About the 20th Kyoto Student Festival


The Kyoto Student Festival is a major event that has been held every October since 2003 in the Okazaki Promenade area in front of Heian Jingu Shrine, and has attracted more than 100,000 visitors. It is a student-produced festival that can only be done by university students studying in Kyoto, a city of students.

Following the first online event in the history of the 18th Kyoto Student Festival, the 19th Kyoto Student Festival Main Festival was held as the first hybrid that fused online and offline. Under the theme of “Kyoto Culture,” we were able to experience the traditions and culture rooted in the region, and together with the local people and all the people who were connected to us, we created the Kyoto Student Festival, and we were able to finish the festival with great success.

On November 25, 2021, the 20th Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee was established and has started its activities. The Kyoto Student Festival, which is also the 20th anniversary of the festival, aims to enliven Kyoto by pursuing a form of festival that can only be done in Kyoto, a city of students.

The 20th Kyoto Student Festival Theme

About the theme

I feel grateful that I was able to build a long history of the Kyoto Student Festival, and I express my feelings in a new way. This does not mean a simple regression, but rather an event that has taken place in the past and a touch of the past Kyo flame sode! We aim to take on new challenges based on the past, such as projects with OBOGs and companies that have sponsored and cooperated with us.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Kyoto Student Festival student organization for continuing until the 20th edition. The gratitude we feel “blooms” as a large flower, and we “scream” so that our feelings of gratitude can reach many people.

The 20th Kyoto Student Festival

Date Sunday, October 9, 2022, 11:00-19:00
In front of Heian Jingu Shrine and Okazaki Promenade area (some will be aired on YouTube Live)
Organizer Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
Co-organizers Kyoto Student Festival Organizing Committee (Kyoto Prefecture / Kyoto City / Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Kyoto Association of Corporate Executives / University Consortium Kyoto)


We solicited the main visuals for the 20th Kyoto Student Festival from December to late March. As a result of the selection, it was decided to work by Mr./Ms. Takano, a third-year student at Aichi Prefectural University of Arts.

We will liven up the 20th anniversary year with the theme of “On, Bloom!” through this main visual.


If you would like to know more about the Kyoto Student Festival, please check the official website of the Kyoto Student Festival and the official SNS for updated information from time to time.

  Facebook Logo   
Twitter Logo   Instagram Logo

Contact us

Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto (closed on Mondays)
Tel:075-353-9432   Fax:075-353-9431
Kyoto Student Festival Official Website: http://www.kyoto-gakuseisaiten.com/

【Notice】Change in Usage Fee Refund Handling at the Time of Cancellation (Updated on 5/11)

We would like to inform you that the handling of usage fee refunds at the time of cancellation of the Kyoto City University Town Exchange Center will be changed as follows.


In principle, the usage fee will not be refunded in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance, but if a request is made to stop using the usage at least a certain period of time before the date of use, an amount equivalent to one-half may be refunded.

We have decided to change the period of request to discontinue use as shown in the table below, and we ask for your understanding.

Effective Date

June 1, 4th year of Reiwa

* Applicable when there is a request to stop using the product after June 1, Reiwa 4

What’s changed

Before the change

After the change

When there is a request to stop using the product at least one month before the date of use, and the mayor deems that there is a reasonable reason.

When there is a request to discontinue use at least two weeks before the date of use, and the mayor deems that there is a reasonable reason.

【For high school and university students】2022 “High School and University Collaboration Future Session” Executive Committee Recruitment

In preparation for the 2022 High School and University Collaboration Future Session, we are looking for executive committee members who will take the lead in planning and considering the theme, content, structure, etc., as well as publicity and management on the day!
In the executive committee, high school and university students will take the lead in gathering using Slack and Zoom on the day of the event from June ~ November, and create a plan for the day of the event through dialogue and exchange.

◆ What is the “High School and University Collaboration Future Session” ◆
This is a joint career education program between high school and university that aims to promote the career development of high school and university students. In order to create new value for the future, we set a theme each time, and we will engage in future-oriented dialogue and exchange on that theme across different generations, such as high school students, university students, and working adults, as well as between schools.

*Click here for the 2022 High School and University Collaboration Future Session Executive Committee Recruitment Flyer

2022 High School and University Collaboration Future Session Executive Committee

From June to November, the Executive Committee will consider the plan based on the following contents, and carry out various activities such as publicity, preparation, and operation on the day.

Dates Thursday, November 3, 2022
Purpose Due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection, social conditions and values have changed significantly, such as the development of the ICT environment and the promotion of side jobs, side jobs, and remote work, and the diversity of “ways of learning,” “working styles,” and “lifestyles” is expanding.
From April 2022, the age of majority will be lowered from 20 to 18 due to the enforcement of a partial revision of the Civil Code. This will be an even bigger social change and a turning point in the times. For high school and university students, who are now at a turning point in many ways, how will this change lead to the future? How will the future of change affect us?
In this year’s “Future Session for High School and University Collaboration,” we would like to have dialogue and exchange on new ways of “learning,” “working,” and “living” in the near future, while being aware of our own present, transcending generations such as high school students, university students, and working adults, as well as between schools.
coordinator Akinori Inui (Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kyoto Tachibana University)
Hideki Sugioka (Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Management, Fukuchiyama Public University)
observer Mr. Tetsuhide Shino (Former Professor, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University / Former Principal, Kyoto Prefectural Momoyama High School)
Organizer Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)

Main Activities

– Consideration of programs (themes, structures, guest candidates, venues, etc.) in line with the above objectives
・ Creation of publicity flyers
・Public relations activities
・ Preparation such as preparation of manuals for the day of the event
・ Management on the day of the event (moderator, facilitator, etc.)
・Holding of proposals by the Executive Committee (confirmation of progress with the coordinator and secretariat, schedule coordination, etc.)
・ Other meetings between the person in charge
・Report and review of achievements

Main Schedule (tentative)

Sunday, June 19
Orientation and pre-briefing session (scheduled to be held face-to-face)
Late June 1st Executive Committee Meeting
July ~ End of August Planning and preparation, PR preparation
Late July 2nd Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, August 11
Mock Future Session (to be held face-to-face)
Late August 3rd Executive Committee Meeting
Late September The 4th Executive Committee Meeting
September ~ end of October Public relations activities, advance preparation
Late October The 5th Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, November 3 On the day of the event (scheduled to be held face-to-face)
Saturday, December 10
Achievement debriefing and review meeting (scheduled to be held face-to-face)

*Subject to change depending on progress, etc.
* The schedule of face-to-face meetings is subject to change depending on the spread of the new coronavirus infection.
* The executive committee and other meetings will use Zoom.
* We plan to use “Slack” as a means of communication between executive committee members and with coordinators and secretariats.

Reference: Voices of the 2021 High School and University Collaboration Future Session Executive Committee

  • I really felt that even if I couldn’t do it alone, I could do everything if we all worked together. (1st year of high school)
  • I learned the procedure for planning an event from scratch and how to proceed with a meeting. They also learned how to communicate, such as actively expressing their opinions and listening to other people’s opinions with respect. (1st year of high school)
  • It was a very good experience and a very good memory. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun interacting with Mr./Ms.’s people! (2nd year of high school)

(Excerpted from the results of the questionnaire for executive committee members)

*Click here for an overview of the 2021 High School and University Collaboration Future Session.

* (Reference) Click here for the 2020 High School and University Collaboration Future Session Executive Committee Recruitment Explanation PV

Application Guidelines


High school and university students attending high schools and universities in Kyoto Prefecture who fall under the following

■ Those who can actively participate in the day of the event, the executive committee, and other activities of the above executive committees.
■ Those who have a device (PC, tablet device, etc.) or Internet environment that can use Zoom, Slack, etc.


10~15 people
* If there are many applicants, a lottery may be held.

How to apply

Please click the “Apply” button below, fill in the required information, and apply.

* High school students need a letter of consent from their parents to participate in the executive committee.
(Details will be announced separately after the application deadline.) )

Application Deadline

, May 31, 2022
Friday, June 10, 2022 *Extended


University Consortium Kyoto High School-University Collaboration Project
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【Internship】Additional information > 5 internship <

This time, a total of 5 cases have been added from the list of training destinations in the recruitment guide!
Check it out!

You can check the latest information on registered training sites from the list of training destinations on the portal site.

▶ Business Course/Public Course Practicum List

【Additional Training】
・ The Westin Miyako Kyoto
・ Kyoto Shimbun Planning Co., Ltd. (Kyoto Shimbun Travel Center)
・ Settsu City
・ Kyoto City Outdoor Activity Facility Hanashiyama House

Long-Term Project Course Practice List

【Additional Training】
・ Union A Inc.

Information on the portal site

On the portal site, we introduce the voices of our seniors and trainees.
Please take a look at the lecture schedule, participation flow, and frequently asked questions.

Internship | University Consortium Kyoto | Portal Site (consortiumkyoto-internship.jp)

If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact the Internship Business Promotion Office.
We look forward to seeing you.

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
Mail intern@consortium.or.jp
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)



【Notice】Campus Plaza Kyoto Facility Usage Fee Revision (Updated on 3/31)

We would like to inform you that we will revise the facility usage fee of the Kyoto City University Town Exchange Center as follows.
The fee revision is only for “other cases” (general rate) in the “Kyoto City University Town Exchange Center Ordinance”.
“When used by a university, etc. for exchange activities” (when used as a business by a member school or the University Consortium Kyoto) is not eligible.

Date of revision of the ordinance April 1, Reiwa 4 If you make a reservation to use the facility by May 31, Reiwa 4, the price before the revision will be applied* (1)
Effective Date June 1, 4th year of Reiwa
When used by universities, etc. for exchange activities There is no change from the current price
Other cases It will be revised as listed* (2)

* (1) Based on the date of receiving the application for permission to use, by May 31, Reiwa 4, after June 1
For those who have made a reservation to use the facility, the price before the revision will be applied.
For reservations for the use of facilities, please visit the hotel’s website [Reservation Procedure and Flow of Use].
Please check it out.
*(2) For specific revised fees, please refer to the list of Campus Plaza Kyoto facility usage fees.
Please check it out.

Thank you for your understanding.


【Notice】Handling of facility use when the prevention of spread is lifted (updated on 3/18)

With regard to the use of facilities at Campus Plaza Kyoto, in response to the lifting of the application of priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease on Monday, March 21, 2022, in line with the efforts of Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, we would like to inform you that the following treatment will continue to be handled after March 22 (Tuesday).

Availability 21:30 (Regular business)
Capacity Capacity is limited (regular business)

* “Kyoto City Wakamono Employment Support Center” and “Employment Ice Age Generation Activity Support Corner” in this facility
For information on the use of the Open University of Kyoto Study Center, please check with each facility.
* The reception desk is open at 21:30 (as usual).

* From the viewpoint of preventing the spread of new coronavirus infection, when using Campus Plaza Kyoto, please follow the following points.
Thank you for your cooperation.
・Please wear a mask when entering the building and disinfect your hands with the disinfectant installed at the entrance.
* If you do not wear a mask, you will not be allowed to enter the building in principle.
・ If you have a fever (37.5 degrees or higher or more than 1 degree above the normal temperature ratio) after measuring the temperature at home, etc., cough or sore throat,
Please do not enter the museum if you have symptoms such as sluggishness or difficulty breathing.
・Please keep the seating distance between seats in the rental room at least 2m (at least 1m) as much as possible.
Also, please make sure that people do not stay before or after the usage time.
・Bring a handkerchief or hand towel, and wipe your hands thoroughly after using the restroom.
・Please refrain from talking in the elevator or in the lobby in front of the elevator. You can also use the stairs.

(Request to the organizer of the event)
Please know the names and contact information of the participants in case of emergency.
* We may ask you to provide information as necessary and provide information to public institutions such as public health centers.

【Internship】Internship search site is now open!

Practice site search site OPEN!

Practical training information of companies and organizations registered for the 2022 internship program (approximately 140) has been released.

This year, a variety of companies and organizations are all preparing to accept Mr./Ms. in the hope of growth!

The appeal points of the training and the message from the person in charge are also posted.
Please take a look at the information of Mr./Ms.’s companies and organizations!

Click here for ▶ the “Internship Search Site” Internship Program Portal Site

Verification points

Practical training content
In some cases, the training content is different from the business content of the company or organization and the general image.
Don’t judge based on image alone, but please check the training content of Mr./Ms.’s companies and organizations.

Expected Acceptance Period
Please check your schedule to see if there is any overlap with your university’s practical training.

Practice location
Please check the transportation to the place of work and the time required. Transportation expenses are at your own expense.

Designation conditions
There may be specifications such as faculty and TOEIC scores.

How to use the training site search site

1. Try pressing the search button without entering a search word.
You will see a list of all registered companies and organizations.
It is recommended for those who want to search from all training companies and organizations.

2. Identify the industry and search for companies and organizations for training
If you have decided on the type of industry you want, this method is recommended.
However, please review the lab content carefully.
In addition, depending on the training destination, multiple training departments may be registered.

3. Search for companies and organizations based on skills and qualifications
Recommended for those who want to make use of their skills and qualifications.
You can also search for companies and organizations that match your major at university.


List of Places to Practice

You can also check the information of the training destination from the list of training sites on the portal site.

Business Course/Public Course Practicum List

Long-Term Project Course Practice List

* Click on the company name to check the details of the training.


Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
Mail intern@consortium.or.jp
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【Internship】Internship Program 2022 introduction video has been uploaded!

Program introduction video

Internship Program 2022 Introductory Video has been uploaded.

The staff of this internship promotion office
Learn more about the features of the two courses and how to get involved in the program in this video.
Mr./Ms. of all the students who are considering participating, please take a look!
(Total playback time: about 22 minutes)

At the “Information Session and Consultation for University Students” held online in April, we invite senior graduates, the person in charge of the training site, and the coordinator (university faculty) who will be in charge of the lecture as guests.
This is a place where you can hear the real voices of guests who are not introduced in the video, and you can answer questions from the participants, so please participate in the briefing session.

Applications for participation in the briefing session are now being accepted from the top page of the portal site!
We look forward to your Mr./Ms. participation.

▶ Click here for the portal site


【Notice】Handling of facility use at the time of re-extension of the prevention of spread (updated on 3/5)

Regarding the use of facilities at Campus Plaza Kyoto, priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease will be implemented on Friday, March 4, 2022.
In response to the re-extension of the period, Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City are taking measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection.
We would like to inform you that the following will continue to be handled
during the period of March 7 (Monday) ~ March 21 (Monday).

Availability 21:30 (Regular business)
Capacity Capacity is limited (regular business)

* “Kyoto City Wakamono Employment Support Center” and “Employment Ice Age Generation Activity Support Corner” in this facility
For information on the use of the Open University of Kyoto Study Center, please check with each facility.
* The reception desk is open at 21:30 (as usual).

* From the viewpoint of preventing the spread of new coronavirus infection, when using Campus Plaza Kyoto, please follow the following points.
Thank you for your cooperation.
・Please wear a mask when entering the building and disinfect your hands with the disinfectant installed at the entrance.
* If you do not wear a mask, you will not be allowed to enter the building in principle.
・ If you have a fever (37.5 degrees or higher or more than 1 degree above the normal temperature ratio) after measuring the temperature at home, etc., cough or sore throat,
Please do not enter the museum if you have symptoms such as sluggishness or difficulty breathing.
・Please keep the seating distance between seats in the rental room at least 2m (at least 1m) as much as possible.
Also, please make sure that people do not stay before or after the usage time.
・Bring a handkerchief or hand towel, and wipe your hands thoroughly after using the restroom.
・Please refrain from talking in the elevator or in the lobby in front of the elevator. You can also use the stairs.

(Request to the organizer of the event)
Please know the names and contact information of the participants in case of emergency.
* We may ask you to provide information as necessary and provide information to public institutions such as public health centers.