For High School Students and Parents


2016.12.27news report
Selection of Winners of the “Student Town Kyoto Film Contest”
< Recruitment> [For Students] We are looking for members of the Executive Committee of the 20th Kyoto International Student Film Festival!
We held Marutoku in Kumihama!
2016.12.3event report
The 19th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Winners Announced! < Event Report>
2016.11.18event report
November 12 (Sat) We held a report meeting on the results of the 2016 Internship Progress Course.

I want to know about career education

I want to know about student support

I want to know about the library

I want to know about universities in Kyoto

I want to know about University Consortium Kyoto

I want to know about university life in Kyoto