FY 2016

Business Overview

The forum is held for the purpose of “sharing information on domestic trends and disseminating information on initiatives in Kyoto” in the issue of collaboration and connection education between high schools and universities.

Outline of the event

The 14th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University



Date: Saturday, December 10, 2016
Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto
ThemeWhy Entrance Examination Reform Now? ~Exploring the Future of Educational Reform~
Capacity: 1: Lecture: 200 people (first-come, first-served basis)
Part 2 Breakout Sessions (Expression Techniques, Mathematics, English, Science) 30 people each (first-come, first-served basis)
Information exchange meeting: 60 people (first-come, first-served basis)
Participation Fee: Part 1 and Part 2 High schools and universities in Kyoto Prefecture
Persons other than the above (including participants of companies in Kyoto Prefecture)
JPY 1,000
JPY 2,000
If you are participating in the information exchange meeting held at the Campus Plaza Kyoto Hall, please pay the right amount in advance. JPY 3,000
Organizer: Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)

The flyer (corrected version) of the 14th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum can be downloaded here.

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【Part 1】9:30~14:45 Special Lectures, Lectures, and Closing Comments

General Chairperson
Ms. Iwako Yamamoto (Associate Professor, Institute of Infrastructure for Education and Research, Kyoto Institute of Technology / Kyoto High School University Collaboration Promotion Office, University Consortium)
Opening Remarks
Satoshi Kitamura (Principal of Kyoto Gaidaishi High School / Chairperson of the Kyoto High School and University Collaborative Research Council Steering Committee)
Explanation of purpose
Yoichi Tsutsui (Former Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Kyoto Seika University / Kyoto High School Collaboration Promotion Office, University Consortium)
*The speakers have been changed.

9:45~11:05 〈Special Lecture〉
Fostering the skills necessary for the next generation to survive in an inclusive society and relearning for adults

Associate Professor, Kyoto University Museum Takayuki Shiose

An inclusive society where people live with diverse people, work with diverse people, and learn from diverse people has already begun. However, we must understand that it is difficult to equip the next generation with the ability to survive only through education that competes with homogeneous abilities and fosters homogeneous values. We must also recognize that adults who are supposed to draw out their abilities need to relearn so that they can respond to changes in the environment, and we must urgently share new views on education and learning.
11:05~11:15 〈Q&A〉
11:15~11:25 〈Rest〉
11:25~12:15 〈Lecture〉
Entrance Examination Reform for High School and University Connections: Initiatives for Entrance Examinations of the Faculty of Education, Kyoto University

Professor, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University Takashi Kusumi

First, I would like to talk about trends in the reform of entrance examinations for the connection between high school and university. Next, based on these trends, I would like to introduce the special entrance examination (scholastic AO entrance examination) based on performance evaluation at the Faculty of Education, Kyoto University, which has been implemented since the 28th academic year. Lastly, I will talk about how to evaluate the logical, critical thinking and problem-solving skills that students have acquired through inquiry-based learning activities in each subject and comprehensive study time in high school in the special entrance examination.
12:15~12:25 〈Q&A〉
12:25~13:25 〈Break/Lunch〉
13:25~14:05 〈Lecture〉
Kyoto Kogakuin High School’s Challenge: Aiming Beyond Educational Reform

Kyoto Kogakuin High School Principal Hiroaki Sunada
Kyoto Kogakuin High School Teacher, Junichi Arimoto

Kyoto Kogakuin High School opened in April this year through the reorganization and integration of Luoyang Technical High School and Fushimi Technical High School. At our school, we did not simply integrate the two schools, but returned to the skills and qualities required after entering the workforce and what academic skills must be acquired in high school, discussed what kind of education will be needed in the future, and incorporated various mechanisms. In this lecture, I will report on the trial and error and challenges of problem-solving learning and cross-curricular learning, which are particularly important in education.
14:05~14:15 〈Q&A〉
14:15~14:45 〈Concluding Comments〉
Prospects for the reform of the high school-university connection system

Professor, Faculty of Letters, Otani University / University Consortium Kyoto High School Collaboration Promotion Office Katsumi Arase

【Part 2】15:15~17:30 Breakout Session

Session 1 〈Expression Techniques〉
Learning design that creates synergy between “school× ICT× society”
~Creating the future with cross-border learning friends~

Former Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Kyoto Seika University / Yoichi Tsutsui, University Consortium Kyoto High School University Collaboration Promotion Office
Yamaguchi Prefectural Hagi High School of Commerce and Industry, Department of Information Design, Department of Information Design, Wataru Matsushima

In the first part of the special lecture, Prof. Shioze talks about the importance of education with different values. Based on the question raised, this subcommittee asks how to design a learning environment that encourages “proactive, interactive, and deep learning” in schools and universities. Also, what is necessary to make use of what you learn at school in society? The purpose of this course is to think about future learning models and reflect on current efforts by utilizing ICT and local human resources (not human resources) surrounding schools to reframe learning beyond the existing learning framework, and to use cases of learners experiencing proactive, interactive, and deep learning as inspiration. The program will be conducted in a way that emphasizes dialogue among participants, with the aim of enabling participants to put into practice what they have learned from the subcommittees.
Session 2 〈Mathematics〉
To equip them with the ability to survive in the coming era
The Significance of Mathematical Modeling in Educational Reform

Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, High School Education Division, Supervisor Hiroshi Mizuguchi
Kyoto Prefectural Momoyama High School 3rd Grade Teacher Keisuke Nakamura
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Gifu University

In the educational reform that is currently under discussion, it is important to enhance mathematical activities with an awareness of the relationship with the real world. From this point of view, this subcommittee will report on “mathematical modeling” based on the principle of mathematization of reality. Focusing on the active learning-type challenge program held in Kyoto, we will introduce examples of initiatives with overseas universities and high schools, and consider the significance of mathematical modeling in educational reform from the perspective of connecting high school and university.
Subcommittee 3 〈English〉
Improvement of the environment for the English 4-skill university entrance examination and the direction of learning guidance

Ms. Lisa Takayama, Supervisor of School Guidance Division, Guidance Department, Kyoto City Board of Education
Kyoto Municipal Saikyo High School English Teacher Nobuo Yamamoto
Professor, Department of Career English, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies and Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Studies Shinichi Yasuki

In this subcommittee, we will report on the efforts of Kyoto Municipal Saikyo High School to study the curriculum, the efforts to teach English in the four-skill type at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, and the efforts to train English teachers who can teach the four skills type, based on the exchange and research on teaching and evaluation methods for the development of the four skills by the English Subcommittee of the Kyoto Municipal High School Education Research Association. We will propose specific theories on English proficiency development for future reform of the high school-university connection and deepen exchanges.
Session 4 〈Science〉
“Inquiry” and “Active Learning” in Science Education: Looking Ahead to the New Course of Study

Doshisha Junior and Senior High School Vice Principal Toshiaki Yamazaki
Ritsumeikan Uji Junior and Senior High School Science Teacher Saori Nakai
Specially Appointed Professor, Osaka University Institute for the Promotion of Comprehensive Education, Dr. Tadashi Kawauchi

In science education, “inquiry” and “active learning” have become the new focus of the Course of Study, including educational reform and entrance examinations. In order to examine this issue through high school-university collaboration, this time we will have the opportunity to confirm the direction that science education should aim for in the future, with reports from Mr. Tadashi Kawauchi, who is investigating the inquiry activities of high school students at the Osaka University High School-University Connection Office, and Ms. Saori Nakai, who is working on “active learning” in a new biology class at Ritsumeikan Uji Junior and Senior High School.

Information Exchange Meetings

18:00~19:30Information exchange meeting will be held at the hall of Campus Plaza Kyoto, which will be the venue for this forum. Speakers from Part 1 and Part 2 are also scheduled to participate. Snacks and beverages will be available, so we encourage you to join us.


Step 1
Please register your e-mail address from the “Apply” button below.
Step 2
Please access the URL of the “Application Form” sent to your registered email address, enter it according to the instructions on the screen, and receive the “Application Completion Email”.
Step 3
Please pay the participation fee at a convenience store by Wednesday, November 16 using the payment slip and invoice that will be mailed to you.
Step 4
Please receive a “Participation Certificate” sent to your registered email address.
Step 5
On the day of the forum, please bring your “Participation Certificate” and present it at the reception.

Application period: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:00 a.m. ~ Saturday, October 29, 2016 5:00 p.m.


* If you do not set cookies in your browser to “Enabled”, you may not be able to apply.
* Each subcommittee has a fixed number of members, so it cannot be changed after the application procedure is completed.
* Reception is not available on the day of the event.

Implementation Report

The 14th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University [Click here for details]

This year’s event was held under the overall theme of “Why Entrance Examination Reform Now?~Exploring the Future of Educational Reform~,” and 153 people, mainly high school officials, participated.
In the first part of the lecture, “Special Lecture,” Dr. Takayuki Shiose, Associate Professor at the Kyoto University Museum, spoke about the need for adults to relearn in order for the next generation to have the ability to survive in an inclusive society where diverse people live, work, and learn from each other.

In addition, in the “Lecture”, Professor Takashi Kusumi, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, gave a special entrance examination based on performance evaluation at the Faculty of Education, Kyoto University (academic ability-type AO entrance examination) that has been implemented since the 28th academic year. Mr. Hiroaki Sunada, Principal of Kyoto Kogakuin High School, and Mr. Junichi Arimoto, a teacher, reported on the initiatives for problem-solving learning and cross-curricular learning that are considered to be the pillars of education at Kyoto Kogakuin High School, which opened in April this year through the reorganization and integration of Luoyang Technical High School and Fushimi Technical High School.

After summarizing these lectures, Mr. Katsumi Arase of the Kyoto High School-University Collaboration Promotion Office, a university consortium, commented on educational reforms, including the revision of the Course of Study and the reform of entrance examinations.

In the second part, the participants were divided into subcommittees on expressive techniques, mathematics, English, and science, and information was shared and opinions were actively exchanged by subject and theme.

At the information exchange meeting after the breakout session, the participants reflected and exchanged ideas with each other, including speakers.


University Consortium Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Education Forum
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)