Foundation Member Universities and Junior Colleges 2014 University Festival Calendar Released!

University Festival

With mock shops, exhibitions, appearances by cultural figures, singers, and celebrities, and performances by each club circle, university students are enlivening their own university, and you can experience a different university atmosphere. We look forward to your participation.
University Festival

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The 12th Kyoto Student Festival

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Date Sunday, October 12, 2014 11:00~20:20
Venue Heian Jingu Shrine and Okazaki Park
Organizer Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
Co-organizers Kyoto Student Festival Organizing Committee (Kyoto Prefecture / Kyoto City / Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Kyoto Association of Corporate Executives / University Consortium Kyoto)
Special Cooperation Heian Shrine
Cooperation NHK Kyoto Broadcasting Station


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