FY 2016

The 2016 Activity Report data can be downloaded here.

Business Overview

In order to create attractive communities and solve local issues, we are looking for projects that universities and students are working on in collaboration with the local community, and we provide grants and support for outstanding initiatives. In this way, we will provide practical education and research opportunities, develop human resources, and for the local community, solve and revitalize local issues through the knowledge of the university and the vitality of students.

kyoto-city_logoKyoto City Collaborative Project

Support amount: Up to 300,000 yen

Up to 300,000 yen will be provided to selected projects. In addition, at a debriefing session after the completion of the project, a certificate, a trophy, and an activity incentive of 100,000 yen will be paid to the implementing organization (one organization) that is recognized as the most excellent.

Main Schedule

Presentation: Sunday, March 27, 2016
Application period: April 1, 2016 (Friday) ~ May 13, 2016 (Friday)
1st screening: Friday, June 3, 2016 *Document screening
Second screening: Sunday, June 26, 2016 *Public presentation
Notification of results: Early July 2016
Approval ceremony: Thursday, July 14, 2016 *Certificates of certification will be issued to selected projects by Kyoto City.
Interim Report: Friday, October 28, 2016
Final Report: Friday, March 10, 2017 (for projects completed in February 2017, for projects completed in March 2017 on a different date) *Submission of documents
Report: Sunday, March 26, 2017

Heisei 28 “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” briefing session

Sunday, March 27, 2016 14:55 – 15:10
Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th Floor, Lecture Room 1
[The reception for the 28th “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” briefing session has ended. ] 】


Application Period

Friday, April 1, 2016 ~ Friday, May 13, 2016
* If you send it by mail, it must arrive on the same day, and if you bring it by 5 p.m.

Click here to download the documents related to < 28 business recruitment>
Application Guidelines (PDF link)
Application form (Word link)
Application form (sample form) (PDF link)

The application for the 28th “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” has ended.

Selection Results

1st Screening (Document Screening)

Organizations that passed the first screening: 21

Second Screening (Public Presentation Screening)

Sunday, June 26, 2016 10:00~16:00
Selected organizations (passed the second screening): 18 projects

【Supported Projects】18 Projects





This is a

Name of the project for which the applicant is applied
[Amount of support]
Name of organization
【Name of Affiliated University/Administrative Region】
Business Overview
Machiya Koen Plan Non-profit organization Fukakusa-Ryukoku Machiya Community
[Ryukoku University/Fushimi Ward]
From the 27th fiscal year, the “Machiya Koen Plan” was started. This is × process of creating a community garden operated by “students, parents and children” with the joint participation. From this fiscal year, it has been progressively integrated with the “Monozukuri Classroom” to realize collaboration and cooperation events with companies and local organizations, and has become an intersection garden where you can make things with a community garden. Local parents and children will also change from mere participants to participants, jointly planning and drafting, and taking part in the operation of the project as the main actors of regional change.
Camo Cinema Ritsumeikan University Camo Cinema Executive Committee
[Ritsumeikan University/Kamigyo-ku]
This is the 12th time the event has been held, and the main goal of this project is to “develop cleanup activities centered on young people such as students.”
In addition to cleanup activities, it is also a project to change the perception of cleanup activities, such as “rediscovering the splendor of nature” and “developing cleanup activities that are easy to engage in by using the medium of film” by screening movies in the Kamo River at night.
Environmental Protection of Fushimi Fukakusa and Higashitakase River and Jizo Bon Project Ryukoku University, Higashitakase River Environmental Protection and Jizo Bon Project Team
[Ryukoku University Junior College / Fushimi Ward]
In last year’s activities, we worked to inherit and revitalize local traditional events. The two river cleanups and participation in the traditional Jizo Bon event were also well received by the local people. However, as a point of reflection, we would like to continue to carry out upgraded activities this year in order to encourage more generations to participate and to delve deeper into environmental issues.
Otomodachi Strategy! ~Concert from 0 years old~ Nico Nico Family Concert Executive Committee of Kyoto University of the Arts Student Volunteers
[Kyoto City University of Arts / Shimogyo-ku]
Based at Friendly House Nishi Hachijo and the attached Hachijo Kindergarten, concerts will be held at various facilities.
In addition to holding concerts that incorporate the opinions of local residents last year, such as concerts for pregnant women and concerts for parents of children with disabilities, we plan to hold door-to-door performances at facilities for the elderly as a new initiative.
The original musical “Snow White” will be performed again in October, and a family concert will be held in March.
Mirai Art Seika Project Shikasu
[Kyoto Seika University / Sakyo Ward]
Focusing on conducting local art workshops, we will carry out activities to expand opportunities for local children and the elderly to come into contact with art. Prior to implementation, a meeting will be held with each facility, and after listening to the user’s situation and needs, the content will be formulated and implemented.
After the event, we will conduct a questionnaire survey of the participants and ask them about their impressions, etc., and use them for the next time.
Places to visit include children’s centers and daycare centers.
Keihoku Utsu Fureai Learning Mutual Kyoto Seika University Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Club
[Kyoto Seika University / Ukyo Ward]
The Uzu region is blessed with abundant nature, history, and culture, but the aging and depopulation are progressing, and the problems faced by local communities in Japan are remarkable. This year, we will work on four types of Seika workshops, a children’s festival, a summer festival, a torch festival, organizing materials for the former Uzu Elementary School, creating a walking map, and revising the local information signboard.
The residents’ association and students will work together to respond to the needs of local residents, carry out activities that contribute to revitalization, and rebuild the new attractiveness of Utsu.
A puppet show plaza for parents and children to enjoy Kyoto Women’s University Puppet Theater Company Dandelion
[Kyoto Women’s University / Higashiyama Ward]
is an activity that takes advantage of the infant and toddler clubs and mothers’ clubs currently held at the children’s center in Higashiyama Ward to enjoy watching puppet shows with parents and children, and also performing puppet shows. We believe that by taking up the expressive activity of puppet theater, participants can create interaction between parents in a more open and active manner, and parents can feel the joy of self-realization through entertaining their children.
Shirakawa Minna no Jizo Bon Ochanokokai
[Kyoto Kacho University, Kyoto Tachibana University, Ritsumeikan University, Hanazono University / Higashiyama Ward]
Based on the actual situation in the area where the Jizo Bon is declining, we will aim to establish a modern Jizo Bon that inherits the functions and culture of regional exchange, and utilize the environment of the Shirakawa River, such as along the road and on the water, to implement the Jizo Bon that transcends the boundaries of the region (town). We will implement programs that are attractive to children, young people (child-rearing generation), and the elderly, and encourage participation and interaction with other generations. In addition, preparatory workshops will be held prior to the implementation to encourage the participation of local residents as staff.
東山的hell絵地蔵盆~Work to take root~ Kyoto University of Art and Design, Modern Industrial Heritage Art Revitalization Project “Makadori X.”
[Kyoto University of Art and Design/Higashiyama Ward]
is the 12th year that we have been continuing regional development activities centered on the Rokuhara School District in Higashiyama Ward. He has been working to dig up overlooked local resources and return their new value to the community from the perspective of art. This year, we will return to our roots and pursue the potential of industry (work) together with local residents under the theme of “community-based” in order to make the value of the project more firmly rooted in the community.
Toyoen ~Porch Project for the Future~ Toyoen ~ Porch Project to Connect People ~ Executive Committee
[Ryukoku University/Shimogyo-ku]
The problem with the Toyoen School District is the low awareness of participation in community events among the younger generation. To this end, the Company is engaged in two businesses.
The first is a “nature experience class”. By creating a community of parents’ generation through overnight events, it is possible to raise awareness of participation in local events. The other is the ongoing project “Machinaka Vegetable Expo”. This will lead to the discovery of leaders by asking the parents’ generation, who have only participated in the operation until now, to help with the operation.
Shin-Omiya Shopping Street Soratane 2016 Soratane Project
[Ritsumeikan University, Bukkyo University, Kyoto Sangyo University/Kita-ku]
With the aim of creating opportunities for students studying and living in Kyoto to learn about the value of the community through interaction with people in the shopping district and local children, and to participate more in community activities, we will hold a music stage and hands-on classes to learn together with children in the shopping street.
Through these activities, we will increase the number of students and citizens who know about the charm of the shopping street, which will lead to the revitalization of the shopping street.
Kita-ku Connected Radio Project Ritsumeikan University Faculty of Industrial Sociology Sakata Seminar
[Ritsumeikan University / Kita-ku]
In May 28, a community FM station opened in Kita-ku, Kyoto City. Therefore, we will produce a radio program to convey the charm of Kita-ku, and provide a place for interaction by displaying projectors and products that visualize it at the 1000KITA studio. In addition, in order to discover and rediscover the charm of Kita Ward, we will produce programs and conduct town walking workshops, and disseminate it through radio, with the aim of further enhancing the attractiveness of Kita Ward as a region.
Kyoto Sanjokai Shopping Street Terakoya Business Kyoto Koka Women’s University Koka Sanjo Girls
【Kyoto Koka Women’s University/Nakagyo-ku】
plan and implement events to liven up the shopping street, and carry out activities that make it a place for children to play and learn, and a place for local people to become one of the places of the community, with the aim of further revitalizing the Sanjokai shopping street. The target audience is families who visit the Sanjokai shopping street, and we, the students, also deepen our connections with the community through the project, and we aim to create a mutually beneficial relationship by expanding and revitalizing the community between local people.
Keihoku Yuge Sato Town Exchange Project Keihoku Yuge Sato Town Exchange Project Executive Committee
[Kyoto University, Kyoto Women’s University/Ukyo Ward]
is a circle of university students in the city who are active in the former Keihoku Town. As for the content of the activities, he participates as a volunteer staff at the Satomachi exchange café “Koisakiraku”, which is open every Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, and interacts with local residents, and helps with agricultural work and renovation work using fallow fields. In the future, we plan to support the revival of local summer festivals by local high school students and hold exchange events for university students involved in the Keihoku area, which will lead to regional revitalization.
Nishijin’s Morning Market Marche Support Project Nishijin Harapeko Marche
[Otani University, Kyoto Sangyo University/Kamigyo-ku]
Nishijin’s morning market marche is a local event that has been held since Heisei 24 as part of town revitalization. On the occasion of the integration of elementary schools in the four school districts of Nariyi, Nishijin, Momozono, and Juraku in Kamigyo Ward, local residents formed an organization called the “Nishijin Town Revitalization Association,” which plays a central role in holding events four times a year. In this project, we will consider creating a system that makes it easy for people of all ages to visit while valuing the function of the community as a place of relaxation in the community, and we aim to promote the sales of this event.
Symbiosis Project between the Community and the University Kyoto College of Economics and Cooperation Project
[Kyoto College of Economics / Nishikyo Ward]
Led by students from Kyoto Keizai Junior College’s Takahashi and Miyake seminars, the project will work with NPOs and residents’ associations in Rakusai New Town to explore local issues and find clues to solving them. Through planning and participation in community events such as “creating a place to belong” for the elderly and “creating connections” between people, as well as research activities, the goal is not only to provide labor and enjoy themselves, but also to develop a sense of ownership through shared awareness between students and local people through continuous participation.
Kyoto Bunkyo University Bus Tours Kyoto Bunkyo University Bus Tours
[Kyoto Bunkyo University / Fushimi Ward]
low-cost one-day bus tour planned and implemented by students for elderly people living alone in Mukojima New Town, and uses a school bus to conduct a tour to and from Mukojima New Town where elderly people who tend to be confined go with university students. Starting with the Heisei 25 project subject “New Town Town Development”, the 27th fiscal year was held a total of 9 times as a local student project “Kyoto Bunkyo Bus Tours”, and the expectations of the community are growing, “When will we do it next?”
Gifts from the field VegiRitsu
[Ritsumeikan University / Kita-ku, Fushimi-ku]
[Hosting agricultural experiences and cooking classes] and [Selling smoothies made with non-standard and overproduced vegetables]. Focusing on the farmers’ issues of “disposal of agricultural products due to non-spec or overproduction” and the students’ issues of “unbalanced eating habits due to lack of vegetables,” we aim to solve both at the same time. By connecting the fields and kitchens, we will deliver the value of agriculture and the importance of food to students, and create a new community between local farmers and students.

Implementation Report

Heisei 28 Public Presentation Screening (2nd Screening)

In deciding on the selected projects, we held a public presentation screening (second screening) on Sunday, June 26, 2016 at Campus Plaza Kyoto as an opportunity to promote the effects and characteristics of the projects and the enthusiasm for the projects.
This year, 21 applicants who passed the document screening in the first round of screening participated in the presentation screening.
Each organization appealed their efforts with elaborate presentations, and fully demonstrated the results of their preparations.
In addition, a total of about 130 people, including representatives of the presentation organizations, attended the venue and listened to the students’ presentations on their rich ideas and initiatives in collaboration with the local community.


Heisei 28 Business Certification Ceremony

On Thursday, July 14, 2016, a certification ceremony was held at the Kyoto City Fire Department Headquarters Building in the presence of Mayor Kadokawa and members of the selection committee for the 18 projects adopted this year.
At the certification ceremony, the mayor presented certificates to the representatives of each project, and representatives of each certified organization expressed their determination to implement the projects.
After the certification ceremony, the selection committee members gave comments and advice to each of the selected organizations, and each organization made a strong start toward regional revitalization. Future activities are expected.



Heisei 28 debriefing session

On Sunday, March 26, 2017, a report meeting was held at Campus Plaza Kyoto. In addition, on the day of the event, a recruitment briefing session for the 29th fiscal year was held at the same time, and an opinion exchange meeting and exchange meeting were held with the participation of not only related parties but also visitors using the screening time.

≪ debriefing session≫
Of the 18 organizations selected this year, 17 (one group was absent) reported on their activities. Each group took advantage of the 8 minutes they had to present the results of their activities so far in their own presentations. The presentations gave each organization a very clear understanding of the various initiatives that have been carried out in the region so far. In the four-minute Q&A session after the presentation, it was seen that the judges responded sincerely to the questions.


≪Opinion exchange meetings and exchange meetings≫
Facilitated by Kyoto City Urban Development Advisors, after the debriefing session, an opinion exchange meeting and exchange meeting were held as a place to frankly discuss what was learned through the Gakumachi Collaboration Project. Approximately 60 participants, including not only those involved in the selected organizations but also those who came to listen to the presentations, were divided into groups of 4 or 5 and exchanged opinions while changing group members on themes such as what they learned and what they learned and specific episodes that led to learning, what they would like to do in the future in regional collaboration, and what they expect. In addition, in order to share what was said in these groups, we wrote down what impressed us on a sticky note at the end and posted it on the board, further deepening the exchange.


≪Award Ceremony and Commentary≫
Continuing from last year, this year’s awards were given to business organizations that have achieved excellent results. This year’s excellent organization was selected as the “Kyoto Seika University Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Association”, which received the award in recognition of its understanding of the purpose and purpose of this project, its contribution to the community through its many years of activities, and its annual business improvement. In addition, other organizations that narrowly missed out on the award were also given generous applause and warm comments from the judges.
I hope that all of the organizations will continue their activities in the future, making use of the learnings and connections gained through their activities!


Where to submit application documents and contact information

University Consortium Kyoto Gakumachi Collaboration Project
TEL:075-353-9130 FAX:075-353-9101
(Please change ■ to @ and send)
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00