(Finished) [For faculty and staff] Sharing of case studies Online seminar

As part of its project to support the globalization of faculty and staff of member universities, the Kyoto International Business Division of the University Consortium will hold an online seminar to share case studies of member universities’ efforts toward internationalization.
We hope that it will be a place to share useful information during the Corona disaster.

Sharing of Case Studies of Online Study Abroad at Ritsumeikan University
~Ritsumeikan × UC Davis Global Online Study Program~

Faculty and staff of Kyoto member universities of the University Consortium
* Faculty and staff of international departments or faculty members who are interested in the internationalization of the university

【Date & Time】
Thursday, March 3, 2022 10:00~12:30 (tentative)

10:05~11:00 Topic Presentation: Sharing
Case Studies of Online Study Abroad at Ritsumeikan University
~Ritsumeikan × UC Davis Global Online Study Program~
Associate Professor, Department of Policy Science, Faculty of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University
Director of OIC Center for International Education (Deputy Director, International Affairs Department) Yusuke Toyoda
11:05~12:00 Group Case Study: Study Abroad by Japan Students
12:05~12:20 Group Presentation
12:20~12:25 Summary
[Implementation method]
Online (using Zoom) from the Internet environment

[Number of participants]
* For group case sharing, we plan to divide into small groups and share the case studies (situation) of each school regarding “Study Abroad by Japan Students”. Please prepare the case (situation) to be shared by the day of the event. (You do not need to submit any documents.) Details such as examples of examples of cases (situations) to be shared will be provided in detail.
Progress, recording, and presentations in each group are requested by the members of the group.

Please apply using this form. * The application period has ended.

【Application Deadline】
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 12:00
*If there are a large number of applications, a lottery will be held.
* Details such as participation will be announced by mass e-mail by the end of February.

University Consortium Kyoto International Business Department
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