AY2018 Internship Program Progress Course “Project Report” is now available.

The following “Project Report” from the 2018 Internship Program “Progress Course” will be released.

1.Wine Grocery Inc.

~Wine Seminar for Students Planning and Holding Projects~

  Project Report

2.Insight House Inc.

~Yamashina Mr./Ms. Project~

  Project Report
Free Paper Kyono Yamashina Mr./Ms.

3.Sports Communication Kyoto Co., Ltd. (Kyoto Hannary’s)

~Kyoto Hannary’s Customer Attraction Up Project~

  Project Report

4.Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education

~Teacher Training Support Seminar~

  Project Report


University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)


On Saturday, November 10, we held a report meeting on the results of the 2018 Internship Progress Course.

In the “Internship Progress Course” of the University Consortium Kyoto, trainees worked on projects presented by host companies from mid-June to late November. At the debriefing session held on Saturday, November 10, the results of each of the five projects were reported. Some presentations were made with videos and other formats, and students who participated in other projects were able to share their experiences. After about five months of activities, the participants were able to see the importance of collaborating with their peers and the difficulty of achieving their goals.
At the completion ceremony after the results debriefing session, the coordinator faculty members handed out a certificate of completion for each project, and the 2018 Internship Progress Course came to an end.

Date & Time Saturday, November 10, 2018 10:40~17:50

Campus Plaza Kyoto 2nd Floor Hall

Number of companies and organizations participating in the project
(In order of presentation of the results report)

5Companies and Organizations

Wine Grocery Co., Ltd. / Shimogyo Ward Office, Kyoto City / Insight House Co., Ltd. / Sports Communication Kyoto Co., Ltd. (Kyoto Hannary’s) / Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education

Number of students 18 students from 8 universities

(Kyoto Prefectural University, Otani University, Kyoto Women’s University, Doshisha University, Ritsumeikan University, Ryukoku University, Kansai University, Shitennoji University)

Number of Coordinator Teachers


(Ryukoku University, Kyoto Seika University, Fukuchiyama Public University, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto Koka Women’s University, Kyoto Koka Women’s University Junior College, Kyoto Gakuen University)

Wine Grocery
Co., Ltd.
~Wine seminar planning and holding project for students~

This is a project to plan and execute wine seminars for students while learning about wine through work at a wine shop. In preparation for the seminar, there were presentations on the difficulties in attracting customers, the state of the seminar on the day of the seminar, and the results of the questionnaire conducted at the seminar. They seemed to realize that wine is not just alcohol, but also a historical and cultural background and a communication tool.

Shimogyo Ward Office
, Kyoto City
~Shimogyo Ward Attraction Transmission Project~

In order to convey the charm of Shimogyo Ward so that many people can feel that it is a city where they want to live and continue to live, there was an announcement about disseminating information using SNS (Twitter), which has a great influence on young people and many people. He also cited areas for improvement in terms of popular content, the influence of people who retweet it, and links and hashtags to increase the ability to disseminate information more broadly.

Insight House
Co., Ltd.
~Yamashina Mr./Ms. Project~

He announced that the activities that he started to convey the charm of Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City, were able to feel the livability of the Yamashina area and the warmth of the people who live there through interviews and communication with local residents. There was an introduction to free papers and videos created as a result of the activities.

Sports Communication KYOTO Co., Ltd. (Kyoto Hannary’s)
~Kyoto Hannary’s Customer Attraction Up Project~

As a project to experience the world of sports business, in order to increase the number of LINE registrations to attract more customers to the professional basketball team “Kyoto Hannaryz”, they announced activities divided into teams, such as how to publicize and plan member benefits.

Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education
~Teacher Training Support Seminar~

Uji City Kando Elementary School
Higashi-Uji Junior High School
Joyo Junior High School
The four students who completed the internship presented their internship at the school, their activities, and what they felt, noticed, and failed to do by actually interacting with students at the school, and reaffirmed what it takes to become a teacher. This year, there was a presentation on the common theme of “scolding” and a discussion of child development.


After the debriefing session, a social gathering was held. Three trainees served as moderators, and the participants had a great time with games such as self-introduction bingo and sudden interviews. After the activity, it was a social gathering where I was able to interact frankly with the trainees and coordinators.


University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

“2018 High School and University Collaboration Future Session” was held!

On Saturday, November 3, 2018, the 2018 High School and University Collaboration Future Session was held at Campus Plaza Kyoto.

This Future Session is held as a joint high school-university career education program with the aim of promoting career development for high school and university students, and this is the third time this year.
This year, a total of 41 high school and university students participated.

This time, we invited two role models: Mr. Ryo Tsukamoto, CEO of GL Academia Co., Ltd., and Ms. Rika Yajima, Representative Director of Wareru Co., Ltd.
Under the theme of “How to connect work and learning?”, he talked about “what was important to me when thinking about my career path after graduating from high school and university” and “what only humans can do with the rapid development of AI technology”.



In the group work after the role model talk, each group exchanged opinions and thought about questions for the role model.
The questions asked, “Are there any gaps or discrepancies between your dreams when you were a student and your dreams now?” and “How did you overcome your parents’ opposition?” “Would it be better to overcome what you can’t do now, or would you rather develop what you can do?” The participants actively raised their hands, and the two role models answered them carefully one by one, saying, “All the questions I want to answer.”

The Q&A session and the overall summary were displayed in text on the screen, and all participants were able to share information and deepen their understanding.
Participants asked questions such as “What is learning?” and “What is work?” “What is the relationship between learning and working?” was summarized in a worksheet, discussed and presented in groups.

By exchanging opinions across generations of high school and university students, it was a good opportunity to be stimulated about future learning and career choices, such as “learning and work are connected,” “knowing yourself first,” and “thinking about what I should do in the future to create my own axis and trunk.” In addition, I was able to interact with students from other schools and universities that I do not usually meet face-to-face.


“Kyomachiya News” report has been updated!

Higher education event NAVI “Kyomachiya” is a portal site for information on higher education events operated by the University Consortium Kyoto.

* Click the image to go to the top page of “Kyomachiya”

“Kyomachiya News” report has been updated!

This is a report from the University Consortium Kyoto.
The University Consortium Kyoto has an agreement with about 50 universities, mainly member universities and junior colleges, and offers 430~450 credit transfer courses every year. Among them, we will introduce the “Kyoto World Heritage PBL Course”, which is a field of learning for the six World Heritage Sites in Kyoto. This is a credit transfer course unique to Kyoto, which is a historical city and a university city.

University Consortium Kyoto: World Heritage Fields of Learning “Kyoto World Heritage PBL Courses”

The 21st Kyoto International Student Film Festival Pre-Event “Cinema Train” and “Location Discovery Photo Contest in Demachi Yanagi” were held!


Thank you to everyone who participated in Cinema Train.
“It was nice to be able to watch a movie that I would never normally see” and “The idea of watching a movie on a train was interesting,” and watching a movie in a special space was an event like no other.
Next up is the main festival! We look forward to seeing you there.


Overview of “Cinema Train”                             

Date: Saturday, September 8, 2018
Venue: Keihan Railway 10000 series train and around Demachiyanagi Station
【Number of applicants】90
【Application period】July 14 (Sat) – August 20 (Mon), 2018 Same-day tickets available
Participation fee: 1000 yen for adults (junior high school students and older), 500 yen for elementary school students, free for children under 6 years old









State of the day













Announcement of the winners of the “Location Discovery Photo Contest in Demachi Yanagi”

Thank you to everyone who applied!
We are pleased to announce the winners of the photo contest.

Outline of
“Location Discovery Photo Contest in Demachi Yanagi”
Application period: Saturday, July 14, 2018 – Monday, September 17, 2018
【Announcement of Results】Tuesday, September 25, 2018
【Shooting location】Around Demachiyanagi Station
【Participation fee】Free *Anyone can apply.
Awards: Grand Prize, Kyoto International Student Film Festival Award (KISFVF Award), Keihan Prize (1 film each)

“Grand Prize” Mr. Kobayashi (Kyoto City)


Kyoto International Student Film Festival Award (KISFVF Award)
traintrain01 (Nara)

“Keihan Prize” traintrain01 (Nara)


regarding this matter>

Executive Committee of the 21st Kyoto International Student Film Festival (University Consortium Kyoto)
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto
TEL: 075-353-9189 (Closed on Sundays and Mondays)

“Kyomachiya News” report has been updated!

Higher education event NAVI “Kyomachiya” is a portal site for information on higher education events operated by the University Consortium Kyoto.

* Click the image to go to the top page of “Kyomachiya”

“Kyomachiya News” report has been updated!

This time, we have updated the “Staff Report” series, in which faculty and staff members of the University Consortium Kyoto report in a relay format. He gave a report on Otani University’s scholarship system called the “Otani University Educational Support Association Literary Encouragement Award”.
It is a well-known scholarship among student Mr./Ms. because of its ease of application, but what kind of scholarship system is it?

“Staff Report” 10: “Otani University Educational Support Association Literary Encouragement Award

“Kyomachiya News” report has been updated!

Higher education event NAVI “Kyomachiya” is a portal site for information on higher education events operated by the University Consortium Kyoto.

* Click the image to go to the top page of “Kyomachiya”

“Kyomachiya News” report has been updated!

This time, we have updated the “Staff Report” series, in which faculty and staff members of the University Consortium Kyoto report in a relay format. The theme is “NINJA, Autonomous Learning Support Office for Foreign Languages” at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.
We interviewed Kyomachi and News in July 2014, shortly after opening, but it was reopened in September 2017.
Therefore, this time, we asked him to report on the current situation.

“Staff Report” 9: Kyoto University of Foreign Studies “Foreign Language Autonomous Learning Support Office NINJA”

Release of the 23rd FD Forum Report

We are pleased to announce the release of the report of the 23rd FD Forum held on March 3 and 4, 2018 “The Past and Future of FD ~Thinking about FD from Various Angles~”. Click on each item to view the PDF data.
The 24th FD Forum will be held on March 2 and 3, 2019 at Ritsumeikan University’s Kinugasa Campus. Details of the event will be announced on the website by early December.


Day 1: Saturday, March 3, 2018

 Opening Remarks
 symposium The past and future of FDs ~Thinking about FDs from various angles~


Day 2: Sunday, March 4, 2018

Session 1 Student Facilitator/Student Assistant: Collaborative Classes and Learning Opportunities: Practical Examples and Future Visions
Session 2 What’s going on? What are you going to do? Evaluation of each practical training: nursing training, welfare training, education, qualification training-
Subcommittee 3 Perspectives on Liberal Arts Education
Session 4 Design and Operation of Cross-Sectional Programs for Cultivating Science Literacy: Focusing on Statistics Education, Integrated Science Experiments, and Practical Exchange Site Models
Subcommittee 5 Evaluation to grasp higher-order abilities ~Thinking about what kind of evaluation is suitable for capturing what kind of ability, including task creation~
Session 6 Effects of Fieldwork in Experiential and Practical Learning and Operational Issues
Session 7 Information Security Education: Liberal Arts Education, Specialized Education
Session 8 What is the “exit” of a university?: Liberal Arts, Citizenship, Career, and Human Education
Session 9 Organizational operation and practice of PBL
Session 10 The Future of Regional Qualification Education Programs and Regional Cooperation
Session 11 Thinking about Student Performance Evaluation: Focusing on Engineering and Pharmacy Education
Session 12 Business and Undergraduate Seminar Activities
Poster Session


University Consortium Kyoto FD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【Report】The 15th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum has been released.

On Saturday, December 9, 2017, the 15th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University, “Thinking Together about the Skills That Should Be Developed Now: The Role of High Schools and Universities” has been completed.
The next 16th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University is scheduled to be held on Saturday, December 8. We will inform you as soon as the details are decided, so please join us.

You can read the report here.

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Education Forum
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Business hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Thank you for holding the 15th Kyoto Student Festival and report

Thank you for holding the event

On Sunday, October 8th, the 15th Kyoto Student Festival was successfully concluded with a great success and many people attended.
On the day of the event, we were able to carry out all the programs without a hitch, thanks to the crisp autumn weather and weather.
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who came to the event and to all those who supported us in various ways in holding this festival.

Outline and Report

The 15th Kyoto Student Festival

Date & Time

Sunday, October 8, 2017, 11:00-19:00


Heian Jingumae / Okazaki Promenade area (Sakyo-ku, Kyoto)


The 15th Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee


Kyoto Student Festival Organizing Committee (Kyoto Prefecture / Kyoto City / Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Kyoto Association of Corporate Executives / University Consortium Kyoto)


Heian Shrine

♦ Official Brochure                


■Total number of visitors

136,000 (*According to the executive committee)

■Number of Participating Students

action committee

235 (22 universities, 1 junior college)

Short-term volunteer staff

201 (34 universities, 1 junior college, 1 vocational school)

Student MC



1,153 (16 universities)

International Student Executive Committee

3 (1 from China, 1 from Korea, 1 from Hong Kong)



◆ Results of various contests

Kyo Flame Sodetouch! National Odori Contest

– Kyo Flame Sodetouch! Divisions (Number of participants: 14)


Kyo Flame Sodetouch! Odorittsu

2nd place Kyo Flame Sodetouch! Shi Dance


Kyo Flame Sodetouch! Saikyo Front

●Multi Division (Number of participants: 30 groups)


Pink Child

2nd place Kyoto Women’s University Creative Dance Club



Kyoto Student Music Award (Number of participants: 38 groups *10 finalists)

●Band Division (Number of participants: 10 groups)


Standing Ear Scottish Fold

2nd place knit



●Mixed Division (Number of participants: 10 groups)



2nd place wan



Kyoto Student Fashion Award (10 entries)

Grand Prix

Nineteen point five
Model Award 「Typhon」
Clothing Prize “Amaris”

Hair & Makeup Award


Special Jury Prize


Fair Day Project

● Rice-1 Grand Prix
(Number of Entries in the Side Dish Division: 14 groups) ● (Number of Entries in the Pickled Recipe Division: 4 groups)


Volunteer Team CSA

2nd place Miss Campus Ritsumeikan 2017


Team Huading

Implementation details

List of appearances, cooperating organizations, and sponsors of this festival

Media Coverage

・September 3 (Sun) Kyoto Shimbun morning edition, page 23 “Milestone 15th Student Festival: 136 members of the executive committee pray for the success of the student festival at Heian Jingu Shrine “Culmination, give shape to your efforts””
・October 1 (Sun) Kyoto Citizen Shinbun “Kyoto Student Festival: A festival full of student power and enthusiasm!”
・October 6 (Fri) Sankei Shimbun morning edition, page 21 “University students convey the charm of Kyoto, 8th event”
・October 6 (Fri) Kyoto Shimbun morning edition page 31 “Transmission of the charm of the ancient capital of young power, Mr./Ms. Kuraki welcomes Mai Kuraki as a student festival guest in Sakyo on the 8th”
・October 9 (Mon) Kyoto Shimbun Morning Edition, Page 26 “Cultural Creation: Youth Starring Stage: Crowded at the Sakyo Student Festival”
・October 9 (Mon) Mainichi Shimbun Morning Edition, Page 28 “Dance!

・October 6 (Wed) 11:00~ J:COM Kyoto Daily News Kyoto
・October 8 (Sun) 17:55~ KBS Kyoto Evening News
・October 9 (Mon) 5:50~ Japan TV ZIP!
・October 9 (Mon) 5:50~ Fuji Television Mezamashi TV Aqua
・October 9 (Mon) 4:00~ TBS Hayadoki!
・October 10 (Tue) 8:00 ~ Refreshing!!
・October 11 (Wed) 11:00~ J:COM Kyoto Daily News Kyoto

・October 1 (Sun) 5:10~ MBS Radio “Manami Honjo Another Kyoto”
・October 2 (Mon) 5:46~ NHK Radio “My Asada Yori”
・October 4 (Wed) 17:00~ RADIOMIX KYOTO FM87.0 “SPLASH MIX KYOTO”


If you would like to know more about the Kyoto Student Festival, check out this site!

saiten_banner_200-40    Facebook Logo     Twitter Logo

Contact us

Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto (closed on Mondays)
Tel:075-353-9432   Fax:075-353-9431
E-mail: saiten15th-ml■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)
Kyoto Student Festival Official Website: http://www.kyoto-gakuseisaiten.com/