November 12 (Sat) We held a report meeting on the results of the 2016 Internship Progress Course.

In the “Internship Progress Course” of the University Consortium Kyoto, trainees worked on projects presented by host companies from mid-June to late November. On Saturday, November 12, the results of the meeting were reported, and 10 projects made presentations over the course of one day. There were also presentations with videos and devising a format, showing the efforts and results of working on the project. At the completion ceremony after the results debriefing session, the coordinator faculty members handed over a “certificate of completion” for each project, and the “Internship Progress Course” for 2016 came to an end.

1seikahoukoku 2syuryoshiki

Date & Time Saturday, November 12, 2016 10:40~17:50

Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th Floor, Lecture Room 2

Number of companies and organizations participating in the project
(In order of presentation of the results report)

10Companies and Organizations

Intelligence Office Co., Ltd. / Kyoto Cinema / Non-profit organization Kiko Network / Concept Glamour Co., Ltd. / Mirai Film Co., Ltd. / Tosho Printing Dohosha Co., Ltd. / Tosho Printing Dohosha Co., Ltd. / Kyoto City Environmental Conservation Activities Promotion Association / Non-profit organization Children’s Independence no Sato Warm-up School From Here / Yosano Co., Ltd. / Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education

Number of students 57 students from 20 universities

(Kyoto Notre Dame Women’s University, Kyoto Kacho University, Kyoto Tachibana University, Kyoto University of Education, Kyoto Koka Women’s University, Kyoto Saga University of the Arts, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto Women’s University, Kyoto Nishiyama Junior College, Kyoto University, Kyoto Prefectural University, Kyoto Bunkyo University, Osaka University of Economics, Otani University, Doshisha University, Nara University, Heian Jogakuin University, Ryukoku University, Bukkyo University/)

Number of Coordinator Teachers


(Ryukoku University, Kyoto Women’s University, Kyoto Seika University, Fukuchiyama Public University, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto Gakuen University)

Intelligence Office
Co., Ltd.
~Hitomanabi Internship 2016~

“What does it mean to work?” was announced by the publication of the free paper “Working People Encyclopedia” for those who are worried about finding a job, and the experience of interviewing 15 companies while experiencing firsthand the difficulties of sales, and the holding of the job hunting preparation seminar “Kime-Colle” on Saturday, December 3, which they planned.


Kyoto Cinema
~PIA Film Festival (PFF) Management Support

“Attract more students”
“Invite people who have never been to the Pia Film Festival (PFF) to come”
“Total number of visitors: 250~300”
Three goals were set, and there was a presentation on the struggles of preparation, publicity, management, and practical training until all goals were achieved.


Kiko Network,
a non-profit organization
~Social Innovation Survey and Dissemination for a 100% Renewable Energy Society~

With the aim of “learning about environmental NPOs and NGOs and disseminating information!”, in order to acquire correct knowledge and prevent the dissemination of erroneous information, participants actively participated in events and seminars, and gave presentations on interactions with student volunteers.


Concept Glamour Co.
, Ltd
. ~Kyoto Asageiko~

In preparation for the launch of the morning activity course that utilizes the morning time before going to work, there was a presentation on the factors and analysis of the factors that prevented the course from not being able to be held as a result, as well as a presentation on the fact that he had learned a great deal by experiencing full-fledged promotion practices such as area marketing, press releases, and customer attraction HP through planning and recruitment.


Mirai Films
~Theatrical Film Production, Distribution, and Publicity Project~

“Crank up the movie ‘Rice'”
“Successful promotion of the movie “Gohan””
“Crank in for a new work”
In order to produce, distribute, and advertise the film, he participated in theatrical film planning, participated in filming as an assistant, and gave presentations about his experience in distribution publicity.


Tosho Printing
Co., Ltd.
~Regional revitalization with “Maipure”~

With the goal of spreading the name recognition of the local information site “Maipure Shimogyo-ku and Higashiyama Ward Edition” and establishing a close relationship with the local community, he gave a presentation on his work experience of writing articles that would interest local people through the Internet, aiming for 2,000 PVs.


Kyoto City Environmental Conservation Activities Promotion Association
~Spread! Zero Waste Strategy in the Region~

“Focusing on the most powerful university students, we will let people of all ages, men and women, know about eco-activities such as sorting and reusable tableware, and spread zero-waste activities.”
“In the Gion Festival Zero Waste Campaign, we will achieve results from last year, and we hope that those who participated as volunteers will want to participate next year and beyond.”
With the goal of switching disposable containers to reusable tableware, there was a presentation on how the Zero Waste Strategy will be developed.


Specified Non-Profit Organization Children’s Independence Township Warm-up School from here
~Across generations, a summer festival made by everyone + making fun of α 2016~

“To energize the students and local people from here”
“To make it a place where people who visit “from here” can feel at ease.”
“To make “from here” a place for exchange”
With this goal in mind, he named the summer festival from here, which was held for the sixth time, “Kokonatsu Matsuri”, planned and operated it, and published a booklet looking back on the state of the summer festival so far.


~Ready to Tango~

“Renewal of existing tomato sauce → re-release”
“Branding of Yosano Corporation”
As a project, we will learn the basic knowledge of food sales, and conduct event sales and market research. In addition, it was announced that the target was “Mieko Mr./Ms.”, 27 years old, married, housewife, and that the taste and design of tomato sauce had been renewed and sold.


Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education
~Teacher Training Support Seminar~

Uji City Kando Elementary School
Mukoyo Elementary School
Joyo Junior High School
Higashi-Uji Junior High School
Each of the trainees gave presentations. There were presentations on how they faced each other from the standpoint of students and teachers through trial and error at the school site, connected theory to practice through exercises, and acquired the leadership skills necessary to become teachers.


Social gathering

After the debriefing session, a social gathering was held. Five trainees from the Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education moderated the event, introduced themselves, played bingo games, and had time to interact with other trainees. The trainees, coordinators, host recipients, etc., all had endless things to talk about. With the end of this social gathering, the 2016 Progress Course came to an end.

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University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Saturday, November 14: A debriefing session was held for the 2015 Internship Progress Course

In the “Internship Progress Course” of the University Consortium Kyoto, trainees worked on projects presented by host companies from mid-June to late November. On November 14, the results of the meeting were reported, and the nine projects made presentations over the course of one day. There were also presentations with videos and devising a format, showing the efforts and results of working on the project. At the graduation ceremony after the results debriefing session, the coordinator handed out a “certificate of completion” for each project. With this, the 2015 “Internship Progress Course” has come to an end.

Left: Achievement debriefing session
Photo right: Certificate of completion
2 Kiko Network 10Graduation Ceremony

Outline of Implementation

Date & Time Saturday, November 14, 2015 10:40~17:35
Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th Floor, Lecture Room 2
Number of companies and organizations participating in the project
(In order of presentation of the results report)
9Companies and Organizations
(Yumecom Co., Ltd. / Kiko Network Co., Ltd. / Wiz Co., Ltd. / Concept Glamour Co., Ltd. / Intelligence Office Co., Ltd. / Japan Women’s Professional Baseball League Kyoto Flora / Yosano Co., Ltd. / Specified Non-Profit Organization Children’s Independence Village Warm-up School from here / Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education)
Number of students 45 students from 10 universities
(Kyoto Prefectural University, Otani University, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto Women’s University, Kyoto Tachibana University, Kyoto Notre Dame Women’s University, Kyoto Bunkyo University, Doshisha University, Doshisha Women’s University, Ryukoku University)
Number of faculty members
(Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto Gakuen University, Kyoto Women’s University, Kyoto Seika University, Doshisha University, Ryukoku University)

About the announcement

Presentation time is 25 minutes each (80 minutes for 4 schools in Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education)
Using PowerPoint and other means, each coordinator in charge will moderate.

Yumecom Inc. 
~Planning and production project of the information magazine “Lifelike” for nursing care for one’s own retirement and family~

I have been working with the goal of having my thoughts published in the magazine “Lifelike” published by Yumecom. As a result, the publication date of Lifelike may change, and we were not able to achieve our goal of showing the booklet at this achievement debriefing session. However, during the internship, I learned a lot of things, including how to make plans.

1 Yumecom

Kiko Network
~Let’s gather 500 students for “Earth Parade 2015 in Kyoto”~

COP21 will be held in Paris for two weeks from November 30.
In order to make many people aware of the new agreement that replaces the Kyoto Protocol, the host country planned the “Earth Parade” at the center. I was involved in the planning and publicity of the project, and I had a variety of experiences.
Through negotiations with environmental circles and university co-ops, I learned the importance of actually taking action.

Left: With the cooperation of Progress students, a photo shoot with students of the Progress Course
Right: Flyer for Earth Pace 2015. I imagined France.
Click here for more information about Earth Parade

kikounett   kikounett

Wiz Co., Ltd. ~Let’s make a movie, distribute it, promote it, and release it~

The Wiz’s goal is to create and distribute films and raise funds for the next release.
During the apprenticeship, I was involved in the creation of two films.
Movies have a variety of roles, and even if one of them is missing, such as location scouting, lighting, costumes, and sound, it will be reshot. No matter how hard we tried, there were times when we had no choice but to wait.
In such a situation, it was difficult to manage and schedule more than 200 costumes.
The staff roll of the finished film will also include the names of the apprentices.

3 Wiz

Concept Glamour Co., Ltd. ~Kyoto Asageiko~

Kyoto Asageiko started on October 20th. We planned the autumn place, and this time we planned “Adult Beautiful Letters”.
My first project was rejected, and I learned that it is difficult to grasp the “needs” when submitting a proposal, and how difficult it is.
It’s hard to be early in the morning, but it’s a healthy rhythm of life!
I made the most of my time in the morning and learned a lot of things.

4 Concept

Intelligence Office Co., Ltd. ~Hitomanabi Internship 2015~

An internship with the goal of creating a free paper. The free paper was successfully completed and distributed.
14 apprentices made 1,659 phone calls.
Of those, 69 appointments were made. We were faced with the rigors of sales activities.
The sales experience that I could not experience as a part-time job gave me an opportunity to think about my future path.
This is the last spurt for the event on December 5th.

Click here for event details

5 Intelligence

Japan Women’s Professional Baseball League Kyoto Flora ~Game Event Planning and Management~

The goal of this project is to “plan and manage events for official matches held in late August” and to have as many visitors as possible.
In order to make this a success, we conducted it in collaboration with students from the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at Ritsumeikan University.

Photo) I wore a Kyoto Flora uniform and made a presentation.
6 Flora

Yosano Co., Ltd. ~Efforts to raise awareness of Kyotango vegetables~

Yosano Co., Ltd. is located in Yosano Town in the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture. We have created a product plan for pasta sauce, which is Yosano’s main product. I had seen many catalogs and pamphlets, but this was my first experience as a producer, and there were many things I didn’t understand.
We created a product plan by devising layouts, illustrations, and product description text that would be conveyed to the reader.
It was a very happy experience for the company to use the product proposal as a material for the presentation.

7 Yosano

Specified Non-Profit Organization Children’s Independence Township Warm-up School from here
~Operation of a summer festival that connects the community of Yogo and the hearts of truant students, and creation of a place for interaction~

This is the fourth year of the summer festival, and we have planned and operated the BBQ site, which will serve as a place for interaction with local residents.
Through the cooperation of the children and the local community, we were able to successfully complete both missions, and we were able to realize the importance of “connection”.
Photo) All the participants wore the dharma coats used for the activities and made presentations.

8 From here

Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education ~Teacher Training Support Seminar~

<elementary school>
At the actual school site, I was involved in the work of providing individual support for classes, correcting homework and study printouts, and leading field trips. Under the guidance of the teachers, I was able to interact with the children and learn how to interact with them and talk to them, and I was able to realize the rewarding and attractive work of teachers.

<middle school>
From August to November, each student set a goal and conducted exercises at the school site. Through class observations, guidance on club activities, and participation in school events, I was able to interact with the students Mr./Ms. a valuable experience, valuing my perspective as a teacher.

Photo) I made a play and presented the situation at the time of teaching.


After the debriefing session, a social gathering was held. Three students who are practicing concept glamour will serve as moderators. The banquet began with a greeting from the coordinator, Prof. Kubo. The student project is a bingo game with self-introductions and a sudden interview. It was a time to interact with the trainees at another training site. It was a social gathering with endless conversations with the trainees, coordinators, and host recipients. At the end of the session, the coordinator, Prof. Nishimura, gave a closing remark, and the 2015 Progress Course came to an end.

Social Gathering (3)  Banquet (5) 

Banquet (1)  Social Gathering (2)


University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

A seminar to learn “work” and seriously face your future “Job Study Collaboration Kansai 2015” will be held!

Co-sponsored by the University Consortium Kyoto, “Job Study Collaboration Kansai” is an exchange event with companies that started in 2011 and is open to all university students.
The main program is lectures and roundtable discussions in which working adults of various sizes and industries, from large corporations to mid-tier enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, talk to all university students Mr./Ms.about their thoughts and feelings about work, such as the enjoyment, rewarding, and rigor of work.
Mr./Ms. all students who have completed the internship program, as well as those who have never experienced an internship, Mr./Ms. why don’t you take this opportunity to learn the significance of working and face your future seriously?


Outline of the event

Organizer Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, JobStudy
Co-organizers University Consortium Kyoto, University Consortium Hyogo Kobe
Sponsors Non-profit organization Minami-Osaka Regional University Consortium
Participation Fee free
Speakers [12 small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kansai region]
Engineer Co., Ltd., Omi Forge Co., Ltd., Uofuku Co., Ltd., Sabaya Co., Ltd., Techno Brain Co., Ltd., Tokai Spring Industry Co., Ltd., Tokusho Sankyo Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Naomi Co., Ltd., Japan Technology Solutions Co., Ltd., HILLTOP Co., Ltd., Yamada Textile Co., Ltd., REC Co., Ltd.

[JobStudy Companies]
Astellas Pharma Co., Ltd., AEON Retail Co., Ltd., Japan Tourist Co., Ltd., Credit Saison Co., Ltd., Kobe Steel Co., Ltd., Kokuyo Co., Ltd., Sapporo Breweries Co., Ltd., Teijin Co., Ltd., Japan Ham Co., Ltd., Hankyu Corporation, Lawson Co., Ltd., World Co., Ltd.

* Speakers are in alphabetical order.

Panel Discussion / Roundtable Discussion: 50 people each time / Target: University students (regardless of nationality or grade)

Leading companies in each industry and companies boasting the top market share in the Kansai region, as well as excellent mid-tier enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kansai region, will answer questions from Mr./Ms..

In the roundtable discussion, you will have a chance to talk directly with a professional in the work!

“What is the most rewarding part of your job?” and “What is required of you as a member of society?” In response to questions from students, experienced members of society will convey their thoughts and feelings about work that are not usually heard.

schedule meeting place JobStudy Enterprises Small and medium-sized enterprises in Kansai
November 18 (Wed)
Kyoto Credit Saison Co., Ltd.
Japan Tourist Co., Ltd.
Omi Forge Co., Ltd.
Saturday, November 21
open sea Kobe Steel Corporation
Japan Technology Solutions Co., Ltd.
Thursday, November 26
Osaka AEON Retail Co., Ltd.
Sapporo Breweries Co., Ltd.
Engineer Co., Ltd.
Naomi Corporation
November 27 (Fri)
Kobe Astellas Pharma Inc.
World Inc.
Uofuku Co., Ltd.
December 2 (Wed)
Kyoto Teijin Corporation
Japan Ham Co., Ltd.
Technoy Eleven Inc.
Yamada Textile Co., Ltd.
Thursday, December 3
Osaka Hankyu Corporation
Lawson Corporation
Tokai Spring Industry Co., Ltd.
Sabaya Co., Ltd.

Venue Details

Kyoto Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto 2nd Floor Hall
Address: Kyoto-shi, Shimogyo-ku, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji
Nada Venue Hyogo International Community House Multipurpose Hall
Address: 神戸市中央区脇浜町1-2-8
Osaka Venue Mainichi Intesio 4th Floor Conference Room
Address: 大阪市北区梅田3-4-5
Kobe Venue Sannomiya Center Plaza 9th Floor Kobe Shinwa Women’s University Sannomiya Satellite Campus
Address: 神戸市中央区三宮町1−9−1-908



Contact us

Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, Regional Economic Department, Industrial Human Resources Policy Division
Address: 〒540-8535 1-5-44 Otemae, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Phone number: 06-6966-6013
E-mail address: kin-jinzai[at] (Please replace “at” with “@”)

On Saturday, November 15, we held a debriefing session on the results of the Internship Progress Course

In the “Internship Progress Course” of the University Consortium Kyoto, from mid-June to late November, students worked on projects presented by host companies. The activity report and the results were presented at the debriefing session.
On the day of the event, in addition to those involved in the project, university faculty and staff, companies, and last year’s graduates also visited the event to watch the students’ presentations.
At the graduation ceremony after the results debriefing session, the coordinator handed over a “certificate of completion” for each project, and this year’s “Internship Progress Course” came to an end.

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Outline of Implementation

Date & Time Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:40~17:35
Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th Floor, Lecture Room 2
Number of companies and organizations participating in the project
(In order of presentation of the results report)
9Companies and Organizations
(Intelligence Office Co., Ltd. / Yumecom Co., Ltd. / University Consortium Kyoto / Insight House Co., Ltd. / NPO Kino Kogaku / Nazca Co., Ltd. / Non-profit organization Children’s Independence no Sato Warm-up School from here/ Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education / Shikoku Island League plus)
Number of students 65
(Kyoto University, Kyoto University of Education, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto Prefectural University, Otani University, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto Women’s University, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kyoto Tachibana University, Kyoto Bunkyo University, Doshisha University, Doshisha Women’s University, Hanazono University, Ritsumeikan University, Ryukoku University)
Number of faculty members

About the announcement

Each project was given 25 minutes to debrief on the results, and the progress and time allocation were devised according to the project.
Below are excerpts from the presentations of each project.

Intelligence Office Co., Ltd. ~Hitomanabi Internship 2014~

I worked to publish the free paper “Hitomanabi”. The free paper will be published on Tuesday, November 25, and will be set up at universities in Kyoto and other regions.
We introduced the revenue and expenditure of expenses, the number of sales, and the companies listed in specific figures, and explained the process of issuing free papers.
In the Q&A session, when asked “What was it like to make use of the student’s point of view?”, he replied, “Since it is aimed at university students, we were able to incorporate our own opinions, both on the publisher side and on the receiving side.”

On Saturday, December 20th, we will also promote the event “Free Research “Working Real” for 3rd year university students” at the Kyoto Sangyo Kaikan at Kirato Plaza.

Go to the project homepage

At the social gathering, we asked students from other projects to cooperate, and we all took a photo with the flyers.
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Yumecom Co., Ltd. ~Learn the process involved in publishing an information magazine about your own retirement and family care~

This is a project to edit and produce an information magazine called “LifeLike” published by the host company.

I wanted to write an article that would help elderly people who have few hobbies to have goals, so I planned an interview article with a person who started running marathons at the age of 92 and was selected.
I interviewed people and created the manuscript while thinking about what I wanted to convey, and although I left the design to a specialist, I thought of the rough draft myself, and after checking with the interviewer, I submitted it and completed it.
When I finished my article, I was able to get a good impression of it by asking actual elderly people to read it and ask for their opinions.
Curiosity and a wide range of knowledge are important things in creating articles, but above all, “passion” was important.

Photo right) Information magazines with the pages I was in charge of were distributed at the venue.
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University Consortium Kyoto ~”Study in Kyoto!” Overseas Student Acceptance Program Planning~

In preparation for the increase in the number of international students in Kyoto through a collaborative project with Kyoto City, we came up with a plan for support and exchange for international students.
We asked international students in Kyoto about what they needed. After listening to various requests, we divided the international students into two categories, “life support” and “cultural understanding,” and approached them in two ways: “buddy program” and “information.”
When proposing BBQ and hot pot parties as exchange projects, I realized that there were things that I couldn’t understand just by actually inspecting the site and thinking about it.

Photo right) Guidebooks and maps with information on Wifi and transportation were distributed as deliverables.
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Insight House Co., Ltd. ~Mr./Ms. of Kyono Yamashina~

The goal is to spread “Yamashina Mr./Ms.”. The activity of “Yamashina Mr./Ms.” is to let people know the charm of the people of Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City, and to make them like Yamashina.
To that end, we held the Yamashina Mr./Ms. Fair, recruited new members, conducted interviews, and created free papers. In the interviews, we emphasized the importance of “connecting,” “interacting,” and “listening to the voices” of local residents, and published articles on the web and in free papers. In order to attract new members, we asked universities in the vicinity of Yamashina Ward to set up flyers.
As we proceeded with the interview activities, the number of people who said that they knew “Yamashina Mr./Ms.” increased, and we began to see the results of our activities.

Introducing the Activity Facebook

In the middle photo, right) A free paper consisting of interview articles “Kyo no Yamashina Mr./Ms.” is distributed.
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NPO Kino Environmental ~Creation of Environmental Management Support Program~

We plan to hold events to make people feel closer to environmental issues.
We thought of various plans, but we hit barriers such as expenses and transportation, so we had to rethink the plan many times.

In the meantime, I had the opportunity to participate in the “Paper Festival” held at the Kyoto Ecology Center on Sunday, November 2nd, and I was able to plan and exhibit an event using “Shinbunshi”.
On the day of the event, the booth was crowded with children from all Mr./Ms., and I felt that it was rewarding to plan it.
In addition, it was decided to hold another event that did not match the schedule.
I used to think that planning was about coming up with an idea and executing it, but after thinking about it, I realized that it was difficult to realize it.

Photo right) I gave a presentation with the person from Kino Environment, who was indebted to me, and the coordinator.
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Nazca Co., Ltd. ~ Nail posting site operation (search engine measures) ~

A project to increase the number of users of the nail posting site “Nail Crew“.

At first, I didn’t get the results I wanted. Therefore, I studied SEO measures during the sluggish period and thought of achieving my goal by devising a guide site.
When I searched, I thought about how impactful the first three lines of the site’s content would be. In addition, the number of updates has been increased from one update per day to 13 times. Although it was summer, the article was conscious of autumn and posted an article ahead of the season. In addition, we took various approaches, such as incorporating seasonal search keywords and using Twitter.
As a result, we were able to significantly update the target for the number of accesses.


Specified Non-Profit Organization Children’s Independence Township Warm-up School from here
~Midsummer Night Light Festival 2014~

We carried out activities to make the summer festival to be held on Sunday, August 31 a success.
The concept of the festival was “the light of Yogo that connects from here” and was planned to be a “sustainable festival”.

Along the way, I lost track of my goals, and it became difficult to relate to my children due to impatience and fatigue.
Taking advantage of our failures, we prepared for the day of the event with ingenuity, such as holding meetings on holidays to reflect on them, and working with the door open so that it would be easy for the children to talk to us.

Last year, we took advantage of the fact that a typhoon came, and we simulated rainy weather, but we were blessed with good weather and were able to hold a festival with beautiful lights outdoors. With the participation of local people from the Mr./Ms. region, it was a practical training that allowed us to connect with each other, which was the theme.

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Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education ~Teacher Training Support Seminar~

From August to September, students went to their assigned elementary and junior high schools for practical training, depending on their desired subjects.

The trainees who went to the elementary school recreated the teaching method in a play that would make them interested in the changes in teaching methods in the lower and upper grades, as well as map symbols, calculations, and factory processes.
The trainees who went to the junior high school presented their results according to their respective tasks, such as the sports festival, devised teaching methods, how to get people to see the bulletin boards, and reading tendencies.
It was a valuable experience to practice each task at an elementary and junior high school.


Shikoku Island League PLUS~2014 Shikoku Island League Official Game in Princeyama Baseball Stadium (Shiga)~

On Monday 15 September, at the official game “Kagawa OG vs Tokushima IS” of the Shikoku Island League plus, an independent professional baseball league, held at Ojiyama Baseball Stadium, we worked on a project to manage the game jointly with students from the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences of Ritsumeikan University. As a first attempt, it was featured in newspapers.

We published the targets and actual figures for the number of customers, the amount of money, the number of responses to Twitter, etc., and the number of sales, and announced our reflections on the goals that could not be achieved. Even if you know that planning, communication skills, cost awareness, and execution skills are important, you can’t do it. I was confronted with that. However, it was also an internship that allowed me to grow, such as learning about the gap between communication skills that can be understood in society and the communication gap that I had drawn.

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University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9121
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)