我們將就Reiwa第 6 年”Gakumachi 合作專案”的結果舉行報告會! !!



按兩下此處查看所選組織的專案概述 ↓↓↓
Reiwa 6th 屆學術城collaborative work item selection mechanism 


Reiwa 6th Year “學習城市合作專案” Achievement Report

Daily & Hour Reiwa 7/3/20 Star Period 4 11:00~17:00 (預定結束)
Place-hsien Campus Plaza Kyoto 2 樓大廳

11:00~ Opening Ceremony Reiwa 6 Selection Mechanism Achievement
*1 個演示 @ 15 分鐘(包括問題和替換)12 個專案
15:30~ Opinion Exchange Meeting (*僅限特定團體參加)
16:25~ 頒獎典禮及解說
17:00 Closed (tentative)

* 詳細時程表請看這裡↓↓↓
 Reiwa 第 6 屆學術城合作專案成果報告會 報告會予定  



・Demand application

Supplementary Costs liberty


●按兩下此處瞭解有關 Gakumachi 合作項目內容的詳細資訊


我們正在接受Reiwa第 7 年 3 月 4 日(星期二)~3 月19 日(星期三)期間的參加申請。



公益財團法人 財團 京都 學業町 合作專案
Tel: 075-353-9130 Denshin : 075-353-9101
Postal box: gakumachi-admin-ml■consortium.or.jp
(請將 ■ 更改為 @ 併發送)
〒600-8216 Kyoto-shi-shi-to-in-dori Kyoto-shi-ko-ji, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Kyoto
* Entertainment Hours : 2 ~ 6 per week 9:00 ~ 17:00

我们将就Reiwa第 6 年”Gakumachi 合作项目”的结果举行报告会! !!


在汇报会上,年入选的 12 个组织将回顾他们迄今为止的活动并介绍他们的努力成果。

单击此处查看所选组织的项目概述 ↓↓↓
Reiwa 第 6 届学术城合作项目 选定机构 


Reiwa 6th Year “学习城市合作项目”成果报告会

日期 & 时间 Reiwa 7/3/20 日星期四 11:00~17:00(预定结束)
Hsien Campus Plaza Kyoto 2 楼大厅

11:00~ 开幕式 Reiwa 6 选定机构的成果介绍
*1 个演示 @ 15 分钟(包括问题和替换)12 个项目
15:30~ Interactive Meeting (*仅限特定团体participation)
16:25~ 颁奖典礼及解说
17:00 Xiaoding

* 详细时间表请看这里↓↓↓
 Reiwa 6th Notification Academic 术城合作项目成果报告会 报告会予定  



・Demand Petition

Participatory liberty


●单击此处了解有关 Gakumachi 合作项目内容的详细信息


我们正在接受Reiwa第 7 年 3 月 4 日(星期二)~3 月19 日(星期三)期间的参加申请。



公益财团法人 财团 京都 学业町 合作项目
Phone: 075-353-9130 Fax: 075-353-9101
(请将 ■ 更改为 @ 并发送)
〒600-8216 Kyoto-shi, Shimogyo-ku, Nishitoin-dori Kyoto-shi, Shimokoji, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
* Entertainment : 周二 ~ 周六 9:00 ~ 17:00

령화 6년도 「가쿠마치 콜라보레이션 프로젝트」의 실적에 대한 보고회를 개최합니다! !

교토시와 교토 대학 컨소시엄은 대학, 학생, 지역 커뮤니티의 연계를 통해 실시되는 지역 활성화 노력을 지원하기 위해 영화 6 호에서 ‘가쿠마치 연계 프로젝트 (대학 지역 연계 창출 및 지원 프로젝트)’의 성과에 대한 보고 회의를 개최합니다.

디브리핑에서는 올해 선정된 12개 기관이 지금까지의 활동을 되돌아보고 그 노력의 성과를 발표할 예정이다.
지역의 풍습과 문화의 계승을 통한 지역개발과 같은 학생에 의한 인정 프로젝트의 보고로부터 대학과 지역사회의 연계를 위한 새로운 가능성과 지역 활성화의 힌트를 찾아 않겠습니까?

선정 된 조직의 프로젝트 개요는 여기 ↓↓↓
Reiwa 제 6 기 학술 거리 연계 프로젝트 선정 기관 


령화 6년도 「배움의 거리 연계 프로젝트」실적 보고회

날짜 & 시간 Reiwa 20 년 3 월 20 일 (목) 11:00 ~ 17:00 (종료 예정)
장소 캠퍼스 플라자 교토 2층 홀
당일의 흐름

11:00~ 오프닝 세션, 영화 6개 선정 단체의 결과 발표
*1 발표 @ 15분(질문 및 교체 포함) 12개 프로젝트
15:30~ 의견 교환 및 교류회(※참가는 선정된 단체에 한합니다)
16:25~ 시상식 및 해설
17:00 폐장(예정)

※ 자세한 일정은 이쪽을 참조하십시오 ↓↓↓
 Reiwa 제 6 기 학술 거리 연계 프로젝트 성과 보고서 회의 보고서 회의 일정  



・요 신청
아래 “여기에서 신청하기” 양식을 사용하여 신청하십시오.

참가비 무료

●안내 리플릿은 여기
성과 보고서 회의 전단지  

●가쿠마치 콜라보레이션 프로젝트의 내용에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기


령화 7년 3월 4일(화)~3월 19일(수)의 기간 중에 참가 신청을 접수하고 있습니다.
참가를 희망하시는 분은 아래 신청 양식으로 신청해 주세요.


문의 및 신청

공익재단법인 대학 컨소시엄 교토 학합 협력 프로젝트
TEL :075-353-9130 FAX:075-353-9101
(■를 @로 변경하여 보내주세요)
〒600-8216 교토시 시모교구, 교토시 시모구 시오코지, 니시토인도리, 캠퍼스 플라자 교토
* 접수 시간 : 화요일 ~ 토요일 9:00 ~ 17:00

We will hold a report meeting on the results of the Reiwa 6th year “Gakumachi Collaboration Project”! !!

Kyoto City and the University Consortium Kyoto will hold a report meeting on the results of the “Gakumachi Collaboration Project (University Regional Collaboration Creation and Support Project)” in the Reiwa 6 to support efforts for regional revitalization implemented in collaboration between universities, students, and the local community.

At the debriefing session, the 12 organizations selected this year will look back on their activities so far and present the results of their efforts.
Why don’t you find new possibilities for collaboration between the university and the local community and hints for regional revitalization from the reports of accredited projects by students, such as regional development through the inheritance of local customs and culture?

Click here for an overview of the projects of the selected organizations ↓↓↓
Reiwa 6th Academic Town Collaboration Project Selected Organizations 


Reiwa 6th year “Learning Town Collaboration Project” results report meeting

Date & Time Thursday, March 20, Reiwa 7 11:00~17:00 (scheduled to end)
Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto 2nd Floor Hall
Flow of the day

11:00~ Opening session, presentation of results by Reiwa 6 selected organizations
*1 presentation @ 15 minutes (including questions and substitutions) 12 projects
15:30~ Opinion exchange and exchange meeting (*Participation is limited to selected organizations)
16:25~ Award Ceremony and Commentary
17:00 Closing (tentative)

* Please see here for the detailed schedule ↓↓↓
 Reiwa 6th Academic Town Collaboration Project Achievement Report Meeting Report Meeting Schedule  



・Application required
Please apply using the “Apply here” form below.

Participation Fee free

●Click here for information leaflets
Achievement Report Meeting Flyer  

●Click here for details on the contents of the Gakumachi Collaboration Project


We are accepting applications for participation during the period of March 4 (Tue) ~ March 19 (Wed) in the 7th year of Reiwa.
If you would like to participate, please apply using the application form below.


Inquiries and applications

Public Interest Incorporated Foundation University Consortium Kyoto Gakumachi Collaboration Project
TEL :075-353-9130 FAX: 075-353-9101
(Please change ■ to @ and send)
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00

We will hold a report meeting on the results of the Reiwa 6th year “Gakumachi Collaboration Project”! !!

Kyoto City and the University Consortium Kyoto will hold a report meeting on the results of the “Gakumachi Collaboration Project (University Regional Collaboration Creation and Support Project)” in the Reiwa 6 to support efforts for regional revitalization implemented in collaboration between universities, students, and the local community.

At the debriefing session, the 12 organizations selected this year will look back on their activities so far and present the results of their efforts.
Why don’t you find new possibilities for collaboration between the university and the local community and hints for regional revitalization from the reports of accredited projects by students, such as regional development through the inheritance of local customs and culture?

Click here for an overview of the projects of the selected organizations ↓↓↓
Reiwa 6th Academic Town Collaboration Project Selected Organizations 


Reiwa 6th year “Learning Town Collaboration Project” results report meeting

Date & Time Thursday, March 20, Reiwa 7 11:00~17:00 (scheduled to end)
Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto 2nd Floor Hall
Flow of the day

11:00~ Opening session, presentation of results by Reiwa 6 selected organizations
*1 presentation @ 15 minutes (including questions and substitutions) 12 projects
15:30~ Opinion exchange and exchange meeting (*Participation is limited to selected organizations)
16:25~ Award Ceremony and Commentary
17:00 Closing (tentative)

* Please see here for the detailed schedule ↓↓↓
 Reiwa 6th Academic Town Collaboration Project Achievement Report Meeting Report Meeting Schedule  



・Application required
Please apply using the “Apply here” form below.

Participation Fee free

●Click here for information leaflets
Achievement Report Meeting Flyer  

●Click here for details on the contents of the Gakumachi Collaboration Project


We are accepting applications for participation during the period of March 4 (Tue) ~ March 19 (Wed) in the 7th year of Reiwa.
If you would like to participate, please apply using the application form below.


Inquiries and applications

Public Interest Incorporated Foundation University Consortium Kyoto Gakumachi Collaboration Project
TEL :075-353-9130 FAX: 075-353-9101
(Please change ■ to @ and send)
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00

University Consortium Kyoto 2023 Project Implementation Report Meeting

Since its establishment in 1994, the University Consortium Kyoto has developed diverse, advanced, and challenging projects in close collaboration with member universities and junior colleges, local communities, industry, the business community, and local governments as the first university consortium organization in Japan and a platform for university and regional collaboration. Currently, we are diligently promoting our business based on the Fifth Stage Plan, which is a five-year medium-term plan from FY2019 to FY2023.
We will hold the following “Project Implementation Report Meeting” to report on the main projects implemented in FY2023 by each business division. We will also provide an overview of the Sixth Stage Plan, which will begin in fiscal 2024.
It will be held at the end of the fiscal year, and we look forward to your participation.

1. Date and time

Friday, March 15, 2024 10:00 a.m. ~ 11:00 a.m.

2. Format

Online (Zoom meeting) * The Zoom meeting URL will be provided to the applicant at a later date.

3. Contents

(1) FY2023 Project Implementation Report at the University Consortium Kyoto
(2) Outline of the University Consortium Kyoto Stage Plan (2024-2028)
(3) Q&A

4. How to apply

Please apply by Friday, March 8, 2024 from the link below.


5. Inquiries regarding this matter

University Consortium Kyoto
Research & Public Relations Division (Kawai)
TEL: 075-353-9130 / FAX: 075-353-9101
E-mail: type3■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)