[Finished] 【For faculty and staff】We will hold a seminar to share case studies of internationalization efforts of member universities in 2023

As part of the project to support the globalization of faculty and staff, the Kyoto International Business Department of the University Consortium is working to share examples of efforts by member universities for internationalization.

As part of this effort, with the cooperation of the Ryukoku University Center for the Promotion of Global Education, we have decided to hold a mini-forum on “Global Human Resource Development.”

” What Universities Can Do to Develop Global Human Resources ~From the Experience of Taylor’s University in Malaysia~”

Taking advantage of the opportunity of a staff member of Taylor’s University, a well-known private university in Malaysia, visiting Japan, we planned an opportunity to exchange information on the university’s human resource development and international expansion in anticipation of the era of globalization. The staff members of Taylor’s University who are visiting Japan are in charge of the “Student Support Department” at Japan universities, and their duties are to promote “international collaboration, corporate collaboration, and career support” and have achieved many results. On the day of the event, we will also invite Ms. Mr./Ms. Shiokawa (representative of the Institute for the Future Creation of Universities), who has been in charge of promoting the internationalization of universities at several private universities and national and public universities, to give a lecture on what universities can and should do to develop global human resources (about 45 minutes in the first half), and then we would like to provide ample opportunities for discussion among the participants (45 minutes in the second half) minutes). We hope that it will be of some help to each member as an opportunity to open up many perspectives, such as further raising the international awareness of each member, so please join us.

Faculty and staff of Kyoto member universities of the University Consortium
* As a general rule, it is assumed that faculty and staff from international departments or faculty and staff who are interested in the internationalization of the university will participate, but companies and students are also welcome to participate.

【Date & Time】
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 10:00~11:30 (tentative) [Reception 9:30~]

Campus Plaza Kyoto, 2nd floor, Conference Room 1 (face-to-face)

【Speakers and Agenda Providers】
10:00~10:45 Lecture

Lecturer: Raja Edriana Baizura (Taylor’s University)
Mohd. Khairul Hazreen (Taylor’s University)
Masami Shiokawa (Institute for Future Creation)
10:45~11:30 Discussion (including Q&A)
*Lectures by Taylor’s University students will be given in English, but interpreters will provide consecutive interpretation.

[Number of participants]
50 people (Applications will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached)

Please apply from the following URL.


* If you cannot use the application form, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please contact the following.

【Application Deadline】
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 12:00 p.m.

University Consortium Kyoto International Business Department
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