【Notice】Handling of facility use when the spread prevention is extended (updated on 2/19)

Regarding the use of facilities at Campus Plaza Kyoto, priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease will be implemented on Friday, February 18, 2022.
In response to the extension of the period, Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City are taking measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection.
We would like to inform you that the following will continue to be handled
during the period of February 21 (Monday) ~ March 6 (Sunday).

Availability 21:30 (Regular business)
Capacity Capacity is limited (regular business)

* “Kyoto City Wakamono Employment Support Center” and “Employment Ice Age Generation Activity Support Corner” in this facility
For information on the use of the Open University of Kyoto Study Center, please check with each facility.
* The reception desk is open at 21:30 (as usual).

* From the viewpoint of preventing the spread of new coronavirus infection, when using Campus Plaza Kyoto, please follow the following points.
Thank you for your cooperation.
・Please wear a mask when entering the building and disinfect your hands with the disinfectant installed at the entrance.
* If you do not wear a mask, you will not be allowed to enter the building in principle.
・ If you have a fever (37.5 degrees or higher or more than 1 degree above the normal temperature ratio) after measuring the temperature at home, etc., cough or sore throat,
Please do not enter the museum if you have symptoms such as sluggishness or difficulty breathing.
・Please keep the seating distance between seats in the rental room at least 2m (at least 1m) as much as possible.
Also, please make sure that people do not stay before or after the usage time.
・Bring a handkerchief or hand towel, and wipe your hands thoroughly after using the restroom.
・Please refrain from talking in the elevator or in the lobby in front of the elevator. You can also use the stairs.

(Request to the organizer of the event)
Please know the names and contact information of the participants in case of emergency.
* We may ask you to provide information as necessary and provide information to public institutions such as public health centers.

【Finished】Announcement of “University Consortium Kyoto 2021 Project Implementation Report Meeting”

Since its establishment in 1994, the Foundation has developed a variety of initiatives as the first university consortium organization in Japan and as a platform for university and regional collaboration, in collaboration with member universities and junior colleges and local communities, industry, business associations, and local governments.
In addition, we have formulated the Fifth Stage Plan, which is a five-year medium-term plan from FY2019 to FY2023, and are promoting initiatives.
We would like to inform you that we will hold the following business progress report meeting to report on the main projects implemented in FY2021 by each business division.

1 Date and time
Wednesday, March 9, 2022 19:00~19:45 (Reception starts at 18:45)

2 Format
Online (Zoom) *Zoom meeting URL will be sent to participants at a later date.

3 Contents
(1) Report on the implementation of projects in 2021 at the University Consortium Kyoto
(2) Q&A

4 How to apply
Please apply by Friday, March 4 using the Google form below.

5 Inquiries
University Consortium Kyoto
Research & Public Relations Division (Nomura, Maeda)
Tel: 075-353-9130 / Fax: 075-353-9101
Email: pf-kyoto-ml■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)

【Finished】2020 and 2021 Research Report Meeting on Foundation-Designated Research Topics will be held

The University Consortium Kyoto has established designated research topics and conducts research by researchers in specialized fields with the aim of contributing to the improvement and review of its business and the development and sophistication of its business.
We are pleased to announce the following research report on the research topics conducted in FY2020 and FY2021.
We look forward to your participation.
(Registration required, free of charge)

1. Date and time

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 16:00~18:25

2. Location   

Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th floor, Lecture Room 3 (capacity)

・Online (Zoom)

* Due to the situation of the new coronavirus infection, it may be held completely online.
In that case, we will send a URL for online participation to those who choose to participate at the venue.

3. Contents of the report

(1) New development of the Kyoto brand in attracting international students
~Development of a model case based on the University Consortium Kyoto~ (2020 project)

Summary of Research The purpose of this survey is to further promote the internationalization of universities in the Kyoto region from the perspective of accepting international students. Through questionnaire surveys and interviews, we organized the current situation and issues of the member universities of the University Consortium Kyoto and investigated precedents. Based on these findings, we will propose a model case in which the efforts of each university and the efforts of inter-university collaboration organizations can synergize and contribute to the expansion of international student attraction.
Principal Investigator Ritsumeikan University, General Affairs Department, Secretarial Section, Noritaka Hashimoto


(2) Social network analysis of the role structure of the University Consortium Kyoto member universities in the regional network (2020 project)

Summary of Research In this survey, the network analysis and statistical analysis of a wealth of data on social-related capital, industrial-related capital, human capital, intellectual capital, and cultural capital collected through the organizational data of the University Consortium Kyoto, the input-output table of Kyoto Prefecture, a questionnaire survey of member universities, and the “Kyoto Prefectural University Brand Survey” of the Kyoto regional brand were used to determine that the University Consortium Kyoto and its member universities are responsible for the regional industries and cultural capital of Kyoto. We have clarified how they contribute to the production and maintenance of local cultural resources from multiple perspectives.
Principal Investigator Kyoto Sangyo University, Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies, Professor, Jun Kanemitsu


(3) Re-Exploring Kyoto’s Core Values: Toward the Future of Unit Interchangeability (FY2021 Task)

Summary of Research Amid the declining birthrate and aging society and the progress of globalization, there is a movement to re-examine the essence of inter-university collaboration along with individual reforms at higher education institutions, such as the introduction of the university collaboration promotion corporation system.
This survey makes recommendations for the future of the credit transfer system, based on the fact that the credit transfer program of the University Consortium Kyoto has been conducted as a learning system that reflects the regional characteristics and advantages of the university town and Kyoto.
Principal Investigator Ritsumeikan University Institute for the Promotion of Common Education Professor Hironori Yamaguchi

4. How to apply

If you would like to participate, please apply using the application form below by Friday, February 25th.


< Contact>

University Consortium Kyoto Research & Public Relations Division

Tel: 075-353-9130 Fax: 075-353-9101
E-mail:  shitei-kadai-ml [at] consortium.or.jp
Please change ※[at] to @



【Notice】Handling of facility use when the spread prevention order is issued (updated on 1/26)

Regarding the use of facilities at Campus Plaza Kyoto, priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease will be implemented on Thursday, January 27, 2022.
In response to the application, in line with the efforts of Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection,
We would like to inform you that the period from January 27 (Thursday) to February 20 (Sunday), 2022 will continue to be handled
as follows.

Availability 21:30 (Regular business)
Capacity Capacity is limited (regular business)

* “Kyoto City Wakamono Employment Support Center” and “Employment Ice Age Generation Activity Support Corner” in this facility
For information on the use of the Open University of Kyoto Study Center, please check with each facility.
* The reception desk is open at 21:30 (as usual).

* From the viewpoint of preventing the spread of new coronavirus infection, when using Campus Plaza Kyoto, please follow the following points.
Thank you for your cooperation.
・Please wear a mask when entering the building and disinfect your hands with the disinfectant installed at the entrance.
* If you do not wear a mask, you will not be allowed to enter the building in principle.
・ If you have a fever (37.5 degrees or higher or more than 1 degree above the normal temperature ratio) after measuring the temperature at home, etc., cough or sore throat,
Please do not enter the museum if you have symptoms such as sluggishness or difficulty breathing.
・Please keep the seating distance between seats in the rental room at least 2m (at least 1m) as much as possible.
Also, please make sure that people do not stay before or after the usage time.
・Bring a handkerchief or hand towel, and wipe your hands thoroughly after using the restroom.
・Please refrain from talking in the elevator or in the lobby in front of the elevator. You can also use the stairs.

(Request to the organizer of the event)
Please know the names and contact information of the participants in case of emergency.
* We may ask you to provide information as necessary and provide information to public institutions such as public health centers.

【Internship】Messages from seniors who participated have been uploaded!

Out of the approximately 250 students who participated in the 2021 internship program, all 13 graduates of each course sent warm messages to Mr./Ms. who are considering an internship!

They tell us why they decided to participate in the program and their impressions after participating.

Please refer to the experiences of our seniors!

Click here for ▶ a message from a senior

The 2022 Internship Program Information Flyer can be downloaded by clicking on the image.







University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
Mail intern@consortium.or.jp
TEL 075-353-9106
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)
Internship Program Portal Site

【Internship】Practical training program examples have been uploaded!

Currently, the University Consortium Kyoto is looking for host companies to cooperate with the 2022 internship program.

We have newly established a page called “Introduction to Practical Training Program Examples”.
In this program, we interviewed a total of 11 host companies from among those who participated in FY2021, and they introduced their ingenuity in planning the training and the events that occurred at the training site, including not only “what went well” but also “how to respond to things that did not go well.”

We hope that you will be able to grasp the image of the practical training more concretely and refer to it when considering future acceptance.

Click here for the practical training program example introduction page. ▶

< introductory content>

・ Three important points in practical training
・ 2021 Practicum Schedule
・ What you expected when deciding to accept an internship and what you focused on when planning your internship
・ What you think went well or didn’t go well in the training
・ Advantages of accepting internships
・ Message to companies and organizations considering accepting applications
・ Students’ Voices

If you are a company or organization interested in accepting students, please feel free to contact the secretariat.

In addition, we hope that companies and organizations that will continue to accept internships will be able to help with their internship implementation plans.


University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
Mail intern@consortium.or.jp
TEL 075-353-9106
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)
Internship Program Portal Site

【Internship】2/18 (Fri) Announcement of “Internship Program Study Group” for companies and organizations

Currently, the University Consortium Kyoto is looking for recipients who can cooperate with the 2022 internship program.

In line with this, in order to further enhance the internship program, we will hold a “Study Group on the Internship Program at the Host Internship Program.”
The purpose of the study group is to share specific practical cases and exchange opinions, and to deepen the connection between the host companies and between the host companies and the university career managers.

If you are a company or organization that is considering accepting students for internships and is interested in our study group, please feel free to contact the secretariat.

Date & Time: Friday, February 18, 2022 15:00~17:00
Venue: Online (ZOOM)

Program content (tentative):

1. Outline of the Internship Program and Acceptance
2. Examples of internships by the person in charge of the host company
3. Divide into groups to present issues and exchange opinions


University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)
Internship Program Portal Site

2/14 (Mon) Notice of suspension of the availability confirmation page due to power outage in the entire building

On Monday, February 14, 2022, Campus Plaza Kyoto
There will be a power outage throughout the building.
For the following power outage times, the availability confirmation page cannot be viewed.
Thank you for your understanding.

Power outage time: Monday, February 14, 2022 9:00 ~ 15:00 (planned)

Please note that during a power outage, the following items will not be available or available.
 (1) Reception of faxes, etc.
(2) Browse the availability check page of Campus Plaza Kyoto (Rental Venues and Facilities Usage Guide)
(3) Use of the e-Kyoto Learning System
(4) Browsing the Foundation’s website, such as the special website for credit transfer

Depending on the recovery status, you may not be able to view it even at 3 p.m.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Notice of resumption of air conditioning use

At Campus Plaza Kyoto, due to air conditioning renovation work from October 3rd year of Reiwa,

The use of air conditioning has been suspended in some rental rooms.

From 12/21 (Tuesday), you will be able to use air conditioning.

We will let you know.

In addition, since the construction will continue to be carried out, the construction noise and the construction contractor’s

There are comings and goings.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Thank you.





【Mainly for high school teachers】”The 12th Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting” February 1 (Tue) Call for Participants

The “Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting” is a place where people who transcend the boundaries of schools and their founders can share their ideas and concerns about school and homeroom management, class improvement, etc., and interact with each other to solve problems.

We are pleased to announce that the 12th exchange meeting will be held as follows.

Looking back on the past year of practice in the field of education, what are you looking for now, what do you want to share with others and other schools, based on your own and your school’s achievements and challenges, and what questions do you have for this exchange meeting?
This will be an opportunity for students to share their expectations for the improvement of educational practices for themselves and their schools in the future, and to motivate themselves for the next year through the exchange of opinions and exchanges.
Why don’t you come into contact with more diverse practices and ideas and deepen the connection between faculty members?

We look forward to your active participation.

◆Click here for the 12th Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting flyer [Download]

Date & Time Tuesday, February 1, 2022 18:00~20:00 (Reception 17:45~)
Place: Hybrid format
(1) Campus Plaza Kyoto 2nd Floor Hall
(Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru)
(2) Online (Zoom meeting)
theme Review of Educational Practices in FY2021
~Toward Better High School and University Collaboration and Connection~
coordinator Kenichi Sato (Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University)
Tetsuhide Shino (Professor, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University)

18:00~18:05 Opening Ceremony
18:05~18:55 Group Discussion
18:55~19:05 Coffee Break
19:05~19:45 Sharing
19:45~19:55 Conclusion and Closing
19:55~20:00 Reflection

* Some contents are subject to change depending on the number of applicants.

Participation Fee free
Target Mainly high school teachers
* People from outside Kyoto Prefecture can also participate.
* In the case of online participation, those who can turn on the camera and microphone to participate in the breakout session
Occupancy 30 people: 15 people at the venue, 15 people online (first-come, first-served basis)
Organizer Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)

< precautions (please be sure to check)>
* Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the event may be changed to be held online only. Thank you for your understanding.
*If you wish to participate at the venue, please keep the following points in mind.
(1) Please be sure to wear a mask and disinfect your hands with the disinfectant installed at the venue.
(2) If you have symptoms such as fever (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, etc.), please refrain from visiting.
(3) Please bring a handkerchief or hand towel, and wipe your hands thoroughly after washing your hands.
(4) At the venue, the staff will check the body temperature when entering the room and ventilate it regularly. Thank you for your understanding.
* For those who participate online, we will inform you on how to join Zoom around 10:00 on the day of the event.

How to apply

Please click the “Apply” button below, fill in the required information, and apply.

* After applying, the secretariat will send you an email confirming the completion of your application.
If you do not receive the email after 2~3 days, please contact us using the contact information below.

Application Deadline

Wednesday, January 26, 2022
* It has been extended.


University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division, High School-University Collaboration Project
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)