FY 2016

Business Overview

Since 2015, the University Consortium Kyoto has been holding SD seminars with the aim of fostering the next generation of professional staff who will be responsible for the management of universities and junior colleges, mainly member universities.
Today, as the full-fledged arrival of a “knowledge-based society” is being pointed out, the environment surrounding higher education has changed dramatically, including the declining birthrate and aging population, and the progress of globalization, and it is becoming even more opaque. Society’s expectations for universities are growing, as evidenced by the Central Council of Education’s “Toward a Qualitative Transformation of University Education to Build a New Future” (2012), which raises expectations for human resources and academic research that will open up the next generation that is difficult to predict. In addition, the “Promotion of University Governance Reform (Summary of Deliberations)” (2014) of the Organizational Management Subcommittee of the University Subcommittee of the Central Council of Education stated that it is essential to build a governance system that can strategically manage the university under the leadership of the president. Consideration is being given to the establishment of “highly-skilled professionals” who are well-versed in various fields such as public relations, and the mandatory use of SD to constantly improve the skills of university staff.
In light of this situation, university staff are required to have the ability to accurately steer the university with an eye on the next generation, accurately analyze changes in the environment and the needs of society, and reflect them in organizational decision-making and education and research, which is the social mission.

Outline of the event



Venue Campus Plaza Kyoto
* The event held on July 2 will be held at Myoshinji Temple, the main temple of the Rinzai sect Myoshinji sect.
Organizer University Consortium Kyoto
Capacity 20 (documents will be screened by the Foundation’s SD Training Committee)
Target: University staff with at least 5 years of work experience (regardless of position)
Participation Fee Member school staff: 30,000 yen
Staff of non-member schools: 60,000 yen
* If you withdraw from the course after payment of the tuition fee or after the start of the training, no refund will be given.

Contents of the training

Date & Time : Theme & Lecturers
Part 1 Saturday, June 11
Orientation – Secretariat Guidance –
15:30〜17:10 Learning and Practice Both inside and Outside the University: Meeting and Learning from Each Other to Continue Growing
Lecturer: Mr. Sono Yamazaki
(Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Junior College, General Planning Office)
*2004 Graduates of the 1st Batch of University Administrator Training
Part 2 Saturday, June 18
History and System of Universities: Historical Development of Universities and Trends in University Reform
Lecturer: Takeichi Ehara
(Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
3rd Saturday, June 25
Students and University Education: What is Students’ Learning and Reality: Thinking from the Connection with High School Education
Lecturer: Hiroshi Kakumoto
(Lecturer, Ritsumeikan University, Former Director of the Center for Connection Education)
No.4 July 2 (Sat)
University Staff and “Kokoro”: Practical Training at Rinzai Sōmyoshinji Sect Daihonzan Myoshinji Temple
Lecturer: Dharma Lecture Myoshinji Sect Permanent Missionary Teacher Nagashima Munefuka
Zazen Master Tanaka Shohiro (Legal Department, Myoshinji Sect Office)
Vol.5 Saturday, July 9
Revitalization of University Organizations: Thinking about University Management from the Viewpoint of Organizational Theory
Lecturer: Mr. Toshihiro Sasaki
(Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Kyoto Sangyo University)
No.6 Saturday, July 16
Universities and Society: The Meaning of Regional Cooperation and the Role of Universities
Lecturer: Masaho Fukao
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies, Ryukoku University)
17:20~18:20 Academic Presentations
– “Skills, Tools, and Minds” in Presentations –
Lecturer: Takamichi Murayama
(Director, Academic Affairs Division, Academic Affairs Department, Kyoto Bunkyo University)
*2009 Graduates of the 6th Graduate Program for Administrators
No.7 Saturday, July 23
University Strategy and Leadership: Creating an Organization to Create Strategy
Lecturer: Hiromichi Yoshitake
(Professor, Department of Business Science, University of Tsukuba)
17:20~18:05 Academic Writing
Lecturer: Hiromichi Yoshitake
(Professor, Department of Business Science, University of Tsukuba)
Debriefing Saturday, September 10

*The time of the event is tentative. Subject to change.
*Instructor titles are as of March 2016.

Click here for details


There are two ways to apply for the course.
[A] Application through the university or junior college to which you belong (hereinafter referred to as “university, etc.”) (hereinafter referred to as institutional application)
[B] Individual application (hereinafter referred to as “individual application”)
However, it is not possible to use the two methods [A] and [B] together at one university.
Prior to applying, please inform the staff of the application method at the department in charge of human resources and training at the university.

[How to apply]

[A] Institutional application [B] Individual application
out the application form.
Please apply by e-mail attachment through your university.
Note: When compiling information at each university, etc., please set an on-campus consolidation date to meet the following application deadlines.
Please fill out the application form and attach it to the email.
Note: When applying, please check with the Human Resources and Training Department in advance to see if your university has adopted the “[A] Institutional Application”.
Application Deadline: Saturday, April 30, 2016
Application: sd■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)
Subject when sending an e-mail: [SD seminar application] (affiliation, name, etc.)
【STEP2】 Document screening will be conducted based on the application form.
Selection Results
After mid-May, the student will be notified through his or her affiliated university.
At that time, we will inform you of the bank account for the tuition fee.
We will notify you after mid-May.
At that time, we will inform you of the bank account for the tuition fee.
Tuition fee
Please transfer the money
to the designated account of the Foundation by the specified payment date.
Start of courseStart
of course (from June 11, 2016)

[Application form]

Please download the application form and send it to SD■consortium.or.jp as an e-mail attachment (please replace ■ with @).
・[A] Institutional application
(1) 2016 SD Seminar Application Form [Click here for details] Registration is now closed. 
(2) 2016 SD Seminar Priority Table 【Click here for details】Registration has been closed. 

* In the case of institutional application, you will be asked to submit a list of names on the prescribed form along with the application form. If there are multiple applicants from the same university, please be sure to prioritize the appropriate column in the roster.

・[B] Individual Application / 2016 SD Seminar Application Form[Click here for details] Registration is now closed.
・[Sample entry] 2016 SD Seminar Application Form [Common to institutions and individuals][Click here for details] Registration is now closed.

Sending the application form and contacting us

University Consortium Kyoto, Educational Development Division (SD Project)
E-mail: sd■consortium.or.jp (Please replace ■ with @)
〒600-8216 Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Nishitoin-dori, Shiokoji, Shimo-ku, Kyoto, Campus Plaza Kyoto
TEL:075-353-9163  FAX:075-353-9101
* Reception hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 9:00 ~ 17:00 (excluding year-end and New Year holidays)