2023 Kyoto College Recurrent Education Program Course Information

This is an introduction to the “Contemporary Liberal Arts Course: Cutting-edge Research and Corporate Technology for Space Migration (Second Half Program)” to be held this year.

This course is currently recruiting participants, so please take this opportunity to apply.

[Click here to apply] https://www.consortium.or.jp/project/sg/recurrent


Contemporary Liberal Arts Courses

Cutting-edge Research and Corporate Technology for Space Migration (Second Half Program)



Those who can take the course online

the lecture>

The “Contemporary Liberal Arts Course: The Present and Future of Space Migration” was launched last year with the concept of “Even adults want to learn!” and received overwhelming satisfaction from participants. This year, students will learn about the current state of manned space science and technology with an eye on the 2030s and beyond, along with cutting-edge research results and corporate ideas, as well as renewed content. To think about space migration is to think about the global environment, food and living space, mobility technology, the human body and medicine, and business and society. Curiosity for the future. Learn what you want to learn.

Thursday, October 5, 2023 – Thursday, November 30, 2023 18:30-20:00 5 sessions

How to start the course

Online (Zoom)

* Participants will have a viewing period (about 2 weeks after the end of the course) for missed streaming.

5,000 yen (tax included)



Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 5 p.m.



University Consortium Kyoto Education Division (in charge of Kyoto College)
