FY 2017

Business Overview

The forum is held for the purpose of “sharing information on domestic trends and disseminating information on initiatives in Kyoto” in the issue of collaboration and connection education between high schools and universities.

Outline of the event

The 15th Forum on Collaborative Education between High School and University

* Some capacity has been increased.

30 students each in

Date: Saturday, December 9, 2017
Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto
Theme: Thinking together about what skills should be nurtured now: The role of high schools and universities
Part 1: Keynote speech, case report, panel and floor discussion : 230 (first-come, first-served basis)
Part 2: Expression Techniques, Mathematics, English, and Science (first-come, first-served basis)
Special Subcommittee (1) “Development of Admissions Specialists” 50 (first-come, first-served basis)
Special Subcommittee (2) “Career Education for High School and University Collaboration” 60 people (first-come, first-served basis)
Information exchange meeting: 60 people (first-come, first-served basis)
Part 1 & Part 2 High schools and universities in Kyoto Prefecture
Persons other than the above (including participants of companies in Kyoto Prefecture)
* Includes “Resume / Material Collection” and “Report Collection”.
JPY 1,000
JPY 2,000
If you are participating in the information exchange meeting held at the Campus Plaza Kyoto Hall, please pay the right amount in advance. JPY 3,000
Organizer: Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Research Council (Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education, Kyoto City Board of Education, Kyoto Prefectural Federation of Private Junior and Senior High Schools, Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, University Consortium Kyoto)

You can download the flyer for the 15th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum here.

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【Part 1】9:30~15:00 Keynote Speech, Case Reports, Panel and Floor Discussion

General Chairperson
Toshihiro Onishi (Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ryukoku University / Kyoto High School University Collaboration Promotion Office, University Consortium)
Opening Remarks
Satoshi Kitamura (Principal of Kyoto Gaidaishi High School / Chairperson of the Kyoto High School and University Collaborative Research Council)
Explanation of purpose
Katsumi Arase (Professor, Faculty of Letters, Otani University / Director, Kyoto High School University Collaboration Promotion Office, University Consortium)

Keynote Speeches
Policy Directions and Challenges of Reform of the High School-University Connection: Toward the Establishment of a “Relay of Learning”

Mr. Tetsuo Goda (Cabinet Counselor, Cabinet Secretariat, 100-Year Life Era Concept Promotion Office/
Former Director, Curriculum Division, Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

It has been five years since the 2012 report of the Central Education Council advocated a comprehensive reform of high school education, university entrance examinations, and university education in order to establish a “learning relay” through K-16 education. I would like to consider the policy direction and challenges of this policy.
Case Reports
Initiatives to Support Learning for Students in Need of Support at Private Universities and Future Issues
– Fostering Active Learners –

Terumi Sameshima (Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kyoto Koka Women’s University)

In response to the need to provide high-quality learning suitable for each student with diverse academic abilities, the university opened a “Learning Station” specializing in learning support in 2014. In this article, we will introduce the learning support efforts of learning support teachers and full-time faculty members, and consider the social significance of “creating a place to belong” for students in need of support. Furthermore, from this initiative, I would like to think about how to foster “active learners” from high school to university.
“The Ability to Learn” to Guarantee Learning and Growth: Rethinking Curriculum Design from Theory and Practice

Terumasa Ikeda (Professor, President, Assistant to the President, Otemon Gakuin University)

Is the school’s curriculum functioning? Judging this question from the social index of “level of understanding of lessons,” a related survey shows that the number of people who “do not understand classes” increases as the grades increase in elementary and junior high schools, and exceeds 50% in high school. The reality is that the curriculum is not functioning, but it is the curriculum that guarantees learning and growth as a person. We should move away from the discussion of the development of “academic ability” in entrance examinations that deviates from this. This report proposes the ability to learn, which guarantees learning and growth.
12:30~13:30 〈Rest〉
Panel & Floor Discussion
Panel & Floor Discussion

Panelists: Mr. Tetsuo Goda, Mr. Terumi Sameshima, Mr. Terumasa Ikeda
Coordinator: Yoichi Tsutsui (Former Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Kyoto Seika University)

We will think about “what skills should be cultivated now,” including exchanging opinions with the participants on the floor.

【Part 2】15:15~17:15 Breakout Session

Session 1
[Expression technique]
Classes that aim for deep learning by proactively finding “questions”
―From the questions posed by the teacher to the questions discovered by the students―

Presenter: Mr. Yoshihiro Izumi (Teacher, Yamada High School, Iwate Prefecture)
Coordinator and Presenter: Yoichi Tsutsui (Former Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Kyoto Seika University)

In the past, the presenter has presented and shared the “central question” at the beginning of the class, after asking an “open question” that anyone can answer and from which a variety of answers can be derived. However, this time, we have begun to practice methods that elicit questions from the students’ side and deepen independent learning, focusing on sovereign education. The presenter will ask questions about the significance and challenges of class practice, and I would like to deepen the interaction with the floor. As was the case last year, in addition to the breakout session participants, online participants via Zoom are also scheduled to participate in the discussion.
Session 2
Exchange efforts toward smooth high school-university collaboration

Presenter: Takayuki Yamawaki (Mathematics Teacher, Kyoto Gakuen Junior and Senior High School)
Presenter: Mitsuru Kawazoe (Professor, Organization for the Promotion of Higher Education, Osaka Prefecture University)
Coordinator: Takeshi Sonoda (Mathematics Teacher, Doshisha Junior High School)

I would like to exchange information and opinions frankly about the initiatives and issues to smoothly connect from high school to university learning.
Subcommittee 3
Aiming to Cultivate Rich Expressive and Communication Skills: English Classes Focusing on Performance Evaluation

Presenter: Tamako Suzuki (Teacher, Kyoto Prefectural Nishiotokun High School)
Presenter: Mayo Akazawa (Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Osaka Seikei University)
Coordinator: Mr. Itsuki Fujita (Supervisor, High School Education Division, Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education)

In this subcommittee, we will report on the performance issues that Kyoto Prefectural Nishiotoku High School is working on and performance evaluation based on rubrics, with the aim of fostering rich expressiveness and communication skills, and deepen our insight into the performance issues and performance evaluations that are currently required for English instruction, and deepen exchanges with participants about the significance and challenges of these issues.
Session 4
The power born from independent learning

Presenter: Nao Takada (Teacher, Horikawa High School, Kyoto City)
Presenter: Tetsuhide Shino (Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University,
Professor, United Graduate School of Teacher Practice, Kyoto University of Education)
Coordinator: Mamoru Taniguchi (Deputy Chief Guidance Supervisor, School Guidance Division, Kyoto City Board of Education)

In the new Course of Study, “proactive, interactive, and deep learning” is required, and in particular, how to realize “deep learning” is attracting attention. The starting point for realization is “independence,” which has long been used as a keyword for learning. In order to deepen what kind of power can be derived from “independent learning” in the period of change in learning in the future, I would like to discuss based on the practice at Horikawa High School and the reports on the situation at Kyoto Institute of Technology, Ryukoku University, and Kyoto University of Education.
Special Breakout Session (1)
[Development of Admissions Specialists]
Admissions Specialist Skill Development Course

Presenter: Dai Nishigori (Professor, Admission Center, Saga University)
Presenter: Takuya Kimura (Associate Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyushu University)
Coordinator: Ms. Iwako Yamamoto (Associate Professor, Department of Fundamental Sciences, Kyoto Institute of Technology)

In accordance with the development of the content and evaluation methods of entrance examinations in the reform of entrance examinations, the development and development of specialized human resources for admissions is required in the high school-university connection system conference, including the high school-university connection report. In this subcommittee, university and high school faculty members who are in charge of entrance examinations and career paths will give lectures on the knowledge and evaluation methods that are essential for the development of highly specialized human resources in the field of high school-university connection.
Lecture 1: Introduction to Admissions Officers
Lecture 2: Theory and Practice of Comprehensive and Multifaceted Evaluation
*This subcommittee will be held jointly with the Center for Educational Development, Kyushu University Next Generation University.
Special Breakout Session (2)
【High School and University Collaborative Career Education】
The Necessity and Challenges of Collaboration between High School and University Society: Who Creates the Environment for Students to Grow

Presenter: Mr. Seiki Tanaka (Director of Planning and Promotion Department, Kyoto Prefectural Toba High School < > in charge of SGH)
Presenter: Ayumu Osaka (CEO of Taisei Printing & Paper Co., Ltd. /
Secretary of the Kyoto Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)
Coordinator and Presenter: Hideki Sugioka (Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Management, Fukuchiyama Public University)

In order to promote the reform of the high school-university connection system, it is important for each high school and university to clearly grasp the qualities and abilities necessary for the young people who will lead the next generation, share the issues to develop them from both perspectives, and accumulate reforms. The same can be said for career education.
Therefore, in this subcommittee, in addition to high school teachers and high school students, university teachers and university students who are engaged in career education through collaboration between high schools and universities in their respective sectors, working adults (managers) will take the stage to discuss the “necessity and challenges of collaboration between high school and university” from the other side.

Information Exchange Meetings


17:30~18:30 exchange meeting will be held at the hall of Campus Plaza Kyoto, which will be the venue for this forum. Snacks and beverages will be available, so we encourage you to join us.


The online application period has ended.

Step 1
Please register your e-mail address from the “Apply” button below.
Step 2
Please access the URL of the “Application Form” sent to your registered email address, enter it according to the instructions on the screen, and receive the “Application Completion Email”.
Step 3
Please pay the participation fee at a convenience store by Friday, November 17, 2017 using the payment slip and invoice that will be mailed to you.
Step 4
Please receive a “Participation Certificate” sent to your registered email address.
Step 5
On the day of the forum, please bring your “Participation Certificate” and present it at the reception.

Application period: Friday, October 6, 2017 9:00 a.m. ~ Friday, November 3, 2017 5:00 p.m.


* If you do not set cookies in your browser to “Enabled”, you may not be able to apply.
* Each subcommittee has a fixed number of members, so it cannot be changed after the application procedure is completed.
* Reception is not available on the day of the event.

Implementation Report

The 15th High School-University Collaborative Education Forum Report [Click here for details]

This year’s event was held under the overall theme of “Thinking together about what skills should be developed now ~The role of high schools and universities~”, and 210 people from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south participated.
In the keynote speech, Mr. Tetsuo Goda, Cabinet Counsellor of the Cabinet Secretariat’s 100-Year Life Era Concept Promotion Office and former Director of the Curriculum Division of the Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, gave a lecture titled “Policy Directions and Challenges of Reform of the High School-University Connection: Toward the Establishment of a ‘Relay of Learning’,” followed by a case report, Ms. Terumi Sameshima, a lecturer in the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kyoto Koka Women’s University, as a case report. Mr. Terumasa Ikeda, Director of the Institute for Basic Education, Assistant to the President, and Professor of Otemon Gakuin University, took the stage.

In the afternoon panel and floor discussion, the main topic of discussion was “What are the skills that should be developed now ~The role of high schools and universities~”, and the participants deepened the discussion while exchanging ideas from both high schools and universities while discussing with each other in groups.

In the second part, the participants were divided into six subcommittees: Expression Techniques, Mathematics, English, Science, Training of Admissions Specialists, and Career Education for High School and University Collaboration, and information was shared and opinions were actively exchanged on each theme.

In the questionnaire after the event, “I would like to think again about what is for the students and provide guidance” (high school teacher) “It is difficult to take on new initiatives, but I strongly felt that we should change our teaching as society changes.” (High school teacher) “I want to re-examine my teaching method” (university teacher), etc., and through keynote speeches, case reports, panel and floor discussions, and various subcommittees, the participants seemed to have gained various realizations and learnings.

In addition, this time, nine students, mainly aspiring teachers, cooperated with the operation as volunteer staff. After the event, they summarized what they noticed throughout the forum and what they would like to make use of in the future. Here are some of them.

Yuji Fukuda (3rd year, Bukkyo University)
At the symposium, the lecturer said that he wanted everyone to take home as homework, and it made me think a lot about whether my classroom or class is a place or relationship where I can say “I don’t know” with confidence. Students in Japan tend not to ask questions during class but to ask questions privately after class, probably because they are always worried that other students will laugh at them for asking questions that are off the mark. In order to alleviate the anxiety of students, teachers must be willing to create an atmosphere in which it is easy to actively ask questions, and for that reason, I felt that it is important to value relationships with students on a daily basis and build good relationships.


Chihiro Minato (3rd year, Otani University)
What I learned through this forum is that only people can do to light a fire in the hearts of children.
The talk of the digital revolution in the lecture surprised me anew. Certainly, with the tremendous development of modern technology, it may be possible for AI to take the place of teachers. However, I learned once again that education is not just about memorizing, but also about nurturing the minds of students and growing with teachers. In the fourth year of teaching practice, I would like to spend my days with students and search for my own ideas about the ideal form of education.


University Consortium Kyoto High School-University Collaborative Education Forum
TEL 075-353-9153 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)