FY 2011

Business Overview

By utilizing the creative and academic research results of university researchers in Kyoto City’s policies and projects, we aim to return the knowledge of university research to the local community and society. From the planning stage, researchers and the department in charge of Kyoto City have been working together to promote research, and we are aiming to form a network based on the surveys and research of this project by holding results report meetings to widely disseminate and share the results of this research, as well as exchange meetings between researchers, citizens, city officials, students, etc.


Research Report

Research Report

This is a report on the results of research adopted in 2011. (The title of the principal investigator is as of the time of adoption.)

Designated Issue: Understanding the Needs for Achieving a True Work-Life Balance and Measures to Promote

Research Themes Issues of Needs Analysis and Support Measures to Realize an Environment in which Family Caregivers’ Work and Nursing Care are Balanced (Work-Care-Life Balance)
Principal Investigator Associate Professor, Faculty of Industrial Sociology, Ritsumeikan University Mao Saito
Research Summary With the progress of an aging society, changes in the population and household structure, and an increase in the employment rate of women, there is an urgent need to establish measures to support the balance between work and nursing care, but it must be said that measures to support balancing work and nursing care are lagging behind those of work and childcare. Therefore, in this study, the main purpose of this study is to understand the needs of family caregivers to realize an environment where they can balance work and nursing care, and we conducted a questionnaire survey of companies and workers in Kyoto City and interviews with those who had to leave their jobs due to nursing care, and summarized basic data on administrative issues (corporate support and worker support) for balancing work and nursing care.
Research Cooperation Gender Equality Promotion Division, Equal Society Promotion Department, Kyoto City Culture and Civic Bureau
Research Reports Research Report [Click here for details]

Designated Issue: “Community Development Utilizing Culture, Arts and Traditions” in Kyoto City

Research Themes A Study on Citizen Participatory Activities in Traditional Performing Arts
Principal Investigator Lecturer, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Chisako Takashima
Research Summary Traditional performing arts are one of the effective mediums for regional revitalization, but the relationship between traditional culture and people is weakened due to changes in lifestyles and changes in local communities, making it difficult to pass on traditional culture.
Therefore, in this study, the conditions for inheriting traditional performing arts were clarified by conducting fieldwork surveys and questionnaire surveys of public elementary, junior high, and high schools in Kyoto City, and support measures were compiled to maintain and improve traditional performing arts in the future.
Research Cooperation Culture and Arts Planning Division, City of Culture and Arts Promotion Office, Kyoto City Culture and Citizenship Bureau
Research Reports Research Report [Click here for details]
Research Themes Economic and Environmental Assessment of Food Recycling in Kyoto City
Principal Investigator Master’s Course, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University Yumi Hatano
Research Summary In Kyoto City, the amount of food waste (food waste) generated by both households and businesses is decreasing, but in light of the fact that Kyoto City is one of the leading international tourist cities in Japan and the number of tourists is steadily increasing, this study examined the most optimal treatment method for business-related food waste. Specifically, we conducted simulations from the viewpoint of economic and environmental aspects of the disposal method of business-related food waste using the waste industry input-output table for the current case (carried out of the city), the total incineration case, and the virtual case (a new biogasification facility is newly established in the city), and showed that the virtual case is the most desirable.
Research Cooperation Kyoto City Environmental Policy Bureau, Circulation Planning Division, Recycling-Oriented Society Promotion Department
Kyoto City Environmental Policy Bureau, Business Waste Management Office
Research Reports Research Report [Click here for details]
Research Themes Greenery nurtured by citizens through the overflow of potted plants in alleys ~Verification of green vision rate and improvement of local communities~
Principal Investigator Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Bukkyo University Shogo Mizukami
Research Summary Although greenery is sought after by residents in cities, much of the land use in cities is residential. In particular, it is said that there is little greenery in the alleys of Kyoto City.
Therefore, in this study, we focused on the movable greenery of potted plants placed on the front of dwelling units in the greenery along the alleys (specific areas) of Kyoto City, conducted a green vision rate survey and a resident awareness survey, clarified the contribution of potted plants to the green vision rate of potted plants, the impact of the presence of potted plants on the local community, etc., and summarized recommendations for future greening policies in Kyoto City.
Research Cooperation Kyoto City Construction Bureau, Water and Green Environment Department, Green Policy Division
Research Reports Research Report [Click here for details]

Achievement debriefing and networking events

In addition to holding a report meeting to disseminate and widely share the results of the survey and research in fiscal 2011, we also held the following exchange meetings to interact with young researchers, citizens, Kyoto City officials, and others in order to form a broad network based on the research in this project.


Date & Time
Thursday, March 22, 2012 18:00~21:00
Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th floor, Lecture Room 3 (debriefing session), 5th floor, Seminar Room 3 and 4 (exchange meeting)
“Future Kyoto Creative Research Project” Achievement Report Meeting and Exchange Meeting Flyer [Click here for details]
“Future Kyoto Creation Research Project” Achievement Report and Exchange Meeting Implementation Report [Click here for details]