For University Students


2021.7.28event news
【Finished】Credit Transfer Ryukoku University School of International Studies Short-term Study Abroad (Melbourne, Australia) Online Information Session
2021.7.9news News from Kyoto City Use of Facilities
Handling of facility use from 7/12~8/1 (updated 7/9)
2021.7.3event news News from Kyoto City
Information on University Recurrent Education Relay Course (application form, etc.)
2021.6.19news News from Kyoto City Use of Facilities
Handling of facility use from 6/21~7/11 (updated 6/19)
2021.6.18event news
(Finished) [For students] 8/5 (Thu) IELTS pretesting experience will be held!

How to use Campus Plaza Kyoto

I want to interact with students from society and other universities

I want to know about career education

I want to know about student support

I want to know about study abroad and international exchange

I want to know about the library

I want to know about University Consortium Kyoto

I want to take classes at other universities