“2018 High School and University Collaboration Future Session” was held!

On Saturday, November 3, 2018, the 2018 High School and University Collaboration Future Session was held at Campus Plaza Kyoto.

This Future Session is held as a joint high school-university career education program with the aim of promoting career development for high school and university students, and this is the third time this year.
This year, a total of 41 high school and university students participated.

This time, we invited two role models: Mr. Ryo Tsukamoto, CEO of GL Academia Co., Ltd., and Ms. Rika Yajima, Representative Director of Wareru Co., Ltd.
Under the theme of “How to connect work and learning?”, he talked about “what was important to me when thinking about my career path after graduating from high school and university” and “what only humans can do with the rapid development of AI technology”.



In the group work after the role model talk, each group exchanged opinions and thought about questions for the role model.
The questions asked, “Are there any gaps or discrepancies between your dreams when you were a student and your dreams now?” and “How did you overcome your parents’ opposition?” “Would it be better to overcome what you can’t do now, or would you rather develop what you can do?” The participants actively raised their hands, and the two role models answered them carefully one by one, saying, “All the questions I want to answer.”

The Q&A session and the overall summary were displayed in text on the screen, and all participants were able to share information and deepen their understanding.
Participants asked questions such as “What is learning?” and “What is work?” “What is the relationship between learning and working?” was summarized in a worksheet, discussed and presented in groups.

By exchanging opinions across generations of high school and university students, it was a good opportunity to be stimulated about future learning and career choices, such as “learning and work are connected,” “knowing yourself first,” and “thinking about what I should do in the future to create my own axis and trunk.” In addition, I was able to interact with students from other schools and universities that I do not usually meet face-to-face.