Changes to the 2017 Credit Transfer Syllabus (9)

We would like to inform you that there have been changes to the “2017 Credit Compatibility Syllabus” as follows.
* We will update it from time to time if there are changes.

Updated on June 20, 2017

What’s changing?

Course Code Title of Subject Universities offering courses What’s changed What’s changing?
E508 Health, Food and Nutrition Otani University Junior College Textbook changes
[Before change]
Children’s Health Exercise Notes Revised 2nd Edition” Miyuki Kobayashi Diagnosis and Treatment (2160 yen)

[After the change]
I understand this! Notes on Children’s Health Exercises, Revised 3rd Edition
Miyuki Kobayashi Diagnosis and Treatment Company (2160 yen)

* If you have already purchased the “2nd Edition”, you do not need to purchase it again.

There will be no change in the textbooks > in the field of < food and nutrition.

The main visual of the 15th Kyoto Student Festival has been decided!

2017 Main Visual Results Announced!!

Continuing from last year, we invited students to submit the main visual that will serve as the image of the 15th Kyoto Student Festival. Since last year, we have received 69 entries of more than 20 works, and as a result of careful judging, the main visual for 2017 has been decided. The grand prize winner will be used in posters and pamphlets for the Kyoto Student Festival in the future.
Thank you to everyone who applied.

Main Visual Grand Prize

Kyoto University of Art and Design, 3rd year
Mr./Ms. Moeki Abe

                           15th Main Visual

[Explanation of the work]

The torii gate of Heian Jingu Shrine expresses the uniqueness of Kyoto, and depicts not only young people but also grandmother Mr./Ms.s and children gathering together and having fun. People dancing Yosakoi, which is also the flower of the festival, also appear, and the costumes are arranged based on the costumes previously worn by Mr./Ms. of Kyoto Seika University. Overall, I was careful to convey that it is an event that can be enjoyed by men and women of all ages. In addition, considering that text information will be included later, we have reduced the number of writing and motifs. I hope that people who see it will feel energetic and cheerful.

[Image included from the application rules]
(1) Kyoto-ness
(2) Festivals planned and operated by students and young people
(3) Community-based festivals

★ Judges’ Comments
Bright and fun, lively and energetic.

★ Supplementary Prize
Prize money 100,000 yen

★ Award Ceremony
October 8, 2017 (Sun) Kyoto Student Festival Opening Ceremony
Commendation at Okazaki Promenade “Main Stage” in front of Heian Jingu Shrine

Award of Excellence

Kyoto Women’s University 1st year
Mr./Ms. Nakamura
★ Judges’ Comments
It has all the elements in it, and it’s cohesive as a whole.
MV work (Miharu Nakamura)

Kyoto High School of the Arts, 3rd Grade

Mr./Ms. Nakagami
★ Judges’ Comments
It is sculptively sculpted, and the figure is simple and good.
MV work (Shino Nakagami)


15th Kyoto Student Festival Main Visual Recruitment Overview

Outline of Recruitment

Application Period 2017.1.1-2017.2.28
Number of Entries 69 (46 in the previous fiscal year)
Application Guidelines ecalbt011_007


If you would like to know more about the Kyoto Student Festival, check out this site!

saiten_banner_200-40    Facebook Logo     Twitter Logo

Contact us

Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto (closed on Mondays)
Tel:075-353-9432   Fax:075-353-9431
E-mail: saiten14th-ml■ (Please replace ■ with @)
Kyoto Student Festival Official Website:


【Thank you for coming】Kyoto Student Festival 15th Anniversary Project Starts! The first pre-event will be held on Sunday, June 4th in Ukyo Ward!

Thank you for holding the event

The 15th Kyoto Student Festival 15th Anniversary Project The first pre-event in Ukyo was held on Sunday, June 4th, and thanks to everyone’s support and cooperation, we were able to successfully and grandly finish.
On the day of the event, we were able to carry out all the programs under the refreshing weather typical of June, which is the start of the 15th Kyoto Student Festival.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who came to the event and to all those who worked hard in various fields to hold the pre-event.

Event Report

The 15th Kyoto Student Festival was planned with the aim of providing as many students as possible with a place and opportunity to “fully demonstrate the potential of students,” which is the activity philosophy of the Kyoto Student Festival. In particular, this year’s festival aims to realize a “festival in which people can participate proactively” by inviting more students from various fields, including artistic fields such as fashion and art, who have not participated in the festival so far, to participate in the festival, and to contribute to the revitalization of the community by disseminating it as an attraction of Kyoto. By expanding the range of genres in this way, we planned the project with the goal of creating a unique student culture for the festival while increasing the number of collaborators, and eventually becoming the “Four Great Festivals of Kyoto” on a par with the three major festivals in Kyoto.

At the 15th Kyoto Student Festival, students themselves became “culture” and learned about Kyoto’s culture under the theme of creating “Kyoto student culture.”
By creating a new culture that adds a student-like character, and connecting it to the main festival of the Kyoto Student Festival (held on October 8), which is the culmination of these efforts, we aim to become a festival that is more rooted in Kyoto and loved by people while demonstrating the student-ness.
The first event, “15th Anniversary Festa in Ukyo feat. Subway Tozai Line 20th Anniversary,” will be held on Sunday, June 4 at Kyoto Gakuen University’s Kyoto Uzumasa Campus.
In addition to the Kyoen merry-go-round, which includes various cultures and holds a 360-degree parade that resembles a merry-go-round, a fashion show by international students in collaboration with the project to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the return of Taisei, and the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Tozai Subway Line.
Mr./Ms. has a lot of project contents that can be enjoyed by everyone from small children to adults, such as a driver experience using a collaborative train simulator.
The University Consortium Kyoto supports the various activities that students carry out on a daily basis, and we will support them so that they can make the most of them at the culmination of the festival (October 8).
The students of the executive committee are also looking forward to seeing you, so please come to the venue.

Date & Time

Sunday, June 4, 2017, 11:00-16:00


Kyoto Gakuen University, Kyoto Uzumasa Campus
(Subway Tozai Line Uzumasa Tenjingawa Station 3 minutes on foot)

Entrance Fees



Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee


Ukyo Ward Office, Uzumasa Hospital


Kyoto Gakuen University, Kyoto City Transportation Bureau

2017 University Consortium Kyoto Event Information

This is a list of major events organized by the University Consortium Kyoto in 2017.
The schedule can be found below. (“New” is a new business in fiscal 2017.) )

Every Monday and from December 28 to January 4, Campus Plaza Kyoto is closed.
Please be careful.

Click here for details


University Consortium Kyoto
TEL 075-353-9130 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Kyoto-shi, Shimogyo-ku, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【Free Admission】”First Student Film” @京都学園大学 Uzumasa Campus〔Notice of the 20th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Pre-Event〕


Pre-event of the 20th Kyoto International Student Film Festival “First Student Film”
It will be held on Sunday, June 4 at Kyoto Gakuen University’s Uzumasa Campus.
This time, you can enjoy 9 carefully selected films from the past winners of the Kyoto International Student Film Festival for free!
It is a masterpiece selection of student films from various regions and genres, including anime and live-action.
Please stop by!


Outline of the event

“My First Student Film”
Date & Time: Sunday, June 4, 2017 11:00~15:40
Venue: Kyoto Gakuen University Uzumasa Campus Access is here
Fee: Free
Summary: Past winners of the Kyoto International Student Film Festival will be screened.
Others: On the day of the event, “Kyoto Student Festival 15th Anniversary Festa in Ukyo feat. Subway Tozai Line 20th Anniversary”
It is an exhibition.

★★★ What is the Kyoto International Student Film Festival? ★★★
This film festival is the largest international student film festival in Japan, planned and operated mainly by university students in the Kansai region, mainly in Kyoto.
We aim to discover future filmmakers by creating opportunities for students to gather, judge, and screen independent films produced by students from all over the world.
Click here for details

this matter>
TEL: 075-353-9430 (Closed on Mondays) *If you are not available, please contact us by e-mail.
Address: info ■ (Please change ■ to @ and send)

Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee held a “Partner Exchange Meeting”!

We held our first initiative, “Partner Exchange Meeting”!

_MG_0095 _MG_0042

On Wednesday, May 24, we invited people from the government, companies, local communities, and universities who are indebted to the Kyoto Student Festival to participate in the Kyoto Student Festival, and held a partner exchange meeting on Wednesday, May 24.

At the exchange meeting, for those who came to the event, touch the Kyoto flame! In addition, we reported on the details of this year’s pre-event, the highlights of the October Main Festival (the day of the Kyoto Student Festival), the announcement of the main visual, and the collaboration with project partners. In addition, through the “Kyoto Tea Expo,” one of the cultural projects that the Kyoto Student Festival is collaborating with this year, we attended workshops on “Uji Tea Culture and History” and “Learning how to brew tea,” and since the executive committee members became “Premium Tea Ambassadors,” we also entertained visitors with tea brewed by the executive committee members.

We received words of support and encouragement from the government, companies, local communities, and universities who came to the event, and it seems that the students on the executive committee were even more energized. Thank you very much to everyone who attended.

The first pre-event of the 15th Kyoto Student Festival will be held on Sunday, June 4 at Kyoto Gakuen University’s Uzumasa Campus. Everyone, please come to the venue after inviting each other.


[Related Sites]

▼Kyoto Student Festival

▼University Consortium Kyoto Kyoto Student Festival

▼June 4 Pre-Event Outline

Pre-Event 0525


If you would like to know more about the Kyoto Student Festival, check out this site!
▼Official Website/Official SNS Site▼
saiten_banner_160-40   Facebook Logo    Twitter Logo 

Contact us

The 15th Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Kyoto-shi, Shimogyo-ku, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto (closed on Mondays)
【TEL】075-353-9432 【FAX】075-353-9431
[E-mail] saiten15th-ml■ (Please replace ■ with @ and send it)
[Official Web Page]

Kyoto Student Festival 15th Anniversary Project Started! The first pre-event will be held on Sunday, June 4th in Ukyo Ward!

The Kyoto Student Festival is an opportunity for Kyoto students who transcend the boundaries of universities to collaborate with the business community, government, local communities, and universities, to disseminate “Kyoto as a student city” to society, further revitalize the Kyoto region, and create new attractions.
I am working hard every day to achieve this goal.
This year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Kyoto Student Festival. In Kyoto, which is called “Kyoto City of Students” with the theme of creating “Kyoto Student Culture”, students themselves become “culture”, learn about Kyoto’s culture, and
We will create a new culture with a student-like personality.
By connecting it to the main festival of the Kyoto Student Festival (held on October 8), which is the culmination of these efforts, we aim to make the festival more rooted in Kyoto and loved by people while demonstrating the student’s personality.
The first event, “15th Anniversary Festa in Ukyo feat. Subway Tozai Line 20th Anniversary,” will be held on Sunday, June 4 at Kyoto Gakuen University’s Kyoto Uzumasa Campus.
In addition to the Kyoen merry-go-round, which includes various cultures and holds a 360-degree parade that resembles a merry-go-round, a fashion show by international students in collaboration with the project to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the return of Taisei, and the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Tozai Subway Line.
Mr./Ms. has a lot of project contents that can be enjoyed by everyone from small children to adults, such as a driver experience using a collaborative train simulator.
The University Consortium Kyoto supports the various activities that students carry out on a daily basis, and we will support them so that they can make the most of them at the culmination of the festival (October 8).
The students of the executive committee are also looking forward to seeing you, so please come to the venue.

Outline of the event

Kyoto Student Festival 15th Anniversary Festa in Ukyo feat. 20th Anniversary of the Tozai Subway Line


Date & Time

Sunday, June 4, 2017, 11:00-16:00


Kyoto Gakuen University, Kyoto Uzumasa Campus
(Subway Tozai Line Uzumasa Tenjingawa Station 3 minutes on foot)

Entrance Fees



Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee


Ukyo Ward Office, Uzumasa Hospital


Kyoto Gakuen University, Kyoto City Transportation Bureau

★ We have put up posters on the subway line, so please look for them.

Pre-Event 0525


< Notice> Kyoto Student Festival 15th Anniversary Festa in Kyoto Station Building & Underground Mall Porta

Re Sunday, August 27, 2017
place Kyoto Station Building, Kyoto Station Underground Shopping Mall Porta

The details of the project will be updated closer to the date and time of the event, so please wait until then.

Report on the 14th Kyoto Student Festival

▼Click here for details▼




If you would like to know more about the Kyoto Student Festival, check out this site!
▼Official Website/Official SNS Site▼
saiten_banner_160-40   Facebook Logo    Twitter Logo 

Contact us

The 15th Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Kyoto-shi, Shimogyo-ku, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto (closed on Mondays)
【TEL】075-353-9432 【FAX】075-353-9431
[E-mail] saiten15th-ml■ (Please replace ■ with @ and send it)
[Official Web Page]


【Closed】 【For Students】Call for Entries for the 20th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Competition!! (~Until 4/28)

What is the Kyoto International Student Film Festival?

The Kyoto International Student Film Festival is the largest international student film festival in Japan and is now in its 20th year. Films and video works directed by a wide range of student directors, both in Japan and overseas, are solicited in a competition format, and the selected films are screened at the Kyoto International Student Film Festival (scheduled to be held in late November) and the best films are awarded.
Historically, Kyoto is a “movie town” that still inherits the cultural heritage of the early days of Japan cinema, and it is also a “university town and student town” where students account for 10% of the population of Kyoto City. The purpose of this festival is to create a place for international exchange and mutual understanding among student filmmakers and filmmakers, as well as to discover and disseminate new talents who will support the film industry in the future from among the many possibilities of student filmmakers.

English page

Outline of the Call for Submissions

We are currently accepting submissions for the festival’s competition (live-action and anime). We are looking forward to receiving many listings.
 * For details, please check the official website and flyer below.
 *The application period for 2017 has ended. Thank you very much for your application, Mr. Mr./Ms..

 ■ Application period: March 17 (Fri) ~ April 28 (Fri), 2017 *Must be postmarked on the day of Japan time
■ Recruitment Division: Live-action Division, Anime Division
■ Delivery: Free
■ How to apply: After entering on the official website, apply by media mail (BD-R and DVD-R) or data.
■ Entry Rules: (1) When applying, please select one of the following two categories.
(1) Live-Action Division / (2) Anime Division
(2) Works completed on or after January 1, 2016 are eligible.
(3) The director must be a student at the time of completion of the work.
(4) We will accept works that have not been submitted to the festival in the past.
(5) For works that use languages other than Japanese, Japanese or English subtitles must be used.
Please turn it on. (If you can’t add subtitles, please submit a text script)
(6) The exhibition fee is free.
(7) There is no limit to the number of listings.
(8) The age and nationality of the director do not require.
(9) There is no limit to the length of the work.

   Click here for the official website of the Kyoto International Student Film Festival.

[Japanese version leaflet]
20th Competition Call for Works Japanese Version
【English ver.】
Call for 20th Competition (English)

        [We are also looking for student executive committee members to run the film festival!]

About the 20th Kyoto International Student Film Festival

Scheduled for late November 2017. As soon as the date and venue are decided, we will inform you on this site.

[Last year: Introduction of the award-winning films of the 19th Kyoto International Student Film Festival]

Grand-Prix for Live-action Film

Darling Steel

Director: Sebastian Schmidl
School: Filmacademy Vienna

Tamara’s decision to divorce is about to change the lives of those around her. Hans has to give up his home, and Tamara’s beloved father-in-law has to move into a nursing home. Away from the outside world, they spend their last weekend together filled with sentimentality.

KingAnime Division Grand Prix
Grand-Prix for Animated Film

Edmond Steel

Director: Nina Gantz
School: National Film and Television School
2015/9min/United Kingdom

Edmund’s desire to love others is probably too strong. He stands alone by the lake and reminisces about his life up to that point. He evokes intense memories and searches for the origin of his desires.

KingFinal Jury Prize Yasumi Sakamoto Prize
The Final Judge, Abi Sakamoto Award

Toori Rain Steel

“Toori Rain”
Director: Masaki Inada
School: Osaka University of Arts

A young man who aspires to be a manga artist meets a housewife who is painting on the walls of her house. The young man would go to see the painting every day, but she would erase it when she was finished. A long-winded and improvisational tale of just two people.

KingFinal Jury Prize Nobuaki Doi Prize
The Final Judge, Nobuaki Doi Award

p20 I Have a Future Still

“I Have a Future” 
Director: Rieko Ouchi
School: Hokkaido University of Education Graduate School

A daily anime that depicts the life of “me”. This work is nothing more than a collection of elements. I, too, am nothing more than a collection of elements.

KingFinal Jury Prize Kunihiko Tomioka Prize
The Final Judge, Kunihiko Tomioka Award


Director: Satindar Singh Bedi
School: Film and Television Institute of India, Pune

An 80-year-old woman is digging a well with a horse. When he begins to hallucinate from thirst, a girl appears. Eventually, water gushes out of a deep well, sprouting greenery in the desert and quenching the horses’ thirst.

KingAudience Award
Audience Award
* The live-action Grand Prix “Darling” also won the Audience Award!

Darling Steel

Director: Sebastian Schmidl
School: Filmacademy Vienna

* The Audience Award will be selected by a questionnaire from customers who have seen the work during the festival.

Click here for the detailed implementation details of last year!

[< Reference> Introduction of Past Selected Artists]

・Yuya Ishii’s “Rebel Jiro’s Love” (2006, 9th selection)
/ “Weaving a Boat” (released in 2013)

・ Eihiro Fukagawa’s “Zenriki Bombaye!” (1999, 2nd selection)
/ “Midnight Journey” (released in 2011)

・Tatsuo Kobayashi× Aya Watanabe (screenplay) “Boy and Town” (2007, 10th Grand Prix)
“Country Girl” (released in 2011)

Destin Daniel Cretton (co-director) “DEACON’S MONDAYS”
(2007, 10th Prize, from the United States)
/ “Short Term” released in Japan in 2014
It has won 30 film awards worldwide and has been nominated for 50 film awards.

Patrick Vollrath’s “KetchupKid”
 (2014, 17th Grand Prix of the Short Film Division, Germany)
Nominated for Best Live Action Short Film at the 88th Academy Awards.



Facebook Logo【】Twitter Logo【@kisfvf】

Presentation 1【】



20th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto
TEL: 075-353-9430 (Closed on Mondays) FAX: 075-353-9101
E-MAIL: info■ (Please change ■ to @ and send)

Announcement of the start of the 2017 “University Relay Course” and the change of venue

Approximately 50 universities and organizations that are members of the University Consortium Kyoto offer their own unique lifelong learning courses
The “University Relay Course” is a relay program held by each university at Campus Plaza Kyoto in order to let citizens know about various unique courses that take advantage of the characteristics of each university, other than the courses that have been provided to Kyoto College so far. No pre-registration is required and it is free, so please join us.
* Some courses have been changed from the originally scheduled venue.
Please check the following and be careful.

Let’s experience more university courses ~ “University town Kyoto” is a learning campus ~

* The capacity and venue have been changed as follows.
◆ Capacity: 250 people * However, 90 people on 9/9 and 170 people on 1/27
◆Lecture time: 13:30~15:00 (Reception starts at 13:00)
◆Venue: Lecture Room 2, 4th floor, Campus Plaza Kyoto (except 9/9 and 1/27)
9/9 Campus Plaza Kyoto 5th Floor Seminar Rooms 2-4
1/27 Campus Plaza Kyoto 4th Floor Lecture Room 3
◆ Registration: Not required
◆ Fee: Free

This year, 12 courses will be held from the following 11 universities. Take any course you like.
《2017 University Relay Course》 【Detailed Information Flyer PDF】


Kyoto University of Foreign Studies

With foreigners visiting Kyoto

How to communicate

Jeff Birkland
Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages


Otani University

What the Buddha Statue Tells Us

-Exploring the history of the region-

Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Letters
Director, Otani University Museum


Ryukoku University

Buddhism as a Way
-Introduction to Buddhism for Noticing Happiness-

Professor, Faculty of Agriculture


Saga Art College

Universal Design
-Aiming for a society where everyone can live comfortably-

Professor, Department of Fine Arts
Dean of Junior College


Kyoto Seika University

Literature and freedom of expression
– Focusing on Junichiro Tanizaki’s modern translations of “The Tale of Genji” and “Thin Snow” –

Full-time Lecturer, Faculty of Humanities


Kyoto Gakuen University

No matter how old you are, it’s not too late to build your body and physical strength.

Professor, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences


Kyoto Bunkyo University

Creating a community where students and citizens work together
-From the case of the efforts of Uji Tea in the town of Uji-

Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences


Heian Jogakuin University

Kyoto in the Nara Period

Professor, School of International Tourism


Kyoto Gakuen University

Development of FOSHU and Functional Foods Based on the Bioregulatory Functions of Foods

Hiroyuki Fujita

Professor, Faculty of Bio-Environmental Sciences


Kyoto City University of Arts

Art × care = complacency and sobriety?

Professor, Department of Conceptual Design, Faculty of Fine Arts


Kyoto Women’s University

Shinran Saint in the Dictionary
-A heart that longs for saints-

Faculty of Developmental Education
associate professor


Kyoto Sangyo University

The Universe Seen Through the Lens of Gravity

Department of Astrophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of Science

*In April 2017, the name was changed from Kyoto Saga College of the Arts.
★ The content of the course is subject to change due to circumstances. Changes will be posted on the “NEWS” and “Important Notices” section of the University Consortium Kyoto website, as well as on the bulletin board in Campus Plaza Kyoto.

[Reference] Kyoto College University Relay Course Details 

University Consortium Kyoto Miyako College
TEL 075-353-9140 FAX 075-353-9121
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
※Inquiry time: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00

Bidding and Proposal Information (Short-Term Acceptance Projects)

Guidelines for Proposals for the Implementation of a Short-Term Study Abroad Program to Experience the Charm of “University City Kyoto”


Kyoto City and the University Consortium Kyoto have been inviting overseas students interested in studying in Japan to Kyoto since the 27th academic year, and have been conducting a two-week acceptance program twice a year (summer and winter) that combines distinctive lectures by various universities, Kyoto experiences, and exchanges with Japan students. We are looking for contractors as follows, so please apply by the deadline (Friday, April 14, 29 at 5 p.m.).

H29_ Short-term Study Abroad Contractors Application Guidelines


University Consortium Kyoto
International Affairs Department, International Student Study Kyoto Network Secretariat (Contact: Shiono)
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)