For University Students


University Consortium Kyoto Official Facebook Page
2018.12.26news News from Kyoto City Use of Facilities
Correction of the price list
2018.12.22event news
【For Students, Faculty and Staff of Member Schools】Call for Presenters for the 24th FD Forum Poster Session
2018.12.11news report
AY2018 Internship Program Progress Course “Project Report” is now available.
2018.11.17news report
On Saturday, November 10, we held a report meeting on the results of the 2018 Internship Progress Course.

How to use Campus Plaza Kyoto

I want to interact with students from society and other universities

I want to know about career education

I want to know about student support

I want to know about study abroad and international exchange

I want to know about the library

I want to know about University Consortium Kyoto

I want to take classes at other universities