For the general public


2020.11.4event news News from Kyoto City
We are looking for thoughts of students who want to go on to university in Kyoto! Ema Project
【Internship】Notice of Homepage Renewal
2020.10.15news Use of Facilities
Introduction of wireless LAN and eduroam to rental conference rooms, etc.
Criteria for suspending the “University Relay Course” in the event of an alert or suspension of service
2020.9.29news News from Kyoto City Use of Facilities
What to do if you request not to use Campus Plaza Kyoto to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections after October 1, 2020

How to use Campus Plaza Kyoto

I want to know about lifelong learning

I want to know about social cooperation activities

I want to know about the library

I want to know about University Consortium Kyoto

I want to participate in events and projects