“SD Guidebook 2021” has been released!

The “SD Guidebook” is intended for those who have started working as university staff.
We want them to be interested in SD (Staff Development), which refers to efforts to develop the skills of university staff.
It was created with the aim of raising awareness of working in higher education.
We hope that this will help develop the skills of the university staff who will be responsible for the future management of the university.
You can download the PDF file, so please make use of it.

Ⅰ. What is SD?
II. Functions Required of University Staff
III..SD Project of the University Consortium Kyoto
IV. SD-related programs in Japan
V..Distinctive Training Programs at Member Schools
VI. Sources of information on higher education and national policy trends
VII.. Selected periodicals and SD-related books on higher education

Publisher: University Consortium Kyoto SD Training Committee

* The next edition is scheduled to be published in 2023.

Click here for details

【Report】The 18th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum Report is now available.

On Saturday, December 5 and Sunday, December 6, 2020, we have completed the report collection of the 18th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University, “Entrance Examination Reform as a ‘Connection of Education’ II.~Changing the Guidance and Evaluation of High School Education: How High Schools and Universities Approach Entrance Examinations and Education~“. Click on each item below to view the PDF file. You can also view the full-page report collection in PDF format from the link below.
Since this event will be held online free of charge, we will not be sending out a booklet of reports.

The next 19th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum will be held on Saturday, December 4, 2021. Details will be announced as soon as they are decided.

Part 1

Opening Remarks
Explanation of purpose Entrance Examination Reform as a “Connection of Education” II.
~Changing the Guidance and Evaluation of High School Education: How High Schools and Universities Approach Entrance Examinations and Education~
Case Report (1) Creating a mechanism to unearth students’ independence
~Now, the moment of brilliance~
Case Report (2) 10 Years of Lesson Study for the Development of Qualities and Abilities
~Aiming to Cultivate PISA-type Academic Skills and Inquiry Skills~
Case Report (3) History of Chiba University’s High School-University Collaboration and Connection Education Reform
~Aiming to Strengthen the Ability to Develop Global Human Resources in the Sciences~
Panel Discussion How do high schools and universities deal with entrance examinations and education?

Part 2: Breakout Sessions

Session 1 [Language] Creation of classes that foster logical thinking, judgment, and expression
~Logical ability that transcends the boundaries of subjects~
Session 2 [Geography and Civics] Qualities and abilities that you want to cultivate through the study of geography history and civics
Session 3 [Mathematics] Applying a mathematical perspective and way of thinking
Session 4 [Research] Design and practice of inquiry-based learning by creating learners’ own questions
Special Subcommittee (1) [Development of Admissions Specialists] The 4th Admissions Specialist Skill Development Workshop (Kyoto)
Special Subcommittee (2) [Career Education in Collaboration with High School and University] Report on the results of the Future Session
~What has changed since the executive committee system~


Participant Survey Results

* You can see the full-page report collection here.
 Report on the 18th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division, High School-University Collaboration Project
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Business hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【Finished】Announcement of “University Consortium Kyoto Medium- to Long-Term Plan ‘Stage 5 Plan (2019-2023)’ Project Progress Report Meeting”

Since its establishment in 1994, the Foundation has developed a variety of initiatives as the first university consortium organization in Japan and as a platform for university and regional collaboration, collaborating with its 48 member universities and junior colleges in collaboration with local communities, industry, business associations, and local governments.
In March 2019, we formulated the Fifth Stage Plan, a five-year medium-term plan from fiscal 2019 to fiscal 2023, and are currently developing initiatives.
We would like to inform you that we will hold the following debriefing session to report on the progress of this project and the project promotion policy for FY2021 and beyond to member schools and citizens.

1 Date and time
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 19:00~19:45 (Reception starts at 18:45)

2 Format
Online (Zoom) *Zoom meeting URL will be sent to participants at a later date.

3 Contents
Progress of the Stage 5 Plan and Achievement of Numerical Targets

4 How to apply
From Tuesday, January 26, 2021 to Friday, February 5, 2021, please fill in the following information in the email.
Please apply.
□ Name, □ attributes (students, university faculty and staff, government officials, Kyoto citizens, etc.)
□ Contact information (e-mail address)

[Destination Email]
pf-kyoto-ml[at]consortium.or.jp Change *[at] to @.

5 Miscellaneous
On the day of the event, representatives from member universities and organizations of the Foundation are scheduled to attend.

6 Inquiries
University Consortium Kyoto (Ikeda, Nomura, Sugama)
TEL: 075-353-9130 (Reception hours: 9:00~17:00 except Sundays and Mondays)

Kyoto Student Public Relations Department held a dedication ceremony for the “Passing Prayer Ema Project”!

The Kyoto Student Public Relations Department has been promoting the “Passing Prayer Ema Project” to support students nationwide who are anxious about the Corona disaster.
On Friday, January 15, 2021, from 1:00 p.m., a dedication ceremony was held at Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, the general headquarters of Tenmangu Shrine nationwide, to dedicate the thoughts of examinees from all over the country.

 From Thursday, November 5, 2020 to Monday, January 4, 2021, 109 wishes were submitted for university life in Kyoto. It came from all over the country. The collected wishes were hung on a large ema drawn by a member of the Kyoto Student Public Relations Department (using Miyako cedar wood, a wood produced in Kyoto City), and with messages of support from the club members, they prayed for passing the exam and the fulfillment of their wishes at Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.


On the day of the event, it was a warm spring day, and the buds of plum blossoms were beginning to open here and there at Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, and it was a dedication ceremony that made me think that I was able to deliver the wishes of the examinees to Tenjin-sama (Michima Sugawara).

 All of us at the Kyoto Student Public Relations Department sincerely wish all the students who are taking the exam the best of luck!


University Consortium Kyoto, Kyoto Student Public Relations Department
TEL 075-353-9130 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Nighttime closure of Campus Plaza Kyoto due to the issuance of emergency measures by Kyoto Prefecture (updated on 1/14)

Kyoto Prefecture has issued “Emergency Measures in Kyoto Prefecture to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infection”
In light of the announcement, Campus Plaza Kyoto
From Monday, January 18, 2021 to Sunday, February 7, 2021, we will suspend
the use of rental rooms after 8 p.m
*Campus Plaza Kyoto will be closed on Monday, January 18, so it will be available from Tuesday, January 19.
In addition, rental rooms set in the night category (18:00 ~ 21:30) can be used until 20 o’clock, but the full night category fee will be charged.

“Kyoto City Wakamono Employment Support Center” and “The Open University Kyoto Learning Center” in this facility
Please check with each facility for the use of the service.

[Refund of usage fee when canceling a reservation during closed hours]
1. Eligibility ⓵
During the Kyoto Prefectural Emergency Measures Period (1/14~2/7),
when canceling a reservation for use of a usage category that includes facility closure hours

⓶ If the reservation has been made as of January 14, 2021 (Thursday)
⓷ When it is not possible to respond to changes in the date of use, postponement, etc.
2. Handling of usage fees or usage fees when all the conditions in 1 above are satisfied
If the usage fee or usage fee for a public facility has already been paid, the full amount will be refunded.
In addition, if you have not paid, we will not ask for delivery.
3. Cancellation Period
If the Kyoto Prefectural Emergency Measures are lifted in the middle of the period, a full refund will be provided at that time.
We will no longer accept cancellations.

Note 1 In the “Reservation for use of the usage category including facility closure hours”,
Refunds will not be issued if the facility is used during non-closed hours.
(e.g., facilities that are closed after 8 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
When the facility is used from 18 o’clock to 20 o’clock.
(A usage fee from 18 o’clock to 21:30 will be charged.) ))
Note 2 Due to the cancellation of the “reservation for use of the usage category including facility closure time”,
If the purpose of use cannot be achieved with respect to the reservation for use of other categories,
Full refunds will also be made for reservations for other categories.
(Example: I made a reservation through the morning, afternoon, and evening divisions of the tournament scheduled to be held.
The tournament itself was canceled due to the unavailability of the nighttime, and the use of the morning and afternoon was used.
If you don’t. )

・(Kyoto Prefecture) Kyoto Prefectural Emergency Measures
・Refund of usage fees or usage fees when canceling reservations during the closed hours of facilities under the jurisdiction of Kyoto City
due to the issuance of emergency measures

【Event Report】University Consortium Kyoto and the United Nations University SDG Corporate Strategy Forum Co-hosted “SDGs Addressed by Companies”

The University Consortium Kyoto and the United Nations University SDG Corporate Strategy Forum will co-host the project “SDGs Addressed by Companies”.
Based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations and set by 2030, domestic companies are also developing activities to achieve the SDGs.
Since interest in the SDGs is growing among students, we will hold an online seminar (3 times in total) for students to share the SDGs initiatives of prominent companies in Japan.


\\ What is the SDG Corporate Strategy Forum? //
“The management of the company,Aiming to realize a sustainable society through the dissemination of the SDGs in strategic divisionsSumotsu
Contribute to the long-term and sustainable growth of the company.”Founded in 2017 with the goal of
The only country with headquarters in JapanPart-time work between the United Nations University (UNU) and about 20 leading companies in JapanNeurship.
In 2020, we collaborated with Kyoto City on the social implementation of the SDGs.

Outline of the event

【Format】 Webinar via Zoom Webinar
Target: Graduate students, university students, junior college students (regardless of faculty or department)
Organizer: University Consortium Kyoto
United Nations University SDG Enterprise Strategy Forum
【Capacity】500 people each time (free of charge, first-come, first-served basis, pre-registration required)


Part 1

It has ended. Thank you very much for your application, Mr./Ms..

Application Period: 9/16 (Wed) – 10/5 (Mon)

(1) Orientation
(2) “The United Nations University’s SDGs Initiatives and the SDGs Corporate Strategy Forum”
Daikan Oki (Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University, Chair of the SDG Corporate Strategy Forum)
(3) Examples of SDGs initiatives (1)
Japan Tobacco Co., Ltd. (JT)
(4) Discussion and Q&A
Japan Tobacco Co., Ltd. (JT)
Daikan Oki (Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University, Chair of the SDG Corporate Strategy Forum)

Part 2

It has ended. Thank you very much for your application, Mr./Ms..

Application period: 9/16 (Wed) – 11/4 (Wed)

(1) Orientation
(2) Examples of SDGs initiatives (2)
 Lion Corporation
(3) Examples of SDGs initiatives (3)
 UCC Holdings Corporation
(4) Discussion and Q&A
 Lion Corporation
UCC Holdings Corporation
 Ryuji Kitajima (Secretary-General, SDG Corporate Strategy Forum, Attorney-at-Law)


It has ended. Thank you very much for your application, Mr./Ms..

Application Period: 9/16 (Wed) – 12/4 (Fri)

(1) Orientation
(2) Examples of SDGs initiatives (4)
Toyota Motor Corporation
(3) Discussion and Q&A
Toyota Motor Corporation
Yoshio Nakatani (President, Ritsumeikan University)
Katsutaka Shiraishi (Vice President, Ryukoku University, Professor, Department of Policy Studies, Faculty of Policy Studies)
Daikan Oki (Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University, Chair of the SDG Corporate Strategy Forum)

Profiles of the 1st Seminar Speakers

Yoshimasa Mukai (General Manager, Sustainability Management Department, Japan Tobacco Co., Ltd.)

Born in Kyoto. After graduating from the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University in 1992, he joined JT. He served as Deputy General Manager of the IR and Public Relations Department, General Manager of the Audit Department, General Manager of the Planning Department of the Beverage Division, and General Manager of the Corporate Planning Department.

Daikan Oki (Senior Vice Rector, United Nations University, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations)

Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Ph.D. (Engineering, 1993, The University of Tokyo), Weather Forecaster. After working as an assistant at the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo and as an associate professor at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, he became a professor at the University of Tokyo in 2006. He has been in his current position since October 2016. He also serves as a special advisor to the President of the University of Tokyo and a professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering. His research interests include global hydrology and the sustainability of the world’s water resources. He served as chief author of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and as a member of the National Land Council. Since October 2020, he has been a regular member of the Club of Rome and a member of the Science Council of Japan. He has received numerous awards, including the Lake Biwa Prize in Ecology, the Nikkei Global Environmental Technology Award, and the Japan Academy Academic Encouragement Award. He was the first Japan Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in hydrology (2014). His books include “Fundamentals of SDGs” (co-author), “The Future of Water: Global Risks and Japan” (Iwanami Shinsho), “Water Crisis: The True Story” (Shincho Sensho), “World Map of Water 2nd Edition” (supervised translation), and “Professor of the University of Tokyo” (Shincho Shinsho).

Profiles of the 2nd Seminar Speakers

Midori Owada ( General Manager, CSV Promotion Department, Lion Corporation)

Joined Lion Corporation
Dealer sales representative (Seiyu, Ito-Yokado, etc.)
Product development (hair care and makeup)
Advertising Department (in charge of newspapers, magazines, and TV spots)
October 2008 Subsidiary to develop and sell personal care
Launched “Isure Co., Ltd.” and became its representative director.
January 2015 Lion Corporation General Manager of Advertising Department
October 2017 From Advertising Department to Communication Design Department
January 2020 General Manager of CSV Promotion Department

Rie Sekine (UCC Holdings Co., Ltd., Sustainability Promotion Office, Section Manager)

1989 Joined UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd. After working in charge of the environment and CSR, he was appointed to the Sustainability Promotion Office of UCC Holdings Co., Ltd. in January 2020. UCC Coffee Advisors

Ryuji Kitajima (Secretary General, SDG Corporate Strategy Forum, Partner Attorney, TMI Associates)

After graduating from the University of Tokyo’s College of Arts and Sciences in 1994, he worked at Rengo Co., Ltd. and Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd. (Deloitte Tohmatsu Environmental Quality Research Institute, Inc.) before completing the Graduate School of Law and Politics at the University of Tokyo in 2010 and registering as a lawyer in 2012. In 2013, he joined TMI Associates (current position). He specializes in environmental law, FinTech, startups, and crisis management. He has served as a member of the Ministry of the Environment. In 2017, he launched the SDGs Corporate Strategy Forum together with the Senior Vice Rector of the United Nations University, Daikan Oki. Since 2020, he has also served as Executive Director of the United Nations University SDG University Collaboration Platform.

Profiles of the 3rd Seminar Speakers

Tomomi Otsuka (Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer, Toyota Motor Corporation)

Joined Toyota Motor Corporation in 1992. He has experience in multiple fields such as planning products for the domestic market such as the first-generation Vitz, planning and promotion of personnel measures such as diversity projects, revenue and personnel management in the overseas sales department, concept planning for future mobility, and supervision of GAZOO Racing Company (motorsports and sports cars). Along the way, he earned an MBA from Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business. Since February 2020, he has been in charge of sustainability initiatives as Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer (newly established).

Yoshio Nakatani (President, Ritsumeikan University)

Graduated from the Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University in March 1981
Joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in April 1981
1989 Ph.D. (Kobe University)
He was a visiting scholar at Stanford University for one year from 1991
April 2004 Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan University
2014 Dean of the Faculty of Information Science and Technology and Dean of the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
2018 Vice President of Ritsumeikan Educational Corporation (in charge of research, academic information, international collaboration, and gender equality)
2018 Chief Information Officer, Ritsumeikan School Corporation
Current position since 2019
His areas of expertise include artificial intelligence (AI), human interface, cognitive engineering, memory engineering, and erotic engineering.

Katsutaka Shiraishi (Vice President, Ryukoku University, Professor, Department of Policy Studies, Faculty of Policy Studies)

Obtained a doctoral degree from the Nagoya University Graduate School of Law, and received a master’s degree in law. After working as an assistant at the Faculty of Law, Nagoya University, he became an associate professor at the Faculty of Law, Ryukoku University in 1988, a professor at the Faculty of Law in 2000, and a professor at the Faculty of Policy Studies in April 2011. He was appointed Vice President in April 2019. Currently, he is in charge of research, social contribution and SDGs, international education and international exchange, information system business, etc. He also serves as the director of the Yunus Social Business Research Center at Ryukoku University, which was established in June 2019.

Daikan Oki (Senior Vice Rector, United Nations University, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations)

Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Ph.D. (Engineering, 1993, The University of Tokyo), Weather Forecaster. After working as an assistant at the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo and as an associate professor at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, he became a professor at the University of Tokyo in 2006. He has been in his current position since October 2016. He also serves as a special advisor to the President of the University of Tokyo and a professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering. His research interests include global hydrology and the sustainability of the world’s water resources. He served as chief author of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and as a member of the National Land Council. Since October 2020, he has been a regular member of the Club of Rome and a member of the Science Council of Japan. He has received numerous awards, including the Lake Biwa Prize in Ecology, the Nikkei Global Environmental Technology Award, and the Japan Academy Academic Encouragement Award. He was the first Japan Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in hydrology (2014). His books include “Fundamentals of SDGs” (co-author), “The Future of Water: Global Risks and Japan” (Iwanami Shinsho), “Water Crisis: The True Story” (Shincho Sensho), “World Map of Water 2nd Edition” (supervised translation), and “Professor of the University of Tokyo” (Shincho Shinsho).

How to apply

(1) Please open the application form at each time, fill in the required information, and register.
 * Please download Zoom (application) to your smartphone or tablet (free of charge).

(2) After completing the entry, you will receive a URL and passcode for the course, so please keep it in a safe place until the day of the course.
(3) Registration starts 30 minutes before the day of the course. Please use the specified URL and passcode to access it.
 *Internet access is required for the course.


◎ It is strictly prohibited to record screenshots, photos, videos, audio, etc. of the seminar without permission, or to share or publish them to a third party.
◎ Registered personal information may be provided to participating companies.

Implementation Report

Part 1: SDGs Addressed by Companies

On Wednesday, October 7, 2020, we held the first online seminar on “SDGs Addressed by Companies,” a joint project with the United Nations University SDG Corporate Strategy Forum.
The first session began with an orientation by Ryuji Kitajima, Executive Director of the SDGs Corporate Strategy Forum, followed by a lecture entitled “UNU SDGs Initiatives and SDGs Corporate Strategy Forum” by UNU Senior Vice Rector Daikan Oki, followed by a presentation on JT’s SDGs initiatives by Yoshimasa Mukai, Director of Sustainability Management Department of Japan Tobacco Co., Ltd. (JT).
In the lecture by Senior Vice President Oki, he explained examples of SDGs initiatives from the perspective of “water” issues, which are not often faced in Japan. In addition, a wide range of explanations were given, including specific goals for achieving the purpose of the SDGs Corporate Strategy Forum, which is to “aim to realize a sustainable society and contribute to the long-term and sustainable growth of companies through the penetration of the SDGs into corporate management and strategic departments,” as well as SDGs goals related to students’ job hunting.
In his presentation, Mr. Mukai explained the overall picture of JT, followed by a detailed explanation of the JT Group’s common foundations: respect for human rights, reduction of environmental impact and exercise of social responsibility, and implementation of high-quality governance and business norms. In addition, there were presentations on interesting content for learning about JT, such as a story about the development of cigarettes with low health risks.
After the presentation, a discussion was held between Senior Vice President Oki and Dean Mukai during a question-and-answer session with the audience, and the results of the questionnaire were highly satisfactory from the participating students.

Part 2: SDGs Addressed by Companies

On Friday, November 6, 2020, we held the second online seminar on “SDGs Addressed by Companies,” a joint project with the United Nations University SDG Corporate Strategy Forum.
This time, Lion Corporation and UCC Holdings Corporation presented examples of SDGs initiatives.
In a presentation by Ms. Midori Wada, General Manager of the CSV Promotion Department of Lion Corporation, she explained the LION Eco Challenge 2050, a long-term environmental goal established last year to realize a decarbonized society and a recycling-oriented society. There was an introduction such as.
In the next presentation, Ms. Rie Sekine, General Manager of the Sustainability Promotion Office of UCC Holdings Co., Ltd., gave a presentation titled “The UCC Group’s Sustainable Actions” and explained the unique initiatives of “collaboration with producing countries” and “coffee value creation.”
There were many questions from the students in the audience about both presentations, indicating a high level of interest. Discussions were held with the speakers based on the questions asked by the students, and the speakers were asked to answer questions as much as possible within the time limit to deepen their understanding of the initiatives.
The results of the questionnaire conducted after the seminar also showed a high level of satisfaction, and both the speakers and the audience were able to spend a meaningful time.


Part 3: SDGs Addressed by Companies

On Tuesday, December 8, 2020, we held the third online seminar on “SDGs Addressed by Companies,” co-hosted with the United Nations University Forum on Corporate Strategy for SDGs.
This time, after a presentation on the case studies of Toyota Motor Corporation’s SDGs initiatives, a discussion was held with faculty members from a university in Kyoto and the Senior Vice Rector of the United Nations University.
In her presentation, Ms. Tomomi Otsuka, Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation, introduced that the company is working on initiatives with the vision of “transforming society into possibilities” and the mission of “mass-producing happiness” beyond that.

Specifically, he introduced initiatives unique to automobile companies, such as “using the electricity of the car as a mobile generator to supply power in the event of an emergency” and “joint development of a towed-type mobile toilet.” In addition to installing toilets, the initiative to install toilets in about 200 public schools in India has helped children get into the habit of washing their hands and using the toilet cleanly for the next person, and by installing toilets so that women and children can not only go to the toilet safely, but also make it a habit to clean the toilet themselves. He introduced initiatives such as eliminating the sense of hierarchy in society (changing the awareness that cleaning toilets is a job for people of low status).

After the presentation, a four-person discussion was held with Tomomi Otsuka, Ritsumeikan University President Yoshio Nakatani, Ryukoku University Vice-Rector Katsutaka Shiraishi, and United Nations University Senior Vice Rector Daikan Oki as moderator. A lively discussion was held that contributed to the SDGs initiatives through the exchange of opinions based on the content of Toyota Motor Corporation’s initiatives, the presentation of how companies and universities approach the SDGs, and the sharp questions and answers from the audience. The results of the questionnaire conducted after the seminar also showed a high level of satisfaction, and both the speakers and the audience were able to spend a meaningful time.


University Consortium Kyoto
TEL 075-353-9100 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto

E-MAIL: somu-z02■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【For High School Teachers】”The 8th Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting” February 3 (Wed) Call for Participants

The “Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting” is a place where people who transcend the boundaries of schools and their founders can share their ideas and concerns about school and homeroom management, class improvement, etc., and interact with each other to solve problems.

We are pleased to announce that the 8th meeting will be held as follows.

In 2020, as a summary of the year in the Corona disaster, we will look back on what we were able to put into practice at the high school site and what we were not able to do through exchanges and dialogues among the participants. This is an opportunity for students to reflect on the achievements and challenges of their own educational practices, come into contact with more diverse practices and ideas, and use them as motivation for the next year.

This year’s event will focus on the following various fields, and participants will be divided into breakout sessions on their desired themes.

We look forward to your active participation.

* The 8th Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting Flyer [Download]

Date & Time Wednesday, February 3, 2021 18:00~20:00 (Reception 17:45~)
Place: Online (Zoom Meeting)
theme “Review of Educational Practices in 2020: Toward Better High School and University Collaboration and Connection”
Breakout Sessions

1. Learning of subjects and inquiry through learner-centered questioning and dialogue
Keywords: Question Formulation Technique, Question Formulation Technique, Lifelong Ability to Learn, Hatenathon
Coordinator: Kenichi Sato (Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University)

2. Three-point evaluation in high school
Keywords: Evaluation of active learning, evaluation of thinking, judgment, and expression, evaluation of attitudes toward independent learning, revision of teaching guidelines
Coordinator: Moeko Hosoo (Associate Professor, Faculty of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)

3. Response to the reform of university entrance examinations
Keywords: Educational Connection, Diversification of Entrance Examinations (Comprehensive Selection, School-Based Selection), Evaluation ScaleDiversification of degrees (multifaceted and comprehensive evaluation, entrance examinations, etc.)
Coordinator: Yutaka Hasegawa (Associate Professor, Faculty of Public Policy, Kyoto Prefectural University)
Ms. Iwako Yamamoto (Professor, Faculty of Crafts, Kyoto Institute of Technology)

4. Student-led collaboration between high school and university
Keywords: fostering independence, team building, relationship transformation
Coordinator: Terumi Sameshima (Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kyoto Koka Women’s University)
Hideki Sugioka (Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Management, Fukuchiyama Public University)


18:00~18:10 Opening Ceremony
18:10~18:45 First half of the breakout session
18:45~18:55 Coffee Break
18:55~19:30 Second half of the breakout session
19:30~19:55 Sharing
19:55~20:00 Closing

* In the breakout sessions, breakout sessions will be divided into the above themes.
* Some contents are subject to change depending on the number of applicants.

Moderator Mr. Tetsumune Tamai (Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, Ryukoku University)
Participation Fee free
Target High School Teacher
* People from outside Kyoto Prefecture can also participate.
* We will have a breakout session (group work), so those who can turn on video and audio and participate.
* Those who can participate in a quiet environment where they can speak.
Occupancy First 50 people

How to apply

Please use the method (1) or (2) below to fill in the required information (including pre-assignments) and apply.
* Applicants will be notified of their Zoom meeting ID and password around 16:00 on the day of the meeting.

(1) WEB application

Please use the application form at the following URL.

(2) E-mail/Fax application

 Please download the application form below and send it by e-mail or fax.

◆ The 8th Kyoto High School Teacher Exchange Meeting Participation Application Form [Download]

E-mail: kodai■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)

Application Deadline

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division, High School-University Collaboration Project
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

【Internship】We have created a pamphlet for companies and organizations.


We have created a new information brochure for companies and organizations.

The features of the Foundation Internship Program, the registration process, and comments from host companies, organizations, and students are also posted.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any requests or questions about acceptance.

University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
mail intern@consortium.or.jp TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)



We are looking for thoughts of students who want to go on to university in Kyoto! Ema Project

This time, the Kyoto Student Public Relations Department, which was established jointly by the University Consortium Kyoto and Kyoto City,
For the purpose of supporting students nationwide who are anxious about the Corona disaster, we planned the “Passing Prayer Ema Project”.
We would like to inform you that we will start accepting applications for wishes to dedicate to Kitano Tenmangu, which is the general headquarters of Tenmangu Shrine nationwide and is known as the god of learning.

For more information, please visit the special page of the Kyoto Student Public Relations Department’s website “Kotokare”!
(Click the image below to go to the special page)


We are looking for thoughts of students who want to go on to a university in Kyoto! University students in Kyoto will accompany a giant handmade ema and dedicate it to Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, which is known as the god of learning.

Application Period

From November 5, Reiwa 2 (Thursday) to December 21, Reiwa 2 (Monday) 【Application closed】


Students from all over the country who are working hard to prepare for university life in Kyoto from April of the 3rd year of Reiwa


University Consortium Kyoto, Kyoto Student Public Relations Department
TEL 075-353-9130 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)