10/25 (Sun) Kyoto University “Learning” Forum Participating Universities and Lectures Open to the Public!

The leaflet for the Learning Forum to be held on Sunday, October 25 has been completed!
Be sure to check out the unique classes and hands-on courses at the participating universities!

“Learning” Forum 2015 LeafletPDF

【No Dragonfly】Learning Forum_Panfre 【No Dragonfly】Learning Forum_Panfre

✾ Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2015 ✾

  Date & Time: October 25 (Sun) 9:30~15:30
Venue: Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus Access to the venue 

Target: High school students, parents, teachers
Organizer: Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council

(Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education,       Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools,
Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry and University Consortium Kyoto)

Special plan decided
Stages of “Learning”
  Target: High school students, parents, teachers

Professor Katsumi Arase of Otani University’s Faculty of Letters will share a message for
all high school students who are heading toward the “future” for Mr./Ms..
Forms of “Learning” exchange project between university students and high school    students: High school students
College students and “Entaku” (made of cardboard?!) This is a project where you can talk about campus life!
Let’s get together with college students who are working on various things and ask them anything!

✿Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2015 [Click here for details]    

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto, in charge of the University “Learning” Forum in Kyoto
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

“Girls’ Career Talk in Kyoto”


In the future, it is expected that women in various situations will realize their own hopes and shine, and that “women’s power” will be fully demonstrated and Japan society will develop, but career education for male models is still centered on high schools and universities. At present, it is difficult to say that career education that focuses on career transitions specific to women, such as pregnancy and childbirth, is being conducted sufficiently.
Therefore, the Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council held the “Girls Career Talk in Kyoto” with the aim of encouraging female students and female students to look at their own lives as women from a long-term perspective and use them for future career choices and career planning by listening to and interacting with female students and women who are actually active in society.

Outline of Implementation

schedule Saturday, February 14, 2015
place Campus Plaza Kyoto 2nd Floor Hall
sponsorship Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)
Co sponsored by High School Consortium Kyoto
coordinator Associate Professor, Admission Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Ms. Iwako Yamamoto
lecturer Career Counselor Kazumi Sawada
participant High School Students 25 students (10 first-year students, 13 second-year students, 2 third-year students)
Prefectural Government: Rakuhoku High School
Municipal: Luoyang Technical High School, Saikyo High School, Hiyoshigaoka High School
Private: Notre Dame Jogakuin High School, Doshisha Girls’ High School
university student 14 students (3 first-year students, 7 second-year students, 4 third-year students)
Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto Kacho University, Kyoto Women’s University, Doshisha University, Ritsumeikan University
working adult 10 (in no particular order)
Shimadzu Corporation Yoko Oga Mr./Ms., Haneda Kobo Toki Haneda Mr./Ms.,
Saori Osawa Mr./Ms. Osawa Clinic, Keiko Yamada Mr./Ms. K Architects, Mika Higuchi Mr./Ms. Ishida Taiseisha Co., Ltd.,
Mr./Ms. Yoko Taiyama of the Kyoto City Board of Education, Sato Mr./Ms.mi Somekawa of OMRON Corporation, Naoko Kakuchi of Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital / Kyoto Tachibana University Nursing Department, Mr./Ms.
Mr./Ms. Miyuki Yoneda of Kyoto Central Shinkin Bank, Mr./Ms. Mina Yamamoto of Ritsumeikan University

Implementation Report

In this project, which was held for the third time this year, we invited a career counselor as a lecturer for the first time, and gave a lecture on women’s work styles (full-time employees and non-full-time employees, job introductions, etc.) from the current situation surrounding women’s participation in society, and taught high school and university students the importance of imagining their own life plans and choosing their own way of life. After that, 10 working women from various occupations were divided into 5 groups of 2 each, and high school and university students joined their favorite groups and held group discussions with about 10 people each. First of all, we asked a member of society to lead the dialogue and talk about specific episodes such as the current job description, the atmosphere of the workplace, the career path that he had in mind when he was a high school student, and what kind of efforts he has made to realize his dreams. The university students in all groups actively asked questions and expressed their opinions to the members of society, and actively interacted with each other. In addition, it was impressive to see the high school students, who tended to be reserved at first, gradually relaxed in the second half of the project, and eagerly asked questions to working adults and university students and took notes of what they heard.

 2014 Girls Lecture  2014 Girls Lecture 2 

 2014 Girls Group Work 1  2014 Girls Group Work 2

Looking at the results of the questionnaire after the event, I received various advice from all the working Mr./Ms.people, such as “I learned that what I think is useless now can be beneficial to me later,” “I was taught that it is important to do everything in front of me now,” and “Even if I can’t find what I want to do yet, I was encouraged that I will find something I want to do in the future.” It was evident that each of them had new realizations and discoveries. In addition, there were many positive opinions about careers, such as “You should pursue what you want to do,” “There is always a good thing no matter what you choose,” and “Women have many strengths that are unique to women!”, and I think that they were able to dispel some of their anxiety about the future. In the future, I hope that high school and university students will choose the path they should take with a view to their future, take responsibility for that choice, and work hard to realize it.

Mr./Ms. Lecturer and working guests who became advisors

Mr./Ms. Lecturer and working guests who became advisors

Front row, from left: Mr./Ms. Yonemoto, Lecturer Sawada, Mr./Ms. Oga, Mr./Ms. Somekawa, Mr./Ms. Haneda, Mr./Ms. Osawa
Back row left: Mr./Ms. Yamada, Mr./Ms. Higuchi (4th), Mr./Ms. Taiyama (5th), Mr./Ms. Yamamoto (6th), Mr./Ms. Kakuchi (8th)
Back row, right: Coordinator Yamamoto

Same-day time schedule

13:30-14:10 ◆Lecture
Theme: “Thinking about the Future Me”
Lecturer: Kazumi Sawada (Career Counselor)
・Advice on the situation surrounding women in society and career transitions specific to women from an expert perspective
14:10-15:45 ◆ Group discussion with working guests and high school and university students
In response to the simple questions of young people, women working in various fields give advice based on real experience
15:45-16:00 ◆ Summary / questionnaire filling out


University Consortium Kyoto High School-University Collaboration and Internship Division
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Girls Career Talk in Kyoto [Finished]

Girls Career Talk in Kyoto
~Thinking about the way women live in the future~

Modern society expects women to play an active role, and the government is implementing various initiatives with the aim of “creating a society in which all women shine.” As an approach to high school and female university students who will be the leaders of the future and who are making career choices in the future, the first question should be “What kind of jobs are there in society?” and “Is it really possible to balance work and family?” In order to face and respond to such simple questions and anxieties, the Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council and the High School Consortium Kyoto invite women from various industries who are actually active in society to listen to their diverse career experiences, talk together, and hold a project in which Mr./Ms., a female high school student and female university student, thinks about her future.
We are looking forward to receiving applications from all Mr./Ms. of female high school and female university students in the Mr./Ms..

Outline of the event

Date Saturday, February 14, 2015 13:30~16:00
Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto 2nd Floor Hall
Organizer Kyoto High School University Collaborative Research Council
(Kyoto Prefectural Board of Teachers, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)
High School Consortium Kyoto
Target Approximately 30 female students enrolled in high schools and universities in Kyoto Prefecture
Participation Fee free
Contents (1) Lecture
Lecturer: Kazumi Sawada (Career Counselor)
Theme: Thinking about the Future Me (tentative)
* We will receive advice from an expert’s perspective, such as the status of women’s social advancement and career transitions unique to women.

(2) Group discussion
Small-group discussions with working guests (doctors, nurses, architects, high school teachers, kimono artists, etc.) and high school and university students
* We invite women who work wonderfully in various fields to give advice and answer questions based on actual experience.

(3) Summary and questionnaire filling out


Girls Career Talk in Kyoto
~Thinking about the way women live in the future~
Click here for details

How to apply: E-mail application

Subject: “Girls Career Talk in Kyoto”

Body: (1) Name (2) Affiliated university/faculty/high school affiliation (3) Grade (4) Telephone number (5) E-mail address

Please apply by e-mail to kodai■consortium.or.jp with the above contents.
(Please replace ■ with @)
We will send you a confirmation email after receiving your application.

Application Deadline

Friday, February 6, 2015
* If there are many applications, a lottery will be held.
*Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00

Application and Inquiries

University Consortium Kyoto High School-University Collaboration and Internship Division
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2015 will be held!

In fiscal 2015, we will hold the “Kyoto University Learning Forum” again. Participate in mock lectures and
hands-on courses at universities in Kyoto
and experience learning in various fields!
Mr./Ms.Not only high school students, but also parents and high school teachers are welcome to attend.

At the booths and resource corners of each university, you can consult with them about everything from small questions about university life to specific matters such as academic fields. Other courses and courses for parents are also planned.

It is a great opportunity to learn about what you learn at university. Please invite your friends and come with your family again!

manabi_2014_1_1 ✿Date/Venue for 2015✿
Date: Sunday, October 25, 2015
9:30~16:00 (tentative)
Venue: Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Campus
〒603-8577 56-1 Tomochiin Kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kyoto
     Access to the venue
Organizer: Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council
(Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education,
Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools
Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry and University Consortium Kyoto)
*Held on Sundays


★ ☆State of FY2014☆ ★




University Booths


Mock Lectures

★ ☆ Voices of 2014 participants (high school students and parents) ☆ ★
2014 Participant's Voice 3




         We are currently considering a more substantial project for fiscal 2015.
         Please join us at the 2015 Learning Forum!


2014 Kyoto University “Learning” Forum
For high school students and their parents, University Consortium Kyoto page (project)


University Consortium Kyoto Learning Forum
TEL: 075-353-9153 E-mail: manabiforum@consortium.or.jp
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2014 was held!

Report on the results of the Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2014

On Sunday, October 26, the Learning Forum 2014 was held at the Conshinkan Hall of Doshisha University’s Imadegawa Campus. Twenty-nine universities and junior colleges in Kyoto disseminated the “charm of learning” at universities in Kyoto through mock lectures, hands-on lectures, and university-specific booths, mainly for high school students and their parents. On the day of the event, we were blessed with good weather, and 1,985 people, including high school students and their parents, attended.

Outline of Implementation

Date & Time Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:30~15:40
(Class starts at 10:00~, 1~4th period)
Venue Doshisha University Imadegawa Campus Conshinkan
Number of Participating Universities 29 Universities and Junior Colleges
Number of Participants Total number of participants: 1,985
(1,522 high school students / 374 parents and teachers / 89 unknown)
*Including 513 bus participants from the northern Kyoto region (13 schools, 13 buses)
Organizer Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)
Sponsors Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology / National High School Career Guidance Council / Japan Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools / Japan Career Guidance Association / Kyoto Prefecture / Kyoto City / Hyogo Prefectural Board of Education / Nara Prefectural Board of Education / Wakayama Prefectural Board of Education / Shiga Prefectural Board of Education / Shiga Prefecture Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools / Osaka City Board of Education / Osaka Private Junior and Senior High School Federation
Sponsors  University Co-op logo_yoko_c_moji      _ Kyoritsu Logo



Contents of the project

There were 31 mock lectures in various fields, 13 hands-on lectures, and a student project called “Campus Talk” where students could interact with current university students. The university-specific booths were crowded with people who consulted about everything from small questions about university life to specific admission methods.


Visitor scene:Mock lecture by Prof. Hara Mock lecture

Lucent Plaza

Reception scene:Experience-based Kyoto Zokei Hands-on course

University Booth 2

CampusCampus Talk talk with university students at each university booth



◇ Other Courses
Lectures for parents, writing expression, mathematics, career courses for high school students, campus life introduction and consultation corners, and lectures for high school teachers were held.

         We are currently considering more substantial projects for the next fiscal year.
         Please join us at the 2015 Learning Forum!

About the Kyoto University Learning Forum 2014
Click here for details


University Consortium Kyoto Learning Forum
TEL: 075-353-9153 E-mail: manabiforum@consortium.or.jp
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Foundation Member Universities and Junior Colleges 2014 University Festival Calendar Released!

University Festival

With mock shops, exhibitions, appearances by cultural figures, singers, and celebrities, and performances by each club circle, university students are enlivening their own university, and you can experience a different university atmosphere. We look forward to your participation.
University Festival

Click here for details


The 12th Kyoto Student Festival

top slider image (large)

Date Sunday, October 12, 2014 11:00~20:20
Venue Heian Jingu Shrine and Okazaki Park
Organizer Kyoto Student Festival Executive Committee
Co-organizers Kyoto Student Festival Organizing Committee (Kyoto Prefecture / Kyoto City / Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Kyoto Association of Corporate Executives / University Consortium Kyoto)
Special Cooperation Heian Shrine
Cooperation NHK Kyoto Broadcasting Station


Click here for details


Results of the Northern Kyoto Prefecture Career Education Project “Maruttoku in Kumihama”


High school students in the northern region of Kyoto Prefecture have fewer opportunities to learn about universities and interact with current university students than high school students in urban areas because there are no universities located nearby.
In addition, there are few opportunities to experience local history and culture and talk at length with people who work in the local area, and many young people graduate from high school without having an image of working and living in their hometown as adults, move to urban areas after graduating from high school, and start their careers as members of society in other areas after graduating from university.

Therefore, the Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council held a workshop “Maruttoku in Kumihama” by high school students, university students, and local residents in Kumihama-cho, Kyotango City, with the aim of developing the careers of high school students in the northern region of Kyoto Prefecture and fostering human resources who will support the community.

Outline of Implementation

schedule Saturday, September 20, 2014 11:00~16:00
place Gosho Inaba Honke, Nyoiji Temple (Kumihama-cho, Kyotango City)
sponsorship Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)
cooperation Kyoto Prefecture Northern Regional and University Cooperation Organization
participant High School Students 25 (1st and 2nd year students at Kyoto Prefectural Kumihama High School)
university student 19 (Kyoto Seika University, Doshisha University, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto Bunkyo University, Ryukoku University, Kobe University, Waseda Graduate School, etc.)
working adult 8 people (NPO Exciting Kumihama Creation Association, Kyotango City Kumihama Citizen’s Bureau)

Implementation Report

The university students entered Kumihama the day before to inspect the site and rehearsed carefully until late at night, and on the day of the event, the rain from the previous day had stopped and the weather was clear, and we were able to welcome the performance in a refreshing and sunny atmosphere.
The high school students gradually became more relaxed and relaxed as they walked around the city and did group work with university students and local residents. At first, some of the students were too shy to speak well, but at the end, they were willing to speak up about their dreams and career paths. During the dialogue time, I was very impressed by the friendly advice between university students and local people about the concerns of high school students.

 IMG_5717    IMG_5555

Through this workshop, the high school students had the opportunity to reflect on themselves and think deeply about their own way of life, as well as to reaffirm the good points of Kumihama, and the university students were able to gain new insights about themselves by reflecting on their careers and communicating them with others. We also received comments from local residents, such as, “Conveying the charm of the region to young people, listening to their thoughts on the region and their thoughts on the future, and gaining new awareness and discoveries about the local area,” making it a meaningful initiative for high school students, university students, and local residents.

In addition, this project was blessed with a good location, not to mention the wealthy merchant Inaba Honke, the building and garden were wonderful, and the view of the sea from Nyoiji Temple near Kumihama Bay was the best. I believe that one of the factors for our success was that we were able to work in a calm space such as a Japanese-style room, and that we were able to interact in nature, such as the blue sea, the wide sky, and the lush garden.

While referring to the results of this survey, we would like to implement such projects in other regions as well.

Same-day time schedule

11:00-11:30 ◆ Start of planning ◆ -Orientation at the main house of the Australian merchant Inaba
11:30-11:55 Walking around the town (guided by an NPO)
11:55-12:10 Arrival at Nyoiji Temple-Local story by Priest Tomomatsu
12:10-13:00 lunch
13:00-13:15 Presentation by university students (about actual experiences such as setbacks and encounters at university)
13:15-15:00 Dialogue interview (high school students× university students× local residents) near Nyoiji Temple
15:00-15:30 Conclusion – Time Machine Letter Creation (Letter to Yourself 3 Years Later) – Overall Review
16:00 ◆ End of project ◆

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto, High School-University Collaborative Career Education Program
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

The 12th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum will be held on Friday, December 5th!

The Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council is holding a forum for the purpose of “sharing information on domestic trends and disseminating information on initiatives in Kyoto” on the issue of collaboration and connected education between high schools and universities.

This year’s 12th Collaborative High School and University Education Forum will be held under the theme of “Connecting High School and University and Forming Academic Ability: Thinking about the Achievement Test (tentative name).” We look forward to your participation.

Outline of the event

The 12th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum

banner3University entrance examinations are deeply linked to the school system and social structure of the country. In Japan, the premise of the academic achievement test is that a nationwide common educational curriculum has been established, and it is obligatory that the exam questions be first published and that they be published after the fact. However, these are also things that are unique to Japan from a global perspective. In the current reform of entrance examinations, the implementation of multiple common examinations, graded evaluations, the introduction of IRT (Item Response Theory), and the use of computers are also on the table for discussion. I would like to consider the realistic possibility of a “achievement test (tentative name)” including such issues.

Date Friday, December 5, 2014 9:30~17:15
Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto
theme High School-University Connection and Academic Ability Formation: Thinking about the Achievement Test (tentative name)
Organizer Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)
Occupancy Keynote Reports, Special Lectures, and Case Studies 200 (first-come, first-served basis)
Breakout Session 30 people each (first-come, first-served basis)
Application Acceptance Tuesday, October 7, 2014 12:00~Friday, November 21, 2014 17:00
Participation Fee High schools and universities in Kyoto Prefecture JPY 1,000
Persons other than the above (including participants of companies in Kyoto Prefecture) JPY 2,000

Registration: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 12:00 p.m. ~ Friday, November 21, 2014 5:00 p.m. (first-come, first-served basis)
About the 12th High School-University Collaboration ForumClick here for details


University Consortium Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Education Forum
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2014 will be held!

In fiscal 2014, we will hold the “Kyoto University Learning Forum” again. Universities in Kyoto gather in one place to hold mock lectures and hands-on courses in various fields. Not only high school students, but also parents can take the course freely. Please take this opportunity to experience university classes that are a little different from high school on the university campus!

For those who want to know more about universities, there are booths and resource corners for each university, as well as talk plans by university students, entrance examination preparation courses, and courses for parents. We look forward to seeing your high school students and parents from TakuMr./Ms.!

Kyoto University Learning Forum 2014
Date : Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:30~15:40Venue
: Doshisha University Imadegawa Campus Conshinkan

Organizer: Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council
(Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)

* The day of the week will be Sunday, unlike in previous years.
* The Shiga venue, which was usually held in June, will not be held in 2014.

Kyoto University “Learning” Forum 2014 [Click here for details]


University Consortium Kyoto, in charge of the University “Learning” Forum in Kyoto
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Shimoru Campus Plaza Kyoto
TEL:075-353-9153  FAX:075-353-9101