About us

Kyoto International Student Film & Video Festival is the largest international student film festival in Japan, all is organized and run by university students in Kyoto. We call student’s work from all over the world, provide opportunity of the screening and discover the new talent.Last year,we recieved 539 entries from 43 countries and regions screened 16 nominated films.
Kyoto is well known as “Cinema City” where a lot of heritages that contributed the development of Japanese Cinema. Kyoto is also known as “College City, Student City” , students taking up 10% of the population.
The festival strings these two characteristics together, and also offers forum for cultural and international exchange and ultimately vitalizes Kyoto.

Event outline

 19th 本祭

FROM 25th November through 1st December,2017
KYOTO CINEMA ( Kyoto – city , Japan) 【MAP】
・All PROGRAM:(Advance ticket)¥1,000 /(Today’s ticket)¥1,500





Introduction of the program

1.competition program A-D&Special program

Program to show 16 works that a member of the executive committee selected carefully from all 485 submissions in 38 countries.

<Live-action Film>
『Generation Mars』Alexander Turpin
The Norwegian Film School
Astrid is one of the winners of Generation Mars: A reality show sending the first humans to Mars, never to return. Everything is set for her to leave, except one thing. Astrid must say goodbye to everything she loves.

<Animated Film>
『 Doll’s Letters』Natalia Grofpel
Russian State University of Cinematography n. a. S. Gerasimov (VGIK)
A little girl loses her favorite doll, and, in order to soothe the child an unfamiliar postman invents an incredible story.

<Animated Film>
『Pussy』Renata Gąsiorowska
Polish National Film School in Łódź
A young girl spends the evening alone at home. She decides to have some sweet solo pleasure session, but not everything goes according to plan.

<Live-action Film>
『Chonticha at end of the summer』Mei Fukuda
TOHO GAKUEN Film Techniques Training College
Chonthicha is 16 years old and she was born between a Burmese mother and a Thai father. She was raised in Japan and now lives together with her mother and her mother’s remarried partner, Mr.Takahashi. While feeling something wrong with her family and her name, she was trying to live in peace and quiet, but… The 16th summer, a little complicated than ever.

<Live-action Film>
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Sara is a Google Street View Camera and photographs the streets from top of a Car.But when she listens to the music of driver Larry for the first time, something starts to shake in her. Deeply unsettled by this behavior, she searches for help at the common Google Search. Google instead, just wants the best for their users and strengthens her desire. Quickly, this leads to an exstential conflict with her actual camera use.

<Animated Film>
『here AND there』Komitsu
Tokyo University of the Arts
Here and there, there and here. One day in early summer, small events happen in three scenes.

<Animated Film>
『Race』Yan Dan Wong
Kingston University
2016/3min/United Kingdom
Medicine, shower, eat, sleep, repeat. A daughter races to tend to her elderly mother’s daily needs. Until one day when she cannot take it anymore and refuses to attend to her mother, the racetrack breaks…

<Live-action Film>
『Sinking Family』Tsuchi Kano
Musashi University
When I was little, my mother made an original leaflet to recruit someone to take care of me instead of her when she wasn’t at home. There were several applicants and they started to bring me up together. They named their new approach “Sinking Family”. Now, 15 years have passed after that. Having grown up, I decided to go to see the caregivers again.

<Live-action Film>
『Noise』Ji-young Lim
Korea National University of Arts
Jung-hee moved to Seoul for a new life and one day she heard rumors that a former tenant had committed suicide at home. Along with this, the letters to the former tenant made her more uneasy.

<Live-action Film>
『All of us』Katja Benrath
Hamburg Media School
For almost a decade Kenya has been targeted by terrorist attacks of the Al-Shabaab.( Especially the border region between Kenya and Somalia is considered highly dangerous.) An atmosphere of anxiety and mistrust between Muslims and Christians is growing. Until in December 2015, muslim bus passengers showed that solidarity can prevail.

<Animated Film>
『I think I love you』Xiya Lan
California Institute of the Arts
2017/7min/The United States of America
It’s about different ways of love. We all love people and are loved by others in various personal ways. Love is a whole thing, we are only pieces. It’s about suffering, growth and change. After embracing all, you’ll find it a beautiful peaceful thing.

<Live-action Film>
『The Wedding』Sebastian Mayr
Filmakademie Wien
2016/40min/ Austria
An unemployed photographer comes back home and spends a troubling time with his family.

<Live-action Film>
『FILAMENT』Daiki Tanaka
Nihon University
Yusuke had a secret; he could fly in the air. At the age of 20, he met a reliable woman, to whom he confessed his secret for the first time. They spent pleasant time together and finally, thanks to his ability, he realized his long-cherished dream to be a superhero. However, what he had to face was the harsh reality. Now, a dreamseeker starts his struggle against the cold reality.

<Animated Film>
『Tough』Jennifer Zheng
Kingston University London
2016/5min/United Kingdom
Some things can only be understood with maturity. New light is shed on childhood cultural misunderstandings when a Chinese mother and her British born daughter speak as adults for the first time.

<Live-action Film>
『PRIA』Yudho Aditya
Columbia University
2016/22min/The United States of America
A teen living in rural Indonesia struggles between the traditions of his upbringing and his romantic idealization of the freedom of the west.

<Live-action Film>
『Australia』Rodrigo Ruiz Patterson
Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica
Helena, a woman in her early 40’s, is obsessed with getting pregnant. After failing her last try, her neighboors get back from the hospital with their new born baby. Helena breaks in to their house when they’re gone, steals the baby monitor and starts listening what happens next door.


Ryo Orikasa Retrospective(11/26 Sun.)
Mr. Ryo Orikasa is one of the most promising directors in the independent animation scene. He is the first Japanese director to win the Golden Zagreb prize in the International Zagreb animation contest, one of the four major animation movie festivals in the world. In this special program, we are going to screen all the published works of him, including Scripta Volant, which was published during his school days in Tokyo University of the Arts, “Notre Chambre”, “Koto-no-shidai”, “Jimen-no-soko-no-byoki-no-kao”, and the award-winning “Datum Point”, of course. After the movie, we are planning to have a talk show with Mr. Orikasa and Mr. Nobuaki Doi, an animation researcher.
『Writings fly away』 Ryo Orikasa
2011 Japan Media Arts Festival Animation Division Jury Selection
Adapted from Oscar Wilde’s novel “The Happy Prince”. Standing between watching and reading through this film,which is a cinema using text or a text as a cinema.

『Datum Point』 Ryo Orikasa
70st Mainichi Film Awards the Ōfuji Noburō Award
Animafest Zagreb 2016 the Golden Zagreb Award
Yoshiro Ishihara (1915–1977), who burst upon the scene of Japanese modern poetry in the mid-1950s, is now remembered as a “poet of silence.”
He said “A poem is an impulse to resist writing.” This is an attempt to seek out the landscape from his poem.

『Echo Chamber われわれの部屋』Ryo Orikasa
Cy Twombly, Roland Barthes, what are they doing? This is a journal about seductions and sufferings of the text.

『The state of Things』Ryo Orikasa
Movie for Tamaki ROY’s “Koto no Shidai.
Words turn into music / And it returns to sound, then melts in time and place / Time and place, which spin the story

『Sickly Face at the Bottom of the Ground』Ryo Orikasa
Poem::Sakutaro Hagiwara “Sickly Face at the Bottom of the Ground”,《Tsuki ni Hoeru》

Talk show guest:Ryo Orikasa(director)、Doi Nobuaki(Film critic)
World Wide Collection~Germany(11/27 Mon.)
What does it mean for a country like Germany , where people have good eyes to critisize documentary movies, to descirive the reality in movies? In this project, we will show you “Agony”, a work made in Munich Television-Movie University. In this university, Strong preferences in documentary movies can be seen. In the talk show , we will invite the director of “Agony”-a movie based by a real accident-, Mr David Clay DIaz and take an eye to his work about modern young people.
『Agony』David Clay Diaz
On the 29th of November, a young man murders and dismembers his girlfriend.The head, torso and limbs are found in various dumpsters in Vienna.The motive for the crime is still unclear.
Talk show guest:David Clay Diaz(『Agony』director)
World Wide Collection~India(11/28 Tue.)
Indian Movies might lead to images like “dancing and singing” or “happy” or “fun” for many people. However, Indian Movies have much more diversity than our images. In this project , we will show “SUFFERING”,”KULA”and “BY LANE SAGA”. All three movies have different kind of subject from our images. As the guest for our talk show, we will invite Mr.Yoshio Takakura, a movie researcher who knows very well about India , and has also taken a part as a subtitle-translator in Indian film festival , and hope to hear about the diversity of Indian Movies and its background.
『SUFFERING』Satish Munda
The movie is based on true events. Due to misidentification an innocent was arrested and tortured him to confess that he was the mastermind behind the shootout. The story revolves around the father of the arrested.

『KULA』 Indranil Kashyap
A sickly but a very twisted comedy about an empire of signs in which a bastard comes full circle by not only finding his father, but also by unknowingly becoming the cause of his death, yet unlike Oedipus he does not have to fight destiny, for in this empire of signs destiny can simply be dreamt and plugged-in to, and thus, in the end he is recast in the image of his own desire, as the supranormal father-son complex who can control traffic signals merely with his thought, and fulfil the advertised dreamshot of a man on a motorbike speeding inside a tunnel with a girl clinging to his back.

『BY LANE SAGA』Ranjit Nair
Bylane Saga is an attempt to observe the working class community negotiating with their common identity in the departures of their prescribed social design leading to dream like portraits of their vulnerabilities and repressed fantasies operating from the dark alleys and bylanes of the mainstream society.

Talk show guest:Yosio Takakura(Indian movie studies)
JAPAN FOCUS (11/29 Wed.)
What do you imagine about Japanese films made by students? In this project, we will show you ” Hakunami” and “Kotatsumuri”, which are directed by japanese students. After the movie, we will talk to Mr– and Ms… who keep making movies in different backgrounds and situations to know about the situation of japanese student directors.
『The lake of whitecaps』Atsushi Nagao
On an island in a lake lived some people, making their living by fishing. One day, the islanders have found something surprising. The story depicts not only a love-hate drama performed on a lonely island by a parent and a child, but also an incident which they get involved in.

『Snail girl』SAYO SHINDO
On a drizzling night, Ritsu Onodera, a young woman who is fresh from the country, goes to a pub. She is with a man who is older than her and they enter a private room with a kotatsu, a Japanese foot warmer. Having got a bit tipsy, she happenes to find her friend, Madoka. Then she suddenly comes to be unable to get out of the kotatsu and misses the last train.

Talk show guest:Atsushi Nagao(『The lake of whitecaps』director、SAYO SHINDO(『Snail girl』director)

2.commendation ceremony/screeing grand prix works

The last program that final judge and director winning student gather in a hall.
Which work win the grand prix?

 Date  Contents
 12/1 fri.
■Screening Grand Prize Films
Talk Show(Grand Prize Film’s Directors × Final Judges × Studentstaff )

Entries for the competition

Application has been closed.
Thank you.

【Competition Guideline in 2017】

Year Japan Overseas Total
2017 129 356 485
2016 167 372 539
2015 123 94 217
2014 163 187 350
2013 212 145 357



KingGrand-Prix for Live-action Film
Audience Award

『Sinking Family』
Director:Tsuchi Kano
Musashi University/Japan/72min

When I was little, my mother made an original leaflet to recruit someone to take care of me instead of her when she wasn’t at home. There were several applicants and they started to bring me up together. They named their new approach”Sinking Family”. Now, 15 years have passed after that. Having grown up, I decided to go to see the caregivers again.

Audience Award is given to the work with the most votes by the audience attending festival.


KingGrand-Prix for Animated Film

Director:Renata Gąsiorowska
Polish National Film School in Łódź/Poland/8min

A young girl spends the evening alone at home. She decides to have some sweet solo pleasure session, but not everything goes according to plan.


KingThe Final Judge, Nobuhiro Yamashita Award

Director:Rodrigo Ruiz Patterson
Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica/Mexico/29min
Live-action Film

Helena, a woman in her early 40’s, is obsessed with getting pregnant. After failing her last try, her neighboors get back from the hospital with their new born baby. Helena breaks in to their house when they’re gone, steals the baby monitor and starts listening what happens next door.


KingThe Final Judge, Shinsuke Odera Award

Director:Jennifer Zheng
Kingston University London/England/5min
Animated Film

Some things can only be understood with maturity.
New light is shed on childhood cultural misunderstandings when a Chinese mother and her British born daughter speak as adults for the first time.


KingThe Final Judge, Yoriko Mizushiri Award

『here AND there』
Tokyo University of the Arts/Japan/4min
Animated Film

Here and there, there and here. One day in early summer, small events happen in three scenes.


Other Nominated Films

Section Title Director School of Production Year/Length/
Country (Where the School is)
Live-action Film 『Generation Mars』 Alexander Turpin The Norwegian Film School 2016/25min/Norway
『Chonticha at end of the summer』 Mei Fukuda TOHO GAKUEN Film Techniques Training College 2017/40min/Japan
『SARA THE DANCER』 Tim Ellrich Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg 2017/13min/Germany
『Noise』 Lim Ji-young Korea National University of Arts 2017/25min/South Korea
『All of us』 Katja Benrath Hamburg Media School 2017/22min/Germany
『The Wedding』 Sebastian Mayr Filmakademie Wien 2016/40min/Austria
『FILAMENT』 Daiki Tanaka Nihon University 2017/30min/Japan
『PRIA』 Yudho Aditya Columbia University 2016/22min/USA
Animated Film 『Doll’s Letters』 Natalia Grofpel Russian State University of Cinematography n. a. S. Gerasimov (VGIK) 2016/7min/Russia
『Race』 Yan Dan Wong Kingston University 2016/3min/UK
『I think I love you』 Xiya Lan California Institute of the Arts 2017/7min/USA

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Kyoto International Student Film & Video Festival 2017 Office
c/o The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto Campus Plaza Kyoto
Nishino-Toin-dori Shiokoji sagaru,Shimogyo-ku,Kyoto 600-8216 JAPAN
TEL:+81 75 353 9430(closed on Mondays) FAX:+81 75 353 9101
HP : http://www.kisfvf.com