Call for Participants for the 19th Kyoto High School and University Faculty and Staff Exchange Meeting

The 19th Kyoto High School and University Faculty and Staff Exchange Meeting

Connecting inquiry-based learning with subject learning.
~Considering “Changes Brought to Students by Subject Learning Incorporating QFT and Interactive Argumentation” and “Curriculum of Inquiry that Respects Students’ Independence”~

How does inquiry-based learning, including “time for comprehensive inquiry,” affect learning from high school to university? From the perspective of high school-university connections, how should inquiry-based learning be designed? Also, how should we think about the back and forth between the time of inquiry and comprehensive inquiry in the subject? In addition, not only high school teachers but also university faculty and staff will interact and exchange opinions on what the role of high school teachers should be.

In the 19th session, we will exchange opinions and information on the connection between inquiry-based learning and subject learning based on case reports of subject learning using QFT and interactive argumentation, as well as experiences by university students who have experienced inquiry-based learning.
We look forward to your active participation.

Date & Time: October 5, 2024 (Saturday) 14:00~16:00 (Reception 13:45~)
Place:Buri format
(1) Campus Plaza Kyoto
(Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji Shimoru)
(2) Online (Zoom meeting)
Case Presenter

Mr. Toshihiro Hirao (Teacher, Nissei High School)
Rin Oba (3rd year, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University)

coordinatorTetsuhide Shino
(Principal of Nissei High School / Former Professor, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University)

14:00~14:10 Opening (10 min.)
14:10~14:50 Case Report (30~40 min.)
14:50~15:00 Break (10 minutes)
15:00~15:50 Q&A and exchange of opinions (50 minutes)
15:50~16:00 Conclusion and Closing (10 min.)

Participation fee: Free
TargetHigh school and university faculty and university students
* People from outside Kyoto Prefecture can also participate.
* If you participate online, you can turn on the camera and microphone.
Those who can participate in the environment are eligible.
Capacity: 30 (first-come, first-served basis)
Organizer: Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)

■ Precautions (please be sure to check)
who participate online>
We recommend that you install the Zoom application.
・One week before the event, we will inform you on how to enter the Zoom room.

How to apply

Please click the “Apply” button below, fill in the required information, and apply.

* After applying, the secretariat will send you an email confirming the completion of your application.
If you do not receive the email after 2~3 days, please contact us using the contact information below.

Application Deadline

(Saturday) September 28, 2024


University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division, High School-University Collaboration Project
Tel: 075-353-9153 FAX: 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)