FY 2014

Outline of the event

The 12th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University

banner3University entrance examinations are deeply linked to the school system and social structure of the country. In Japan, the premise of the academic achievement test is that a nationwide common educational curriculum has been established, and it is obligatory that the exam questions be first published and that they be published after the fact. However, these are also things that are unique to Japan from a global perspective. In the current reform of entrance examinations, the implementation of multiple common examinations, graded evaluations, the introduction of IRT (Item Response Theory), and the use of computers are also on the table for discussion. I would like to consider the realistic possibility of a “achievement test (tentative name)” including such issues.


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Date: , December 5, 2014 9:30~17:15
Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto
Theme: High School and University Connections and Academic Achievement Formation: Thinking about the Achievement Test (tentative name)
Organizer: Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)
Attendance keynote reports, special lectures, and case studies (first-come, first-served basis)
Breakout Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 30 people each) (first-come, first-served basis)
Registration: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 12:00 ~ Friday, November 21, 2014 17:00
Participation fee: 1,000 yen high schools and universities in Kyoto
Persons other than the above (including participants from companies in Kyoto Prefecture) 2,000 yen

The 12th High School-University Collaboration Forum LeafletPDF

(Part 1) 9:30~14:45 Keynote Report, Special Lecture, Case Study

Opening Remarks
Satoshi Kitamura (Chairperson, Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council / Principal, Kyoto Gaidaishi High School)
Keynote Report
Hiroyuki Nakamura (University Consortium, Kyoto High School Collaboration Promotion Office/Professor, Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Kyoto Bunkyo University)
Special Lecture
“Can we change the Japan culture of university entrance examinations?-Considering the achievement test (tentative name)-“
Presenter: Katsuhiro Arai (Deputy Director, National Center for University Entrance Examinations)
Moderator: Iwako Yamamoto (Associate Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Admission Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Case Study 10:45~12:15 ■Osaka Prefectural Education Center Senior High School
Theme: Practice of “Exploration Navi” at Osaka Prefectural Education Center Senior High School – A new “learning” begins here. -
Presenter: Rika Onchi (Vice Principal, Osaka Prefectural Education Center High School)
Presenter: Satoshi Yamamoto (Principal and Head of Inquiry Department, Osaka Prefectural Education Center Senior High School)
Our school is adjacent to the Osaka Prefectural Education Center, which is a base for academic research in Osaka Prefecture, and practices education that is integrated with its research and training functions. In this forum, we will report on the practice of “Inquiry Navi,” a pillar of our school’s educational activities. Under the theme of “connecting with people” in the first year, “connecting with society” in the second year, and “opening up the future” in the third year, the program fosters “human resources who can carve out their own paths” through activities that foster ideas and cooperation, such as “theater creation,” and community development activities such as “Abiko Exploration.”
■Takasaki University of Economics
Theme: High School of Economics + High School of Economics “High School University Collaboration Seminar” – An Attempt at Interactive High School and University Collaboration
Presenter: Shuichi Yano (Professor, Takasaki University of Economics / Advisor, Takasaki University of Economics High School)
The High School-University Collaboration Seminar is a group study program that focuses on research on the overseas strategies of Japan companies. After a series of presentations and discussions, he visited the Tokyo head office and conducted interviews. High school students not only acquire knowledge and presentation skills, but also find role models for university students who play the role of tutors and business people who are working hard at the forefront of the economy. Through the encounter of the collaboration seminar, they reaffirm the meaning of “learning” and come to choose their career path independently. University students also learn through teaching. As a result, it is also a dry run for job hunting.
■Kyoto Institute of Technology
Theme: Kyoto Institute of Technology “Da Vinci Entrance Examination” – What and how to measure in the test? -
Presenter: Hiroshi Uchimura (Director, Kyoto High School-University Collaboration Promotion Office, University Consortium / Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology Admission Center)
The academic skills that will be required in the future will be as follows.
(1) Incorporate new knowledge into the network of knowledge that has already been learned.
(2) Rather than memorizing a single correct answer, students are required to utilize and express their knowledge.
(3) Communication skills are also important to learn from each other!
In this presentation, I will describe the theoretical background of the above ideas, and then introduce the da Vinci entrance examination as an example of a test designed to measure such academic ability.
Moderator: Iwako Yamamoto (Associate Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Admission Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology)
: Hiroshi Kakumoto (University Consortium Kyoto High School Collaboration Promotion Office / Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University)


(Part 2) 15:15~17:15 Breakout Sessions

Session 1
[Expression technique]
Theme: Practice of Label Work as Reflection in the Classroom
Presenter 1: Joji Nakachi (Teacher, Keio Shiki High School)
Speaker 2: Shin Hasegawa (Associate Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Kansai University)
Coordinator: Yoichi Tsutsui (University Consortium Kyoto High School Collaboration Promotion Office / Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Kyoto Seika University)
In the past, the main focus of education was for teachers to teach students knowledge and correct answers. However, as a result of the intensification of social changes and the obsolescence of knowledge, the meaning of the accumulation of knowledge itself has declined, and it is no longer possible to respond when faced with a problem for which there is no correct answer. Therefore, what is desired in the future is education (class reflection) in which students are aware of how much they have understood. Reflection confirms past processes and provides guidance for the future. Speakers have been using label work in their classes as a method of visualizing reflection for many years. In order for participants to be able to introduce it into the class, the course will focus on practical work by the instructor.
Session 2
Theme: Introduction of teaching materials incorporating mathematical activities through collaboration between high school and university and practical reporting
Speaker 1: Kazuma Matsuda (Teacher, Kyoto Prefectural Nanyo High School)
Speaker 2: Takeshi Fukao (Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Kyoto University of Education)
Coordinator: Hideshi Toyama (Supervisor, High School Education Division, Guidance Department, Kyoto Prefectural Agency of Education)
With regard to the “mathematical activities” emphasized in the new course of study, “task-based learning” has been newly established in many textbooks, but many parts are still left to the discretion of teachers. The definition of mathematical activity is described in the Course of Study: “To identify a problem, formulate a plan to solve it, consider and process it, look back on the process, consider the significance of the results obtained, and develop it,” “To relate the content learned to daily life and use it to consider specific events,” and “To express one’s own ideas mathematically, clarify the evidence, and explain and discuss them.” While looking back on the content of what has already been learned, we will introduce the teaching materials centered on these activities and report on the practice. In particular, it is worth noting that the incorporation of predictive activities can help students realize the usefulness of mathematics and deepen their understanding of the connection between mathematics and science. In this subcommittee, we would like to discuss the further possibilities of “mathematical activities” based on the practical report.
Subcommittee 3
Theme: Guidance and Evaluation for the Development of English Communication Skills with an Emphasis on Communication Skills
Speaker 1: Yuko Kunimatsu (Teacher, Kyoto Municipal Saikyo High School)
Speaker 2: Emiko Izumi (Professor, Faculty of Education, Kyoto University of Education)
Coordinator: Yoko Taiyama (Kyoto City Board of Education, Guidance Department, School Guidance Division, Supervisor)
In order to encourage the improvement of practical English skills that can be used in the real world, Kyoto Municipal Saikyo High School has been working to develop outgoing communication skills by providing abundant opportunities for speeches, presentations, discussions, debates, etc. in the subjects set by the school. Since last year, we have been working on activities and performance evaluations aimed at the comprehensive development of the four skills in Communication English I and II.  In order to develop global citizens who can contribute and play an active role in the global society, the university provides guidance and evaluation aimed at fostering communication skills. Based on what they have read and heard about current affairs, they internalize language through reading aloud and shadowing, and aim to acquire usable English through summarization, discussion, and presentation.  Through the respective efforts at high school and university, we will consider guidance and evaluation for the development of outgoing communication skills from the perspective of high school-university connection.
Session 4
Theme: Science Initiatives at Heian High School Attached to Ryukoku University through High School and University Collaboration
Presenter 1: Kazuya Nakajima (Teacher, Heian High School, Ryukoku University)
Speaker 2: Manabu Fujiwara (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ryukoku University)
Coordinator: Hisao Hayashi (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ryukoku University / Director, Ryukoku University High School-University Collaboration Promotion Office)
In the course where students wish to enter the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Ryukoku University through the Recommendation Entrance Examination A method of the affiliated school, we are working on two science-related projects in collaboration with the university in the third year of high school, and we will report on this.  The first is a class called “Science and Mathematics Research (Science)” in the regular curriculum. The main contents of the program consisted of two consecutive hours of experimental classes on physics and chemistry, submission of reports, presentations of students’ research presentations (one theme from the experiments), and a special class by one university faculty member. The other is the extracurricular program “Scientific Book Report”. This will be done three times, and in the second session, they will go to the university’s open campus, receive direct man-to-man instruction from five university faculty members, and participate in the open house of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.  Through these activities, students are not confined to studying for entrance exams, but are designed to acquire the basic knowledge and skills of physics and chemistry necessary for high school years, to develop the scientific thinking and expression skills necessary after entering university, and to arouse interest and motivation in specialized fields.


Registration: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 12:00 p.m. ~ Friday, November 21, 2014 5:00 p.m.


* If you do not set cookies in your browser to “Enabled”, you may not be able to apply.
* Each subcommittee has a fixed number of members, so it cannot be changed after the application procedure is completed.
*If you are sure to participate, please apply. Reception is not available on the day of the event.

Implementation Report

On the day of the event, about 200 people, including high school teachers and university faculty from all over Japan, participated.
In the first part, Mr. Arai, Deputy Director of the Center for University Entrance Examinations, gave a lecture on the background and various issues of the current reform of university entrance examinations, and then reported on the implementation status of high schools and universities that are practicing new “learning.” After that, there was a break, followed by a question-and-answer session and discussion with comments from the floor. In particular, during the discussion, Mr. Katsumi Arase (a temporary member of the Special Subcommittee on High School-University Connections of the Central Council of Education) and Deputy Director Arai held a lively discussion on the draft report of the Central Council for Education, which provided an opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the significance and background of the new university entrance examination system.


In the second part, the participants were divided into four subcommittees, each of which presented case studies from high schools and universities, and then exchanged opinions and shared information as a group.


The 13th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum is also scheduled to be held with substantial content, so we look forward to your participation.

The 12th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University
Click here for resumes, materials, and PowerPoint data of the day.

Part 1 Keynote Report
Special Lecture Can the Japan culture of university entrance examinations be changed?
– Considering the achievement test (tentative name) –
Lecture materials
Practical examples Practice of Osaka Prefectural Education Center Senior High School “Exploration Navi”
―A new “learning” begins here. –
Report materials
Appendix 2
High School of Economics + High School of Economics “High School University Collaboration Seminar”
– Report on the attempt at interactive high school-university collaboration
Appendix 2
Kyoto Institute of Technology “Da Vinci Entrance Examination”
– What and how will the test be measured? –
Report materials
Appendix 2
discussion data
Part 2 , Subcommittee 1 [Expression Techniques] Practical Report on Label Work as Class Reflection 1
Appendix 2
Presentation 3
Session 2 [Mathematics] Introduction of teaching materials incorporating mathematical activities through high school-university collaboration and practical report report 1
Appendix 2
Presentation 3
Report 4
Session 3 [English] Report on Guidance and Evaluation for the Development of English Communication Skills with an Emphasis on Communication Skills 1
Appendix 2
Presentation 3
Subcommittee 4 [Science] Report on Science Initiatives at Heian High School attached to Ryukoku University through High School and University Collaboration 1
Appendix 2

  Click here for the report.