For University Students


2014.10.17event report
Results of the Northern Kyoto Prefecture Career Education Project “Maruttoku in Kumihama”
October 11 (Sat) IELTS Preparation Course (Free) Advanced!
2014.10.14news News from Kyoto City
For university students and junior college students nationwide! 23 Cultural Facilities Offer Free Admission to “Student Days”
The 2013 “Future Kyoto Creative Research Project” Research Report has been published!
The 17th Kyoto International Student Film Festival Competition Finalists Announcement of Results

How to use Campus Plaza Kyoto

I want to interact with students from society and other universities

I want to know about career education

I want to know about student support

I want to know about study abroad and international exchange

I want to know about the library

I want to know about University Consortium Kyoto

I want to take classes at other universities