For those in higher education


Research is underway ~2016 University Consortium Kyoto Designated Research Projects~
【Request for cooperation】We are looking for individual supporters of the Kyoto International Student Film Festival!
2016.9.16event news
< ended> [Free admission] “One-day only Animation Room” @京都LoFt [Notice of the 19th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Pre-Event]
2016.9.16event news
Report: The 17th Kansai Student Support Officer Roundtable (KSSK)
2016.8.9event news
2016 SD Seminar “Student Open Presentation” will be held!

I want to know about FD

I want to know about high school-university cooperation and connection education

I want to know about research activities

I want to know about SD

I want to know about social cooperation activities

I want to know about study abroad and international exchange

I want to know about the library

I want to know about University Consortium Kyoto