

Business Overview

The University Consortium Kyoto has been publishing the results of its research in Kyoto studies as the “Kyoto Studies Course” at Plaza College, which was established in 2001. Since 2009, we have been conducting an annual theme from among various events related to Kyoto as part of the Kyoto Skills Development Course at Miyako College, a lifelong learning project that opens up the university’s knowledge resources to the community, which is operated in cooperation with Kyoto City.

kyoto-city_logoKyoto City Collaborative Project

AY2023 Kyoto Studies

“Kyoto and Entai”
Course Outline
As we enter the fourth year of the coronavirus outbreak and the war around the world has not subsided, many people hope that this year will be the year to return to a peaceful daily life. This year’s theme is to break away from the sense of stagnation in the present day, and we took the plunge and chose the theme of Kyoto’s entertainment, which has rarely been covered in this course so far. We hope that you will laugh and enjoy nostalgia while praying for world peace. We invite people related to Kyoto, such as performing arts and music from classical to modern, and we will read and learn about the history and culture of Kyoto from the perspective of “entai”.
Saturday, May 13, 2023 ~ Saturday, December 16, 2023 Capacity for each course is 200 people * If there are many applications, a lottery will be held.
【Morning Course】 10:00~11:30 (Doors open at 9:30)
【Afternoon Course】 12:30~14:00 (Reception starts at 12:00)
* The content of both lectures is the same.
Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th Floor, Lecture Room 2
(Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji)
Saturday, May 27, 2023 only Ryukoku University Hibito Hall Alumni Hall


10,000 yen (10 basic courses)
* A separate participation fee is required for the practical course. If you wish to participate, please apply at the same time as the basic course.
About the application
For details, please refer to the “Kyoto College Page”.
University Consortium Kyoto Kyoto Skills Training Course Kyoto Studies Leaflet [PDF]

Basic Courses

May 13 (Sat) “Today’s Kyogen in Kyoto: History, Characteristics, and How to Enjoy It”

Mayumi Morinishi (Professor Emeritus, Osaka Kanin Women’s University)

Kyogen has a history of more than 650 years among classical performing arts. In Kyoto, the two families of the Daizo-ryu Kyogen family, the Sengoro Moyama family and the Chusaburo Moyama family, have passed down their techniques for many years.
In the lecture, we will look back on how we overcame the difficulties of the Meiji Restoration period to achieve today’s prosperity, introduce specific performances, and guide you on how to enjoy them.

May 27 (Sat) “Youth who met folk in Kyoto” * The venue is different only this time. Please be careful.

Lecturer: Jiro Sugita (Folk singer, singer-songwriter)
Tomoo Kawashima (Professor, Institute of Contemporary Home Economics, Kyoto Kacho University)
Held at Ryukoku University Hibito Hall Alumni Hall

Many of you may remember the folk group Jiro’s, which swept through the Japanese music world half a century ago. Lyrics by Mr./Ms. Osamu Kitayama and composition by Jiro Sugita Mr./Ms. “Children Who Don’t Know War” was a huge hit, and the song became one of the milestones of post-war Japan society. Born and raised in Kyoto, Mr./Ms. discovered Kyoto Folk in his youth, formed Jiroz, joined Schuberz, and has continued to sing. We will examine its historical significance together with Mr./Ms. Sugita, a party concerned in Kyoto.

June 3 (Sat) “Introduction to Japan anime History: Exploring the Reasons for Japan anime’s Popularity from History”

Nobuyuki Tsuken (Anime Researcher, Lecturer, Faculty of Fine Arts, Japan University)

Anime has become one of Japan’s most popular cultures. Its popularity is not limited to Japan, but it has gained wide popularity overseas. Historically, Japan anime has been modeled after Disney since before World War II. However, since Astro Boy, which began broadcasting in 1963, a huge number of works have been produced, mainly TV anime, and various genres and techniques different from those from overseas have been developed. While looking back at its historical flow, we will discuss the reasons for the popularity of Japan anime.

June 17 (Sat) “Yoshimitsu and Zeami: Exploring the Roots of Japan’s Original Theater “Noh””

Motohiko Izawa (Writer, Historian)
Tomoo Kawashima (Professor, Institute of Contemporary Home Economics, Kyoto Kacho University)

Everyone knows that Noh was started by Zeami, but it is not well known that its greatest patron was Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun of Muromachi and the founder of the Kinkakuji Temple. Also, Japan people are not aware of how unique Noh theater itself is. I would like to talk about this area in three dimensions, based on the history of theater in Japan and the beliefs unique to Japan people.

July 8 (Sat) “Getting Familiar with Rakugo-Rakugo Trivia-“

Mr. Katsura Nekichi (Rakugo Artist)

Rakugo is said to have originated in Kyoto about 400 years ago. From there, it spread to Osaka and Edo. Katsura Nekichi, a master of the Yonecho family, will talk about the history of rakugo, which he does not know about, and this and that during his inner disciple training at Katsura Mai Choya, a human national treasure. In addition, he explains how “ringing,” which is one of the characteristics of Kamikata rakugo, is effectively used in the story, with demonstrations of live shamisen and taiko drums. At the end, you will actually form a high seat and enjoy rakugo!

August 5 (Sat) “The Beginning of the Kyoto Shrine Academic Affairs-Who Owns the Mikoshi and How to Operate the Mikoshi -“

Hitoshi Nakanishi (Professor, Faculty of Industrial Sociology, Ritsumeikan University)

In Kyoto, there are many Mr./Ms. festivals where mikoshi appear, but they have not attracted much attention until now, probably because they are not the subject of tourism. The shrine is the central event of the festival, and I think that knowledge about the mikoshi is indispensable for understanding the festival. In this lecture, I would like to give an overview of the festivals in which the mikoshi appear, and then touch on the history of the group of people who ride the mikoshi and the unique way of navigating the mikoshi in Kyoto, and I would like to introduce it to “Kyoto Mikoshi Studies”.

September 9 (Sat) “The Joy of Shamisen Music in Kyoto: The Present and Past of Shamisen Music, and Its Charm”

Mr. Mika Shigemori (Japanese music performer, Shinnai Setsukenshin Iemoto, Director of the Shinnai Association)

In Kyoto, you can still hear various types of traditional shamisen music today. The history and characteristics of each type of shamisen music transmitted to Kyoto will be explained with demonstrations of the structure of the shamisen and the differences in timbre depending on the event, while touching on different performance venues such as the Joruri and Uta no Setsu, theaters, and tatami rooms in Hanamachi. In addition, we will look back on the shamisen music in the film and television productions produced in Kyoto, in which he has participated in performances and teaching for many years, along with episodes.

October 7 (Sat) “Folkle and Patchugi in Kyoto”

Takeshi Matsuyama (Lyricist, Writer, Editor)
Tomoo Kawashima (Professor, Institute of Contemporary Home Economics, Kyoto Kacho University)

In the 1960s, there was a folk boom in Kyoto, and The Folk Crusaders had a hit with “Yoppalai Returns.” Formed around Mr./Ms. Kazuhiko Kato and Mr./Ms. Osamu Kitayama, Folkle was deeply involved in the folkle Mr./Ms., including the lyrics of the lyrics. Mr./Ms. Matsuyama, who was close to Mr./Ms. Kato, was good at poetry lyrics, but he was also a social person, and he brought in “Imjin River,” a song about the tragedy of the Korean Peninsula being cut between north and south. This thought led to the birth of the movie “Patchgi”. We will learn about the history of half a century ago from the people involved.

October 21 (Sat) “The History and Present of Miyako no Dori -As a Composer and Lyricist of Miyako no Dori-“

Asako Ueki (President, Doshisha University, Professor, Faculty of Letters, Doshisha University)

Miyako no Dori is a spring dance performed by geiko and maiko in Gion Kobe, which began in the 5th year of the Meiji era. Since 2014, I have been in charge of composing and writing lyrics for the city. In this course, we will trace the history of the city and introduce the process through which the stage of the city is currently created. In particular, I would like to talk about the rules and ingenuity of the composition, and what I keep in mind when writing the lyrics from the perspective of the creator.

December 16 (Sat) “Kyoto Painting in the 18th Century: Wakachu, Bumura, Ōryū, Ashiyuki”

Hideyuki Okada (Fukuda Museum of Art, Director of Curatorial Division)

In 18th-century Kyoto, well-known painters such as Itō Jakubu, Yosa Bumura, Maruyama Ōryū, and Nagasawa Ashiyuki were still active. Through friendly competition with each other, they established their own style of painting and left behind many excellent works. In this course, we will focus on the above four painters and introduce the charm of each painting.

On-the-job training

In the Kyoto Studies Course, we incorporate “hands-on courses” in which you can actually experience Kyoto in the field.
* A separate participation fee is required for the practical course. If you wish to participate, please apply at the same time as the basic course.

Practical Lecture 1
July 29 (Sat) “Oe Noh Theater Noh Theater Experience Appreciation Course-At the Meiji Fragrant Noh Theater-“
Time: 10:00-12:00 Capacity: 100 people Participation fee: 2,000 yen
Location: Oe Noh Theater (646 Higashiiri Tachibana-cho, Oshikoji-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto)

Michiko Oe (Mrs. Matasaburo Oe, 7th generation)
Diego Perecchia (Associate Professor, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University)

This course will be held at the Oe Noh Theater, which has a history of more than 100 years. Noh, which was greatly established during the Muromachi period, is a performing art that has been passed down uninterrupted to this day. Performances based on classical literature include gods, samurai, elegant women, and demons. Although the story is an event of the distant past, it has a universal meaning that transcends time and space, and is highly regarded both at home and abroad. In this course, we will introduce the charm of Noh through explanations and demonstrations.


Hands-on course 2
December 23 (Sat) “Traditions and Spaces of Flower Street-Gion Kobe Kabuki Arena and Tea House-“
Time: [Morning Course] 10:00-11:30 [Afternoon Course] 12:30-14:00
Capacity: 50 people each Participation fee: 3,000 yen
Location: Gion Kobe Kabuki Arena (570-2 south side of Gioncho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto)

Ms. Kyoko Sugiura (President, Yasaka Jobeniba Gakuen, Regulation of the Gion Shinchi Kobe Union, President of the Kyoto Hanamachi Union Federation)
Tomoo Kawashima (Visiting Professor, Kobe College of Graduate Studies for Informatics)

The flower district, which is crowded with Mr./Ms. geiko, is one of the attractions of Kyoto culture, and the traditional townscape remains, making it a space where you can experience history. All of the five flower districts are composed of a group of tea houses, restaurants, and okiyas, and a song and dance hall in the center. This time, we will learn about the customs and actual image of the flower district from Mr./Ms. Sugiura, the proprietress of Ichirikitei, who represents Gion Kobe at the Gion Kobe Kabuki Training Hall, where the building earthquake resistance work has been completed. In addition, a tour of the building will be held, and Tomoo Kawashima will talk about the meaning of the building from the perspective of architectural history.

◆ Regular students of the University Consortium Kyoto member schools can take one basic course at a time

“Regular students of member schools” are regular students of the Consortium of Universities of Kyoto (excluding graduate schools and correspondence courses) and students enrolled in all courses at the Kyoto Study Center of the Open University of Japan. If you wish to take one course at a time, please come directly to the venue on the date and time of the course you wish to take in the basic course, and be sure to show your student ID at the reception. The course is free of charge.

Applications for the 2023 Kyoto Studies Commemorative Lecture have been closed.

A commemorative lecture will be held as an opening project for the 2023 Kyoto College Kyoto Studies Course.

2023 Kyoto Studies Course “Kyoto and “Enta” Commemorating the Opening Lecture
The Era of Wonderful Entertainment -The Dazzling Kyoto of the Late 1960s-
Kyoto, the capital of learning, art, and culture, had a glorious period of producing talent, such as dynastic women’s literature, Kamakura Shin Buddhism, and the Nobel Prize. The late 1960s, which produced the likes of The Tigers, The Folk Crusaders and Gilllows, were one of them. We look back on the “dizzying” era of enthusiasm with The Tigers leader Minoru Mr./Ms. Pea. Mr./Ms. Hitomi is a unique figure who changed from a doctoral program at Keio University Graduate School to a teacher at Keio High School, and has long devoted herself to academia and education. The interviewer is Professor Kazuhiko Kobayashi of the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University, who was once a colleague at Juku High School.
Minoru Hitomi ((The Tigers) Musician and Author)
Kazuhiko Kobayashi (Professor, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University)
Date & Time
Saturday, March 4, 2023
13:30~15:00 (Doors open at 13:00)
Campus Plaza Kyoto, 4th floor, Lecture Room 2 (Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto)
200 people (pre-application) *If there are many applications, a lottery will be held.
Participation Fee
How to apply
Submissions are now closed.
[Please be sure to read before applying!] After filling in all the items, you will receive an automatic reply email as soon as you press the send button. Please check the applicant’s “name” in the automatic reply email again. ★All applicants who applied online will be notified by e-mail on Friday, February 24. ★ If you cannot check the automatic reply email, it may be one of the following cases, so please be sure to check it. 1. If the email address you entered is correct, but it has been
sorted into junk mail, please check your “Spam” folder →. Even if it arrives there, your application is complete.
* Please change the settings so that you can receive emails from the “@google.com” domain.
2. If there is an
error in the e-mail address you entered→ please check the correct e-mail address and apply again from the application form.
・ If you intentionally apply multiple times, you will not be eligible for the lottery.
Application Deadline
Online application: Monday, February 20, 2023 23:59
Round-trip postcard: Must be received by Monday, February 20, 2023
▶ Entries made after the deadline will be invalid.
▶ The results of the application will be emailed to Friday, February 24, 2023 (for those who apply online).
Alternatively, we will notify you by mail (for those who apply for a round-trip postcard).
* If it is difficult to apply online, please apply after clearly stating it on the round-trip postcard as shown in the figure below.

We will not be able to accept applications that are incomplete, applications other than round-trip postcards, or applications that do not have one per person or are insufficient. Thank you for your understanding. The personal information you provide will be used only for various communications about Kyoto College, and will not be used for any other purpose.

On-Demand Lecture Trial Viewing

We are pleased to announce that some of the lectures held at the Kyoto Studies Course, a consortium of universities in Kyoto, will be available for on-demand.

[Available Courses]

Date of the Event : Saturday, October 21, 2023
Theme: “The History and Present of the Metropolitan Song: As a Composer and Lyricist of the Metropolitan Song”
Lecturer: Asako Ueki (President, Doshisha University, Professor, Faculty of Letters, Doshisha University)

< Overview>
Miyako no Dori is a spring dance performed by geiko and maiko in Gion Kobe, which began in 1872 (Meiji 5). Since 2014, I have been in charge of composing and writing lyrics for the city. In this course, we will trace the history of the city and introduce the process through which the stage of the city is currently created. In particular, I would like to talk about the rules and ingenuity of the composition, and what I keep in mind when writing the lyrics from the perspective of the creator.

For those who have already taken the course, we would be happy to provide you with a review to deepen your learning, and for those who are considering taking the course in the future or unsure, we would be happy to deliver a little information about the state and atmosphere of the course.

Please take this opportunity to take a look.
* If you would like to watch, please apply from the application form at the bottom of the page.

[Please be sure to check before applying]

After completing the registration on the application form, an email with the video URL will be automatically sent to the registered email address. Please follow the contents posted in the automatic e-mail.

・If you have not received an email after applying, please check the following.
* Is the e-mail received from “@consortium.or.jp” set to be allowed to be received?
* Is it sorted into another folder such as junk folder, spam folder, trash bin, etc.
If you have not received it, please contact us using the contact information at the end of the page.

[About the course] You will use the video sharing service “YouTube” to watch the video.
As long as the video is available during the release period, you can watch the video at your own timing.
Students will be responsible for the communication costs incurred when watching YouTube videos.

[Precautions for attendance]
(1) Photography (including screenshots), audio recording, secondary use of materials, and posting of detailed content on SNS are strictly prohibited. As soon as plagiarism of the content of the lecture is discovered, it will be dealt with as an infringement of copyright and portrait rights.

(2) Please participate and watch on a computer (recommended), smartphone, or tablet. In mobile communications such as smartphones, the amount of communication is enormous, and high communication costs may be incurred. Please be sure to check the contract details of the communication environment by yourself before use.

(3) The course is open to the public only to those who have applied. Forwarding URLs to other parties is prohibited.

Click here for the application form


University Consortium Kyoto Kyoto College
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Campus Plaza Kyoto 1st floor
TEL.075-353-9140 FAX.075-353-9121
MAIL: miyakare ■ consortium.or.jp (Please change ■ to @ and send)
* Inquiries reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)