FY 2009

Outline of the event



In light of the extremely chaotic economic situation, widening inequality and poverty, and the polarization of the rate of higher education enrollment, the decline in the number of students going on to higher education due to the declining birthrate has been further increasing in recent years, threatening the management foundations of higher education institutions. In order to break through this negative spiral and rebuild local communities with sustainable development potential in regional cities, it is necessary to cultivate “human power” through higher education. The role of education that is required of institutions of higher education today is to nurture “truly educated people” who possess the human sensitivity of learners, a wide range of knowledge and the ability to make appropriate judgments, a sense of social justice and the courage to believe in the truth, and to revitalize the city by young people with cosmopolitan “human power.”

The 6th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum

Date & Time
Saturday, September 12, 2009 10:30~19:30 Keynote Speeches, Symposiums, Breakout Sessions, Poster Sessions, etc.
Saturday, September 12, 2009 19:30~21:00 Information Exchange Meeting
Sunday, September 13, 2009 10:00~12:00 Breakout Sessions
Hokkaido University of Education Hakodate Campus
Faculty and staff of universities and junior colleges
National Association of University Consortiums
Campus Consortium Hakodate

Outline of the 6th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum [Click here for details]

Day 1 <> 13:00~17:00

Kenji Homma (President, Hokkaido University of Education)
Keynote Speeches
Theme: Focus on University Education Reform
Speaker: Motohisa Kaneko (Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo)
Sympositor: Motohisa Kaneko (Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo)
Sympositor: Masanori Nishio (Mayor of Hakodate)
Symposiumist: Hiroshi Yoshimoto (Director, Higher Education Planning Division, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
CN: Mr. Hideyuki Nakajima (President, Future University Hakodate, Campus Consortium Hakodate)
Higher Education Report
Theme: Support for Universities, Junior Colleges, and Consortia
Speaker: Kazuyuki Furuta (Assistant Director, University Promotion Division, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
general meeting
Report of the Steering Committee of the National University Consortium Council (financial report, collection of membership fees, etc.)
Breakout Sessions
◆Breakout Sessions◆
Session 1: Development of New Educational Programs (Fostering Practical Skills) (South Osaka Regional Consortium)
[Subcommittee 2] FD/SD Project (Promotion of FD through Inter-University Collaboration) (University Consortium Kyoto)
Session 3: Organizational Management of the Consortium (Education Network China)

*Poster session will be held from 10:30~16:30

Day 2 <> 10:00~12:00

Breakout Sessions
◆Breakout Sessions◆
Session 4: Internationalization of Universities: Responding to the 300,000 International Students Initiative (Academic, Cultural and Industrial Network Tama)
Session 5: Case Study Presentation of Universities Selected for Strategic University Collaboration Support (University Consortium Kyoto)
Session 6: Cooperation with Local Communities and Social Contribution (Aichi President’s Roundtable)

Implementation Report

The 6th National University Consortium Research Exchange Forum, held at Hokkaido University of Education Hakodate from Saturday, September 12 to Sunday, September 13, 2009, was successfully concluded with the participation of a total of 305 people from all over Japan.

The purpose of the establishment of this council is to exchange information and research among the university consortiums, and the participation and active exchange of information by many of you will lead to great success. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the consortiums for their participation and cooperation.


Secretariat of the National Council of University Consortiums (University Consortium Kyoto)
TEL 075-353-9100 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)