【Information】2018 Kyoto College University Relay Course (7/28 (Sat) Otani University)

The University Consortium Kyoto conducts the “Kyoto College University Relay Course,” which is a relay of open lectures at member universities and junior colleges.
We would like to inform you that the course will be held as follows.

Even those who feel that the threshold for multiple consecutive courses is high can easily participate as an opportunity to come into contact with and experience university courses.
There is no application or course fee. We look forward to your visit.

Encounter with this application ~ Through Shinran ~
Akinobu Fujishima (Professor, Department of Shinshu Buddhism, Faculty of Letters, Otani University)

Date & Time: Saturday, July 28, 2018 13:30~15:00 (Reception 13:00~)
Place: Campus Plaza Kyoto (about a 7-minute walk from Kyoto Station, Shimogyo-ku, Nishitoin Shiokoji)
Lecture Room 2 on the 4th floor
Capacity: 250 (no application required, first-come, first-served basis)
Participation fee: Free

Outline of the course

Lecture at Otani University
Course Summary: Meeting Shinran meant a lot to him. Meet the Dharma, meet the Nembutsu,
I met Amida Buddha’s main wish. Shinran’s way of life changed greatly due to his encounter.
I would like to ask you about the significance of such an encounter with this application in Shinran.

◆ [Reference]: 2018 University Relay Course Flyer

TOEFL iBT® Test Skill Improvement Seminar held on June 17

We will hold a free one-day TOEFL iBT test score improvement seminar for students from member universities.

  TOEFL iBT® Test Skill Improvement Seminar”

Following last year’s score-up seminar, CIEE, the TOEFL test Japan office, and the University Consortium Kyoto will hold a preparatory seminar by ETS-certified trainers for university students who are considering taking the TOEFL iBT test (limited to students belonging to member universities of the University Consortium Kyoto).
This is a seminar for beginners, so if you want to know how to study and prepare for this summer, please join us.

There is no participation fee, and we will distribute the “TOEFL Test Prep Planner” prepared by ETS as a reference for preparing for the exam. Please note that it will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached.

* Registration for this seminar has been closed due to the capacity being reached.


The TOEFL test is the most widely accepted English language test in the world, and more than 9,000 institutions in 130 countries, including almost all universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, use TOEFL test scores as proof of English proficiency, admission, recommendation, scholarships, and graduation.
In addition, more than 30 million people around the world have taken the test so far, making it an indispensable test for students who aspire to study abroad. In Japan, it is used as a guide for internal credit recognition at educational institutions, preferential treatment for entrance examinations, and selection for overseas dispatch.

Click here for seminar overview→ 2018 TOEFL Seminar Flyer

Date & Time:

Sunday, June 17, 2018 10:00~13:00 (Doors open at 9:30~)


Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th Floor, Lecture Room 4


・Students who belong to a member university of the University Consortium Kyoto

・Those who are just starting to study for the TOEFL iBT test or those who have recently started

・ Those who have taken exams and want to know how to study effectively




ETS Certified Trainer Dr. Kei Kawanishi (Lecturer, Mukogawa Women’s University)


– Preparation of Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections

– How to study for the TOEFL iBT test (especially during summer vacation)

・Introduction of TOEFL iBT test-specific questions and teaching materials


Co-organizer: University Consortium Kyoto


International Educational Exchange Council (CIEE) TOEFL Division, Delegation of Japan
Email: seminar■cieej.or.jp (Please change ■ to @)



< I was presented with a letter of appreciation > the internship.

We are pleased to present you with a certificate of appreciation!

As the 2018 academic year marks the 20th anniversary of the Foundation’s internship program, the University Consortium Kyoto is pleased to present the following letters of appreciation to the companies and organizations that have been working hard to accept students for their understanding over the years.

■ Companies and organizations that accept certificates of appreciation (in order of honorifics and IDs)
No. course Company Name
1 Business & Public The Westin Miyako Kyoto
2 Business & Public SRM Corporation
3 Business & Public Kyoto Shinkin Bank
4 Business & Public Kyoto Central Shinkin Bank
5 Business & Public Kyoto Broadcasting Co., Ltd.
6 Business & Public JIIKE Kyoto Corporation
7 Business & Public Maruzen Junkudo Bookstore Kyoto
8 Business & Public Choei Corporation
9 Business & Public Tomitaya Corporation
10 Business & Public Toshio Nakamura Law Office
11 Business & Public Hotel Granvia Osaka Co., Ltd.
12 Business & Public Uji City Hall
13 Business & Public Kyoto
14 Business & Public Kyoto Prefectural Government
15 Business & Public Shiga Prefectural Government
16 Business & Public Nagaokakyo City Hall
17 Business & Public Daiichi Corporation
18 Business & Public Aozora Printing Co., Ltd.
19 progress Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education
20 Business & Public Kyoto Women’s University
21 Business & Public Doshisha University
22 Business & Public Ritsumeikan University
23 Business & Public Kyoto Bunkyo University
24 Business & Public Sankyo Seiki Corporation
25 Business & Public Sekihiro Corporation
26 Business & Public Hana Kobo Co., Ltd.
27 Business & Public Aoi General Insurance Co., Ltd.
28 Business & Public Being Inc.
29 Business & Public Artom Inc.
30 Business & Public Kyoto University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
31 Business & Public Kyoto University
32 Business & Public Etre Communications Inc.



University Consortium Kyoto Internship Project Promotion Office
TEL 075-353-9106 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

2018 Recruitment of Companies Accepting Paid Internships for International Students (Organizer: International Student Study Kyoto Network)

2018 Recruitment of Companies Accepting Paid Internships for International Students

International Student Study Kyoto Network (Secretariat: University Consortium Kyoto)

Since 2016, the International Student Study Kyoto Network (Secretariat: Kyoto International Affairs Department, University Consortium) has been offering a paid internship program for international students living in the Kyoto area. From this year, we will be looking for companies that can accept international students for this internship program. We are looking forward to receiving applications from Kyoto companies that are interested in hiring international students in the future.

*For more information on the International Student Study Kyoto Network, please refer to https://www.studykyoto.jp/ja/aboutus/ here.
* Flyer for accepting companies

Purpose and Features

This program provides opportunities for international students living in the Kyoto area who are aiming to find employment at Japan companies to deepen their understanding of the business content and attractiveness of companies in the Kyoto area (especially mid-tier enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises) through work experience, and aims to promote their motivation to recruit and find employment through mutual understanding between international students and companies, and to establish international students in the Kyoto area after employment. International students can take responsibility for their work by receiving a certain amount of remuneration for the work. For host companies, there are various benefits such as revitalizing the company by accepting international students, accumulating experience in accepting foreign employees, and PR to international students.

Eligible companies

30 small and medium-sized enterprises headquartered in the Kyoto area that can be accepted by offices in the Kyoto area.
* We are looking forward to receiving applications from companies that agree with the “Appendix About Accepting Companies”.

* We expect to accept about 1~2 people from each company, but depending on the matching situation between the company and the international student, we may not be able to accept the student, so we appreciate your understanding.

Eligible International Students

Students who are enrolled in a school that is a member of the International Student Study Kyoto Network and are scheduled to graduate or complete their school in March 2020. (Students who wish to graduate or complete the course in March or September 2019 are not excluded.)

* Includes those enrolled in vocational schools and those enrolled in Japanese schools who have graduated or completed higher education institutions in their home countries.

* For participating international students, we will check their Japanese language proficiency and motivation to work in Japan, and conduct preliminary training on business etiquette and compliance before dispatching.

[Last year’s results] Dispatch of 37 international students to 25 host companies

Period of employment

Early August 2018 ~ Late September 2018 (80 hours or more during the summer vacation period for international students)

* For details such as the actual period of employment, such as activities outside the status of residence of international students, please consult with the person in charge of the temporary staffing agency.

Acceptance Criteria

This is a paid internship based on a worker dispatch contract.

Company bears: Dispatch fee (¥1,150 per hour), student transportation fee (actual cost up to ¥1,000 per day) * Once the dispatched international student is confirmed, a worker dispatch contract will be concluded with the operator (dispatch company) that will outsource the operation of this project. As a result, there is no need for social insurance and other procedures at the host company.

Flow after applying for participation of the host company

After applying for participation in this program, the operator (temporary staffing company) that outsources the operation of this program will proceed with specific administrative procedures such as a dispatch contract.

(1) Notification from the Secretariat of confirmation of the participation of the host company (by May 20, 2018)

(2) Exchange meetings between host companies and international students

You will be asked to answer questions from international students about your business and the work you are in charge of. After the exchange meeting, international students submit their wishes to the secretariat of the company where they will work for the internship.
There were no applications from international students to companies that did not participate in the exchange event last year. If you are a company that wishes to accept us, please be sure to participate.

Date & Time: Saturday, June 2, 2018 12:00~16:00

Venue: Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Room 1~4

(3) Selection and matching through individual interviews with international students by the secretariat (June 3 ~ late June)

(4) Notification of matching results to international students and companies (~end of June)

(5) Face-to-face visits to companies (early ~ mid-July)

(6) Pre-training for participating international students (July 5 (Thu), 7 (Sat), 12 (Thu), 14 (Sat))

(7) Employment at the host company (early August ~ late September)

(8) Post-training for participating international students (late October)

(9) Debriefing and exchange meetings for international students and companies (November)

How to apply

Please fill out the application form (click here) below, attach the electronic data of the application form to an e-mail, and send it to the person in charge at the contact point by 17:00 on Tuesday, May 15, 2018.

* After confirming the contents, the operator (dispatch company) will contact the company by May 20 to confirm the contents and whether or not to participate.

Inquiries about this project in general

International Student Study Kyoto Network Secretariat

University Consortium Kyoto International Business Department (Contact: Tsukuda)

TEL:075-353-9164 FAX:075-353-9101


Heisei 30 “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” Recruitment Notice

Kyoto City and the University Consortium Kyoto are implementing the “University Regional Collaboration Creation and Support Project (nicknamed the Gakumachi Collaboration Project)” to support the efforts by granting support funds to projects and projects that work on urban development and regional revitalization in Kyoto through “collaboration” between universities, students, and local communities.
This year marks the 15th year of the program, with the aim of developing human resources by securing practical education and research opportunities for universities, and for local communities, solving local issues and revitalizing them through the knowledge of the university and the vitality of students.
We are pleased to announce that we will start recruiting for the 30th academic year, so please check the following guidelines before applying.

NEW It has become easier to apply for the ≪Cultural Framework≫

From this fiscal year, projects that apply for the cultural category may be selected in the general category.

As for the judging, the content of the projects will be judged in the same way for both the general and cultural categories, and only the cultural category will be judged from the perspective of the student’s degree of contribution to the local community.

★ What is the “Cultural Framework”?

In March 28, it was decided to completely relocate the Agency for Cultural Affairs to Kyoto. Taking this as an opportunity, we have established a “cultural frame” for the Gakumachi Collaboration Project from the 29th academic year, and we are expanding the activity expenses for creating and disseminating printed materials and videos for efforts to “disseminate” diverse cultures from Kyoto.

Target Businesses

 For the purpose of solving local issues and revitalizing the city of Kyoto, projects that fall under the following requirements ((1) and (2) for the general category and (1), (2), and (3) for the cultural framework) to be implemented in Kyoto City during the Heisei 30 fiscal year (from the date of adoption to the end of March of the following year) are eligible.
However, political activities, religious activities, activities that promote specific ideas, violent or destructive activities, commercial businesses, etc. are excluded.
* Projects applied for the cultural category may be selected in the general category.
* Projects applied for the general category will not be selected for the cultural category.

[Common requirements for general and cultural frameworks]
(1) Projects in which universities and student groups and local communities (residents’ organizations, civic activity groups, businesses, etc., mainly in the Kyoto City area) collaborate and collaborate as organizations and groups, and in particular, students take the initiative in their activities.
* Administrative agencies may be included as collaborators, but cooperation with administrative agencies alone is not possible.
Examples: Health and welfare, social education, community development, promotion of academic, cultural, artistic or sports, environmental conservation,
Surveys and research in various fields such as community safety, citizen lectures, events, etc.

(2) Those who have not received any subsidies or subsidies from Kyoto City other than the Gakumachi Collaboration Project.

[Requirements for the cultural quota only]
(3) Priority theme: “Culture of the region”*
In addition to the requirements of (1) and (2), it is necessary to dig up the culture that lies dormant in the region and to pass on the culture that has been passed down from generation to generation in the region.
Projects that work on dissemination to preserve for the future, or to create a new culture through the knowledge of the university and the vitality of its students.
Businesses to work on.
 In order to inherit and archive local culture, it is necessary to disseminate the results of activities in print and video.
* “Culture” includes lifestyles and customs such as art, performing arts, events, industry, food, clothing, housing, etc., as well as old and new.
There are diverse aspects.
Universities, student groups, and the local community themselves should carry out activities from the perspective of “this is culture.”

Target Organizations

Organizations and groups of University Consortium, Kyoto member universities and junior colleges (*1)
A local organization that mainly works in the Kyoto city area (*2)

(*1) University departments, laboratories, seminars, clubs, student circles (circles composed of students from multiple universities are also acceptable), etc.
*2 Residents’ organizations such as residents’ associations and neighborhood associations, civic activity groups, groups and groups consisting of businesses, etc. (shopping streets, etc.)

Amount and number of donations

General category: Up to 300,000 yen / about 15 cases
Cultural quota: Up to 450,000 yen / about 2 projects
* However, if you apply for the cultural quota, you will be required to use the support money to create deliverables such as printed materials and videos so that it will lead to the inheritance and dissemination of culture.
* In addition, at the project report meeting scheduled to be held in March 31, the implementing organization (1 organization) that is recognized as the most excellent will be commended (certificates, trophies, and activity incentives of 100,000 yen will be issued separately).

About the application

Application Period

Tuesday, April 3, 2018 ~ Friday, May 11, 2018
* If you send it by mail, it must arrive on the same day, and if you bring it by 5 p.m.

How to apply: Step 1 Before you start writing your application

It is recommended to read the master plan of the administrative district in which the activity will be carried out. In addition, please listen to the opinions of local people and related government agencies as much as possible regarding the background of the project implementation and the needs of the community. If you have any questions about the basic plan of the ward or points to keep in mind when working in the community, you can also consult with the Regional Power Promotion Office of each ward office or branch.
In addition to reconfirming and sharing your objectives and goals, let’s discuss and think again about whether the business you are thinking about is the best way to achieve your goals. In addition, with regard to continuing projects, let’s thoroughly summarize the efforts we have made so far.

How to apply: Step 2 Let’s write an application!

to download documents related business recruitment>
Application form (Word link)
Application form (example)

Points to fill in

○ Let’s check the judging criteria!

In particular, the first screening is all about the submitted documents. Let’s find out what criteria are used to judge the case.

○ What is the purpose of the project? Write down your purpose and local needs.

The group that listened to the opinions of local people and ward offices in step 1 should also write the contents.

○ Who are you collaborating with? What does each of them do? Let’s be specific.

The Gakumachi Collaboration emphasizes learning that can be obtained by collaborating with the university, students, and the community toward the same goal. If a student group is applying, write down what role the partner will play, and if a local organization is applying, write down what the student will do independently.

How to apply: Step 3 Register your business outline

Please register your business outline using the form below.


How to apply: Step 4 Submission of application documents

Please submit it by mail or bring it to the following address within the application period.
(1) 10 copies of application documents * If there are reference materials (up to 10 sheets), submit 10 copies of reference materials
(2) Application document data (MS-Word) * If reference materials are available, submit the reference data as well.
* Please do not change the prescribed form downloaded from the University Consortium Kyoto website for both (1) and (2).

Main Schedule for the Future

1st screening: After the application deadline ~ mid-June *Document screening
Second screening: June 24, 30 (Sunday) * Public presentation screening
Notification of support project decision and selection results: Early July 30
Approval formula: Early ~ mid-July 30 * A certificate will be issued by Kyoto City for the selected project.
Interim report: Mid ~ end of October 30 * Submission of documents
Final report: March 31 * Submission of documents
Announcement: Mid ~ end of March 31

Where to submit application documents and inquiries

University Consortium Kyoto Gakumachi Collaboration Project
TEL :075-353-9130 FAX: 075-353-9101
(Please change ■ to @ and send)
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00

【For those in charge of university maintenance and administration】Study session “Facility Support for Students with Disabilities ~Thinking about Accessibility~” was held on March 2

This time, the Kyoto Student Exchange Division of the University Consortium held a study session titled “Facility Support for Students with Disabilities ~Thinking about Accessibility~” with the aim of providing a place for facility managers at each school to exchange opinions with a focus on “Facility Support for Students with Disabilities.”
At the beginning of the session, Mr. Jun Murata (Associate Professor, Center for Student Support, Kyoto University, Chief Coordinator of the Support Room for Students with Disabilities) and Mr. Satoshi Yoshida (Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University) gave lectures on laws and systems to support students with disabilities, as well as sharing case studies on facilities in Japan and overseas. After that, the participants were divided into groups to exchange opinions on not only legal compliance, but also “accessibility,” “facilities that are easy for students with disabilities to use,” and “proactive improvement measures and reasonable accommodations when constructing or renovating facilities.”



Friday, March 2, 2018 13:00~17:00 (~18:00 Information Exchange Meeting)

Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto (5th Floor, Joint Laboratory No. 1)
Organizer University Consortium Kyoto
Remarks Free and first-come, first-served (capacity 15 people, 15 participants)

Schedule for the day

time substance
14:30 Lecture
(1) “Considering support at universities based on the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities”
≪ Lecturer≫ Jun Murata (Associate Professor, Student Support Center, Kyoto University, Chief Coordinator, Support Room for Students with Disabilities)
* Click here for the materials of Mr. Murata’s lecture.
(2) “Legal Compliance and Accessibility for Students with Disabilities”
≪ Lecturer≫ Satoshi Yoshida (Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
* Click here for Mr. Yoshida’s lecture materials.
15:30 “Exchange of Opinions on New Construction and Renovation of Facilities (Group Discussion)” ≪Guest ≫ Mr. Eiji Yamamoto (President, i-Collaboration, Non-Profit Organization, Wheelchair User) Chika Sekine (Visiting Professor, Social Innovation Course, Graduate School of Policy Studies, Faculty of Policy Studies, Doshisha University)
16:30 Sharing of the results of the exchange of opinions and question-and-answer session
16:50 Summary
17:00 After the meeting, there will be a networking event (~18:00)


Number of participants in the meeting: 15 in total
(1) Member universities and junior colleges: 13 students in total

(2) Non-member universities and junior colleges: 2 students in total


This time, we held a study session titled “Facility Support for Students with Disabilities ~Thinking about Accessibility~” with the main participants in charge of university facilities, rather than those in charge of supporting students with disabilities. The capacity of 15 people was filled, and there were participants from large universities, small universities, art universities, and other prefectures, and wheelchair users Eiji Yamamoto (President, iCollaboration, a specified non-profit organization) and Chika Sekine (Visiting Professor, Social Innovation Course, Graduate School of Policy Sciences, Faculty of Policy Studies, Doshisha University) also participated as guests.
After the presentation of the topic, a group discussion was held, including the sharing of case studies from each school. From the perspective of being in charge of supporting students with disabilities, there were opportunities to share case studies and experiences at the Kansai Conference of Persons in Charge of Support for Students with Disabilities (KSSK), but there have never been opportunities for facility staff to gather from the perspective of “support for students with disabilities,” and participants were seen actively exchanging opinions, such as questions they had felt on a daily basis and reaffirming their own school’s initiatives.
At the information exchange meeting that followed, they were seen talking about the challenges and future of each university.

The University Consortium Kyoto plans to continue to develop initiatives to support students with disabilities from various perspectives.

Call for English Skill Improvement Training for Faculty and Staff in 2018


Every year, it is very popular, so register as soon as possible! Application deadline is Thursday, May 31!

Business Overview

As the globalization of higher education accelerates, such as the enhancement of support for international students and the promotion of collaborative projects with overseas universities, it can be said that the time has finally arrived when the English proficiency of university faculty and staff is indispensable as a basic ability.
The training program of the University Consortium Kyoto aims not only to improve the English proficiency of faculty and staff of member schools who can respond to such times, but also to raise their awareness of language learning in the future.

Outline of the event

1st TOEIC Listening & Reading Seminar on Saturday, July 14, 2018

Lecturers: Atsuko Nishitani and Maho Sano, Kyoto Sangyo University *For those with
TOEIC400~700 points
   *This is a training in which participants must prepare the IIBC “Official TOEIC Listening & Reading Questions 3” by themselves.

Session 2: Saturday, July 21, 2018 Active-Learning for English-speaking Classroom

Lecturer: Mikako Nishikawa, Kyoto University

Session 3: Saturday, July 28, 2018 Telephoning and Emails

Lecturer: Mr. Scott Seely

Session 4: Saturday, September 8, 2018 Cross-cultural Manners and English Communication in Higher Institutions

Lecturer: Mikako Nishikawa, Kyoto University

Session 5: Saturday, September 22, 2018 Everyday Communication

Lecturer: Mr. Scott Seely

6th Meeting and Discussion on Saturday, September 29, 2017

Lecturer: Mr. Scott Seely

All venues: Campus Plaza Kyoto 5th Floor, Joint Laboratory No. 1

All hours: 9:30~17:00

Participation fee: Faculty and staff of consortium member universities 5,000 yen / 1 course

Faculty and staff from non-consortium member schools: 7,000 yen / 1 course

Details: 2018 University Staff English Training_Outline
Flyer: English Training Flyer

How to apply:

* Please note that if there are many applicants, a lottery will be held.
* The decision on whether or not to attend the course will be announced at the beginning of June.

Payment method: Please transfer to the designated account of the Foundation by the specified date.

No refunds will be given after payment has been made (proxy attendance is possible)


University Consortium Kyoto, International Business Department

TEL:(075)353-9164 / FAX:(075)353-9101

e-mail: kokusai■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)


【Report】The 15th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum has been released.

On Saturday, December 9, 2017, the 15th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University, “Thinking Together about the Skills That Should Be Developed Now: The Role of High Schools and Universities” has been completed.
The next 16th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University is scheduled to be held on Saturday, December 8. We will inform you as soon as the details are decided, so please join us.

You can read the report here.

Contact us

University Consortium Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Education Forum
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Business hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

< application has ended> [For Students] The 21st Kyoto International Student Film Festival Competition Call for Works!! (Until ~4/27)

What is the Kyoto International Student Film Festival?

Kyoto International Student Film Festival is the largest international student film festival in Japan run by a student executive committee. Films and video works by a wide range of student directors, both in Japan and overseas, are solicited in a competition format, and the selected films are screened at the Kyoto International Student Film Festival (held in late November) and the best films are awarded.
Historically, Kyoto is a “movie town” that still inherits the cultural heritage of the early days of Japan cinema, and it is also a “university town and student town” where students account for 10% of the population of Kyoto City. The purpose of this festival is to create a place for international exchange and mutual understanding among student filmmakers and filmmakers, as well as to discover and disseminate new talents who will support the film industry in the future from among the many possibilities of student filmmakers.

Outline of the Call for Submissions

We are accepting entries for this festival’s competition (live-action and anime sections). We are looking forward to receiving many listings.
For details, please see the official website and application guidelines.

[Click here for the official website of the Kyoto International Student Film Festival]

【The 21st Kyoto International Student Film Festival】

21st Kyoto International Student Film Festival Competition Guidelines
【English version】 Kyoto International Student Film & Video Festival 2018 Rules and Regulations
Application Period:2018year3moon16sun(gold)4moon27sun(gold) Must be postmarked on the day of Japan time  
Submissions are now closed. Mr./Ms.Thank you very much for your application.
■ Recruitment Division: Live-action Division, Anime Division
■ Delivery: Free
■ How to apply: After entering on the official website, apply by media mail (BD-R and DVD-R) or data.
■ Entry Rules:
(1) When applying, please select one of the following two categories. (1) Live-Action Division / (2) Anime Division
(2) Works completed on or after January 1, 2017 are eligible.     
(3) The director must be a student at the time of completion of the work.         
(4) We will accept works that have not been submitted to the festival in the past.         
(5) For works that use languages other than Japanese, please add Japanese or English subtitles.
* If you cannot add subtitles, please submit a text script.
(6) The exhibition fee is free.         
(7) There is no limit to the number of listings.         
(8) The age and nationality of the director do not require.         
(9) There is no limit to the length of the work.

this matter>
The 21st Kyoto International Student Film Festival Executive Committee
TEL: 075-353-9430 (Closed on Mondays) *If you are not available, please contact us by e-mail.
Address: info ■ kisfvf.com (Please change ■ to @ and send)
Kyoto International Student Film Festival Executive Committee Official Website

Twitter LogoFacebook Logo

Heisei 29 Gakumachi Collaboration Project Gakumachi NEWS!

We will introduce the efforts of the 29th academic collaboration project.

In order to create attractive communities and solve local issues, the “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” invites universities and students to work on projects in collaboration with the local community, and provides subsidies and support for outstanding initiatives. We will inform you of the progress of this year’s initiatives.

【Activities】Kyoto Seika University Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Club

We would like to introduce an activity report from Mr./Ms. Taniwaki, a member of the “Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Association”, which is active to rediscover and revitalize the charm of the region through searching for local treasures (nature, people, technology, tradition, history, etc.) in the Uzu area of Keihoku-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City.


Signboard installation work with the Ippukuya Uzu Migration Promotion Team [March 12] Report (Click here for the → report)
(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Mitamura, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Design, Kyoto Seika University)



【Activities】Meeting to think about the future of arithmetic and mathematics education

We would like to introduce an activity report from Mr. Mr./Ms. Katsuragi, a member of the “Association for Thinking about the Future of Arithmetic and Mathematics Education,” an organization that aims to introduce the appeal of origami culture and ORIGAMI science to children and to disseminate the charm of Kyoto to the world.

“Meeting to think about the future of arithmetic and mathematics education (origami teaching materials, open lectures)”

(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Katsuragi, 2nd year student, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University of Education, et al.)


【Activities】Meeting to think about the future of arithmetic and mathematics education

We would like to introduce an activity report from Mr. Mr./Ms. Katsuragi, a member of the “Association for Thinking about the Future of Arithmetic and Mathematics Education,” an organization that aims to introduce the appeal of origami culture and ORIGAMI science to children and to disseminate the charm of Kyoto to the world.

“The 5th ORIGAMI Science Class “ORIGAMI no Fu-shi-gi ~Let’s touch the Kyochiyo paper and experience arithmetic~” [January 27] Report (Click here for the → report)

“Origami Culture Booklet (Korean Version)”

(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Katsuragi, 2nd year student, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University of Education, et al.)



【Activities】 About the implementation of “The 6th Kitashirakawa Children’s Cafeteria “Karafuru”

Based at the Kitashirakawa Children’s Center in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, we have received an activity report from “Karafuru”, which holds a children’s cafeteria once a month and is working to “create a place where everyone belongs” where children can have casual conversations at the “dining table”.

For more information on the day, please see the report on the Karafuru organization website (link below).

January 20 (Sat) The 6th Kitashirakawa Children’s Cafeteria “Karafuru”

Click here for the “Event Report” on the website of the → “Karafuru” organization.

Click here for the → activity report



【Activities】Kyoto Seika University Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Club

We would like to introduce an activity report from a member of the “Keihoku Uzu Treasure Hunting Association”, which is active in the Uzu area of Keihoku-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City, with the aim of rediscovering and revitalizing the charm of the region through the search for local treasures (nature, people, technology, tradition, history, etc.).

Children’s Photography Class [November 25 & 26] Report (Click here for → report)
(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Tomoki Ichikawa, 1st year student, Faculty of Humanities, Kyoto Seika University)


Smile Children’s Bazaar (collaboration project with Parent and Child Smile Factory) [November 26] Report (Click here for → report)
(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Mitamura, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Design, Kyoto Seika University)


【Activities】 About the implementation of “The 5th Kitashirakawa Children’s Cafeteria “Karafuru”

Based at the Kitashirakawa Children’s Center in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, we have received an activity report from “Karafuru”, which holds a children’s cafeteria once a month and is working to “create a place where everyone belongs” where children can have casual conversations at the “dining table”.

For more information on the day, please see the report on the Karafuru organization website (link below).

December 2 (Sat) The 5th Kitashirakawa Children’s Cafeteria “Karafuru”

Click here for the “Event Report” on the website of the → “Karafuru” organization.

Click here for the → activity report


【Activities】Meeting to think about the future of arithmetic and mathematics education

We would like to introduce an activity report from Mr. Mr./Ms. Katsuragi, a member of the “Association for Thinking about the Future of Arithmetic and Mathematics Education,” an organization that aims to introduce the appeal of origami culture and ORIGAMI science to children and to disseminate the charm of Kyoto to the world.

“The 4th ORIGAMI Science Classroom ~Origami and Mathematics Collaboration~” [November 18] Report (Click here for the → report)

“Origami Culture Booklet” “Interim Report”   

(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Katsuragi, 2nd year student, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University of Education)


【Activities】Kyoto Seika University Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Club

We would like to introduce an activity report from Mr./Ms. Taniwaki, a member of the “Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Association”, which is active to rediscover and revitalize the charm of the region through searching for local treasures (nature, people, technology, tradition, history, etc.) in the Uzu area of Keihoku-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City.


Vacant House Countermeasure Project & Parent-Child Smile Bazaar Preparation [November 18 & 19] Report (Click here for → report)
(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Nanami Taniwaki, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Design, Kyoto Seika University)



【Activities】 Waku Waku Laboratory Children’s Science Classroom

On Saturday, October 28th, we visited the “Children’s Science Classroom” by the “Waku Waku Laboratory” in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City.

“Waku Waku Laboratory” is a student volunteer organization of the Department of Education, Bukkyo University.
Once a month, they hold science experiment classes for elementary school students in the vicinity of Kitano Shopping Street with the aim of revitalizing the community, supporting children’s learning, and creating a place for them to belong.

The theme of this year’s event is “Water to Touch: Let’s Make Artificial Salmon Salmon Roe!” Are.
The participating children wore white coats and goggles like scientists, and enjoyed the experiments with excitement.

The “Children’s Science Class” will continue to be held every month in the Kitano shopping street.


【Activities】 Soratane Project “The 15th Soratane Festival”

On Saturday, October 21st, we visited the “15th Soratane Festival” by the “Soratane Project” active in Kita-ku, Kyoto City.

The “Soratane Project” is an activity by university students in Kyoto based in Shin-Omiya Shopping Street, Kita-ku, Kyoto City, with the aim of attracting the younger generation to the shopping street area, interacting with a wide range of generations, from young people to the elderly, and forming a community.

This year marks the 15th edition of the Soratane Festival. The theme was “Seeds of Smile New Omiya” and was held at the Shin-Omiya shopping street. Unfortunately, it rained on the day of the event, and the number of visitors was lower than usual, but the content was upgraded from last year with delicious food, wonderful music, and fun workshops prepared through various projects such as workshops and stalls.

The “Soratane Project” will continue to plan various events to create a space where everyone can smile and to form a community and exchange that transcends generations.


【Activities】 About the implementation of “The 4th Kitashirakawa Children’s Cafeteria “Karafuru”

On Saturday, October 14th, we visited the “Kitashirakawa Children’s Cafeteria” by “Karafuru” in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City.

“Karafuru” is led by students from Kyoto University and Doshisha Women’s University, and we want to create a “place for everyone” where people of different ages and positions can casually converse with each other through a place called a “dining table” surrounded by children. With such a thought, he is active mainly at the Kitashirakawa Children’s Center.

This time, as a collaboration project with the student group “Kiki Shokudo” to introduce Tohoku ingredients in Kyoto, a talk show about the Great East Japan Earthquake and a dismantling show of autumn salmon were held. On the day of the event, the guitar was played and the children seemed to enjoy participating from beginning to end in a cheerful and easy-to-talk atmosphere.

For details on the day, please refer to the “Activity Report” below and the event report on the “Karafuru” organization website.

October 14 (Sat) The 4th Kitashirakawa Children’s Cafeteria “Karafuru”

Click here for the “Event Report” on the website of the → “Karafuru” organization.

Click here for → activity report


【Activities】Meeting to think about the future of arithmetic and mathematics education
☆ “The 4th ORIGAMI Science Class ~Origami and Mathematics Collaboration!~”

We would like to introduce the new information of the “Association for Thinking about the Future of Arithmetic and Mathematics Education” adopted this year.

The “Association for Thinking about the Future of Arithmetic and Mathematics Education” is an activity by students of Kyoto University of Education to introduce the appeal of origami culture and origami science to children, and to disseminate the charm of Kyoto to the world.

On Saturday, November 18th, “The 4th ORIGAMI Science Classroom ~Origami and Mathematics Collaboration!~” will be held. If you are interested, please join us.

“The 4th ORIGAMI Science Classroom ~Origami and Mathematics Collaboration!~”

Date & Time: Saturday, November 18, 2017 10:00~12:00 (Reception: 9:30~)

Eligibility: High school students in Kyoto City (1st ~ 3rd grade) *Please bring your own writing utensils.

Capacity: First 10 groups (in order of application) *Free of charge

Venue: Kyoto University of Education, Fujimori Campus, Building 1, Building A, 2nd floor, A3 Lecture Room

* For details, please see ⇒ flyer here.



【Activities】 Shikasu “Caricature Workshop”

On Saturday, October 14th, I visited the “Caricature Workshop” by “Shikasu” in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City.

“Shikasu” is a volunteer group of Kyoto Seika University students who are working to expand opportunities for local children and the elderly to come into contact with art, mainly by holding art workshops at children’s centers and day service centers in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City.

This time, we will exhibit a booth at the “55th Iwakura Autumn Festival” hosted by Iwakura Hospital, and the students of “Shikasu” will create caricatures for those who wish.

On the day of the event, it was very popular with everyone from children to the elderly, and from the very beginning, people who wanted to make reservations came one after another.

Participants can choose their favorite from Deformed Touch, Real Touch, and Anime/Manga Touch.

It takes about 40 minutes for each caricature to be created carefully and thoughtfully one by one, but we were careful to create a fun atmosphere while communicating with the participants so as to bring out smiles on their faces.

It was very impressive to see the participants happily receiving the completed caricature with a smile.

In the future, Shikasu will continue to hold various art workshops to make creative activities familiar to people who do not usually have the opportunity to come into contact with art.



【Activities】Environmental protection of Fushimi Fukakusa and Higashitakase River and Jizo Bon Project

We would like to introduce the activity report from the “Ryukoku University-Higashitakase River Environmental Protection and Jizo Bon Project Team”, which continues to work in the area around the Higashitakase River in Fushimi Ward.

“Letter of appreciation” from the local residents’ association for our activities

At the beginning of October, we held a post-mortem study session with local Mr./Ms. to review our activities so far. At that time, we received a “letter of appreciation” from the Kawakubo Town Residents’ Association.
Cleaning up the river and mowing the grass in the heat, planning and managing the Jizo Bon program conceived by the students, stamp rallies that went to the homes of children and the elderly, bamboo lanterns handmade by local residents, high school students, and students, fruit punch hollowed out of watermelons, and fireworks were all pleasant memories.
I am very happy to receive a “letter of appreciation” from everyone in the community, Mr./Ms.. Thank you very much.


【Activities】 S-Team ~Creating a place to connect high school girls and grandmothers~

We would like to introduce the initiatives of the student organization “SMILE” that were adopted this year.
The student organization SMILE aims to create a community that connects the elderly in nursing homes by making use of the fields in which high school girls are good at (makeup, nails, etc.), and furthermore, through the planning of exchange events by high school students and study sessions on community revitalization for the elderly among high school and university students, we aim to improve the self-esteem of high school students. It is an activity that aims to contribute to the prevention of loneliness for the elderly.
We have received an activity report from a group member, so please take a look.

Student Group SMILE Activity Report [Saturday, July 22] (Click here for → report)
(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Uehara, 2nd year student at Ritsumeikan University)


【Activities】Keihoku Utsu Fureai Learning Together

We would like to introduce the “Kyoto Seika University Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Association” that was adopted this year.
The Kyoto Seika University Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Association gathers students in the Utsu area of Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City, where depopulation is progressing, and conducts various initiatives while interacting with local residents, with the aim of reaffirming the goodness and rarity of the region that local residents were not aware of through the knowledge and young sensibilities of the students, and disseminating the charm of Utsu, which is blessed with rich nature, history, and culture, as a “treasure” both inside and outside the region.
We have received an activity report from a group member, so please take a look.

“The 4th Children’s Festa in Uzu Day 1 [Saturday, August 5] Report (Click here for → report)”
(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Mitamura, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Design, Kyoto Seika University)

“The 4th Children’s Festa in Uzu Day 2 [Sunday, August 6] Report (Click here for the → report)”
(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Sugiura, 3rd year student of Kyoto Seika University, Faculty of Manga)


【Activities】Disseminating Culture through ORIGAMI Science

We would like to introduce the initiatives of the “Association for Thinking about the Future of Arithmetic and Mathematics Education” adopted this year.
The purpose of the Association for Thinking about the Future of Arithmetic and Mathematics Education is for students from Kyoto University of Education to introduce the appeal of origami culture and origami science to children, and to disseminate the charm of Kyoto to the world.
As one of these activities, the “1st ORIGAMI Science Class ~Let’s touch the Kyochiyo paper and experience arithmetic!~” was held on Saturday, July 29th. The report has been received from the activity members, so please take a look.

『 The 1st ORIGAMI Science Class ~Let’s touch the Kyochiyo paper and experience arithmetic!~ [Saturday, July 29] Report (Click here for the → report)
(Presenter: Mr./Ms. Katsuragi, 2nd year student, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University of Education)

On Saturday, September 23rd, “The 3rd ORIGAMI Science Class ~Collaboration between Kyoto’s Origami Culture and Mathematics~” will be held. If you are interested, please join us.

“The 3rd ORIGAMI Science Classroom ~Collaboration between Kyoto’s Origami Culture and Mathematics~”

Date & Time: Saturday, September 23, 2017 10:00~12:00 (Reception: 9:30~)

Place: Kyoto University of Education Bldg. 1, Building A, 2nd Floor, A3 Lecture Room (Fushimi-ku, Kyoto)

* For details, please see ⇒ flyer here.





Please click here for details such as introductions and information on past initiatives.
Organization HP: http://math.kyokyo-u.ac.jp/math_kyokyo/news.html


【Activities】Environmental protection of Fushimi Fukakusa and Higashitakase River and Jizo Bon Project

We would like to introduce the efforts of the “Ryukoku University-Higashitakase River Environmental Protection and Jizo Bon Project Team” adopted this year.
The Ryukoku University’s Higashi-Takase River Environmental Protection and Jizo Bon Project Team is planning and implementing a Jizo Bon in Fushimi Ward in Fushimi Ward that allows everyone from children to the elderly to actively participate in the development of environmental protection through cleanup activities on the Higashi-Takase River together with local organizations, neighborhood associations, neighborhood associations, and students of Fushimi Technical High School.
We have received an activity report on this year’s Jizo Basin, so please take a look.

“This year’s bamboo lanterns are handmade by students, high school students, and local residents [Friday, July 14]”

The last year of Kyoto Municipal Fushimi Technical High School, which has been working on environmental issues in the Higashi-Takase River for a long time, our students, and local residents gathered to make bamboo lanterns by hand for this year’s Jizo Bon Festival. We learned from local Mr./Ms., and together with high school and university students, we were able to make 40 pieces in one and a half hours.

Bamboo lanterns are made in collaboration with high school students, university students, and local residents, and the results of collaborative work are lit up on the Higashitakase River at night on the Jizo Basin. Now, the Jizo Bon in Kawakubo Town seems to have become firmly established as a “bamboo lantern” on the Higashi-Takase River.

“Jizo Bon in Kawakubo Town [Saturday, August 19th] “

This year’s bamboo lanterns are handmade in collaboration with students, high school students, and local residents. When the scraps were combined to draw the words “Kawakubo Town”, everyone in the area was delighted with this surprise, Mr./Ms. the community.

The popular fireworks in the evening, the watermelon hollowed-out floop punch, and of course, the bamboo lanterns from the Higashi-Takase River have now become the main event of the Kawakubo-cho Jizo Bon and many people enjoyed.

When the children’s favorite anime song plays, everyone starts singing. Mr./Ms. Tozaki, who played the story, received a big round of applause from everyone. We felt a sense of accomplishment as the venue came together through our project.
