For those in higher education


2019.7.12event news
【For high school and university students】2019 High School and University Collaboration Future Session < September 22 (Sun) Kyoto City venue > Call for Participants
2019.7.12event news
【For high school and university students】2019 High School and University Collaboration Future Session < September 29 (Sun) Recruitment of participants > the northern venue of Kyoto Prefecture
2019.7.9event news
【For High School Teachers】”The 3rd Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting” September 12 (Thu) Call for Participants
2019.5.16event news
6/16 TOEFL iBT® Test Skill Improvement Seminar
Information on the higher education event NAVI “Kyomachiya”

I want to know about FD

I want to know about high school-university cooperation and connection education

I want to know about research activities

I want to know about SD

I want to know about social cooperation activities

I want to know about study abroad and international exchange

I want to know about the library

I want to know about University Consortium Kyoto