FY 2012

Business Overview

By utilizing the creative and academic research results of university researchers in Kyoto City’s policies and projects, we aim to return the knowledge of university research to the local community and society. From the planning stage, researchers and the department in charge of Kyoto City have been working together to promote research, and we are aiming to form a network based on the surveys and research of this project by holding results report meetings to widely disseminate and share the results of this research, as well as exchange meetings between researchers, citizens, city officials, students, etc.


Research Report

Research Report

This is a report on the results of research adopted in 2012. (The title of the principal investigator is as of the time of adoption.)

Designated issue: Current status of local traditional events such as Jizo Bon and its impact on the revitalization of local communities

Research Themes Jizo Bon Thinking through the Four Regions ~Intergenerational Tradition and the Functions of Local Communities~
Principal Investigator Kyoto Seika University, Faculty of Humanities, Professor, Miyako Mashita
Research Summary Jizo Bon is a folk event that celebrates the Jizo of the towns of Kyoto, and is a lifestyle culture that has been handed down in connection with the self-government of the residents, but in recent years many towns have been declining. Therefore, in this study, we conducted a field survey of the Jizo Basin in four towns with different location conditions, and clarified the modern significance of the Jizo Basin through the historical transition of the Jizo Basin so far. He also proposed to Kyoto City that it is important to preserve the Jizo Bon and to disseminate its appeal.
Research Cooperation Kyoto City Culture and Citizenship Bureau, Regional Autonomy Promotion Office, Regional Development Promotion Section
Research Reports Research Report [Click here for details]

Designated issue: Current status of local traditional events such as Jizo Bon and its impact on the revitalization of local communities

Research Themes Research on the actual operation of the Jizo Bon and its role in improving the resilience of the community
Principal Investigator Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Researcher Masahiro Maeda
Research Summary Questionnaire surveys and interviews were conducted and analyzed on the Jizo Bon in three former school districts, and the role of the Jizo Bon and the operational issues were clarified. As a result, it was proposed that the Jizo Bon is an effective resource for solving current and future urban problems, and that it is necessary for Kyoto City to support and support the Jizo Bon (providing a place, strengthening public relations, etc.).
Research Cooperation Kyoto City Culture and Citizenship Bureau, Regional Autonomy Promotion Office, Regional Development Promotion Section
Research Reports Research Report [Click here for details]

Designated project: Analysis of the impact of school trips on university entrance in the Kyoto area and measures to disseminate attractiveness using school events

Research Themes Analysis of the Influence of School Trip Destinations on University Admission and Measures to Convey the Attractiveness of Universities ~Case Studies of Questionnaire Analysis of School Trip Students and University Students~
Principal Investigator Heian Jogakuin University, Faculty of International Tourism Associate Professor Manabu Inoue
Research Summary Based on a questionnaire survey of current university students and graduate students enrolled in Kyoto universities and current junior high and high school students who actually came to Kyoto on school trips, we quantitatively analyzed the impact of school trips to Kyoto on university enrollment in Kyoto. As a result, we clarified the characteristics of school trips by size (number of students) and the impact of school trips on university entrance to Kyoto. In addition to digital information, measures to utilize analog information were proposed to Kyoto City in order to convey the charm of Kyoto, and lectures were given to universities at night for students on school trips.
Research Cooperation Kyoto City Planning Bureau, Citizen Collaboration Policy Promotion Office, University Policy Officer
Kyoto City Industry and Tourism Bureau Tourism MICE Promotion Office
Research Reports Research Report [Click here for details]

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Research Themes Rakuchu-Rakugai Network Connected by Kyoto Vegetables (Local Agricultural Products) ~Past, Present, and Future of Local Production for Local Consumption~
Principal Investigator Doshisha University Faculty of Economics Assistant Professor Nobuko Mitsumata
Research Summary From the viewpoint of local production for local consumption, we clarified the current situation of “swing sales” that have been passed down in Kyoto for a long time and “Eki Naka direct sales offices” of the subway, which have been expanding recently, through questionnaires and interviews with producers and consumers. He proposed to Kyoto City that maintaining and developing Kyoto vegetables in conjunction with policies in a wide range of fields (welfare, tourism, culture, etc.) as well as in the agricultural field has the potential to realize a Kyoto that is friendly to both people and the environment.
Research Cooperation Kyoto City Industry and Tourism Bureau, Agriculture and Forestry Promotion Office, Agricultural Promotion and Development Division
Research Reports Research Report [Click here for details]

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Research Themes Redevelopment of the area around Nijo Station and “town development”
Principal Investigator Ritsumeikan University, Faculty of Letters, Associate Professor Masahiro Kato
Research Summary By viewing the series of trends in redevelopment around Nijo Station as a process of “location creation” that overcomes existing location disadvantages and transforms them into favorable conditions, we explored new possibilities for urban development. In addition to the impact of the redevelopment, new methods of urban development were introduced, and future possibilities and challenges were presented in detail.
Research Cooperation Kyoto City Construction Bureau, Urban Development Department, Development Promotion Division
Research Reports Research Report [Click here for details]

Ongoing Projects (Continuation from the Previous Year)

Research Themes Provision of support measures to realize an environment in which family caregivers can balance work and nursing care (work-care-life balance)
Principal Investigator Ritsumeikan University, Faculty of Industrial Sociology, Associate Professor Mao Saito
Research Summary In the previous year’s research, we conducted a questionnaire survey of companies and their employees, as well as interviews with people who were forced to retire due to nursing care, and found that there is a need for greater corporate support and community support, especially for male caregivers. Therefore, this year, we conducted an additional survey of companies and a survey of male caregivers’ associations, which are currently spreading, and proposed what the government can do for companies (awareness-raising projects, subsidies, etc.) and support that can be provided to the community (collecting and providing information on male caregivers’ associations).
Research Cooperation Gender Equality Promotion Division, Equal Society Promotion Department, Kyoto City Culture and Civic Bureau
Kyoto City Health and Welfare Bureau, Director of the Lifespan and Social Affairs Department, Life Welfare Division
Research Reports Research Report [Click here for details]

Achievement debriefing and networking events

In addition to holding a report meeting to disseminate and widely share the results of the survey and research in fiscal 2012, we also held the following exchange meetings to interact with young researchers, citizens, Kyoto City officials, and others in order to form a broad network based on the research in this project.


Date & Time
Tuesday, March 19, 2013 18:00~21:00
Campus Plaza Kyoto, 2nd floor hall (achievement debriefing session), 4th floor lecture room 4 (exchange meeting)
“Future Kyoto Creative Research Project” Achievement Report Meeting and Exchange Meeting Flyer [Click here for details]

Research News

The progress of surveys and research is introduced.

Future Kyoto Creative Research Project Research Report No. 1 [Click here for details]
Future Kyoto Creation Research Project Research Report No. 2 [Click here for details]
Future Kyoto Creative Research Project Research Report No. 3 [Click here for details]
Future Kyoto Creative Research Project Research Report No. 4 [Click here for details]
Future Kyoto Creation Research Project Research Report No. 5 [Click here for details]
Future Kyoto Creation Research Project Research Report No. 6 [Click here for details]