Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program (formerly Internship Program) Introductory Video

The 2024 introduction video of the Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program has been uploaded.

In this video, the staff of the Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Project Promotion Office will introduce the details of the two courses (Externship Course and Project Planning Practical Course) and how to participate in the program.

Why don’t you feel the future of work up close through work experience and lectures? Mr./Ms. of all the students who are considering participating, please take a look!

● 0:00 Greeting
● 1:02 Introduction of the University Consortium Kyoto
● 2:04 What is the Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program?
● 3:46 Introduction of the two courses
● 4:31 Introduction to the Externship Course
● 6:35 Introduction to the Project Planning Practical Course
● 10:05 Survey results of students who participated in the program
● 11:20 Message from Senior Employees
● 12:54 How to participate in the Industry-Academia Collaborative Education Program
● 18:17 Introduction of pre-program briefing and consultation session
● 19:38 Conclusion


In addition, we will hold an online information session and consultation session for university students in April.
At the information session, we invite seniors who have completed this program, the person in charge of the training site that accepts the students, and the coordinator (university faculty) who is in charge of the lectures as guests. You will be able to hear the voices of guests who are not introduced in the video, and you will also have the opportunity to answer questions from the participants. We look forward to your participation.

Applications for participation in the briefing session are now being accepted from the top page of the portal site!
We look forward to your Mr./Ms. participation.