End of 2016 Kyoto College Student Second Semester Application

Thank you for using the Foundation’s lifelong learning project “Miyako College”.
The application for the second semester of this year ended at 16:00 on August 27th.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the large number of applications.
The next application will be for the first semester of 2017. Best regards.

[For students] We are looking for MCs for the 19th Kyoto International Student Film Festival! (Until 9/11)

We are looking for people to be in charge of MCs at the 19th Kyoto International Student Film Festival (11/26~12/2)! We are looking forward to receiving applications from Mr./Ms. who are good at making announcements, who like movies, and who will liven up the film festival together. Please see the application guidelines for details. * MC experience is not required.


Application Guidelines(Download MC recruitment flyer)

◆ Application period
Entry period: August 10 (Wed) – September 11 (Sun)
Audition dates: Saturday, September 17 and Sunday, September 18 Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto

◆ Number of applicants
4 people

◆ Eligibility
・Students living in Kansai (university, junior college, vocational school)
・ You must like movies and be willing to liven up the film festival together.
・ You must be able to participate in the audition (one of the above dates)
・You must be able to participate for at least 3 days during the festival period (November 26 to December 2).
・ Be able to watch the screening program of the talk show you are in charge of in advance (about 2 hours per program)
・Prior meetings with the person in charge of the festival executive committee in Kyoto City in October or November

◆ How to apply
(1) Please enter using the inquiry form on the official website of the Kyoto International Student Film Festival.
filling out the inquiry form>
Inquiry items: Other inquiries
Name: Kyoko Movie
Phone number: 080-××××-××××
E-mail address: eiga.love@kisfvf.ne.jp
Inquiry content: 〇〇 University〇〇 Faculty 〇〇 Department ◯ Regenerative Movie Kyoko. I would like to apply for the MC project.

(2) An e-mail with the entry sheet attached will be sent from the Executive Committee.
(3) Please fill in the necessary information on the entry sheet and reply to the Executive Committee.
(4) As soon as the contents of the entry sheet are confirmed, the Executive Committee will send you a confirmation email.

◆ Notes on application
(1) There is no charge for participation in this project. (Please bear your own transportation expenses for auditions and meetings, and other expenses for application.)
(2) Transportation expenses to the festival venue if selected will be negotiable.
(3) The personal information entered at the time of application will be used only for the purpose related to this project.

◆ Screening and Announcement of Applicants
Based on the audition, the selection will be made by the executive committee of this festival. In addition, the results of the selection will be announced by e-mail to applicants and on the festival’s official social media accounts. Please note that we will not accept questions or appeals to the results of the review.

this matter>
The 19th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Executive Committee, MC Recruitment Reception Section
TEL: 075-353-9430 (Closed on Mondays) *If you are not available, please contact us by e-mail.
Address: info ■ kisfvf.com (Please change ■ to @ and send)
Kyoto International Student Film Festival Executive Committee Official Website

2016 SD Seminar “Student Open Presentation” will be held!

Since 2015, the University Consortium Kyoto has been offering SD seminars with the aim of fostering the next generation of professional staff who will be responsible for the management of universities and junior colleges, mainly at member universities.
In 2016, we welcomed 22 students from 12 member schools and 3 from 3 non-member schools to participate in the second cohort.
At the end of the seven lectures, we will hold a “Student Public Presentation”, and we are accepting those who wish to visit.
Anyone can visit and enter and exit the room during the tour.
For information on how to apply and the application deadline, please see “Application” below.

◆2016 SD Seminar [Click here for details]

2016 SD Seminar “Student Open Presentation”

Date & Time: Saturday, September 10, 2016 9:30~17:30 *You can enter and leave the room during the interim
Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 2nd Floor Hall

Program Schedule *Start and end times are approximate. It is subject to change depending on progress.               

order Start time Presenter Affiliation Presentation Themes
9:30~9:40 Explanation from the Secretariat
1 9:40 Ryukoku University Enhancement of high school and university connections
2 9:55 Kyoto Women’s University Women’s Colleges in 2030
3 10:10 Shiga Medical University Revitalization of University Administrative Organizations: Focusing on National University Corporations
4 10:25 Kyoto Seimei Jogakuin Junior College Primary and secondary education that connects to universities and society
5 10:40 University of Shiga Promotion of Collaboration with Teachers
~Focusing on Useful Communication Methods in Intercultural Collaboration~
6 10:55 Kyoto University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Thinking about a vibrant organization
11:10~11:25 Small break (15 minutes)
7 11:25
Kyoto University of Art and Design The Ideal Type of University Staff Required: From the Perspective of Career Support
8 11:40 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies The Role of University Staff in Motivating Students to Learn
-How to provide support through academic advising-
9 11:55 Kyoto University of Art and Design Creating an environment that motivates university staff
10 12:10 Fukuchiyama Public University What is required of local university staff?
11 12:25 Hanazono University A Study on Small Universities
12 12:40 Ryukoku University What is faculty management that enhances the competitiveness of faculties?
~A new division of roles and collaboration between faculty and staff~
12:55~13:50 Lunch break (55 minutes)
13 13:50 Kyoto Sangyo University The Future of High School and University Collaboration
14 14:05 Kyoto University of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Reflections on Student Support by Students
15 14:20 Kyoto Women’s University Regional Cooperation Using e-learning
16 14:35 Bukkyo University Challenges and countermeasures for the introduction of SD in universities
17 14:50 Kyoto Gakuen University Structural Issues in University Organizations in the Formulation of Admissions Policies
―Through a comparative analysis of private universities in Kyoto―
18 15:05 Kyoto Women’s University Creating an Organization to Revitalize Universities: The Role and Mission of University Staff
19 15:20 Ryukoku University Fostering Region-Oriented Global Human Resources through Large-Scale Comprehensive Universities
15:35~15:50 Small break (15 minutes)
20 15:50 Hiroshima Institute of Technology A Study on the Introduction of Teacher Evaluation
21 16:05 Ryukoku University The New Role of University Staff
22 16:20 Kyoto Women’s University The Significance of Women’s Colleges
23 16:35 Otani University The connection between high school and university that universities should aim for
24 16:50 Otani University Systematization of outcomes-based curriculum and visualization of outcomes
25 17:05 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Coexistence and co-prosperity of followership and leadership
– Characteristics of individuals⇔ the potential of groups⇔ development of organizations-
17:20~17:30 Closing Remarks

About application

Application deadline: Friday, September 2, 2016

How to apply: Download the application form, enter the required information, and enter the required information.

     Please apply by e-mail attachment to sd■consortium.or.jp.
(Please replace ■ with @)
The application form [download from here] is no longer accepted


University Consortium Kyoto SD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

< ended> The 17th Kansai Disability Student Support Officer Roundtable was held on September 15 (advance registration required, free of charge)

The University Consortium Kyoto will hold the “Kansai Disability Student Support Officer Roundtable” (KSSK) as follows, with the aim of exchanging personnel involved in disability support services at universities in the Kansai region.
With the enactment of the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities in April 2018, each university is required to have a place for further collaboration to improve the capabilities of those in charge of supporting students with disabilities and to provide information beyond the boundaries of the university.
In this 17th session, he will talk about the initiatives and challenges of the Osaka University Campus Life Support Center. In addition, the subcommittees are divided into three themes: “Support System,” “Introduction to Support Practice,” and “Support Practice,” and exchange opinions on how to support students with disabilities.
If you are involved in supporting students with disabilities at universities and junior colleges in the Kansai area, or if you are interested in supporting students with disabilities, please join us.

DSC_0062 DSC_0076
Case Report Venue: Small-group breakout sessions         

Outline of the 17th Kansai Roundtable Meeting of Support Personnel for Students with Disabilities (KSSK)

◆ Date & Time: Thursday, September 15, 2016 13:00 (reception 12:30) ~ 16:45
(Information exchange meeting is 17:00~18:30)

◆Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto 2F Hall (Access)
(〒600-8216 939 Higashi-Shiokoji-cho, Nishitoin-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto)

◆Target: Involved in supporting students with disabilities at universities and junior colleges in the Kansai area, or supporting students with disabilities
Interested faculty and staff

◆ Capacity: 65 people (first-come, first-served basis) ← capacity has been reached

◆ Participation fee: Free (A separate participation fee is required for the information exchange meeting)

◆ Contents: (Download PDF)




Reception starts


Opening Remarks


Presentation of the topic “Osaka University’s Support System and Support Practices: Current Situation and Issues”

≪ Reporter≫

Naoto Mochizuki (Project Associate Professor, Campus Life Support Center, Osaka University)

Satoko Nakano (Lecturer, Campus Life Support Center, Osaka University)

≪ Contents≫

With the enactment of the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, the necessity and responsibility of each university to support students with disabilities has become clearer. Under such circumstances, there are many universities that are facing the challenge of developing support systems and creating systems. Therefore, this time, I would like to introduce the current state of the support system and practical work at Osaka University, and use it as a reference when promoting the development of systems at each university.


Rest & Movement


Breakout Sessions

A. Support system (Note 1)

In addition to exchanging information on system development, system creation, and the creation of guidelines, this subcommittee also discusses staff assignment (especially expertise, term of office, succession, etc.).

B. Introduction to Support Practice

Regardless of the type of disability or their position, this is a subcommittee that discusses the current status and issues of support in the form of “consultation on anything” mainly for those who have been involved in support practice for up to one year.

C. Support Practice (Note 2)

(1)~(3) This is a subcommittee that is divided into different themes, shares information and exchanges opinions from the aspect of reasonable accommodation, and discusses solutions. (Please let us know your 1st and 2nd choices when applying)

(1) Support for students with developmental and mental disabilities

(2) Support for students with physical disabilities (personal assistance on campus, etc.)

(3) Support for special subjects and courses (qualifications, foreign languages, sciences, etc.)


Rest & Movement




Closing Remarks


Information Exchange Meeting (18:30 end)

◆ Application caution: Please be sure to check the following.

< Participation in the subcommittee>
Please select one of the subcommittees A ~ C (each with a capacity of about 13 people) and write the alphabet and the theme of the subcommittee
in the application email.

*1 If you apply for Subcommittee A, you will need to know the number of students at your university and whether or not you have a support system (if so, the year of establishment, and the number of members of the section).

*2 If you are applying for Subcommittee C, please let us know your first and second choices from (1) ~ (3). Capacity
If it is exceeded, the first person will be given priority, so you may not be able to participate in the subcommittee of your choice.
Thank you for your understanding.

information exchange meeting> 
If you wish to cancel, please be sure to contact us at least one day in advance.

[Venue] La Café Kenya (Campus Plaza Kyoto 1F)

[Participation fee] 3,000 yen (Please bring your own on the day of the event.) You will receive a receipt. )

disabilities etc>
If you need to be considered due to a disability or other reason for participating in this meeting, please contact the secretariat at the time of application.

◆ How to apply: Please send an e-mail with the title “Application for participation in the 17th KSSK”, fill in the following items, and send it to the secretariat.(Please send one email per person)
* The personal information you receive will be used only for purposes related to the operation of KSSK.

《Items to be stated in the application email》

(1) Name of Participant

(2) Name of university

(3) Department/Position

(4) Desired subcommittee (in the case of A or C, please include the required information)

(5) Assignments, opinions, etc. of your own university (*used as materials for subcommittees)

(6) Desire to participate in information exchange meetings

(7) Consideration for disabilities, etc. (if necessary)

(8) Other information to be communicated (if necessary)


◆ Application period: July 1, 2016 (Friday) ~ August 15, 2016 (Monday) (Deadline will be closed as soon as capacity is reached)

◆Organizer: University Consortium Kyoto

【Secretariat (Inquiries and Applications)】
University Consortium Kyoto Student Exchange Division Person in charge: Tsukuda
TEL:075-353-9189 FAX:075-353-9101
E-mail: kssk-jimukyoku-ml■consortium.or.jp
(*Please replace ■ with @)

Round! Until you have a team of university students [Recruiting additional university students to participate!] 】

2016 Recruitment of University StudentsProgram for HP

We held a briefing session for
university student recruitment

On Tuesday, July 26, at 7:00 p.m., a briefing session on this project was held for university students who wish to participate in Marutoku.
Eleven students participated in the event to decide whether or not to participate in the first place, and which dates to participate in at the four high schools after listening to the explanation.
Marutoku has continued the teaching style that began as one of the support for earthquake reconstruction. In other words, instead of a classroom where the teacher stands at the podium and teaches the class, there are university students and local people in addition to the teacher and students, and they learn together.
In order to create such a “place” for learning, it is essential for university students to play an active role.
At the briefing session, why is it so round? Why do college students? We have a better understanding of.
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How to Participate (University Students)untitled

There are two ways to participate.capture

Core members: Members who have repeated meetings in advance and are responsible for designing the program on the day and facilitating the meeting.
【Members participating on the day】Members who participate from 2 days and 1 night before the actual event, and who are directly involved with and interact with high school students

I want to be deeply involved in the project! I want to take on the challenge of creating a place! If so, [Core Member] is suitable.
Feel free to join and have fun! I want to get involved with high school students! For those who say, [Participating members on the day] is suitable.

We are still looking for [members to participate on the day]! (A few)

The application for participation has closed on August 1st, but there are still a few vacancies for [Participants on the day]. Applications will be closed as soon as the capacity is filled for each of the four dates, so hurry up!
● Please set it so that you can receive @kagoya.net domains so that you can receive automatic reply emails.
● If you do not receive an automatic reply email, please check if it is in “junk mail” or “trash”. Also, please make sure that the email address you entered is correct.
● Personal information will not be used as personally identifiable information except for contacting the person in question, unless you have consented to it. In addition, the content may be disclosed within the Foundation or to member schools in a form that does not identify individuals, and may be used.


University Consortium Kyoto, High School-University Collaborative Career Education Program
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

Would you like to translate the subtitles of the movie? We are looking for volunteer translators!

Subtitle Translation Volunteer Recruitment 1
The Kyoto International Student Film Festival, which is celebrating its 19th anniversary this year, is looking for volunteer translators who can translate student films (Japanese or English) from Japan and abroad to be screened at the festival.
The translated content will be displayed as subtitles at the screening of the film at the 19th Kyoto International Student Film Festival (Kyoto Cinema) to be held on Saturday, November 26, 2016 ~ Friday, December 2, 2016.

In the past, filmmakers such as Tetsuya Mariko of “Destruction Babies” and Destin Cretton of “Short Term” participated in this festival as young people. Would you like to witness the birth of the future master?

the kyoto international student film festival>
This film festival is the largest international student film festival in Japan, planned and operated mainly by university students in the Kansai region, mainly in Kyoto. We aim to discover future filmmakers by creating opportunities for students to gather, judge, and screen independent films produced by students from all over the world. Click here for details

Application Guidelines


● University students, graduate students, vocational school students, and working adults who like movies and are interested in translation work
● Those who can work from home and communicate with the festival executive committee from September to October
● Those who can participate in one briefing session (see below) (not limited to those who have experience translating subtitles)
● Proficiency in a foreign language (preferably TOEIC750 points or higher or Eiken Pre-1 level or higher)
☆ Those who cooperate will receive an invitation ticket during the festival period as a reward.
* Depending on the number of applicants, we may not be able to ask all applicants to translate subtitles.
In addition, we may ask you to translate other than subtitles.


schedule Sunday, August 7, Friday, August 12, Thursday, August 18, 2016
time All dates are 14:00~16:00
place Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th Floor, Joint Laboratory No. 1
substance Training on the rules of translation for subtitles (character limit, etc.)
Please send the subject line “Translation Volunteer Application” to the following address.
Please fill in your name, school name (not required for working adults), phone number, and the schedule of the information session that you can attend.
The person in charge will contact you shortly.
Send toinfo■kisfvf.com (Please change ■ to @)

this matter>
19th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Executive Committee, Volunteer Translator Receptionist
TEL: 075-353-9430 (Closed on Mondays) *If you are not available, please contact us by e-mail.
Address: info ■ kisfvf.com (Please change ■ to @ and send)
Kyoto International Student Film Festival Executive Committee Official Website

< ended> [For students and faculty members] Note-taker training course (beginner level) 《9/16》Call for participants

The University Consortium Kyoto will hold the “Note-Taker Training Course (Beginner Edition)” for students, faculty and staff as follows.
In recent years, many students with hearing impairments have been studying at universities, and there is a need for “information security” in lectures. A typical method of dealing with this is “note-taking,” in which lecture information is written down to students with hearing impairments. Currently, the number of supporters who take notes is insufficient at each university, and increasing the number of supporters is a very important issue for hearing-impaired students studying at universities.
Therefore, this time, in order to let more students, faculty and staff know about note-taking, we will hold a “Note-Taker Training Course” for those who are interested in note-taking (inexperienced) or those who have just started supporting (beginners). Why don’t you start note-taking as a step towards creating an environment where students support and learn from each other, and to guarantee the rights of everyone who studies at university?

IMG_0673      IMG_2192   Handwritten take experience Last year’s course

2016 Note-Taker Training Course (Beginner) Outline
(Download PDF)

Date & Time

Friday, September 16, 2016 15:00~17:45 (scheduled to end)


Campus Plaza Kyoto 4F Lecture Room 2 (Access)

(〒600-8216 939 Higashi-Shiokoji-cho, Nishitoin-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto)


Those who have no experience in note-taking or those who are beginners (regardless of whether they are students or faculty members)


100 (first-come, first-served basis)
* For the convenience of preparation, advance registration is required, but if there is room for capacity, we will accept applications even on the day, so please contact the following inquiry.

Participation Fee



(1) Presentations by hearing-impaired students and supporters
(2) Understanding how to take notes
(3) Practice of note-taking (handwritten taking experience)

How to apply

Please apply in advance to the University Consortium Kyoto Student Exchange Division (in charge: Tsukuda) with the following information in an e-mail.
【Address】 gk-ml■consortium.or.jp 
      (Please convert the ■ part to @ and send it)
【Subject】2016 Note-Taker Training Course Application
◆ Description
< Students> (1) Name, (2) University Name, (3) Grade
staff> (1) Name, (2) University name, (3) Affiliation
* Personal information will be used only for purposes related to the operation of this project.
* If you need accommodations due to a disability, please contact us in advance.

Application Period

Tuesday, July 12, 2016 ~ Monday, September 12, 2016
(It will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached)


University Consortium Kyoto-Kyoto City Welfare Volunteer Center

Contact us

【Secretariat (Inquiries and Applications)】
University Consortium Kyoto Student Exchange Division (Contact: Chikuda)
TEL:075-353-9189 FAX:075-353-9101
E-mail: gk-ml■consortium.or.jp 
(Please convert the ■ part to @ and send it)

Release of the 21st FD Forum Report

The report data of the 21st FD Forum, which was held in 2015 under the theme of “Rethinking University Education ~Forms Seen from Imadoki~”, is available as a PDF file.

Day 1: Saturday, March 5, 2016
Opening Remarks
symposium Rethinking University Education ~The Shape Seen from Imadoki~

Day 2: Sunday, March 6, 2016
Session 1 Student Growth Brought about by Community Contribution Out-Campus Activities: Current Status and Potential
Session 2 Exploring the Ideal Approach to Sustainable First-Year Education
Subcommittee 3 How do you deal with students who can’t grasp the opportunity to learn? ~The Challenge of Liberal Arts Education~
Session 4 Student Understanding Unraveled from the Trend of High School-University Connection Reform ~The Meaning of “Connection”~
Subcommittee 5 English and Japanese Remedial Education at Universities
Session 6 Active learning that makes use of small universities in the community
Session 7 University Reform and FD ~Criticism and Proposals~
Session 8 Paradigm Change from Teaching to Learning and FD~Focusing on ~
Session 9 Exchange of “Words” in the Classroom ~Interactive Communication and Student Independence~
Session 10 The Role of the Writing Center in Universities
Session 11 University Library Support for Students with Disabilities
Session 12 The current state of the university that faculty and staff are facing ~ Sharing and solving problems ~
Session 13 Learning on a Special Off-University Campus ~Regional Cooperation and Educational Effectiveness~
Poster Session

University Consortium Kyoto, FD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)

We are looking for university students to participate in the high school and university career project “2016 Maruttoku”!

Maruttoku” is a career education project that has been held annually since 2012 by the Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council.2016 Recruitment of University Students
This project is a workshop where high school students, university students, and local people gather in one place to talk about the future.Operated by university studentsTake the lead
We are looking forward to receiving applications from Mr./Ms. of undergraduate and graduate students who will participate in workshops with high school students and become members of the university student team.

2016 Maruttoku  Program

You can choose one or more of the four programs you want to participate in.
Program for HP* Depending on the program, you may be asked to pay for meals and baths.

For details, go to the briefing! 
*The briefing session has ended. If you have any questions, please contact us at the address below.

Briefing guide mapThe briefing session has ended. Thank you for your participation.
At the information session, you can experience workshops by experienced people and interact with participants from last year.
If you would like to participate in the program, or if you are still unsure, please attend the information session.
To participate in the information session, you need to apply. Please apply using the application form below.
You can apply to participate in the program even if you do not attend the information session.

Apply here!  Until 8/1 (Mon)

Please select the program you wish to participate in and apply. You can also select more than one.
Participants are undergraduate and graduate students.
Those who participate can receive a certificate of participation upon request. However, we do not guarantee the treatment of official absences or the recognition of credits. For more information, please contact:

Accommodation and transportation will be arranged by the Foundation.
In addition, participating university students are required to take out accident insurance. The procedure will be carried out by the Foundation, and the cost will be borne by the Foundation.
If each program reaches its capacity, participation may be refused. In that case, we will contact the applicant by e-mail by 8/6 (Saturday).

● Please set it so that you can receive @kagoya.net domains so that you can receive automatic reply emails.
● If you do not receive an automatic reply email, please check if it is in “junk mail” or “trash”. Also, please make sure that the email address you entered is correct.
● Personal information will not be used as personally identifiable information except for contacting the person in question, unless you have consented to it. In addition, the content may be disclosed within the Foundation or to member schools in a form that does not identify individuals, and may be used.

Click here to see
what it was like last year

▽Maruttoku in Oe


▽ Maruttoku in Kumihama



University Consortium Kyoto, High School-University Collaborative Career Education Program
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)


On Saturday, July 30th, 2016 Educational IR Forum will be held!

The University Consortium Kyoto will hold the “Educational IR Forum” again this year in collaboration with Liasec Co., Ltd.

In this forum, the director of the Recruit Research Institute for Higher Education will talk about the importance and measures of “university education reform” in the reform of the high school-university connection system in a keynote speech, and in the case study presentations, two universities, the University of Tsukuba and Ritsumeikan University, will introduce the issues that have emerged from the measurement of effectiveness and the efforts to improve education until they actually change classes and education. We aim to be a place that contributes to the acceleration of reforms at universities in the Kyoto area and surrounding areas, and to the further spread and establishment of educational IR at universities in the future.

2016 Educational IR Forum

A transformative university! Changing education and classes from “visualization of learning outcomes”
~Educational reform initiatives and practical examples required of universities through “reform of the connection between high school and university”~

Date & Time:
Saturday, July 30, 2016 13:00~17:00 (Doors open at 12:30)

Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th floor, Lecture Room 1 

150 (first-come, first-served basis)


Faculty and staff of universities, junior colleges, vocational schools, etc.
* In particular, those who are involved in educational reform, FD / educational development, IR / inspection and evaluation, career education, university management, etc.

Liasec Co., Ltd., University Consortium Kyoto

The program includes:


Importance and Measures
of “University Education Reform” in the Reform of the High School-University Connection System -University Survival Strategies-
Director of Recruit Research Institute for Academic Advancement / Editor-in-Chief of Recruit College Management
Hiroshi Kobayashi

Case Study Presentations Chiku

Practical examples
of class improvement based on visualization of learning outcomes -Nurturing Students’ Basic Interpersonal Skills-
Lecturer, College of Knowledge and Information Sciences, School of Informatics, University of Tsukuba
Ichiro Oba


The Role and Practice
of the Department of Educational Development for Undergraduate Reform -Academic Behavior Survey and Student Interview Survey-
Associate Professor, Institute for the Promotion of Educational Development, Ritsumeikan University
Takashi Kawanabe


How to apply (first-come, first-served basis)

●WEB application: Please apply from the application site (external link)
*Reception has been closed.

●Fax application: Please apply using the application form on the flyer

Inquiries about the Educational IR Forum

Liasec Corporation
TEL 03-6823-6138