FY 2017

The 2017 Activity Report data can be downloaded here.

Business Overview

In order to create attractive communities and solve local issues, we are looking for projects that universities and students are working on in collaboration with the local community, and we provide grants and support for outstanding initiatives. In this way, we will provide practical education and research opportunities, develop human resources, and for the local community, solve and revitalize local issues through the knowledge of the university and the vitality of students.

 NEW   “Cultural Quota” has been added as a new application category!

Application Category

Target Businesses


Number of Cases Supported

General Frame

This is a project in which universities, student groups, and the local community collaborate and work together.
In particular, those in which students take the initiative in their activities.

300,000 yen

About 15 cases

Cultural Frame

In addition to the contents of the general framework, this project focuses on discovering, inheriting, and disseminating local culture and creating new culture under the theme of “cultural the region.”

450,000 yen

About 2 cases

★ In March 28, it was decided to completely relocate the Agency for Cultural Affairs to Kyoto. Taking this opportunity, we will establish a “cultural framework” for the Gakumachi Collaboration Project and further support cultural initiatives through collaboration and collaboration between the university and students and the local community.


Target Businesses

For the purpose of solving local issues and revitalizing the city of Kyoto, projects that fall under the following requirements ((1) and (2) for the general category and (1), (2), and (3) for the cultural framework) to be implemented in Kyoto City during the 29th fiscal year (from the date of adoption to the end of March of the following year) are eligible.

[Common requirements for general and cultural frameworks]
(1) Projects in which universities and student groups and local communities (residents’ organizations, civic activity groups, businesses, etc., mainly in the Kyoto City area) collaborate and collaborate as organizations and groups, and in particular, students take the initiative in their activities.
* Administrative agencies may be included as collaborators, but cooperation with administrative agencies alone is not possible.
Examples: Health and welfare, social education, community development, promotion of academic, cultural, artistic or sports, environmental conservation,
Surveys and research in various fields such as community safety, citizen lectures, events, etc.

(2) Those who have not received any subsidies or subsidies from Kyoto City other than the Gakumachi Collaboration Project.

[Requirements for the cultural quota only]
(3) Priority Theme: “Culture of the Region”
In addition to the requirements of (1) and (2), it is necessary to dig up the culture that lies dormant in the region and to pass on the culture that has been passed down from generation to generation in the region.
Projects that work on dissemination to preserve for the future, or to create a new culture through the knowledge of the university and the vitality of its students.
Businesses to work on.
* “Culture” includes lifestyles and customs such as art, performing arts, events, industry, food, clothing, housing, etc., as well as old and new.
There are diverse aspects.
Universities, student groups, and the local community themselves should carry out activities from the perspective of “this is culture.”

Target Organizations

Organizations and groups of University Consortium, Kyoto member universities and junior colleges (*1)
A local organization that mainly works in the Kyoto city area (*2)

(*1) University departments, laboratories, seminars, clubs, student circles
〈Circles made up of students from multiple universities are also possible〉, etc.
*2 Residents’ organizations such as residents’ associations and neighborhood associations, civic activity groups, groups and groups consisting of businesses, etc. (shopping streets, etc.)

kyoto-city_logoKyoto City Collaborative Project

Amount and number of donations

General category: Up to 300,000 yen / about 15 cases
Cultural quota: Up to 450,000 yen / about 2 projects
* However, if you apply for the cultural quota, you will be required to use the support money to create deliverables such as printed materials and videos so that it will lead to the inheritance and dissemination of culture.
* In addition, at the project report meeting scheduled to be held in March 30, the implementing organization (1 organization) that is recognized as the most excellent will be commended (certificates, trophies, and activity incentives of 100,000 yen will be issued separately).

Main Schedule

1st screening: After the application deadline ~ mid-June *Document screening
Second screening: June 25, 29 (Sunday) * Public presentation screening
Notification of support project decision and selection results: Early July 29
Approval ceremony: July 6, 29 * A certificate was issued by Kyoto City for the selected project.
Interim report: Mid ~ end of October 29 * Submission of documents
Final report: March 30 * Submission of documents
Announcement: Mid ~ end of March 30

Heisei 29 “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” Briefing Session (Finished)

Sunday, March 26, 2017, 15:25-15:40
Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th Floor, Lecture Room 1
[The reception for the 29th “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” briefing session has ended. ] 】

Application (The application for the 29th academic year has ended!) )

Application Period

Saturday, April 1, 2017 ~ Friday, May 12, 2017
* If you send it by mail, it must arrive on the same day, and if you bring it by 5 p.m.

How to apply: Step 1 Register your business outline

Please register your business outline using the form below.

How to apply: Step 2 Submission of application documents

Please send 8 copies of the application documents * If you have reference materials (up to 10 sheets), please submit 8 copies of the application documents by mail or bring them to the following submission address during the application period.

to download the documents related recruitment of heisei business>

[The application for the 29th “Gakumachi Collaboration Project” has ended. 】

Selection Results

1st Screening (Document Screening)

Organizations that passed the first screening: 21 projects in the general category, 3 projects in the cultural category

Second Screening (Public Presentation Screening)

In the 29th academic year, the framework of collaboration between universities, students, and the community (hereinafter referred to as the “general framework”) will be established. In addition, under the theme of “Cultural Culture,” we have established a new “Cultural Framework” that focuses on the development, inheritance, and dissemination of local culture and the creation of new culture. On Sunday, June 25, 2017, the second screening (public presentation) was held, and 20 projects (17 projects for the general category and 3 projects for the cultural category) were approved as support projects as follows.

Certified Projects (General Category)


Utilizing the


about the


Project Name
Name of Organization【Name of Affiliated University】
Outline of the Administrative Region
Environmental Protection of Fushimi Fukakusa and Higashitakase River and Jizo Bon Project Ryukoku University, Higashitakase River Environmental Protection and Jizo Bon Project Team
【Ryukoku University Junior College】
Administrative District: Fushimi WardAlthough
it has been said that the local community has collapsed and traditional events have become a formality, the involvement of students in community activities near the university has led to active exchanges among local residents and the revitalization of the area. In the past two years, we have been involved in the revitalization of traditional events and environmental issues in the river basin where they are held, and have achieved some results. In the future, we will spread this activity not only within one town but also in other towns in the river basin. By participating in the resolution of local problems, we will lead to learning and growth.
Dig up the potential of bamboo! Takeyukai Taketori Monogatari Kyoto University of Education Takeyukai
[Kyoto University of Education]
Administrative District: Fushimi Ward, where
Kyoto University of Education is located, also has neglected bamboo forests, and due to the overgrowth of bamboo and overgrown bamboo and overgrown bamboo and miscellaneous trees, it is dim and airy, and the bamboo forest is becoming unhealthy. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to firstly let people know the cultural and historical background of bamboo in Kyoto, second, to promote the rediscovery of the charm of bamboo by showing new ways of using it and its usefulness, and third, to develop teaching materials using Kadomatsu that takes advantage of the strengths of bamboo lantern illumination and education as a new culture in the region.
Kyoto Bunkyo University Bus Tours Kyoto Bunkyo University Bus Tours
[Kyoto Bunkyo University]
Activity administrative district: Fushimi WardSince
25th fiscal year, we have been conducting one-day bus tours using school buses (to and from Mukojima New Town) about five times a year with “elderly people who tend to withdraw” who live alone in Mukojima New Town. In cooperation with the school district social association, we will conduct tours in cooperation with the Kyoto Bunkyo My Town Mukojima Lunch Club, the Smile Tsunaga Association (Fukushima Refugee Mothers’ Association), and the Sunset Beni no Kai (a group of Chinese returnees).
Symbiosis Project between the Community and the University Kyoto College of Economics Regional and University Symbiosis Project
【Kyoto College of Economics】
Activity Administrative District:
As a university that lives in harmony with the community in Saikyo Ward, the purpose of this program is to participate in and participate in local residents’ activities through the participation and observation of NPOs and residents’ associations in Rakusai NT, and to link the results obtained there to academic work as students. Specifically, we plan the projects of local activity groups together, implement them, evaluate them, and review them. The goal is for the faculty member to assume the role of liaison so that the student’s activities are not limited to simply providing labor for community activities, and the students are aware of the issues.
Soratane Project Soratane Project
[Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto Sangyo University, Otani University, Hanazono University]
Administrative District: Kita-ku,
Kita-ku, Kyoto-shi, Shin-Omiya Shopping Street, and by planning events centered on the Soratane Festival on a student-led basis, the aim is to attract the younger generation to the shopping street area, and to promote interaction and community formation between a wide range of generations, from young to old, from a social perspective. In addition, through this activity involving people of various generations and backgrounds, it has expanded to the formation of personal networks and the construction of new perspectives among students beyond the boundaries of schools and faculties, and the purpose is to promote the growth of the students themselves from the student’s perspective.
Kaohsiung Revitalization Project Bukkyo University Kyoto-Kaohsiung Revitalization Project
[Bukkyo University]
Active Administrative District: Kaohsiung, Ukyo Ward
, is a tourist destination famous for its autumn leaves, but the number of tourists is decreasing year by year. As a result of exchanging opinions with the Kaohsiung Hoshokai, a proposal was made to coincide with the timing of the maple illumination, consideration of initiatives targeting young women and foreign tourists, and a request to restore the Kiyotaki River, which had been polluted by BBQ. In response to this issue, we will pick up trash in the Kiyotaki River, make handmade wind chimes, propose Kaohsiung Yurukyara, experience handmade using Kitayama cedar, and renew production of giant running horse lights.
S-Team ~Creating a place to connect high school girls and grandmothers~ Student organization SMILE
[Kyoto University]
Administrative Districts: Kamigyo Ward, Sakyo Ward, Nakagyo Ward, Shimogyo Ward, Ukyo Ward
areas in which high school girls excel (makeup, nails, etc.), volunteer once a month (nails, makeup, etc.) for elderly people in nursing homes to create a community that connects the two. This led to high school students planning regular exchange events. In order to prepare, we hold a study session once a month for high school and university students after school on community revitalization for the elderly. This project contributes to improving self-esteem for high school students and preventing loneliness for the elderly.
Children’s Science Classroom Exciting Laboratory
[Bukkyo University]
Activity Administrative District: Kamigyo WardAs
a way to create a community where people can live with peace of mind, we will conduct community development in collaboration with student volunteers by holding children’s science classes. In the Kitano shopping street area of Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City, free science experiment classes for children will be held once or twice a month. It is held after school on weekdays after elementary school and junior high school so that children can belong. Since science experiments can be experienced up close and personal outside of school, they will be conducted with the understanding of parents.
Collaborative project to restore the connection of housing complexes “Taoling HANDs” Ryu-SEI GAP, Faculty of Policy Studies, Ryukoku University “Student Organization is Usumaru”
【Ryukoku University】
Administrative District: Fushimi WardWe
are planning two projects focusing on solitary deaths and the dilution of connections in housing complexes, as well as the problem of the relationship between public relations and each town. In response to the voices of the people in the housing complex who want to “regain the vitality of the past,” the “Housing Complex Department Store (tentative)” will be held and the “Housing Complex Newsletter” will be issued. The purpose of these activities is to increase the number of opportunities for seniors to go out and get to know each other in the housing complex, and to create a relationship that is not relaxed by the students.
Keihoku Utsu Fureai Learning Mutual Kyoto Seika University Keihoku Utsu Treasure Search Club
【Kyoto Seika University】
Administrative District: The
Utsu area of Ukyo Ward is blessed with abundant nature, history, and culture, but it is also aging and depopulated, and the problems faced by local communities in Japan are remarkable. This year, we will hold exchange events such as children’s photography classes and children’s festivals, participate in traditional events such as summer festivals, organize materials for the former Uzu Elementary School, and produce walking maps and videos introducing the area. Residents’ associations and students will work together to respond to the needs of local residents and carry out activities that contribute to revitalization, and rebuild the new charm of Utsu.
Mirai Art Seika Project Shikasu
【Kyoto Seika University】
Administrative District: Sakyo Ward
students hold art workshops at local children’s centers, day service centers, etc., and interact with local residents of a wide range of generations, mainly children and the elderly, from the perspective of “art”, which leads to the “emotionally rich heart” of children and the “purpose of life” of the elderly. This project is expected to be an opportunity.
Kyoto Sanjokai Shopping Street Terakoya Business Kyoto Koka Women’s University Koka Sanjo Girls
【Kyoto Koka Women’s University】
Activity Administrative District:
project that aims to further revitalize the Sanjokai shopping street by planning and implementing events to enliven the Nakagyo-ku shopping street, and conducting activities that serve as a playground and learning place for children and one of the community places for local residents. The target audience is families who visit the Sanjokai shopping street, and we, the students, also deepen our connections with the community through the project, and we aim to create a mutually beneficial relationship by expanding and revitalizing the community among local people.
Let’s learn about “food” and support the elderly and people with disabilities! KOKA☆Orange Supporters
【Kyoto Koka Women’s University】
Administrative District: Ukyo WardLearn
current status of “food support” for the elderly and people with disabilities in Ukyo Ward and nearby facilities, and about meals that are adjusted to make it easier for people with impaired swallowing ability to eat (nursing care food and swallowing adjustment food), and participate in events to produce and provide it. The event will be held according to seasonal events. In addition, in order to help the elderly and people with disabilities educate themselves on “eating deliciously and safely,” we will create a pamphlet that describes the properties of foods that are easy to swallow and how to eat them.
Camo Cinema 13 Camo Cinema 13 Executive Committee
[Ritsumeikan University]
Activity Administrative District: An
event to raise young people’s awareness of environmental conservation of the Kamo River through the experience of watching a movie on a river in Kamigyo Ward. Cleanup activities are held during the day and outdoor movie screenings are held in the evening. This activity has been held continuously for 12 years until last year, and this year it will be further expanded with the two objectives of “making young people aware of environmental conservation by making the most of the local characteristics unique to the student town” and “establishing the event itself in the community as a ‘summer tradition’ that local residents can enjoy every year.”
Fukakusa Machiya Cinema (Showa Film Screening) Fukakusa Machiya Cinema (Fushimi and Fukukusa Community Archive Project)
【Ryukoku University】
Administrative District: Fushimi Ward
Excavation and screening of 8mm films. In addition to looking back on the life of Fushimi with the residents through the videos collected by local residents, we will make a DVD and preserve it as a record of the community. In the activities so far, we have been able to achieve results as a “cross-generational exchange” through conversations with the elderly in the community through video and as a “community tea room” where local people can gather. The goal is to continue to achieve results in future activities.
Soikal from Shizuhara ~Dissemination of Kyoto Soybean Food Culture~ Mirai Transmission Station Omusubi Shizuhara Support Team
[Kyoto Sangyo University]
Administrative District: Sakyo WardSoybeans
the raw materials of yuba, tofu, and white miso, which are indispensable for Kyoto cuisine, and symbolize Kyoto’s food culture. Soybeans, which used to be actively cultivated in the prefecture, are now almost not grown in the prefecture. In this project, through the cultivation of Kyoto-grown soybeans “Otsuru”, local production of soybeans for local consumption and dissemination of Kyoto soybean food culture. They cultivate giant cranes in their own fields, hold events and develop products related to soybeans, and aim to revitalize Shizuhara in collaboration with local residents and university students.
Kitashirakawa Children’s Cafeteria “Karafuru” Karafuru
[Kyoto University, Doshisha Women’s University]
Administrative District:
In the Kitashirakawa School District, Sakyo Ward, we will create a place for everyone that fosters connections between children and local residents through casual dialogue at the dinner table. Specifically, at the Kitashirakawa Children’s Center, where children usually gather, we will hold a children’s cafeteria “Karafuru” that anyone can participate in at a low price. By promoting the creation of a community that will serve as a base for interaction between local children and local residents, the activities will be carried out with the aim of laying the groundwork for a better system for raising and watching over children in the entire region.

Certified Projects (Cultural Framework)

Project Name
Name of Organization【Name of Affiliated University】
Administrative Districts
Business Overview
Disseminating culture through ORIGAMI science Meeting to think about the future of arithmetic and mathematics education
[Kyoto University of Education]
Administrative District: Fushimi Ward
Kyoto is a core area of origami culture, with a thriving production of traditional washi, Chiyo paper, and origami. The purpose of this project is to introduce the appeal of origami culture and ORIGAMI science to children by university students, and to share the charm of Kyoto with the world by showing how to fold origami as a video on the Kyoto University of Education YouTube site. A total of six public lectures on “ORIGAMI Science” will be held, and video teaching materials on how to fold 10 origami works will be produced and released.
Let’s light it up together Daigo Nakayama Housing Complex Kyoto Tachibana University Society for Contemporary Business Studies
[Kyoto Tachibana University]
Administrative District: Yamashina-ku, Fushimi-ku, Fushimi-ku
, Daigo Nakayama Housing Complex, holding a lantern road for a lantern event using Shimizu pottery. The reason for doing this is that the lantern route will provide an opportunity for local people to come into contact with Kyoto’s traditional crafts, and it will be possible to tackle the serious problem of the decline in the number of the next generation of traditional crafts. Specifically, local students will be asked to experience pottery making, and children and their parents will participate in the pottery making on the day of the event to interact with the onlookers.
Kimono Fashion Show Raw group Kyoto Kimono Project
[Kyoto University]
Activity Administrative District: Sakyo WardA
kimono fashion show organized by Kyoto Kimono Planning, which aims to convey the charm of traditional culture to young people. Every year, the event is co-hosted with Okazaki and Akari and invites university students such as Miscan as models. In addition, the kimonos used are borrowed from various kimono shops in the area. This year, we are aiming for even more “innovative” and “youth-oriented” content and production.

Implementation Report

Heisei 29 Public Presentation Screening (2nd Screening)

On Sunday, June 25, 2017, the second round of public presentations was held at Campus Plaza Kyoto.
In the public presentations, 24 organizations (21 in the general category and 3 in the cultural category) that passed the first screening (document screening) made presentations.
Each organization presented their projects with elaborate presentations, and although they were nervous during the question-and-answer session from the selection committee members, they spoke passionately about the purpose of the project and the contents of the plan.
On the day of the event, a total of about 160 people, including representatives of the presentation organizations, attended.

Heisei 29 Business Certification Ceremony

On Thursday, July 6, 2017, a certification ceremony was held at Kyoto City Hall.
This year’s 20 organizations (17 in the general category and 3 in the cultural category) participated, and the mayor of Kyoto, Kadokawa, presented a certificate to each representative of each organization. After that, representatives of each organization expressed their determination to implement the project.
The selected projects will start full-fledged activities in the future. The activities of each organization will be announced on “Gakumachi NEWS” from time to time, so please take a look.


Heisei 29 debriefing session