FY 2015

Outline of the event


University staff fostering diverse connections

The work of university staff is made up of collaborations with various people inside and outside the university. Through collaboration, new possibilities are emerging for the development of education and research at universities, while partners are placing unprecedented expectations on universities. In addition, if we shift our perspective to the workplace, the staff members who work together at the university also have a wide variety of attributes in terms of nationality, gender, position, employment status, etc., and in order to organically connect individuals as a team, it is necessary to give various considerations and respect various values in communication.
Under these circumstances, university staff are required to create and nurture new value by connecting people and organizations from different positions.
In this SD Forum, we will think together about how to “collaborate” with a diverse group of people from different positions beyond the framework of the past, how to connect this to issues such as the revitalization of the workplace, the development of academic research and organizations at universities, the growth of students, and the revitalization of local communities, and the power of staff that will be questioned in this process.


The 13th SD Forum

Sunday, October 18, 2015
Campus Plaza Kyoto
University staff fostering diverse connections
University Consortium Kyoto
Information pamphlet [Click here for details]

Time Content
Keynote Speeches
Theme: From the Incomprehensible
Lecturer: Dr. Oriza Hirata (Specially Appointed Professor, COI Research Promotion Organization, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Breakout Sessions
[Breakout Session A]
Theme: How should staff be involved in fostering independent students?
– Student FD Summit 2015 Summer in Otemon Gakuin University – Collaboration with Students
Presenter: Natsuko Kishioka (Lecturer, Otemon Gakuin University, Educational Development Organization)
Mr. Shinji Yonezawa (President, President, Otemon Gakuin University, Deputy Member, Office of the President)
Ms. Naoko Yoshida (Planning Officer, Educational Support Division, Educational Affairs Department, Otemon Gakuin University)
[Breakout Session B]
Theme: Aiming for Diverse “Collaboration” between Companies and Universities
Presenter: Mr. Takeshi Ishikawa (President, Sankyo Seiki Co., Ltd.)
[Breakout Session C]
Theme: Three important points in collaboration with the local community ~From the case of a COC adopted school~
Presenter: Mr. Tetsuya Osiri (Director, Field Research Office, Kyoto Bunkyo University)
[Breakout Session D]
Theme: Thinking about Intra-University Collaboration to Deal with Diverse Students: Understanding Support for Students with Disabilities and Looking to the Future
Presenter: Jun Murata (Chief Coordinator, Assistant Professor, Support Room for Students with Disabilities, Student Support Center, Kyoto University)
[Breakout Session E]
Theme: Seek out the treasures of the region!
Presenter: Mr. Masayuki Kishikawa (Advisor, Sales Liaison Affairs, Hyakugo Bank / Specially Appointed Professor, Faculty of Contemporary Japan Sociology, Kogakukan University)
[Breakout Session F]
Theme: Expanding the Role of Staff in Relation to the Introduction of Active Learning Educational Methods: Proposals and Support Activities by Staff Focusing on Building Relationships with Students Practical Report on Collaboration between Staff and Faculty Responsible for Supporting Classes and Events and Developing Student Facilitators
Presenter: Mayo Otani (Coordinator, Center for Co-op Education and Research and Development, Kyoto Sangyo University)
Information Exchange Meetings
Standing meal format information exchange meeting


University Consortium Kyoto SD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00