Call for Presenters for ≫ 23rd FD Forum Poster Session for ≪ Member Schools

At the FD Forum, poster sessions are held as a place to widely disseminate the educational initiatives of the University Consortium Kyoto member universities and junior colleges.
We are looking for presenters from faculty, staff, and students from the University Consortium Kyoto member schools. We look forward to receiving your application.

Call for Presenters for the 23rd FD Forum Poster Session

Date and time
Sunday, March 4, 2018, 11:00-14:30 (Core time 12:00-13:30)
*Registration for poster exhibitors will start at 10:00. Please make sure to display the posters in time for the start of the poster display at 11:00.
*Please be sure to be in front of your presentation materials during core time.

Kyoto Sangyo University, Sagittarius Building, 4th floor, Room S401~S408

Who is eligible to apply?
Faculty, staff, and students of the University Consortium Kyoto member schools who wish to make presentations on their efforts related to university education
* For presentations by non-member schools and general companies on initiatives that are conducted in cooperation with member schools, please contact the secretariat.

Presentation Themes
Examples of Initiatives Related to Distinctive Education at Your University
* In addition to the efforts of individual member schools, initiatives related to inter-university collaboration (regardless of whether the partner is a member school or a non-member school), regional collaboration, and industry-government collaboration are also OK.
* Even if the initiative was announced in the previous year, it is possible to reapply if the information is updated.

About the presentation materials    

  • There are no restrictions on the format of your presentation materials, but they should fit within the presentation space described below.
  • Please print the font size so that it can be read even from a distance of 1 m.
  • You will be asked to post your own presentation materials (Day 2: Sagittarius Pavilion).

    *Please print out the presentation materials yourself and bring them with you on the day of the event. * A desk will be set up in front of the poster and FD-related materials of the presenting university will be able to be placed. However, it is not possible to bring in materials in advance. Please bring it with you on the day.

  • This time, a poster display space will be set up on the 2nd floor of the Namrakukan (Day 1: Information Exchange Venue, Day 2: Lunch Venue) and posters of those who wish to display will be displayed.

    * Since it is only posted, there is no need for the presenter to be present.
    * Those who wish to display at the Namrakukan will be asked to send the poster data in advance and display the poster printed in A1 size at the secretariat. (Details of the data submission will be announced at the time of the announcement of acceptance.)

the presentation space
Space: 85 cm wide × 120 cm high (A0 poster can be displayed, sellotape is used, thumbtack cannot be used). A desk will be set up in front of the poster for the installation of related materials.

Publication in the FD Forum Proceedings and Reports The
FD Forum Proceedings will contain a summary of the poster title and the names of the presenters, and the report will contain a summary of the presentations (including poster data).
If you wish, we will give you a copy of the proceedings (booklet) on the day of the presentation and one copy of the report (CD-ROM version) at the end of June. If you wish to do so, please fill in the designated fields on the application form.

Other precautions   

  • Please note that no honorarium, transportation expenses, or accommodation expenses will be paid to the presenter.
  • If the presenter wishes to participate in other FD Forum events (symposiums, breakout sessions, information exchange meetings) other than the poster session, he or she must apply in advance online in the same way as general participants.
    * If you are only participating in the poster session, you do not need to apply online.
  • If there are a large number of applicants, we may not be able to hire them due to the number of panels that can be installed. In addition, universities that present multiple panels may be limited to the number of panels per university.
  • Parking is not available, so please come by public transportation.


Application Deadline   

Monday, December 25, 2017

How to apply
Download the “23rd FD Forum Poster Session Presentation Application Form” and fill in the required information.
Please apply by e-mail attachment to fdf■ (Please replace ■ with @)

  • Application Guidelines for the 23rd FD Forum Poster Session [Closed]
  • Application Form for the 23rd FD Forum Poster Session Presentation [Closed] 

Screening of Presentations
The FD Forum Planning and Review Committee will review the submitted “Poster Session Presentation Application Form” and notify the applicant by Friday, January 19, 2018 whether or not to make a presentation.


A collection of reports from the 22nd FD Forum is available on the Foundation’s website.
Please refer to the overview and posters of last year’s poster sessions.
Click here for the 22nd FD Forum Report (Poster Session)


University Consortium Kyoto FD Forum Secretariat
TEL:075-353-9163  FAX:075-353-9101
E-mail: fdf■ (replace ■ with @)
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)