FY 2014

Outline of the event


Self-reliant human resources required in an era of change


The 12th SD Forum

Sunday, October 19, 2014
Campus Plaza Kyoto
Autonomous human resources required in an era of change
University Consortium Kyoto
Information pamphlet [Click here for details]

Time Content
Keynote Speeches
Theme: Acquisition of Practical Knowledge and Autonomous Growth: The Role of Critical Thinking
Lecturer: Takashi Kusumi (Professor, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University)
Breakout Sessions
[Breakout Session A]
Theme: Staff who support learners “learn”!
Presenter: Yukiko Onuki (Specially Appointed Lecturer, Strategic Planning Office, Institute for Future Strategy, Osaka University)
[Breakout Session B]
Theme: “Becoming an Autonomous University Employee”: Peer Support among Young University Staff
Presenter: Yuichi Matsuda (Student Support Group, Student Services Office, Kansai University)
[Breakout Session C]
Theme: Aiming to become a professional in industry-academia collaborative education
―Industry-Academia Collaborative Education: Practical Knowledge of “Hybrid of Entrepreneurs and Students”―
Presenter: Takuya Watanabe (General Manager, System Engineering Department, Daiwa Electric Construction Co., Ltd.)
Mr. Masanori Tani (SE Section, SI Sales Department, Daiwa Electric Construction Industry Co., Ltd.)
Mr. Naohiro Yamamoto (Assistant Director, Center for Co-op Education and Research and Development, Institute for the Promotion of Common Education, Kyoto Sangyo University)
[Breakout Session D]
Theme: Development of human resources who can clarify their roles and responsibilities
Presenter: Kosuke Tsurumaki (Deputy Secretary-General, Brain Humanity)
[Breakout Session E]
Theme: Thinking about the management of autonomous human resources ~Learning from the practical knowledge of nurses~
Presenter: Ms. Neko Okayama (Professor, Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies, Doshisha Women’s University)
[Breakout Session F]
Theme: Business Improvement through Leadership!
Presenter: Yosuke Kishioka (Lecturer, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
Information Exchange Meetings
Standing meal format information exchange meeting


University Consortium Kyoto SD Project
TEL 075-353-9163 FAX 075-353-9101
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00