University Education Power-up Seminar (2014-2017)

Business Overview

As an organizational effort for faculty members to improve and enhance their teaching content and methods, the University Consortium Kyoto has been promoting FD activities in the Kyoto area together with member universities since 1995, shortly after its establishment.
The University Education Power-up Seminar was established in 2014 as a workshop-style study session that deals with a wide range of themes that are useful for the educational (educational support) activities of individual university faculty and staff.

Outline of the event

(In 2017, it will be held as a joint project with the University Education Power-up Seminar.)
In 2017, as in 2016, it will be held jointly with the University Education Power-up Seminar.

2017 Kyoto FDer Juku × University Education Power-up Seminar Joint Project

Theme: “Thinking about Quality Assurance in Education ~Toward a Qualitative Transformation and Improvement of Education with an Awareness of the Three Policies~”

Each university is required to change the quality of education by realizing university education based on the “Three Policies,” and in 2017, it became mandatory to formulate and publish the “Three Policies” as consistent and consistent. In addition, in the third phase of certification evaluation, the establishment of internal quality assurance will be asked as an important item.
Under these circumstances, there is an urgent need for each university to review the “Three Policies” and to develop and substantiate a system for the establishment of a PDCA cycle based on these policies. However, in order to achieve this, it is essential to instill understanding among individual faculty and staff and to make efforts to transform and improve the quality of education at the field level.
In the keynote speech, he will give a lecture on the background and purpose of why the “Three Policies” are emphasized as the starting point for quality assurance, and in the subcommittees, we will introduce case studies and workshops that are working to ensure and improve the quality of education at the middle and micro levels.

Saturday, January 20, 2018 13:00~16:45
Campus Plaza Kyoto, 5th floor, Lecture Room 1, etc.
University Consortium Kyoto
University faculty, staff, and other university officials
Participation Fee
For member schools: Free
Non-member schools: ¥1,000 (please pay at the reception on the day)
Keynote speeches: 140
Breakout Session A: 100 people
Breakout Group B: 20 people
Breakout Session C: 20 people
*Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Information flyer [Click here for details]
塚田 淳氏(文部科学省 高等教育局 大学振興課 専門官)

浅野 茂 氏(山形大学 学術研究院 教授 )
日本の大学関係者のInstitutional Research(IR)に対する関心と期待は依然として高い。 特に、学習成果の把握、教育の質保証、教学マネジメントなど、大学教育の改善に向けた取組が学外から強く求められるに連れ、多くの大学でIR の活用が模索されている。本報告では、報告者がこれまで取り組んできた日米両国のIRに関する研究を概観するとともに、現在、実践している3つのポリシーの策定をはじめとする教育の質保証に係る取組やIR強化に向けた実践事例等を紹介する。
西野 毅朗氏(京都橘大学 教育開発支援センター/
現代ビジネス学部経営学科 講師)

佐藤 賢一氏(京都産業大学 総合生命科学部 教授/
特定非営利活動法人ハテナソン共創ラボ 理事長)
「越境する学び」を参加者のみなさんと分かち合うことを目的に、アメリカで開発された質問づくりメソッドQFT(Question Formulation Technique)を中核とする質問する学び場「ハテナソン」ワークショップを体験学習いただくこと、そして「ハテナソン」を参加者ご自身で設計・運営するイメージを持ち帰っていただくことをゴールに設定して、企画運営します。くわえて、ハテナソンの大学や高校での授業事例、教育機関の教職員や企業人向けの研修事例、一般市民参加型のワークショップ事例、研究会や学会・フォーラム等での活用事例などを報告・共有します。

「PDCAサイクルのPlanとは何かを体験してみよう! 」
阿部 一晴氏(京都光華女子大学 キャリア形成学部 教授)


Implementation Report

On Saturday, January 20, 2018, we held a joint seminar on the power up of education × Kyoto FDer Juku University, “Thinking about Quality Assurance of Education ~Toward a Qualitative Transformation and Improvement of Education with an Awareness of the Three Policies~”.

This time, with the aim of broadening understanding of the purpose and background of university education reform based on the three policies and linking it to educational reform at each university, we have set the overall theme of “Thinking about the quality assurance of education ~ Toward a qualitative transformation and improvement of education with an awareness of the three policies ~” with the aim of broadening understanding of the purpose and background of the reform of university education and linking it to the educational reform of each university.

In the keynote speech, Mr. Jun Tsukada, Specialist in the University Promotion Division of the Higher Education Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, gave a lecture titled “Trends in Higher Education Administration and University Education Reform Based on the ‘Three Policies’.”
He gave an overview of the background and purpose of the reform of university education based on the three policies, and then explained the latest trends in higher education administration, such as the progress of deliberations by the Future Planning Subcommittee of the Chukyo University Subcommittee and the status of deliberations related to the provision of free higher education.

In the second half, three subcommittees were held at the same time, and in Session A, two universities introduced examples of how to ensure and improve the quality of education. First, Mr. Shigeru Asano, a professor at the Faculty of Academic Studies, Yamagata University, spoke about the development of an IR system for quality assurance of education and the actual status of initiatives, followed by Mr. Takero Nishino, a lecturer at the Center for Educational Development Support, Kyoto Tachibana University, who talked about efforts to improve education from the perspective of the “CAPD cycle.”

Subcommittees B and C were held as a power-up seminar on university education, and in Session B, Mr. Kenichi Sato, a professor at the Faculty of Integrated Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University, gave a hands-on workshop on the “Hatenathon,” a learning place where students asked questions, and in Session C, Mr. Kazuharu Abe, a professor at the Faculty of Career Development, Kyoto Koka Women’s University, gave a hands-on workshop on formulating a plan for the PDCA cycle.

In the participant questionnaire after the meeting, the overall satisfaction rate was about 84%, and the satisfaction of subcommittees B and C was particularly meaningful, with all respondents answering “satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied.”
In addition, we received many positive comments such as “It was good to feel the enthusiasm of the young speakers” and “It was helpful to learn about the trends of the government and examples of advanced initiatives regarding the quality assurance of education, which is the theme of education.”


University Consortium Kyoto FD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Business hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)