tea ceremony, and disseminate it in the form of a poster and a booklet summarizing it as a hidden cultural space in the region.
Arashiyama Art Project
[300,000 yen]
Kyoto Saga University of the Arts, Faculty of Arts, Department of Design, Department of Tourism Design
[Kyoto Saga University of the Arts/Ukyo Ward]
Utilizing the facilities at Arashiden Arashiyama Station, which is the center of Arashiyama, we will exhibit art works unique to the University of the Arts and develop a project to turn the station into a museum. It expresses that Arashiyama, Kyoto, is not only a place of tradition and history, but also a place that nurtures cutting-edge culture and art. We hope that the students’ works, such as paintings, prints, sculptures, and dyeing, will transform the station into an art space, and in the future, it will be an opportunity for art to spread from the station to the community.
Keihoku Utsu Fureai Learning Mutual
[300,000 yen]
Kyoto Seika University Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Club
[Kyoto Seika University / Ukyo Ward]
The purpose of this project is to revitalize the Uzu area and foster rich learning for students. The Uzu area is blessed with abundant nature and history, but depopulation is progressing. We will present scenarios for regional revitalization through exchange and learning, focusing on 1) searching for local treasures (interviews on local culture, history, and lifestyle, surveys of local industries such as Kitayama cedar and ayu), and 2) exchange events between local communities and students (children’s flamenco classes, mochi making at Karausu, raft making learned from Kitayama cedar industry, etc.).
Miyako Light ’14
[250,000 yen]
Miyako Light Executive Committee
[Doshisha University, Kyoto Sangyo University, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto Prefectural University, Ryukoku University, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kansai University of Foreign Studies/Kamigyo-ku, Fushimi-ku]
Miyako Light mainly holds “night light-up events” that express the “lights of life” that spill out from inside the townhouse through the lattice through the lattice, and also hold events that take advantage of the characteristics of each town that serves as the venue.
This fiscal year, in order to share the charm of machiya with a wider number of people, we will work on the project with four guidelines: “diversification of the customer base,” “implementation in new areas,” “promotion of event participation,” and “expansion of events.”
Hello, Campus! @深草町家
[200,000 yen]
Non-profit organization Fukakusa-Ryukoku Machiya Community (student organization Kyomachiya Nanasai Community)
[Ryukoku University/Fushimi Ward]
Ryukoku University’s Fukakusa Machiya Campus participates in the community as a member of the local community and plays a role as a regional cooperation base for developing activities. Students from the “Kyoto Machiya Nanasai Community” based on the Machiya Campus will proactively have contact with the local community and promote regional exchange through the community farm project.
Under the themes of “rediscovering the charm of Fushimi,” “spreading love of hometown,” and “passing on the wisdom and activities of traditional life” through “food and agriculture,” this project aims to help students and local communities mutually grow through community activities and social education, and to create endogenous vitality and infrastructure in the region.
Kyoto Sanjokai Shopping Street Terakoya Business
[300,000 yen]
Kyoto Koka Women’s University Koka Sanjo Girls
【Kyoto Koka Women’s University/Nakagyo-ku】
Kyoto Koka Women’s University has been collaborating with the Sanjokai Shopping Street Promotion Association to conduct exchanges with local residents such as “Kouka Children’s Plaza”. Last year, we held pre-events related to the annual events “Tanabata Night Market” and “Food Food Village” where local residents gather as part of the Terakoya project, aiming to revitalize the local community. And in the winter, he created BIG art to decorate the ceiling with the local people, which was well received. This year, we aim to continue and develop these activities.
Connecting Arashiyama and Katsura River with a “raft”
Project 2014
[300,000 yen]
Laboratory of Environmental Design, Kyoto University “Arashiyama Landscape Kirikomi Team”
[Kyoto University / Ukyo Ward, Nishikyo Ward]
By providing a place for learning together with people of all ages, we will deepen our understanding of Arashiyama’s traditional culture, and aim to restore the “connection between mountains, rivers, and people” by restoring and copying the traditional activities that once existed in the Arashiyama area, such as the felling of thinned timber and firewood, river flowing, and using the felled thinned wood in various ways.
Symbiosis Project between the Community and the University
[263,000 yen]
Kyoto College of Economics and Cooperation Project
[Kyoto College of Economics / Nishikyo Ward]
In this program, students from Kyoto Keizai Junior College collaborate with a local NPO (Specified Non-Profit Organization Rakusai Welfare Network) to work on various projects aimed at solving various problems (mainly problems associated with the aging of the population) in Rakusai New Town. Specifically, students play a central role in planning and managing “dinner parties” for elderly people living alone and holding various seminars on the theme of aging.
Toyoen veranda project that connects people
[260,180 yen]
Executive Committee of the Toyoen Enbuki Project to Connect People
[Ryukoku University/Shimogyo-ku]
At the Toyozono School District in Shimogyo Ward, he is working on three projects aimed at intergenerational exchange. The first was an interview survey with the elderly about the current situation and attractiveness of the area. The second is a photo exhibition in which the elderly and children of the community participate. The third is a workshop for the younger generation who participate in photo exhibitions and are interested in regional revitalization.
As a result, this project aims not only to deepen ties within the community, but also to encourage the younger generation, who will be responsible for the future, to carry out community activities as the management side.
Nanyakan and Oharano!
Attractiveness Transmission Business Project
[300,000 yen]
Nanyakanya Oharano
[Kyoto City University of Arts / Nishikyo-ku]
A group of volunteer farmers in the Oharano area and Kyoto City University of the Arts will cooperate to implement various initiatives for regional revitalization with the participation of local residents using the Hiwari field as a tool. At the same time, we will enhance the dissemination of information and consider and produce package designs for regional brands.
Female college students’ thoughts on venison promotion activities
[300,000 yen]
Kyo ✿ Shika Meets
[Kyoto Koka Women’s University / Ukyo Ward]
With the aim of protecting forests and reducing crop damage in the Keihoku area of Ukyo Ward, students from the Department of Life Design have gathered to promote venison dishes. The venison cooking study group aims to make exterminated deer delicious, but the purpose of the association is not only to popularize venison dishes, but also to think about why deer should be eaten. Through a series of study sessions on environmental issues and site visits, he focuses on recipe development.
Remembering and recording
~Revival of Pottery Dolls~
[300,000 yen]
Kyoto University of Art and Design, Modern Industrial Heritage Art Revitalization Project “Makadori VIII.”
[Kyoto University of Art and Design/Higashiyama Ward]
A town where pottery is thriving, near Gojozaka, Higashiyama Ward.
The “pottery dolls” that were once made in this area will be revived after 40 years.
While developing workshops to create pottery dolls with local residents, we created works to be exhibited at the pottery festival.
While being conscious of making the pottery festival more exciting, we will build a community that transcends generations among residents and start holding it in August.

【Incentive Project】*Although it was the runner-up in the selection screening, it is a project that can be expected to deepen cooperation between students and the community, and the initiative is encouraged.
Project Name [Amount of Support] Organization Name
[Name of Affiliated University / Activity Administrative Region] Project
Kyoto Sento Art Festival
[100,000 yen]
Kyoto Sento Art Festival Executive Committee
[Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Doshisha University / Kita-ku, Kamigyo-ku]
The Kyoto Sento Art Festival will be held with the aim of revitalizing public baths by connecting the power of artists with the many public baths in Kyoto. Sento, artists, and the art festival executive committee will work together to create works that match the characteristics of each sento, and use these works as an opportunity to increase the number of bathers and interact with them. By creating works in close contact with local bathhouses, artists create communication between customers with different purposes, such as regular customers of sento Mr./Ms. people who are interested in art.

University Consortium Kyoto Gakumachi Collaboration Project
TEL 075-353-9130 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Business hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

The 1st SD Workshop Training 2014 was held!

On Saturday, June 21, we invited Ms. Atsuko Nagai, Secretary General of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, as a topic contributor and held the first “SD Workshop Training 2014” workshop entitled “Thinking about the Asset of ‘Time’ ~For Work to Be One of the Rewards~”, which was attended by a total of 13 people from various universities.

●Schedule on the day
・Topic provision
・Q&A and exchange of opinions
・Icebreaker (arm wrestling tournament)
・Group discussion divided into 3 groups
・Presentations by participants

In the topic of the discussion, the workload of university staff is increasing year by year due to the increase in expectations for universities due to changes in social conditions in recent years, and the work environment is becoming more severe.It was predicted that the number of staff in their 30s ~ 40s will increase. As we enter an era in which the number of employees with “diverse work styles” such as childbirth, childcare, and balancing nursing care and work will increase, he talked about the importance of building an environment in which each employee can understand each other’s circumstances and be involved in their work efficiently with limited working hours, and maintaining a high level of motivation for each employee, increasing productivity, and making work time “free.”

In the group discussion, we were given a topic and summarized the opinions of each group on the conditions for a lazy time at work.
In the summary, participants were given the task of searching for a way to change “painful time” into “lazy time” and thinking about the position of the “lazy work time” they found as a result in their own lives (life). “In my daily work, I am stuck in a vicious cycle because I don’t have enough time and mental space.” Participants who are aware of issues such as “I want to make my daily life more fulfilling” said, “I was able to exchange opinions with people from various universities.” “I was able to spend a fulfilling and useful time,” and “I would like to connect today’s story to my future work.” Positive impressions such as these were received.

The 1st SD Workshop Training 2014
“Let’s think about the asset of ‘time’ ~Because work is one of the things to do~” [Click here for details]

University Consortium Kyoto SD Project
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto
TEL:075-353-9163  FAX:075-353-9101