【For high school and university students】November 3 (holiday) Call for Participants for the 2018 High School-University Collaboration Future Session “How to Connect Work and Learning?”

For Mr./Ms., are “working” and “learning” completely different? Without a clear vision of your future vision and purpose, you may be choosing a career path such as getting a job at a well-known company, and for that reason, applying to a famous university with a higher deviation value.
In this Future Session, we would like to invite people who have thought about their own future and carved out their own path as role models, and we would like to think together across generations under the theme of “How to connect work and learning?”
We hope that by coming into contact with diverse values, you will broaden your horizons and make use of them in your future studies and career choices.
In addition, in anticipation of future technological innovation, we will hold a meeting in Kyoto City and the northern part of the prefecture on the same day, and share role model talks and summary time online.

Date & Time Saturday, November 3, 2018 11:00~16:30 (Doors open at 10:30)
Place: Kyoto Prefectural Venue:
Fukuchiyama City Citizen Exchange Plaza Fukuchiyama 3rd Floor Citizen Exchange Space
(400 Ekimae-cho, Fukuchiyama-shi, Kyoto)
Venues in Kyoto:
Campus Plaza Kyoto 5th Floor Seminar Room 2~4
(Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru)
Occupancy Venue: 25 university students, 25 high school students (university students and high school students attending universities and high schools in Kyoto Prefecture)
program 11:00~ Explanation of purpose and icebreaker

11:45~ Lunch (Please prepare your own lunch)

12:45~ Role Model Talk
Northern Kyoto Prefecture Venue: Rika Yajima (Representative Director of Waeru Co., Ltd.)
Kyoto City Venue: Ryo Tsukamoto (CEO, GL Academia Co., Ltd.)

14:15~ Questions for Workshop Role Models

15:45~ Reflection and Summary

16:30 End


Rika Yajima (Representative Director, Waeru Co., Ltd.)
Born in Tokyo in 1988.
Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Law and Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance.
Fascinated by artisans and tradition, he began traveling around the country at the age of 19, and began working to disseminate information on Japan’s traditional culture and industry during his university years. With the desire to “pass on the traditions of Japan to the next generation,” he founded Waeru Co., Ltd. in March 2011, when he was in his fourth year of university. In March 2012, in order to create an environment where people can come into contact with the handiwork of craftsmen from an early age, he launched “AERU”, a traditional brand for 0 to 6 year olds, and created original products together with craftsmen from all over Japan. Starting with an online directly managed store, in 2014 he opened a directly managed store “AERU MEGURO” in Tokyo, and in 2015 he opened a directly managed store in Kyoto “AERU GOJO”. We are developing various businesses such as “aeru room” and “aeru oatsurae” to connect to the next generation while utilizing the traditions of Japan and the wisdom of our ancestors in our daily lives.
Ryo Tsukamoto (CEO, GL Academia Co., Ltd.)
CEO of GL Academia Corporation. Education professional, interpreter and translator.
He holds a Master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Cambridge.
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics at Doshisha University from a problem child with a deviation value of 30 and on the verge of dropping out. After that, he studied psychology at Cambridge, and after returning to Japan, he established an English conversation school, GL Academia, in Kyoto. His teaching methods, which make use of his knowledge of psychology and his own learning experience, have attracted attention, and he has been inundated with requests for guidance from Japan and abroad. More than 100 Japan students, from working adults, have been admitted to top universities and graduate schools overseas, including the University of Cambridge and the University of London.
He is the author of 11 books, including “Life-Changing Studies for Cambridge Graduates Even with a Deviation of 30,” “The Habits of ‘People Who Do It Quickly’ and ‘Those Who Can’t’,” and “Efforts Continue on Their Own.”

Northern Kyoto Prefecture: Mr. Hideki Sugioka (Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Management, Fukuchiyama Public University)
Kyoto City Venue: Terumi Sameshima (Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kyoto Koka Women’s University)

High School and University Collaboration Future Session Application Form***


How to apply: Please apply by one of the following methods.
Send the application form by fax (1)
(2) Send by e-mail

(1) Application by fax

Please fill out the application form and send it by fax to the University Consortium Kyoto Secretariat.
Please download the application form.
Fax: 075-353-9101

(2) Application by e-mail

Subject: “Application for Future Session in Collaboration with High School and University”

Please fill out the application form and send it to the address below.
Please send the following content directly to the body of the email:
(1) Name (furigana), (2) University/high school, (3) Grade, (4) Telephone number, (5) E-mail address
(6) Desired venue (northern Kyoto / Kyoto city)

Please apply by e-mail to kodai■consortium.or.jp with the above contents.
(Please replace ■ with @)
We will send you a confirmation email after receiving your application.

Application Deadline

Friday, October 19, 2018

Application and Inquiries

University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

The 16th Kyoto Student Festival [Sunday, October 7]


Based on the information released by the Japan Meteorological Agency as of 17:00 today (Friday, October 5), the 16th Kyoto Student Festival will be held as scheduled.

However, if we decide to cancel the event due to sudden weather changes or other unforeseen circumstances in the future, we will promptly notify you through the following website and SNS.

■Kyoto Student Festival Homepage
■Kyoto Student Festival 2018 Special Site
■Kyoto Student Festival Official Twitter
Kyoto Student Festival Official Instagram
■Kyoto Student Festival Official Facebook

To those who are scheduled to present “The 14th Policy Research Exchange Conference from Kyoto” Papers for the 13th Conference Research Encouragement Award have been posted!


The recipients of the Research Encouragement Award at the 13th Policy Research Exchange Conference from Kyoto held on Sunday, December 3, 2017

Papers will be published. Click on each item to view the PDF data.


Award Name


Presentation Title

Name of organization

Kyoto Prefectural Governor’s Award

(Graduate School)

Promotion of PFI in Local Governments

Kyoto Prefectural Policy Advocacy Seminar

(Kyoto University)


Kyoto Mayor’s Prize


In the formation of food industry clusters

Hiraoka Seminar Industry Group

(Ritsumeikan University)

Disasters and Gender

Kawaguchi Seminar Group 2

(Doshisha University)


University Consortium Kyoto
President’s Award


Improvement of the process of local government policy formation through “Young Review”

Kyoto Prefectural University
Faculty of Public Policy

Public Policy Practicum I. 2nd year
Kubota Seminar

(Kyoto Prefectural University)


Japan Society for Public Policy Award


A Study on Building a Relationship between Children’s Cafeterias and Children
~Through activities in Ibaraki City~

Children’s Cafeteria Group

(Ritsumeikan University)


Award of Excellence


Consideration of trends in the location of private lodgings in the three wards of Kyoto City (Shimogyo-ku, Nakagyo-ku, Higashiyama-ku) and proposals for improvement of local initiative

Faculty of Policy Studies, Ryukoku University

Department of Policy Studies

Daisuke Abe Seminar

(Ryukoku University)


Current Status and Issues of the Japan Heritage Strategy
~Using Iba Town as an example~

Fukao Seminar C

(Ryukoku University)


Sustainability of Community-Managed Farming, Forestry and Fishing Village Vacation Rentals

Faculty of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University

Hiraoka Seminar Tourism Team

(Ritsumeikan University)


Temple Shelter
~Thinking of temples as refuge~

Ishihara Seminar

Temple and Disaster Prevention Community Development Project

(Ryukoku University)


Responding to the destruction of townscapes by coin-operated parking lots

Kazama Seminar Landscape Group

(Doshisha University)


A Study on Building a Relationship between Children’s Cafeterias and Children
~Through activities in Ibaraki City~

Children’s Cafeteria Group

(Ritsumeikan University)


How can I meet the person of my destiny?
~Marriage support that is needed now~

Otsuka Seminar

Marriage Groups

(Bukkyo University)



Vacant House Project

Shinkawa Seminar

(Doshisha University)


Satoumi Policy Process Analysis in Japan

Minori Fukuda

(Ritsumeikan University)



* Only papers that have been published with permission are published.


【Inquiries regarding this matter】

University Consortium Kyoto
In charge of the 14th Policy Research Exchange Conference from Kyoto
TEL 075-353-9130 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

< I was presented with a letter of appreciation > the internship.

We are pleased to present you with a certificate of appreciation!

As the 2018 academic year marks the 20th anniversary of the Foundation’s internship program, the University Consortium Kyoto is pleased to present the following letters of appreciation to the companies and organizations that have been working hard to accept students for their understanding over the years.

■ Companies and organizations that accept certificates of appreciation (in order of honorifics and IDs)
No. course Company Name
1 Business & Public The Westin Miyako Kyoto
2 Business & Public SRM Corporation
3 Business & Public Kyoto Shinkin Bank
4 Business & Public Kyoto Central Shinkin Bank
5 Business & Public Kyoto Broadcasting Co., Ltd.
6 Business & Public JIIKE Kyoto Corporation
7 Business & Public Maruzen Junkudo Bookstore Kyoto
8 Business & Public Choei Corporation
9 Business & Public Tomitaya Corporation
10 Business & Public Toshio Nakamura Law Office
11 Business & Public Hotel Granvia Osaka Co., Ltd.
12 Business & Public Uji City Hall
13 Business & Public Kyoto
14 Business & Public Kyoto Prefectural Government
15 Business & Public Shiga Prefectural Government
16 Business & Public Nagaokakyo City Hall
17 Business & Public Daiichi Corporation
18 Business & Public Aozora Printing Co., Ltd.
19 progress Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education
20 Business & Public Kyoto Women’s University
21 Business & Public Doshisha University
22 Business & Public Ritsumeikan University
23 Business & Public Kyoto Bunkyo University
24 Business & Public Sankyo Seiki Corporation
25 Business & Public Sekihiro Corporation
26 Business & Public Hana Kobo Co., Ltd.
27 Business & Public Aoi General Insurance Co., Ltd.
28 Business & Public Being Inc.
29 Business & Public Artom Inc.
30 Business & Public Kyoto University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
31 Business & Public Kyoto University
32 Business & Public Etre Communications Inc.



University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Heisei 30 “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” Recruitment Notice

Kyoto City and the University Consortium Kyoto are implementing the “University Regional Collaboration Creation and Support Project (nicknamed the Gakumachi Collaboration Project)” to support the efforts by granting support funds to projects and projects that work on urban development and regional revitalization in Kyoto through “collaboration” between universities, students, and local communities.
This year marks the 15th year of the program, with the aim of developing human resources by securing practical education and research opportunities for universities, and for local communities, solving local issues and revitalizing them through the knowledge of the university and the vitality of students.
We are pleased to announce that we will start recruiting for the 30th academic year, so please check the following guidelines before applying.

NEW It has become easier to apply for the ≪Cultural Framework≫

From this fiscal year, projects that apply for the cultural category may be selected in the general category.

As for the judging, the content of the projects will be judged in the same way for both the general and cultural categories, and only the cultural category will be judged from the perspective of the student’s degree of contribution to the local community.

★ What is the “Cultural Framework”?

In March 28, it was decided to completely relocate the Agency for Cultural Affairs to Kyoto. Taking this as an opportunity, we have established a “cultural frame” for the Gakumachi Collaboration Project from the 29th academic year, and we are expanding the activity expenses for creating and disseminating printed materials and videos for efforts to “disseminate” diverse cultures from Kyoto.

Target Businesses

 For the purpose of solving local issues and revitalizing the city of Kyoto, projects that fall under the following requirements ((1) and (2) for the general category and (1), (2), and (3) for the cultural framework) to be implemented in Kyoto City during the Heisei 30 fiscal year (from the date of adoption to the end of March of the following year) are eligible.
However, political activities, religious activities, activities that promote specific ideas, violent or destructive activities, commercial businesses, etc. are excluded.
* Projects applied for the cultural category may be selected in the general category.
* Projects applied for the general category will not be selected for the cultural category.

[Common requirements for general and cultural frameworks]
(1) Projects in which universities and student groups and local communities (residents’ organizations, civic activity groups, businesses, etc., mainly in the Kyoto City area) collaborate and collaborate as organizations and groups, and in particular, students take the initiative in their activities.
* Administrative agencies may be included as collaborators, but cooperation with administrative agencies alone is not possible.
Examples: Health and welfare, social education, community development, promotion of academic, cultural, artistic or sports, environmental conservation,
Surveys and research in various fields such as community safety, citizen lectures, events, etc.

(2) Those who have not received any subsidies or subsidies from Kyoto City other than the Gakumachi Collaboration Project.

[Requirements for the cultural quota only]
(3) Priority theme: “Culture of the region”*
In addition to the requirements of (1) and (2), it is necessary to dig up the culture that lies dormant in the region and to pass on the culture that has been passed down from generation to generation in the region.
Projects that work on dissemination to preserve for the future, or to create a new culture through the knowledge of the university and the vitality of its students.
Businesses to work on.
 In order to inherit and archive local culture, it is necessary to disseminate the results of activities in print and video.
* “Culture” includes lifestyles and customs such as art, performing arts, events, industry, food, clothing, housing, etc., as well as old and new.
There are diverse aspects.
Universities, student groups, and the local community themselves should carry out activities from the perspective of “this is culture.”

Target Organizations

Organizations and groups of University Consortium, Kyoto member universities and junior colleges (*1)
A local organization that mainly works in the Kyoto city area (*2)

(*1) University departments, laboratories, seminars, clubs, student circles (circles composed of students from multiple universities are also acceptable), etc.
*2 Residents’ organizations such as residents’ associations and neighborhood associations, civic activity groups, groups and groups consisting of businesses, etc. (shopping streets, etc.)

Amount and number of donations

General category: Up to 300,000 yen / about 15 cases
Cultural quota: Up to 450,000 yen / about 2 projects
* However, if you apply for the cultural quota, you will be required to use the support money to create deliverables such as printed materials and videos so that it will lead to the inheritance and dissemination of culture.
* In addition, at the project report meeting scheduled to be held in March 31, the implementing organization (1 organization) that is recognized as the most excellent will be commended (certificates, trophies, and activity incentives of 100,000 yen will be issued separately).

About the application

Application Period

Tuesday, April 3, 2018 ~ Friday, May 11, 2018
* If you send it by mail, it must arrive on the same day, and if you bring it by 5 p.m.

How to apply: Step 1 Before you start writing your application

It is recommended to read the master plan of the administrative district in which the activity will be carried out. In addition, please listen to the opinions of local people and related government agencies as much as possible regarding the background of the project implementation and the needs of the community. If you have any questions about the basic plan of the ward or points to keep in mind when working in the community, you can also consult with the Regional Power Promotion Office of each ward office or branch.
In addition to reconfirming and sharing your objectives and goals, let’s discuss and think again about whether the business you are thinking about is the best way to achieve your goals. In addition, with regard to continuing projects, let’s thoroughly summarize the efforts we have made so far.

How to apply: Step 2 Let’s write an application!

to download documents related business recruitment>
Application form (Word link)
Application form (example)

Points to fill in

○ Let’s check the judging criteria!

In particular, the first screening is all about the submitted documents. Let’s find out what criteria are used to judge the case.

○ What is the purpose of the project? Write down your purpose and local needs.

The group that listened to the opinions of local people and ward offices in step 1 should also write the contents.

○ Who are you collaborating with? What does each of them do? Let’s be specific.

The Gakumachi Collaboration emphasizes learning that can be obtained by collaborating with the university, students, and the community toward the same goal. If a student group is applying, write down what role the partner will play, and if a local organization is applying, write down what the student will do independently.

How to apply: Step 3 Register your business outline

Please register your business outline using the form below.


How to apply: Step 4 Submission of application documents

Please submit it by mail or bring it to the following address within the application period.
(1) 10 copies of application documents * If there are reference materials (up to 10 sheets), submit 10 copies of reference materials
(2) Application document data (MS-Word) * If reference materials are available, submit the reference data as well.
* Please do not change the prescribed form downloaded from the University Consortium Kyoto website for both (1) and (2).

Main Schedule for the Future

1st screening: After the application deadline ~ mid-June *Document screening
Second screening: June 24, 30 (Sunday) * Public presentation screening
Notification of support project decision and selection results: Early July 30
Approval formula: Early ~ mid-July 30 * A certificate will be issued by Kyoto City for the selected project.
Interim report: Mid ~ end of October 30 * Submission of documents
Final report: March 31 * Submission of documents
Announcement: Mid ~ end of March 31

Where to submit application documents and inquiries

University Consortium Kyoto Gakumachi Collaboration Project
TEL :075-353-9130 FAX: 075-353-9101
(Please change ■ to @ and send)
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00

Kyoto Student Festival: Kyo Flame Sodefure! Expanding into the world!

Hong Kong Lunar New Year International Night Parade will be showcasing the
Kyoto flame

Kyoto Student Festival  Kyo Flame Sodefure! was invited by the Hong Kong Tourism Board to represent Japan. 
Performed at the “Lunar New Year International Night Parade” (Friday, February 16, 2018 (Night Parade) and Saturday, February 17, 2018 (stage performance)) in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon District, Hong Kong.
Kyo Flame Sode-Touch! I will show you. In addition to local organizations in Hong Kong, there are also groups from overseas participating in the parade.
In the past, a wide variety of organizations have participated (such as a Spanish drum group and a French acrobatic fire brigade).
This time, Kyo flame sode touch! The performance is a special arrangement of Japanese umbrellas and fans to the “Kyo Flame Sodefure! Special Version” performed at the Grand Finale of the Kyoto Student Festival Main Festival, which is held every October in the Okazaki Promenade area in front of Heian Jingu Shrine.
We will convey to the world the burning passion, momentum and strength of the students of Kyoto, and the charm of the new culture created by the students.

〈Reference〉【Hong Kong Parade】

For your reference, we would like to inform you of a video site that shows the state of the parade held in 2017.


[Release](Prepared by Hong Kong Tourism Board)
Distributed on January 24 Click here for details←

Overview: Hong Kong Lunar New Year International Night Parade

Date & Time

Friday, February 16, 2018 8:00~9:45 PM


Tsim Sha Tsui


Hong Kong Tourism Board


If you would like to know more about the Kyoto Student Festival, check out this site!

saiten_banner_200-40    Facebook Logo     Twitter Logo

Contact us

Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto (closed on Mondays)
Tel:075-353-9432   Fax:075-353-9431
E-mail: saiten15th-ml■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)
Kyoto Student Festival Official Website: http://www.kyoto-gakuseisaiten.com/

PC Taker Training Course (Beginner) in Doshisha University March 8 (Thu)

With the cooperation of the Disability Student Support Office of the Doshisha University Student Support Center, the University Consortium Kyoto will hold a “PC (PC) Taker Training Course (Beginner Edition) in Doshisha University” for beginners with the aim of introducing them to “PC Take”.

In recent years, many students with disabilities have been enrolled, and various types of support are provided at the university. For students with hearing impairments, “note-taking” and “PC taking” are the mainstream of support, using notebooks and PCs to convey information in lectures. In particular, “PC Take” is characterized by the ability to convey more written information than handwriting when you become an advanced player.

This time, with the cooperation of the Doshisha University Disability Student Support Office, Mr. Mr./Ms., a student staff member who is actually involved in support as a PC taker, will conduct a course arranged by Doshisha University for beginners that is actually held for students at their own school.Students who are interested in PC taking or are currently working on PC take, as well as faculty and staff who are interested in the efforts of other universities, Mr./Ms. are welcome to participate。 (The PDF data of the flyer isHere

Outline of the event

◆Date & Time: Thursday, March 8, 2018 15:00~17:00 (Reception starts at 14:30~)
◆Place: Doshisha University Imadegawa Campus, Imadegawa Campus Conshinkan (RY) Room 307
*Please click here for a detailed map.
◆ Eligibility: Students, faculty and staff who are interested in PC taking or are currently working on PC take, faculty and staff who are interested in initiatives at other universities (faculty and staff in charge of supporting students with disabilities at the university can also participate)
◆ Course content: ● About hearing ● Knowledge of information security ● What is PC interpretation ● Let’s actually try it
◆Lecturer: Mr./Ms. Mina, a student staff member of the Disability Student Support Office, Doshisha University Student Support Center
◆ Admission fee: Free (capacity about 40 people, first-come, first-served basis)

How to apply

If you would like to participate in this course, please write the following information in the body of the email, write ” and send an e-mail to the University Consortium Kyoto Student Exchange Division (GK-ML■consortium.or.jp) within the application period.
(■ Please replace the part with @ and send an email)
◆ Application period
Wednesday, January 24, 2018 ~ Friday, March 2, 2018
◆ Items to be included in the body of the email
(1) Name, (2) Name of university, (3) Grade, (4) Experience in PC take, (5) Experience in PC take
[Faculty and Staff]
(1) Name, (2) Name of university, (3) Affiliation (department), (4) Experience in PC taking
* Personal information will be used only for the purpose of operating this project.
◆ Remarks
If you need to be considered for a disability or other factors in order to participate, please contact us at the time of application.

【Organizer】 University Consortium Kyoto
【Cooperation】Doshisha University Student Support Center, Support Office for Students with Disabilities

more than

Secretariat (Inquiries and Applications)

University Consortium Kyoto
Student Exchange Division (in charge: Soshige, Totsukaya) Reception hours: Tue ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
TEL: 075-353-9189 FAX: 075-353-9101 mail: gk-ml■consortium.or.jp (Please replace “■” with “@” and send an e-mail)

Looking Back on the 2017 Kyoto Student Festival

Looking back on the 15th Kyoto Student Festival 2017

Outline of the event

■The 15th Kyoto Student Festival Theme

■ Activity Goals

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the Kyoto Student Festival, which began in 2003. This year, in order to create a festival that is on a par with Kyoto’s three major festivals, we have been working on activities that approach various cultures under the theme of “Creating a New Culture, ‘Kyoto Student Culture.'”

The 15th Kyoto Student Festival

For one year, the 15th Kyoto Student Festival has been working on the activities of “rediscovering Kyoto culture and international culture,” “fusing student character and culture,” and “widely disseminating the charm of Kyoto student culture.” In particular, this year’s event was an unprecedentedly rich year for the Kyoto Student Festival, as we were able to actively engage in activities in collaboration with the Kyoto Cultural Power Project, which is developed by Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City, where we learned about culture from cultural figures from Kyoto who are active in the world on the 15th of every month and arranged them from the perspective of students. In this way, we were able to create a unique student culture for the festival while increasing the number of partners, and as a result, we were able to get closer to the “Four Great Festivals of Kyoto,” which are on a par with the three major festivals in Kyoto.


Sunday, October 8, 2017, 11:00-19:00


Heian Jingumae Okazaki Promenade (Sakyo-ku, Kyoto)


Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee


Kyoto Student Festival Organizing Committee (Kyoto Prefecture / Kyoto City / Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Kyoto Association of Corporate Executives / University Consortium Kyoto)

Special Cooperation

Heian Shrine

Implementation plan

▼Click here for details▼



You can download it here.


Festival-planned appearances, cooperating organizations, and sponsoring companies




Year-round activities other than the main festival


The Kyoto Student Festival aims to be a “festival” that is loved by the community and rooted in the community, and conducts daily exchange activities throughout the year together with the local community.
In 2017, in addition to our previous activities, we held a large-scale pre-event titled “Anniversari Festa” and took on various challenges to realize the purpose of the activities of the Kyoto Student Festival.

♦ Commemorative Projects

・June 4, 2017 [15th Anniversary Festa in. Ukyo feat. Subway Tozai Line 20th Anniversary]



・August 27, 2017 [15th Anniversary Festa in Kyoto Station Building & Porta]


★ Special website for ★ this festival

Click to see the page created by the students!


♦ Main Visual Competition

Continuing from the 2016 academic year, we received a large number of applications from students from all over the country in the open call for the main visual Mr./Ms. The works selected for the Grand Prize were published in various public relations media throughout the year.


♦ Community Exchange Activities

  • Nighttime patrols to protect the safety of the community (twice a month) Kyoto Okazaki and Anning area
  • Cleanup activities aimed at beautifying the area (about once a month) Kyoto Okazaki, Anning, Umeya, Sanjo area, Kamogawa
  • Uchimizu activities to address local environmental problems (summer) Kyoto Okazaki, Anne, Fushimi area
  • Participation in local festivals (summer) Kyoto Okazaki, Anne, Umeya, Sanjo, Shichiku area



Student Support


Student Growth Programs

The University Consortium Kyoto supports students’ daily activities based on the principle of “creating their own initiative,” and hopes that “interaction” and “experience” with a wide variety of people in contact through independent activities will lead to new “awareness” and “learning” that will lead to student growth.
Specifically, we have adopted the PDCA cycle method, which treats student activities as a single project, and focuses on achieving results by working toward a single goal for each department. With the goal of smooth execution of activities, improvement of projects, and continuous development of businesses, we are working to create a system that promotes the growth of students by promoting the following support methods.

PDCA Cycle at the Kyoto Student Festival

Start Training

Mid-term review meeting

Post-mortem retrospective meeting

Achievement debriefing session


    • Planning period (November ~ May): Start training, planning, organizational structure creation
    • Trial period (May ~ September): Implementation of pre-project (medium-scale project imitating the main festival)
    • Verification period (June ~ August): Mid-term review meeting
    • Implementation period (October): Implementation of the festival project
    • Dissemination of results (around October ~ November): Implementation of post-mortem review meetings and results debriefing sessions

・ Planning period “Start training”

schedule Thursday, March 9, 2017, 18:30-21:00
place Campus Plaza Kyoto
lecturer Masami Mori (Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kyoto Bunkyo University)
Number of Participants 38 Executive Committee Members
substance In running the Kyoto Student Festival, each person will understand how to work on the festival and work toward the goals of its activities. In addition, we have acquired the ability to share information throughout the organization and work toward the same goal.

・Verification period “Interim review meeting”

schedule Friday, June 9, 2017, 18:30-21:00
place Campus Plaza Kyoto
lecturer Masami Mori (Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kyoto Bunkyo University)
Number of Participants Executive Committee: 66
substance In addition to looking back after the first pre-event, and in preparation for the second phase and the main festival in October, we created an opportunity to review improvements, information sharing, and progress within each department, both externally and externally, and to reflect on whether we have lost sight of our goals and directions, and to conduct group work and presentations to reaffirm them throughout the organization.

・Dissemination of results “Post-mortem review meeting”

schedule Thursday, October 12, 2017, 18:30-21:20
place Campus Plaza Kyoto
lecturer Masami Mori (Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kyoto Bunkyo University)
Number of Participants Executive Committee: 84
substance At the end of the festival, each member of the organizing committee had the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the activities and results of the Kyoto Student Festival, what they learned from them, and how to apply them to the next stage through individual and group work, and to gain confidence in their own activities in the future.

・Dissemination of results “Achievement debriefing meeting”

schedule Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 16:30-17:30
place Miyako Messe
substance For all those involved in the Kyoto Student Festival, we will report on the annual activities and the results of the Kyoto Student Festival as an organization, and present the challenges and prospects for the future.
*Presentation points: Concept, goals, outline, results, and lessons learned (based on the purpose of the activities of the Kyoto Student Festival)

Implementation Report


This year marks the 15th anniversary of the Kyoto Student Festival. I have been working hard every day under the theme of “Creating a ‘Kyoto Student Culture'”. On Sunday, October 8th, students who are active in various fields such as fashion, music, and food gathered here in Kyoto to create a festival unique to them, and the “trajectory” of the Kyoto Student Festival over the past 15 years.
In addition to the overwhelming odori “Kyo Flame Sodefure!”, music and fashion contests, fair-day projects where you can enjoy Kyoto’s food culture, and children’s projects that even small children can enjoy.
The Foundation, which plays a role in the Kyoto Student Festival Organizing Committee, in addition to providing support for the festival, sees the year-long activities as opportunities for student growth and develops a support system throughout the year. In particular, this year was also the 15th anniversary of the event, and it was a pre-large-scale activity that involved many commemorative projects, including the anniversary festival. In the visitor survey, it was found that these year-round efforts did not directly attract customers. However, I feel that the one-year activity experience has led to the students’ confidence and learning. As we mark the end of this milestone and the 16th anniversary, we will continue to assess the capabilities and potential of the executive committee (especially the students who serve as executive staff) and develop a system to support the executive committee so that it can continue to be the 20th and 30th anniversaries. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who came to the event and to all those who supported us in various ways in holding this project.


Achievements, etc.

■Total number of visitors

136,000 (*According to the executive committee)

■Number of Participating Students

action committee

235 (22 universities, 1 junior college)

Short-term volunteer staff

201 (34 universities, 1 junior college, 1 vocational school)

Student MC



1,153 (16 universities)

International Student Executive Committee

3 (1 from China, 1 from Korea, 1 from Hong Kong)





University Consortium Kyoto, Kyoto Student Festival
TEL 075-353-9189 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

The 16th Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee has been launched!

The 16th Kyoto Student Festival has begun!

The 15th Kyoto Student Festival ended on December 7th.
After 15 years of the Kyoto Student Festival, the 16th Kyoto Student Festival will make a new start.
On the occasion of its inauguration, we would like to introduce the executive team that will lead the 16th Kyoto Student Festival and enliven it.



identity post University at home
Executive Committee Chairperson Chisa Inagaki Ritsumeikan University
Vice Chairperson Keigo Okuyama Doshisha University
Vice Chairperson Natsuko Fukamachi Kyoto Women’s University
Vice Chairperson YAMANE Aoba Ritsumeikan University
General Manager of Planning & Operations Department Yuma Tada Kyoto Sangyo University
Head of Public Relations Akiko Yokoyama Doshisha Women’s University
Sales Manager Ayaka Sano Kyoto Women’s University
Head of Security Hiroki Yokoyama Kyoto Sangyo University
Director of Annual Exchange Eriko Fukuzaki Kyoto Women’s University
General Manager Misaki Kawase Kyoto Women’s University
General Manager of Odori Promotion Department Wataki Takami Doshisha University



With these 11 students at the center, we will enliven the 16th Kyoto Student Festival.


If you would like to know more about the Kyoto Student Festival, check out this site!

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Contact us

Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto (closed on Mondays)
Tel:075-353-9432   Fax:075-353-9431
E-mail: saiten15th-ml■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)
Kyoto Student Festival Official Website: http://www.kyoto-gakuseisaiten.com/

【For high school and university students in Kyoto Prefecture】 Call for Participants “High School-University Collaboration Future Session”

Against the backdrop of the declining birthrate and aging population, the term “regional revitalization” is often used by many people, but for whom and for what purpose is regional development carried out in the first place? Is it because depopulation is progressing? Is it because the birthrate is declining and the population is aging in urban areas in the future?
Why don’t you invite young ~ mid-career members of society who are actively engaged in regional development with various approaches as role models, ask them about their thoughts on regional development, and think about “who and what is the purpose of community development” while exchanging thoughts from various perspectives with university students and high school students living in Kyoto City and the northern Kyoto Prefecture area, with whom you do not usually interact?

Date & Time Saturday, February 24, 2018 11:00~16:30 (Doors open at 10:30)
Venue Fukuchiyama City Citizen Exchange Plaza Citizen Exchange Space
(〒620-0045 400 Ekimae-cho, Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto) JR Fukuchiyama Station North Exit
Target High school and university students attending high schools and universities in Kyoto Prefecture (capacity 30 students each)
* High school and university students in Kyoto City will be picked up from Kyoto Station.
Participation Fee Participation fee is free, lunch is provided
program 11:00~ Opening remarks, icebreaker

12:00~ Lunch break (Lunch will be prepared)

13:00~ Role Model Talk
From young ~ mid-career members of society who are working on community development with various approaches,
He will introduce his thoughts on community development and his actual activities.
< role model>
Mr. Fujima Yamazoe (Mayor, Yosano Town, Kyoto Prefecture)
Ken Morita (Fukuchiyama City Hall, Kyoto)
Koichi Takeuchi (Anchor, KBS Kyoto News Bureau)
Yukari Kawato (President, Miramar LLC)

14:30~ Workshop
Let’s all ask questions of the role model we want to hear more about

16:00~ Reflection and Conclusion

16:30 End

General Coordinator: Prof. Hideki Sugioka, Fukuchiyama Public University

High School-University Collaborative Future Session in Fukuchiyama Public University Application Form***

How to apply: Please apply by one of the following methods.
Send the application form by fax (1)
(2) Send by e-mail

(1) Application by fax
Please fill out the application form and send it by fax to the University Consortium Kyoto Secretariat.
Please download the application form.
Fax: 075-353-9101

(2) Application by e-mail

Subject: “Application for Future Session for High School and University Collaboration”

Please fill out the application form and send it to the address below.
Please send the following information directly to the body of the e-mail: (1) Name (furigana), (2) University, faculty/high school, (3) Grade, (4) Telephone number, (5) E-mail address.

Please apply by e-mail to kodai■consortium.or.jp with the above contents.
(Please replace ■ with @)
We will send you a confirmation email after receiving your application.


Application Deadline

Friday, February 9, 2018

Application and Inquiries

University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)